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Versión: 01

Código: 1963858 A
Procedimiento Ejecución de la Formación Profesional Integral
English workshop

1) log into this webpage and do the exercises, the take a screen shot of your answers.

2) Make your own exercise. Write a text and let 10 spaces to complete, then create A,B,C possible answers.




Saritha is (1) ________ a Bollywood movie with (2) ___ boyfriend Chris. Bollywood movies are filmed in the
Hindi language (3) ___ the film industry based in Mumbai, India. The ‘B’ in Bollywood comes from ‘Bombay’, the
old name for Mumbai. Traditional Bollywood movies are not meant to be realistic. They are usually musicals
with plenty of dance, romance, action and very often violence. The reason for (4) _____ popularity is that most
people in India are poor and these films provide an escape from the reality of their daily lives. (5) ____ the
middle class, they are a way to live out fantasies of falling in love and marrying the man or woman of their
dreams. This is not common in a country (6) _____ their spouses are usually selected for them in what are called
‘arranged marriages’. (7) _____ you watch a traditional Bollywood movie, be prepared for a film, usually not
shorter than two and a half hours, whose main purpose is to entertain.

This is Chris’ first Bollywood movie. He presses pause and turns to Saritha. “Let me see if I understand this. The
‘hero’ (8) ____ just shot six times; fell out of a window on the fourth floor, got on his motorcycle and came back
into the (9) ________ by crashing through the door. He then escapes (10) _____ the girl and they are now
singing and dancing together?”.

1. A) watch B) watching C) watched

2. A) your B) his C) her
3. A) by B) with C) from
4. A) this B) their C) they
5. A) for B) to C) by
6. A) are B) when C) where
7. A) where B) when C) as
8. A) was B) were C) are
9. A) build B) built C) building
10. A) with B) by C) from

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