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Republic of the Philippines


University Town, Northern Samar
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Educ 2: The Teaching Profession
(Week 3-4: Historico-Legal Foundations of Education)

Submitted by:
BSEd-Science 2

Submitted to:
Course Professor
Answer briefly and substantively.
1. Is primitive man’s search for security any different from that of modern man’s? Why or
why not?
Primitive men searched for security in any different from that modern man’s due to the
distinctions in their method of living. The primitive man's life was extremely straightforward;
living in unrefined cottages and caverns, hunting and assembling wild leafy foods for food and
endurance. Their feeling of safety and endurance principally depends in the event of regular
disasters, being a casualty of assault from wild and harmful creatures, hunger achieved by food
shortage and starvation just as antagonism from different clans. An essential sanctuary which
would give assurance from intruders and outrageous environment was the stature of
extravagance that a primitive man’s could envision. Things have absolutely changed as the idea
of safety presently incorporates a sizeable number of boundaries going from the essential safe
house idea of the primitive man’s to the most progressive burning extravagances.

The cutting edge man however still defenseless against these things are currently living
in a more edified and coordinated society where danger of normal catastrophes are as of now
relieved by sufficient planning and the shot at being a survivor of assault from wild and toxic
creatures is as of now decreased to a base. Then again, craving savagery actually perseveres
today particularly to third world and war torn nations putting lives of certain people at standard
to that of the primitive man.

2. Religious practices affect education. Cite examples of this in school?

Religious practices affect education when the concepts and belief of the religion will be
included in the curriculum to study by the students and in that way they are become more
passionate for truth and excellence, more responsible life-long learners, in communion with
others in building a better world and above all, live a God-centered life. One example of school
is Early Christian Education whose essential content to be considered are the expression of
God, standards of affection, moral and otherworldly qualities, church precepts, church music
and psalms and Sermon on the Mount which are all religion-related ideas that are fused in
In the province of Northern Samar, Saint Michael Academy and Colegio de San Lorenzo
Ruiz de Manila are the two schools that offers religion-related study for the students. Saint
Michael Academy is a private, sectarian, and non-stock catholic secondary school in Catarman.
It is the first and only catholic learning institution established in the province of Northern
Samar. Meanwhile, Colegio de San Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila is a school that develops
professional competence and ethics, social awareness and involvement and a keen sense of
Filipino culture for needed leadership in national development.
3. Which educational system, Spartan or Athenian, would be more effective in meeting
present-day conditions and problems in Philippine life? Why?
There were two fundamental differences between the educational systems of
Athens and Sparta. First, in the former education was private and in the latter it was public.
Second, in Athens education was exclusively for boys, and the vast majority of Athenian women
were completely illiterate and excluded from intellectual activities, while in Sparta girls were
educated in the public school and attained high levels of learning — including being the valued
followers of philosophers such as Pythagoras.
For me, the Spartans' schooling framework would be more compelling to the
current day conditions and issues in the Philippines since what our nation needs is discipline in
the piece of the people. Like the Spartans, we ought to foster congruity and submission to the
state, boldness, strength, perseverance and enthusiastic effectiveness. These are required for
us to achieve the genuinely necessary development and thriving for the country.

I’m not into their accentuation in military preparing as the focal point of their
schooling however I concur with them offering significance to preparing and not school
guidance just as learning by doing rather than book centered talk. These changes in techniques
for guidance would be extremely helpful whenever applied to our present instructive

4. What are the educational values of participation in extra-curricular activities?

While academic performance builds acumen, extra-curricular activities forge a sense of
educational values. Students who participate in empowering activities like recitation, singing,
sports and anything that breaks the monotony of academic indulgence are better equipped
towards imbibing the holistic approach towards education. Relevant extra-curricular activities
can help student’s project leadership qualities, sporting excellent, artistic inclinations, and even
reliance on universal values.
Moreover, it is an attempt to ensure that students have a balanced life and create
opportunities for social interaction. Building of relationships and social circles is a big part of the
education process. Some people even go to particular schools because of the relationships they
can build. This also provides necessary relief at times from the rigor of academic activity. Not all
things can be taught in the four walls of a classroom. The dynamism of student activities help
the school provide things not part of the formal curriculum as well as the values acquired by the
5. Do you believe that the problem of juvenile delinquency would less serious today if the
home played the same part in education as it did in Rome? Explain your answer.
I believe that the problem of adolescent wrongdoing would be less genuine in the event
that we follow the model set by Rome in the manner they taught their children at home in light
of the fact that there is a presence of guidance by their parents. At an early age, the young
children will begin their schooling at home afterward on will be permitted to turn into a full
swore resident and afterward be offered access to a military camp.
With this type educational system which is home schooling, the children will denied of
the chance to go a contrary way and be a delinquent as the consistent presence and guidance
of their parents were important for their initial training. Besides, the immediate restriction of
the children by their parents decrease the odds of wrongdoing as he/she just follows the advice
that his/her parents set combined with the dread of getting whipping on the off chance that
he/she did the opposite.

6. With your observation/experience in the modern classroom, what educational/principles

and practices can be traced from Quintilian?
My observation or experience in the modern classroom can be traced from the
educational/practices by Quintilian. “Paternal role” and “Be free from any vice and intolerant of
it in others” are what I observed in today’s modern classroom based on the principles of
Quintilian. First, as we all know, teachers are our second parent that teaches children to
behave and to judge what is right and wrong. Teachers play the role of second parents to the
students. It is they who correct the students if something went wrong like what our parents do
to us. They play significant role in shaping the life of the students under their care. Second,
students are lessening from doing vice and intolerant actions because teachers guide and mold
the character and personality of the students in order to become a good citizen of the country.
And this was observed in the new curriculum which has subjects focus on the personal
development and character of the students.
The bottom line is that, the principles and practices of Quintilian in an education have
observed in the modern classroom which has a same goal to teach students not only
academically but also the moral behavior to become a good person.

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