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Volume 11, Number 2 (January 2024):5533-5538, doi:10.15243/jdmlm.2024.112.5533

ISSN: 2339-076X (p); 2502-2458 (e),

Research Article

A new approach to determining the slip surface in tuff to determine the

volume of landslide material: A case study on the West Sinjai road section,
Sinjai Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Busthan Busthan1*, Hendra Pachri1, Ilham Alimuddin1, Syamsul Bahri2,
Syarifullah Bundang3
1 Department of Geological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Hasanuddin, Jl. Malino Km.6, Romang
Lompoa, Gowa 92171, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
2 PT. Berau Coal, Jl. Pemuda, No. 40, Tanjungredeb, Berau 77311, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
3 Department of Mining Engineering, Khairun University, Jl. Pertamina, Ternate 97711, North Maluku, Indonesia

corresponding author:

Article history: Analysis of landslide slip surface based on the engineering properties of tuff
Received 4 October 2023 rocks, including shear strength, water content, and infiltration rate on the
Revised 29 November 2023 West Sinjai road section, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. This study aimed to
Accepted 20 December 2023 analyze the effect of shear strength, water content infiltration rate, and
weathering grade of tufa rocks in the study area. The methods used in this
study area included a study of weathered tuff profile characteristics,
Keywords: weathered tuff infiltration testing and residual soil (RS) determination of
landslide material weathered tuff water content and residual soil, and testing of shear strength
slip surface of weathered tuff and residual soil. This research used aspects of engineering
tuff geology, including shear strength, water content, and infiltration rate, as well
weathering grade as rock weathering grade to determine the slip surface in tuff to determine
the volume of landslide material. The results showed that the tuff profile
consisted of four grades, namely moderately weathered tuff (MW), highly
weathered tuff (HW), completely weathered tuff (CW), and soil residual
(RS). The rate of tuff infiltration increases with increasing weathering grade.
The water content is more significant with the high degree of weathering of
tuff. At the same time, the shear strength decreases with high weathering.
Therefore, the research area is prone to landslide events. The slip surface is
in a layer of moderately weathered tuff rock (MW), and those that experience
landslides are highly weathered tuff rock (HW), completely weathered
(CW), and residual soil (RS).

To cite this article: Busthan, B., Pachri, H., Alimuddin, I., Bahri, S. and Bundang, S. 2024. The slip surface in tuff to determine
the volume of landslide material: A case study on the West Sinjai road section Sinjai Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 11(2):5533-5538, doi:10.15243/jdmlm.2024.112.5533.

Introduction things that must be paid attention to is the extent of the

impact due to landslides, and the extent of the impact
The condition of the earth that we live on is dynamic, depends on the landslide material and landslide
experiencing endogenous and exogenous forces, so material depends on the thickness of the soil and
geological disasters occur on the surface of the earth, weathered rock that experienced the landslide. Thus, it
for example, earthquakes, landslides, volcanoes, and is very important to know the thickness of the material.
others. Landslides generally occur in sloping or hilly The thickness of the landslide material is the distance
to mountainous areas and, as a result, can cause loss of from the earth's surface to the slip surface. The depth
life and damage to infrastructure. One of the important of the slip plane has been widely studied by experts,

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B. Busthan et al. / Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 11(2):5533-5538 (2024)

generally using geoelectric methods such as those tuff is tuff with a pleasing composition. Landslides
carried out by Yatini et al. (2018) and Suardi et al., occur when there is an equilibrium disturbance or a
(2019). Another researcher, Xie et al. (2020), used a disturbance in the stability of the slope. The balance or
method based on the slope of the earth's surface; VES strength on the pitch depends on the relationship of the
and HVRS methods by Pandavenes et al. (2023). moment of force that makes the slope landslide
Landslide disasters, or soil movements, often occur in (driving forces) that will make the land or rock soil
the Sinjai Regency area of South Sulawesi. This is slide or move down and the moment of resisting troops
because more than 40% of Sinjai Regency is an area that will make the soil or rock remain balanced or
that is prone to landslides or soil movement, so in the stable (Miao, 2021). The details that drive the slope
rainy season, there are often geological disasters and landslide are the weight of the soil or rock material, the
landslides. The area that most often experiences load on the slope, the pressure of water in the earth's
landslides is the West Sinjai road section towards pores, and the presence of vibration. The forces that
South Sinjai (Tondong). There was a buildup of hold the hill so it does not slide are shear strength,
landslide material and damage to road bodies due to namely the value of cohesion (C) and external friction
landslides that disrupted the flow of public angle (Ø). The amount of cohesion depends on the
transportation and the community's economy (Busthan force between atoms or the constituents of soil or rock
et al., 2015). One of the factors causing very influential particles and the strength of cementation between rock
landslides is the presence of slip surfaces or shear particles.
surfaces. In general, slopes that experience avalanches The deep shear angle is a value that expresses the
will move over the slip surface. One method that can power of friction between the constituent particles of
be used to investigate slip surfaces is the method. rock or soil. So, this research was conducted to be a
Reconstructing the slide plane of a landslide can be consideration in landslide mitigation. This research
predictive based on slope (Xie et al., 2020). The other used aspects of engineering geology, including shear
methods are methods that can be taken based on VES. strength, water content, and infiltration rate as well as
and HVSR (Pandavenes et al., 2023) rock weathering grades.
This study used other methods that can be used
to determine the slip surface of landslides, namely by Material and Methods
analyzing shear strength, water content, and
infiltration rate of weathered tuff rocks in the Manipi- The research was conducted in Sinjai District, West
Tondong road space, Sinjai Regency, South Sulawesi, Sinjai District. Field observations were conducted to
Indonesia. This method is called new reinforcement determine the degree of tuff weathering at five location
because there has been no research that uses this points with three test repeats, then averaged and made
method, and this method is not damaging to the two test healthy holes based on geological conditions.
environment. The cost is relatively cheap, and the The instruments used in the study were moisture
operation is easy and fast, so this method is very content measuring devices, double ring infiltration rate
efficient. According to Zhao et al. (2019a), Zhao et al. measurement (iron pipe), vane shear test, regional
(2019b), Wang et al. (2021), Zhao et al. (2021), and geological maps scale 1:250,000, topographic maps
Zhao et al. (2023), high rainfall powerfully triggers scale 1:25,000, GPS, geological compass, and
landslides, earthquakes, and rain. According to Chen geological hammer. Vane shear testing based on
et al. (2023), climate change will increase the risk of ASTM D2573-08 (2007), infiltration speed testing
landslides in the tropics. In addition, the trigger of using double ring infiltrometer based on ASTM
landslides is vibration, human activities on slopes such D3385-09 (2009), and water content using PMS-714
as digging and cutting slopes, blasting, excessive type brand tool to determine the level of rock
loading, or the process of water entry into the hill weathering based on Wyllie and Mah (2004). The map
through leaks in channels or ponds due to the of the research location can be seen in Figure 1. The
infiltration of surface water into the ground which data obtained are analyzed descriptively in the form of
causes an increase in pore water pressure (Fiolleau et tables and graphs.
al., 2023). The boundary of a moving rock body Geological conditions of the research area
(landslide) with a stationary rock body is called a slip
surface. West Sinjai Road is one of the roads in South Sulawesi
Tuff is a volcanic rock with constituent grains built through the northeast slope of Mount
smaller than 2 mm, and according to Stanley (2017), Lompobattang. In some places, the road section is
tuff is divided into two, namely coarse tuff and fine made to cut slopes, namely tufa rocks included in the
tuff. Visible tuff grain size is between 2-1/16 mm, and Lompobattang Volcanic. Thus, some locations have
fine tuff is less than 1/16 mm and is divided into steep slopes, both upslopes (upslope) and lower slopes
crystalline tuff, fragment tuff, and glass tuff (Sam (downslope). Based on the results of slope
Boggs, 2008). Crystalline tuff is tuff whose mineral measurements, generally, steep slopes with pitchs
composition is predominantly crystal or mineral. varying between 35 degrees to 85 degrees. One of the
Fragment tuff is tuff with a dominant granular causes of landslides due to geomorphological factors
composition composed of rock fragments, and glass is the slope aspect (Sun et al., 2023; Wei et al., 2023).

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The type of volcanic rock is distinguished based on the when it is weathered, the grain size is the size of a grain
size of the fragment/grain and the shape of the of sand (1/16-2 mm). According to Chen et al. (2023),
fragment/grain constituent of the volcanic rock. The sand sediments are more susceptible to landslides than
tuff in the research area is generally coarse grain, and other rocks.

Figure 1. Research location map (Sukamto and Supriatna, 1982).

Result and Discussion undergone the transportation process. Its thickness is

150-210 cm. One of the causes of high weathering is
Tuff weathering grade due to the dominant rock composition: volcanic glass,
The results of field investigations on tuff labradorite, and hornblende plagioclase types, in
characteristics showed that the tuff profile consists of addition to containing quartz and opaque minerals
four grades, namely moderately weathered tuff (MW), (Busthan et al. 2015). Such a composition perfectly
highly weathered tuff (HW), completely weathered favors the rapid occurrence of weathering. According
tuff (CW), and residual soil (RS). The characteristic of to Hiradate and Wada (2005) and Zhang et al. (2020),
moderately weathered tuff is that part of the rock body rocks that contain a lot of volcanic glass are very easily
has changed, and there has been a slight disintegration weathered, and according to Okewale and Groble
into the ground; it can already be cut with a "cutter" (2021) said that stones that contain a lot of volcanic
knife or can be cut with a fingernail, and the color of glass will easily undergo weathering. Another thing is,
the tuff is reddish-gray, the texture of the rock is still in some places or outcrops, the cementation conditions
evident, the thickness varies between 60-85 cm; of tuff have not been compact because the tuff includes
characteristic of highly weathered tuff is a Pleistocene Lompobattang Volcanic (Sukamto and
discoloration of the already grayish-red tuff and Supriatna, 1982). When tuff undergoes high
cracks, weathering to complete weathering, its composition
Generally, tuff can be cut through nails or changes with the dominant piece of smectite and
fingers; the texture of rocks is difficult to recognize, halloisite (Busthan et al., 2015). Smectite clay is a type
guess 75-105 cm. The characteristics of completely that quickly expands when the water content is high
weathered tuff are that almost all rock bodies have and very shrinkage when the water content is low (Liu
turned red to brownish-red in color, rock texture is et al., 2021) after measuring the depth of the layer of
tough to recognize, rocks are quickly taken by hand, weathered rock high to the ground surface, which is
the thickness varies 105-135 cm, and the residual soil 150 cm to 210 cm. The length and width of the spread
characteristics of tuff are tuffs have changed of weathered rocks prone to landslides are about 50 m
everything into the soil, reddish-brown to brown, wide and about 76 m long; the volume of landslide
texture and structure are no longer visible but have not material is estimated at 5,700-7,600 cubic meters.

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B. Busthan et al. / Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 11(2):5533-5538 (2024)

Shear strength, water content, and infiltration rates shear strength becomes high. The value of water
on tuff and residual soil content changes based on the degree of weathering of
rocks. The higher the weathering rate, the higher the
The following is an explanation of data from five
water content value. The highest water content value
selected observation locations. The results of
is at location 5, with a value of 20% at the highly
measuring shear strength, water content, and
weathered level and a value of 32% at the completely
infiltration rate of weathered rock are presented in
weathered level. When after becoming soil, the value
Tables 1, 2, and 3. The value of shear strength changes
of water content becomes low. Similar to the previous
based on the degree of weathering of the rock. The
two aspects, the infiltration rate value changes based
higher the weathering rate, the lower the shear strength
on the level of weathering of rocks. The higher the
value. The shear strength value at a moderately
weathering rate, the higher the infiltration rate. The
weathered level at each location is more than 4 kg/cm2.
lowest infiltration rate value is at location 3, with a
Meanwhile, at the completely weathered level, the
value of 0.11 cm/min at the moderately weathered
lowest value is at location 1 with a value of 0.62
level and a value of 0.512 cm/min at the completely
kg/cm2, and the highest is at location 2 with a value of
weathered level. When after becoming soil, the
1.92 kg/cm2. When after becoming soil, the value of
infiltration rate value becomes low.

Table 1. Shear strength of weathered rock and residual soil in five research locations.
No Weathering Grade Shear strength (kg/cm2)
Location 1 Location 2 Location 3 Location 4 Location 5
1 Moderately Weathered (MW) >4 >4 >4 >4 >4
2 Highly Weathered (HW) 0.79 2.24 2.1 1.09 2.11
3 Completely Weathered (CW) 0.62 1.92 0.75 1.34 0.69
4. Residual soil (RS) 2.8 2.90 2.77 1.66 2.76

Table 2. Water content of weathered rock and residual soil in five research locations.
No Weathering Grade Water Content (%)
Location 1 Location 2 Location 3 Location 4 Location 5
1 Moderately Weathered (MW) - - - - -
2 Highly Weathered (HW) 13 17 19 15 20
3 Completely Weathered (CW) 29 22 29 31 32
4. Residual soil (RS) 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.70 1

Table 3. Infiltration rate of weathered rock and residual soil in five research locations.
No Weathering Grade Infiltration Rate (cm/min)
Location 1 Location 2 Location 3 Location 4 Location 5
1 Moderately Weathered (MW) 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.131 0.12
2 Highly Weathered (HW) 0.334 0.168 0.389 0.371 0.412
3 Completely Weathered (CW) 0.431 0.346 0.512 0.474 0.473
4 Residual soil (RS) 0.159 0.154 0.172 0.169 0.174

Landslide slip surface weathering; namely, the value of highly weathered tuff
water content ranges from 13 to 20%, and the water
Tuff that makes up the slopes of the West Sinjai road
content of completely weathered tuff ranges from 22
section is a rock that is easily weathered; this is due to
to 32%. This symptom is in line with the results of
the mineral composition of tuff dominated by volcanic
experiments by Santi (2006), Arikan and Aydin
glass, which is 35-45% which is easily survived
(2011), and Mohamad et al. (2011) that the higher the
(Busthan et al. 2015). This finding is in line with the
level of weathering of rocks, the higher the water
results of research by Hiradate and Wada (2005).
content. In addition, the research results of Arikan and
Zhang et al. (2020) concluded that basalt rocks that
Aydin (2012) conducted on dacite igneous rocks
contain a lot of volcanic glass will easily weather.
showed that the value of density, tensile strength, and
Another reason is that this rock belongs to the group of
unconfined compressive strength (UCS) decreases
Pleistocene Lompobattang Volcanic, which in some
with high weathering and porosity increases with high
places has not been so compact, as stated by Sukamto
weathering. Furthermore, the infiltration rate of tuff is
and Supriatna (1982). Based on weathered tuff
higher with the high degree of weathering; namely, the
engineering data, the content or water content in tuff is
infiltration rate of moderately weathered tuff is
getting higher in line with the higher degree of

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0.11 cm/second to 0.131 cm/second, highly weathered Acknowledgments

tuff is 0.168 cm/second to 0.412 cm/second, and
The authors acknowledge the financial support from the
completely weathered tuff is 0.346 cm/second to 0.512
Dean of Faculty Engineering, Hasanuddin University, and
cm/second. This phenomenon is in line with the results the Head of Geological Engineering Department,
of research by Ali et al. (2005), who found that the Hasanuddin University, for permission to conduct this
infiltration rate will be higher if the weathering grade research.
is higher because the rock is destroyed. Consequently,
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