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The Role of Geology on Disaster Potential

(NIM: 471421051)


The research location is in the city of Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. Geographically the area
The research is located at 1°8′56″N 116°54′11″E. Balikpapan City is the biggest city
second in East Kalimantan with a population of around 675,258 people. Seen from
topography, Balikpapan City has a slope and a ground level of
varying sea levels. Start the lowest from the coastal area with
an altitude of 0 m above sea level to a hilly area with an altitude of 100 m above sea level.
hilly areas make up most of the area, namely 42.33% have a slope class
15% - 40% are prone to landslides. Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out,
most of the rock in the study area consists of unconsolidated sandstone with subrounded –
rounded grain shape, the rock density value is 1.478 gr/cm3
- 1,892 gr/cm3
, the value of the weight of the rock content
dry is 1.023 gr/cm3
- 1,412 gr/cm3
, the value of water content is 37.48 % - 45.64 %, the value of weight
type is 2.59 gr/cm3
- 2.68 gr/cm3
. In the direct shear test analysis which aims to
To get the mechanical properties of the rock, the cohesion value is 0.2 - 0.6, and the internal
shear angle
that is 25o
- 38o
. From the results of the analysis of the Safety Factors obtained according to Bowles (1984),
The critical criteria (1.07 < FK < 1.25) were found in the Subsidence type of ground motion,
while the unstable criteria (FK < 1.07) are in the type of ground motion of Debris Slide. Factor –
Factors that affect the stability of the slopes in the study area include the physical properties and
rock mechanics, lithology, geological structure, slope and morphology, vegetation, and rainfall
rain. Ways to overcome slope instability in the research area can be done by:
slope modification, injection method, and surface water control.
Keywords: Geological investigation, Landslide

Landslides which are a major factor in the geomorphological process will occur
anywhere and anytime on the earth's surface, especially the relief surface
steeply sloped mountains, and the surface of the underwater slopes. Landslide
defined as the soil above the surface slope towards the bottom of the earth's slope due to
by gravity/gravity (Nelson, S, A., 2004). In tropical climates, when the water
rain falling on the ground surface triggers the movement of the material above
surface. Material in the form of soil or a mixture of soil and rock debris will
moves down the slope by permeating water into the rock pores or
soil, thereby increasing the load of the slope surface material and pressing the soil material
and chunks of rock reshuffle, which then triggers the release and movement
material together with water (Karnawaty, D., 2005).
Balikpapan City is an industrial city as the gateway to East Kalimantan,
As Balikpapan City continues to develop as an industrial city, the density
population will also increase (Table 1), with increasing
population density, urban land use is also needed. Geomorphological conditions
Balikpapan city which consists of beaches, lowlands, to undulating hills
(Figure 2) allows the occurrence of landslides or landslides coupled with
the regional constituent rocks of the city of Balikpapan consist of the Balikpapan Formation
characterized by loose quartz sand where the geological age is Miocene and has
experienced a very high degree of weathering and was easily saturated by water, and the
Formation of
Kampung Baru which is also characterized by quartz sand with lignite and clay inserts
Pliocene age silt where this rock unit also has a level
weathering is very high and easy to erosion (Figure 3). Bulk rate
high rainfall every year in the city of Balikpapan (Table 2) can also trigger
vulnerability to soil movement or landslides due to rock conditions
easily saturated with water and has weathered. With this background, then
research on slope stability becomes very important to provide information
regarding locations that have the potential for ground movement to occur with natural features
so that we can do various kinds of prevention before the movement
land into a disaster we did not expect. Our research area is located in
Prapatan Village, South Balikpapan, East Kalimantan (Figure 1). The goal that
to be achieved is to:
 Know the physical and mechanical properties of the rock in the study area.
 Knowing the level of slope stability in the research area.
 Provide safe slope design by changing slope geometry.
 Get the results of the calculation of the factor of safety from the Bishop method.
 Knowing the spread of landslides in the research area. (Figure 10)

The research method carried out in this research is starting from the study
literature, outcrop studies, laboratory testing, data processing, and factor analysis
slope safety using the Bishop method and geotechnical software. In
In carrying out this research, data related to the analysis were obtained in two ways:
method, namely conducting direct research in the field as primary and study data
literature as secondary data. The following is the data obtained during doing
 Research in the field
Research in the field aims to obtain primary data, namely slope geometry,
slope direction, land use, lithological composition, and human activities
in the surrounding area. Slope measurement is based on actual conditions
in the field by measuring the slope and height of the slope and describing
material in the slope forming layer.
 Literature study and secondary data collection
From the results of the literature study and secondary data collection, map data were obtained
geology, population density maps, land use and rainfall maps City
Balikpapan per year.
The equipment used is a geological compass, geological hammer, meter, bag
sample, clipboard, and rock description form. Material condition on site
rock type research. Rock samples taken, then analyzed in the
laboratory to be used for analysis. Analysis done
Implementation for testing in the soil mechanics laboratory using samples
rocks obtained in the field. The purpose of testing in this laboratory is to
get the characteristics of the physical properties and mechanical properties of the rock.
In the slope stability analysis used in the research area using
Bishop's method. This method uses a simple wedge and assumes that the forces acting on the
sides of the wedge have zero resultant in the vertical direction and
Assuming the avalanche plane is in the form of a circular arc. Equation of shear strength in
a review of the effective stresses that the ground can exert, until the condition
boundary balance by taking into account the safety factor (Hardiyanto & Hary
Christady., 1992)

Based on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Rocks:
1. The amount of water content in the research area which has an average value of 39.64%
It is possible for ground motion to occur, because it will affect the physical properties
and rock mechanics. If these physical and mechanical properties cannot form a
the value of the shear resistance is large enough in the body of the slope, up to the limit value
the maximum value of a certain water content, it will cause the slope to become unstable
(Avalanche). In addition, the constituent rocks also have a high specific gravity value
which ranges from 2.5 to 2.68, has a high degree of saturation, and has a pore number of
high too.
2. The research area has a permeability value ranging from 1.47x10-5
with 9.723x10-4
3. The small value of the internal shear angle in the study area which ranges from 22o
it is possible for soil movement to occur, because the greater the internal shear angle, the
then the material will be more resistant to receiving the external stress imposed
against it besides the low cohesiveness value in the study area which ranges from
between 0.2-0.5 it is also possible for ground motion to occur due to the attractive force
between particles in rock and soil is low.
4. Slope stability depends on the driving and resisting forces acting on the
slip field. Retaining force is a force that prevents landslides from occurring.
while the driving force is the force that causes landslides.
The ratio between the resisting and driving forces is called the factor of safety (FK).
The smaller the FK value, the more frequent ground movements occur, on the contrary, the
larger the FK
ground motion is very rare. (Table 3)
Based on Geological Factors:
1. Slope Factor
Slope is one of the most important factors in motion analysis
soil, because slope stability is reduced in the morphology of steep slopes, so
This causes the magnitude of the driving force of the soil/rock mass that makes up the slope.
Many areas in Balikpapan City are included in the slope class area
landslide-prone height. (Table 4).
2. Lithological Factor
Most of the lithological conditions in the study area have undergone weathering and
chemical-physical reactions, these conditions or intensity depend on the local climate and
resulted in the formation of rock cavities due to the daily temperature amplitude process.
(Figure 4)
3. Geological Structural Factors
The influence of geological structures in the form of joints and rock layers will
very large role in the event of ground movement. Sturdy rockis a weak zone, which is one way
for water to enter the soil,
due to the presence of a weak zone will cause a decrease in the shear strength of the rock
in resisting movement and saturation of water in soil/rock that can
increase or trigger an increase in pore water pressure in the soil/rock mass, and
eventually pushing the mass to move landslides.
4. Rainfall Factor
Rainfall as one of the components of the climate, will affect the water content and
water saturation. Rain can increase the water content in the soil further
causes the physical condition of the slope body to change. The increase in water content will
weaken the physical mechanical properties of rock, thereby affecting the internal conditions
slope body and reduce the slope safety factor.
The effect of water during heavy rains will cause changes in physical properties
rock, namely the decrease in rock cohesion prices, so that the shear strength of the rock
decreases, while the mass of rock mass increases. Along with increasing
the weight of the rock mass, the shear strength of the rock will decrease

 From the results of the analysis of the Safety Factors obtained the following data:
1. Stopsite Safety Factor 1 = 0.98 (Label)
2. Stopsite Safety Factor 2 = 1.1 (Label)
3. Stopsite Safety Factor 3 = 1.04 (Label)
4. Stopsite Safety Factor 4 = 1.08 (Critical)
5. Stopsite Safety Factor 5 = 1.08 (Critical)
 Factors that affect slope stability in the study area include:
are physical and mechanical properties of rock (35%), lithology of the slopes (25%), structure
geology (5%), slope and morphology (20%), vegetation (5%), and rainfall
 Ways to overcome slope instability in the research area can be done by:
slope modification method, injection method, and surface water control.
Thank-you note
We would like to thank our parents and friends from the Engineering Department
Geology STT Migas Balikpapan for their support and assistance in working on this paper
until finished.

BAPPEDA Balikpapan City, 2013. Balikpapan in Figures.
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