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Hemorrhoids or piles

By Christiana Moore

Haemorrhoids also known as piles, affect as many as percent of people at some point in their lives.

They most frequently strike when people are 45 and 65.This common problem occurs when veins in the
an us and rector become swollen and inflamed A number of factors contribute to them , such as gravity,
family history, constipation, a low -fiber diet, heavy lifting, obesity, food all clergies, lack of physical
activity,pregnancy,and prolonged sitting or standing.

Haemorrhoids are mainly of two types – in tern a Lorenz terns l. A atheterms snuggest,

internal haemorrhoids develop inside there city and external haemorrhoids lie just below the skin
around the an us
Some common symptom a of haemorrhoids are blood clots or lump sari, bleeding during bowel
movements, I rotation near the Snapdragon’s, and the urge to have a bowel movement even when
there is no stool.

If left unchecked and untreated for too long,hemorrhoids may also lead to complications like chronic
blood loss, strangulated piles, tissue death and even analogue Colon recital cancer.

Fortunate to, it is not difficult to treat he morbid sand alleviate symptoms with simple, natural

Highly recommended is ice.Ice Wilhelmina constrict the blood vessels, reduce swelling and give you
immediate pain relief.

Apply a nice pack or a partially melted piece of ice wrapped in a cloth direct affected area for about 10
minutes. Do this several times a day until the he moth goes away

You can even use a small a cliff dozen vegetables such as Wrap the pack in area towel and then apply it
on they. Do this for 20 minutes at a time, three times a day

Aloe vera is one of nature’s best ingredients for treating hemorhoids.Whole anti- inflammatory and
therapeutic properties of aloe vera help reduce the irritation of haemorrhoids.
Aloes era can be used for both internal and extern.

For treating external haemorrhoids ,apply a little bit of alleged age logout ants slowly massage the area

This simple remedy sulphide relief from the pain and soothe the burning sensation

To treat internal haemorrhoids

,cut alleged a leaves in strips Make sure to cut of the thorns like parts of the plant

Place the slices in a container and free segue. Apply the icy cold a lover as trip to the painful
haemorrhoid to relieve the pain,burning,and itching sensation.
Lemon juice contains various nutrients that can give Gore haemorrhoids by strength ending the
capillarity and blood cease.🍋

Saturates action ball with in freshly squeezed lemon juice and apply it on the hemp. Initially there win be
some mild tingling or a burning sensation, but relief from the pain wild eventually to low

Alteratively,squeeze half a lemon into a cup of hot but I.Do this every three hours for best results.

Mix one half teaspoon each of lemon juice, ginger juice,mint juice and honey together. Take this once a

Almond oil known for its emollient lient and deep tissue absorbed to on properties is used

mainly for external

.Dipactionbasin pure almond oil and apply it on the affected.

It moisturizers and eases inflammation ,and wild elusive the burning and itching send in and around the
an us.

Olive oil has anti inflammatory and antioxidant properties and is used primarily external haemorrhoids.

It Wilhelm increase the elasticity of bloody, which in turn Wilhelm reduce in flan nation and shrink the
size of awoken blood vessels In than so.

Consume one tea spoon of olive oil daily It will help reduce in flank at I on and the

monounsa treated fats William prove the functionality of the excretory system.

Crush the juice out of some plum leaves and add it to olive oil. Apply this mixture in you them. It will
give you relief from the pain and swelling.

whole grains

Start eating whole grain products if you sure hemorhoids.Whole grain products contain a good am ount
of fibber, which is highly effective in relieving haemorrhoid symptoms and bleeding

This nutrient helps clean out the gas troubles tuba, preventing constipation and al low in the colon to
work more foci entry. Fibbers rich foods can soften stool and increase it's bulk which helps reduces
training during bowel more

Some of the best w hole grain products are oats, barley, maize, brown rice, millet, quinoa and Buck

Remember, divine help is required in any therapy, seek the lord in prayers.

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