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1 Complete the sentences using the Present Simple

1. We ............................ (play) the guitar every day.

2. I ............................ (not like) jazz.

3. My sisters ............................ (love) dancing.

4. Mr Brown ............................ (not go) to concerts every day.

5. John’s mother ............................ (teach) the piano every afternoon.

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Simple.

not listen • watch • not go • buy • play

1. Mr Smith sometimes ....................... the guitar.

2. Melanie always ....................... MTV.

3. I ....................... to rap music.

4. Barbara ....................... a pop magazine every week.

5. Susan ....................... to the cinema on Saturday nights.

1 Complete the sentences with the words below. Use the Present

not wear • show • not read • do • look

1. Dean ....................... his new jeans.

2. Jen and Dean ....................... their homework.

3. The shop assistant ....................... Jen an expensive scarf.

4. Ben ....................... his book at the moment.

5. The teenagers ....................... at the picture.

2 Complete the sentences. Use the Present Simple or the Present

Continuous (affirmative or negative).
1. Gary ............................ (not wash) his father’s car now.

2. People sometimes ............................ (buy) new clothes for parties.

3. Alice ............................ (not want) to give her new belt to her sister.

4. I ............................ (study) for my test. Please be quiet.

5. My brothers ............................ (not like) classical music.

1 Write the Past Simple form of the verbs below.

1. go ....................... 4. buy .......................

2. see ....................... 5. write .......................

3. have .......................

2 Complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple of the verbs from Exercise

1. Last week, I ....................... a new bag for school.

2. Yesterday, we ....................... to the cinema.

3. Larry ....................... Jeff at the supermarket.

4. My sister ....................... a big party for her birthday last year.

5. Fred ....................... me a long letter about his holiday.

1 Complete the sentences. Use the Past Continuous of the verbs below.

not run • read • kick • not watch • bake

1. John ............................ a football.

2. ............................ Mum ............................ a book?

3. The girls ............................ TV.

4. I ............................ a cake.

5. Dad and the dog ............................ in the park.

2 Complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. While I ............................ (walk) to school I ............................ (see) my


2. Caroline ............................ (have) a bath when her mother ............................

(come) home.

3. Jane ............................ (read) the newspaper while Michael ............................

(clean) the kitchen.

4. We ............................ (have) lunch last week when we ............................

(hear) a strange noise.

5. Last week I ............................ (see) a fox while I ............................ (drive)

along the road.

1 Complete the sentences with the correct comparative or superlative form

of the adjectives in brackets.

English Test
Name Age Height
Diane 13 1.6m 90
Andrew 16 1.84m 100
Jean 19 1.72m 80

1. Diane is ....................... (young) student.

2. Jean is ....................... (bad) Andrew at English.

3. Andrew is ....................... (tall) student.

4. Andrew has got ....................... (good) mark in English.

5. Diane is ....................... (short) Jean.

6. Jean is ....................... (old) Andrew.

7. Diane is ............................ (short) student.

8. Diane is ............................ (good) Jean at English.

9. Jean is ............................ (tall) Diane.

10. Jean has got ............................ (bad) mark in English.

2 Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the

adjectives below. Make them true. There are more words than you need.
long • weak • popular • interesting • tall • dark • expensive

1. Coca-Cola is one of ............................ drinks in the world.

2. Basketball players are usually ............................ other people.

3. The Mississippi is ............................ river in the United States.

4. The price of a car is ............................ the price of a computer.

5. Night is ............................ day.

1 Complete the sentences. Use the Present Perfect Simple (affirmative or


1. They ............................ (visit) London many times.

2. Jack ............................ (run) two marathons this year.

3. We ............................ (not see) the film yet.

4. The boys ....................... already ....................... (finish) their homework.

5. Julie ............................ (live) in Paris for five years.

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Perfect

not eat • win • give • not be • have

1. My English teacher ............................ me good marks this year.

2. ............................ your football team ............................ any of its matches

this season?

3. I love pop music, but we ............................ to any concerts this year.

4. My sister ............................a good day today.

5. My dog ............................ any of his food today.

4 Complete the sentences with for or since.

1. This diary has been on my desk ....................... my birthday.
2. I haven’t seen my cousin ....................... at least a year.
3. She hasn’t ridden a bicycle ....................... she fell off last year.
4. You can have my book ....................... as long as you want.
5. They haven’t worked here ....................... a long time.

1. Complete the sentences. Use the First Conditional.

1. If you ........................ (fall), you .......................... (get) hurt.

2. I ............. (travel) to America if I ................ (win) some money.

3. If my baby sister ............... (not sleep), she .............. (be) tired.

4. You .................. (not succeed) at school if you .................... (not study).

5. If you ................... (not eat), you ...................... (not be) strong.

2 Complete the sentences.

1.You ........................ (break) that glass if you ........................ (not be) careful.

2.If they ........................ (buy) me a ticket, I ........................ (come) to the


3. If you ..................... (buy) the food, I ....................... (prepare) the dinner.

4. Tommy .................... (give) you the recipe if you ...................... (ask) him.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct quantifiers. There are more
words than you need.

many • much • How many • a lot of • a • How much • any

1. I haven’t got ....................... time.

2. There are ....................... ways to make a salad.

3. There is ....................... sugar in this juice. It’s too sweet.

4. ....................... people are coming to the game tonight?

5. ....................... water should I put in the cup?

1 Complete the sentences with a, an, the, some or any.

1.I’ve got ............................ money in my bag.

2.Are there ............................ tests on Monday?

3.I am taking ............................ dog out now.

4.There is ............................ apple on the table.

5.Rachel has got ............................ new computer.

2 Complete the sentences with the words below. You can use words more
than once.

How much • How many • much • many

1.Are there ............................ children in the park today?

2.Let’s hurry. We haven’t got ............................ time.

3............................. water have you got?

4.There are ............................ flowers in the spring.

5............................. people are coming to the party?

1. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Simple or

Present Continuous.

not work  help  give  call

1. The boys ……………………… the birds some food every morning.

2. Helen ……………………… on her computer at the moment.

3. ……………………… your friends ……………………… you with your homework right now?

4. ……………………… Sally ……………………… you on your mobile phone every day?

2. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Past Simple or Past
not sleep  listen  walk

1. Dan ……………………… home when he saw his old friend.

2. Betty ……………………… at her friend’s house last night.

3. We ……………………… to music at five o’clock yesterday.

3. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present
Perfect Simple or Past Simple.

1. Carol ……………………… (not leave) school yet.

2. The boys ……………………… (see) a good film a week ago.

3. ……………………… you already ……………………… (hear) the news?

4. Bill ……………………… (live) in the same house for 20 years. He loves it!

4. Write the right relative pronoun (who, which, that, when, where or whose)

1. It is the book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I've just read.

2. She is the girl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sat next to me in the bus.
3. They are the people . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . helped me.
4. This is the dog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . scared me.

5. I will tell the story_____________ I have time.

1. The man, _____________ is sitting on the chair, is a teacher.

2. The dog, _____________ is eating, belongs to Mike.
3. This actor, _____________ films are very bad, is really rich.

4. The city ______________ I live is Barcelona.

5. UPF is a university ____________ you can study.

6. My sister was born ___________ I was nine.

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