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Famous Hackers Data and it’s Security in Online

Title: Top 10 Most Notorious Hackers of All Time Name:

Author: Kaspersky Date:

The article Top 10 Most Notorious Hackers of All Time discusses the people who made an impact in
history with their hacking. This article mentions individuals and groups who hacked into various establish-
ments to achieve their goals. This article starts with an introduction to hacking and continues with different
hacker personalities. It mostly talks about the exploitations and impact they created and how some people
turned from black hat to white hat hackers.

In this article, most of the people hacked into well-established companies and confidential govern-
ment organisations it is clear that organisations need more security for their data. Government and organisa-
tions have large amounts of confidential data regarding many aspects which are needed to be safeguarded.
Many of these attacks occurred due to due negligence and because of not taking proper care for protecting
data. And mostly hackers are around different age groups and having easy access to this type of hacking ma-
terial makes the situation more vulnerable. Not only our data but due to these attacks companies are facing a
lot of issues which are making them huge losses.

When we take some hackers from the article, we can see Matthew Bevin and Richard Pryce, these
British hackers who hacked Korean Atomic Research Institute(KARI) files and then dumped those files into
American Military systems which created huge havoc between both countries. This hack nearly created a
third world war. When we see Albert Gonzalez, he hacked and stole millions of payment card accounts.
These accounts held a lot of confidential financial and personal information of millions of clients. Finally,
when we enquire about Micheal Calce and Jonathan James. We can find that Calce, a 15-year-old kid hacked
into prestigious companies like amazon, Dell, eBay, and CNN through distributed Denial Of Service(DDoS)
to bring their services down. And James, when he is 15-year-old hacked into the U.S Department of Defence.

These incidents prove to us that age and area are not at all important for a person to hack through
systems. Thorough scrutiny of code for bugs and vulnerabilities can prevent many attacks on the systems.
Secure development and well-developed test case scenarios will help from

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