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How would you handle the pandemic if you were the Mexican Health Secretary?

How would you handle the pandemic if you were the Mexican Health Secretary?

Arleth Paola Torres Rivera

Preparatoria Universidad Vasco de Quiroga

Mayo, 2020
How would you handle the pandemic if you were the Mexican Health Secretary?

Today, the pandemic is a global problem. Therefore, if I was the Secretary of health in Mexico

country, I would make the following actions in the country for establish prevention and care


I. Issue official releases trough radio, internet, social networks (Facebook, Tiktok, Twitter,

YouTube, etc.) newspaper, to entire population about the pandemic: how the population

could be contagious? how to prevent contagion?

II. Avoid actions like: people´s agglomerations, sports events, parties, schools attendance of

all academic levels, and I consider important to give information to the people about the

sanctions in case they do not comply with the measures, for example economics

sanctions, to help to community like distribute food to poor people, attendance to

hospitals for help sick people.

III. Mandatory confinement for sick people, children and babies, pregnant women, old

people. They can only go outside with official permission. But I consider important that

they can take a breather in a park or public garden with a permission and controlled visits.

They could do it to take care of their mental health.

IV. The regulatory office must constantly monitor if all stores and restaurants are actually

protecting the customers, and the office must close down them If they do not follow the

indications of the authorities.

V. For care the country´s economy: The people who benefit from social programs must

support the government in different actions as: preparing food in hospitals, cleaning the

streets, etc. I consider that It should be a decree because if the government help them, they

should be grateful and willing.

VI. Close down informal o formal commerce unless they obey authority.
How would you handle the pandemic if you were the Mexican Health Secretary?

VII. Carry out an advertising campaign to re-educate the way of coexistence between the

people in the public sites. For example: a decree for that all public places had a sink

before entering and educate the population to wash their hands before entering.

VIII. Invest in scientific research, before, during and after of the pandemic.
How would you handle the pandemic if you were the Mexican Health Secretary?

La pandemia es un problema mundial hoy en día. Por ello, si yo fuera la Secretaria de Salud en

México, tomaría las siguientes acciones en el país para establecer medidas de prevención y


I. Emitir comunicados oficiales a través de la radio, internet, redes sociales (Facebook,

Tiktok, Twitter, YouTube, etc.), periódicos, a toda la población sobre la pandemia: ¿cómo

podría contagiarse la población? ¿Cómo prevenir el contagio?

II. Evitar acciones como: aglomeraciones de personas, eventos deportivos, fiestas, asistencia

a escuelas de todos los niveles académicos y, considero importante, dar información a las

personas sobre las sanciones en caso de que no cumplan con las medidas, por ejemplo,

sanciones económicas, ayudar a la comunidad como distribuir alimentos a las personas

pobres, asistencia a hospitales para ayudar a las personas enfermas.

III. Confinamiento obligatorio para personas enfermas, niños y bebés, mujeres embarazadas,

personas mayores. Sólo pueden salir con permiso oficial. Pero considero importante que

ellos puedan relajarse en un parque o jardín público con un permiso y visitas controladas.

Podrían hacerlo para cuidar su salud mental.

IV. La oficina reguladora debe monitorear constantemente si todas las tiendas y restaurantes

realmente protegen a los clientes, y debe cerrarlos si no siguen las indicaciones de las


V. Para cuidar la economía del país: las personas que se benefician de los programas sociales

deben apoyar al gobierno en diferentes acciones como: preparar alimentos en hospitales,

limpiar las calles, etc. Considero que debería ser un decreto porque si el gobierno ayuda

ellos, deberían estar agradecidos y dispuestos.

VI. No cerrar el comercio informal o formal a menos que no obedecieran a la autoridad.

How would you handle the pandemic if you were the Mexican Health Secretary?

VII. Realizar una campaña publicitaria para reeducar la forma de convivencia entre las

personas en los sitios públicos. Por ejemplo: un decreto para que todos los lugares

públicos tengan un lavabo antes de ingresar y educar a la población para lavarse las

manos antes de ingresar.

VIII. Invertir en investigación científica, antes, durante y después de la pandemia.

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