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General Index

Volume I
ELECTRIC VEHICLES. i A ren pea ngedees 29 Four Hundred Miles a Day.... jae 40
eee ee ouane. ais 6 chaaed 48, = WWORMOE BEOGGE TACIGIR eo os oc ici ccc cccovccece 52 wna Be ter -~!ee wpeguieid ‘Wagons. 7
elivery Wagons, Frenc Fials Of....060 > rom Kokomo to Brookiyn........... Bs> Bieen
ORIN. oc 0 0. 0006 5.0444 600066009 600s 51 MISCELLANEOUS. Historical Automobile, an.............seee- 14
Management of Electric Vehicles. "By George Automobile: Its Details, Management, and Motorcycle Record, New (E4.).admocereceese 65
T,. Hanchett...... BSfrSeip By Bhs es sey Repair. By Geo. T. Hanchett. . -10, 26, 36, 58 Mt. Washington by Automobile........... oo @
Es ov oy Bema 2s Sein oe coy 29 Automobile, the (Verses)............esee0- 50 New Types of Automobile Carriages, 6
United States Automobile Co.’s Electric.... 61 Automobile Club Trials Before Locai Gov’ t photos. .....+. oa Socccveccven
Waverley Break.... ..cescecseeces ear cds Ee peaeigkS 6 ied n00:0-0.0.0'7
04000 ba 20 Newport Automobile Parade. . osccccsccce AG
Waverley Mail Phaeton....... ipadiibeteres > ae Automobile Retrospect, an. aot & On the Course.Daan ccauns hovede Dealapivessn i
GASOLINE VEHICLES. aris-Osten WG Adepause: Sov adawtas ener 2
Best Automobile Train, the................% ep SII Dos kids “Sinsigs Saleh gikeacdbe.s oan ;
Canello-Durkopp..... ° ve Oe OT i Central Park in the Near Future.......... 1 Racing Regulations of the Automobile Club
Gun Carriage, Major Davidson’s..... eceeeD, 61 Comparison of Motive Powers. By A. Fischer. 11 Ot tauthe aacusieesesasows come bork a
Gun Carriage, Simms ccccccovccce teseeees ee = a of the Automobile Club of 23 What It“Costs CBee bcc saned Cecteseccees .
Simms Automobile Gun Carriage... ..... 20 Delivery Wagons,6 photos................. 19 STEAM VEHICLES.
Two-Wheeled Automobile, the see Ge WON BOWER scien sscee coedccces e eense oo 8 Baldwin. ..,. odeee Beedeue'e 2044000 ceccccee 5B

Volume II
CONTESTS, RACES, A NS. come. Sawtine Troubles. By George T. Han- Sane: | Its Details, Management and
EW babe neds dak wdlak ono danas odd ooeen 138 CPA ...ccccese covecccccccsccccece
Automobile Club of Americ. aual Tests of Air-Cooled Motors..............0. 80 Automopile Livery as an Established Indus-—
MN Wi rnereesis sieereaee «ee 219 Tests of Water Coolers...........ccccecees 80 pe Cee eccccee ceeceseececece see eeenecece
Automobile Exhibition oot Ra yet at MORRIEO. BASOIGRE obo vec cede sscsccicses 135
Chicago ...... Shas ans ae aE . 170 GASOLINE VEHICLES. sa oe and Hiectric Power Plants in
Automobile Races 0 silat: . J. By = Albert ; C. Bostwick’s ~ Sag" Panhard oe Racer
ees Set ee 202 A utomobiles
verano again gS SEINFrench
the LES hkNO a ae coeSer
Spencer C. Crane. apie PPesvtséces - 150 American Power Co.’s Carriage............ 114 Automobiles in the French Soudan.Soudan......
ee 99
Automobile Racing an' @uthenters ee SEO S fe rrr
re Autogo,’’ og with Aster Motor..............6. ae 92 h
Choice of an Automobile, The. By Herbert
Automobile Racing at Trenton 172 61 L. Towle
Use eseagsiges Automobile Co, of America’s Break........ 57 Club Run to ‘Ardsley. PERRO S ee
First Annual Show of the Automobile Club Automobile Co. of America’s Phaeton....... 152. Glub’s Work Protecting the Rizh eee
of America, the......... eicreh savenwacaxs SUR ieee toenelle........ concccc ccedec... 14 Privilé ar +, 3% Apene ee Bn . y and
| eT 69, 7 Canda Auto-Quadricycle.. ............ 1i, 100 F, Gapmnestia. .. a send : aul ec tme 192
Graud Central Palace Show. ............ RR nma> EE nepenee 334 Collecting Mail by Automobile. ............
International Race, the.............+.+. 110, 116 Columbia Delivery Tricycle................ 57 “oa Trip of Major Davidson's War 130
New York Cycle Show, Automobile Ex- Columbia Gasoline Runabout 1 Faise aualogy. (Ed.) ........+...+..s.sse0 228
MIDI. gi osc. ceececees Coesececevesses 21, 23 ~ yay 2 Lape mt settee eee eeeee 122 French Automobi.ism in 1599.............. 46
Thousand-Mile Tour of Great Britain...... . 90 Derren ee Pore nae Sees «2 wean oe 48¢ aaa Funtamental Automobile ‘Patents, No. By °
Evolution of Types AmongGasoline Vehicles. | Gottlieb Daimler (Hd.)..2..222222. 2.002201 30
ELECTRIC VEHICLES. First Hydrocarbon Automobile.........222) “81 eee aoe & oe Mtg ice ge
Altman pea a, Truck, B the new. By Max wd \Guaseeiie’ Danse tte eeeeeeeeeseeee ons ; EPO Re
Altman & Co.’sMUONSada
IANS scaresDelivery
ake cacdcdtacdaees
Wagon... 92 “a gl Se A et © 8e 4 ee4 eee eee 194 Invention of the Automobile, fhe (Ei.)..... 157
nternational Automobile Congress, ny 130, 27
Baiumore & Ohio Railcoad’s Automobile Ser- _ erman Mail Wagon. ............+-++.++++- %% ««‘Large Wheels Versus Small. By W. B. Part:
MGA to” choNewport
ceoe se‘on’ One’
Me Charge ‘of “Bai:
tans loacci wena 135®t Holley
olyokKe Motor Bicycle
MEETOY 200.0000, 142,
ccccccctaeccsccccccccccsece 180
194 Law vobeAuiomobile,
Lightest Amended, a."
The. (id.).022222022112
By Prof. R. H. 3
Buualo Mlectric Stanhope.................. 14 itesen yor he 5. Stelle Re Sapna ie «oe Le nurston LUISA SIN itsC8 9 ISK 111, 131
Seen enGEnS GOMER ic ccccedvctcces Ch Wime Masattas Moumtheue oC Crteserses 4 qui WT cubes dese ae snes eebwesbussaveses -
Chaiging Storage Batteries from Alternating — ee Runabout.......--. +++ seeeee = RAM WE << cu ccaenkscessonciacebaees 4, 178
Circuits. By V. M. Weaver...........++- - 2 COP MOLOCYCIS «1. ccereccoccreccrecerecs 5 National Association of Automobile Manufac-
Columbia Wagonette...... 1... cccececeees 132 ‘Light Autocars, Some Considerations Con- Ec one cca cestk Seneusansceoueba 232
Compiued Aucomobile and Trolley Car...... 45 Pang By Henry Sturmey............. 31 Mew Kecord from Cleveland to New York.. 223
View stageem, a Simple. By George T. 19g Marsh Motor Cycie Monty wie 2 Club of America, 198
‘ + plectrle Automoblies. By Frederick ‘8;Ghap- - -QFlent. Victorietie ....... . : 152 on Which Side Shall We Sit?’ By W. BI”
OR eee as awl lade Wdial Babee oh ae > 7 Spe ma eae ote eeerereccereeecececece ; onriee nati tee SEER eae 54
Electric Automobiles at the Paris Exposition. 110 ‘%2ckard Special ................ aes ease ae4 pinion of Judge Suiherland.............. - 8
Electric Vehicle Driving Mechanism. By 7 saree a ah aa Horse- 196 Parade im EriGQepert ...cccccccccrscssscees 231
ae GON ok aac tSas uns ocbeles 39 “Peerless” De — BM ivagsetters eeees 594 Power for Automobiles (Ed.)............... 200
ey bs giuromobile. Delivery Wa- 199 Phoenix Automobile Delivery...... eu aaiptitee —- nn nay sagaprnanlaacenetipiies ari =
pita i aatahetion Stanhope ..-----.....20- * 43: GueR AMEGMONS . occ cece cccccccccccccces 73 Speed of Vehicles. By R. E. B. Crompton.. 10
Hospital Ambulance, An Automobile Spiller Gasoline Runabout. ............... 224 Standing Committees for 1900 (Auto. Club of
<easingtn Electric Runabout............+- Gg dn gg ne al Penne ree veresaense ayes = America) peecesesssa:vattttttsesecseees 24
Metropolitan It. i. = fe eng Steffey Motor Bicycle...... .......+ss+see. 29 Succeed Shoo, eum may... ‘tetiaahe ssOt ae
low hin teenie Aare eae 91 oo ae settee eee e eset renee 7 Tires, Automobile .........--+-----+ 98, 62, 82
National “Automobile teomuphemetiont | Se epetras 114 Through the bsg rari: dhenaoves sa gansees Ws 91
Mew HavenHlectric Runabout.
Gab Ge.'s ...........+.-. 414
Gmnibus............. seg neem Delivery
Winton Gap RaverWagon (pacte).......-+-.-+00-
.............-.++- 1741 Traction
war Engine inin an:Army
Automobiles Train, The.... ~ 54
South Africa.........
Notes on the Care and Management of the ee ee rs CLE CE LPR ESLER ELE Cee - 92 Wheel Bearing, A Simple and Efficient. By ite
— e Batie B Max Loewenthal, ames . TEER ccc ctvccvcscesiccegeses
:.. a sp ‘isedPea Woe encod be was .- 154 GOOD ROADS. Why Motor Carriages Were Not a Success in
wites Delivery Wagon...... .....--eeee0e 152 Geet ‘ en rea (Ed.).. 0. cece ee scene = 1833. By W. E. Partridge............. coe
i - oo OAGS. (HG.).. cece ce cece cecceveceee
Power Consumes per Mileby Miosirie Ae 45, Good Roads’ in wentchccior’ Gouniy.-..""".” ap 3 _
iker Delivery Automobile.............. .. 6 Good Roads Items .................. . 61, 95, 118 STEAM VEHICLES AND MOTORS.
Riker Electric Cab..... P Gipiwisawes renhies 114 Influence of Roads and Weather on Trac- Automobile Fire Engine ...........+.se00- €3
Riker Golf Break.......-.ccecccseseseees . 194 THON neve seeceen ceecesececesssesesececs 181 Barrett Delivery Wagon ........:........ + 182
SN ENG ys ccs: dos sercesesvaadsos 91 2 ~ yee Good Roads Congress, The 193 _CIATK eeeeeeee cevecece eeeeeeenecererees 55
Riker Mail Wagon...........+..++- orn ienne 132 TBE wee cceccesee seececccecsesssesecere POUR anc cccg ncsivcccccesereviccescvcecs 38
Riker ‘‘Piano-Box” Runabout............+- 152 Laboratory for Testing Road Materials..... 282 Foster Steam Surrey............seeeeeeees
Riker Victoria de Luxe.......2.....-+.e0e+ 227 Millions in Subsidies (Ed.)...........+.+.. St DE dla sence diwetedansperestepe
Six Months’ Test of Storage Batteries . 41 National Highways .........+.0-+++-+.0++:+ DERE Cntukinnsscevhd bycaneyes
Some Novel Motors.......+++ sssseees "2100 Relation of the State to the Good Roads Locomobile Mail Carrying Tests
Sperry Physician’s Automobile.............. 61 Movement. By A. R. Shattuck.......... DN GES Aeinestseus sesewesdas -
grearns Mostrie Ragebeet- PERE tags 224 — of the National migneay Commis- - Stiwesties sgasw sé anne apiessn. xhanasons
torage Battery and the Automobile, Pe See or eee 2 eens Se ee es es 0:0 tictenngirinerte. p ew England .........cesecesccsccesscces + oF
By T. A, Willard........:... ... Mii vewe : g Road Building in Ontario. ... 73 New York Motor Vehicle Co.’ s ‘Steam Bus.. . 223
Strong & Rogers’ Spider Stanhope paaaipnire 174 "haa for Good Roads. By Elmer A. 118 Overman (Victor) ...... a 2
oltmeter, The Automobile................. re soeeee tee eeeeeceeses NE coh ok c! c-cd kee ea nad aes pe won
Wood & Son’s Electric Delivery Wagon.. 92, 199 “Reading”’ Stanhope, Steam Vehicle Co. of
Wood's Electric Landau........... giieh nes -. 174 MISCELLANEOUS. DERE inb6 5b5 0 0b0e d- cba eeeeds grdeseee
Semeset Autenenie — :Bebe sent gees 120 oe Tests of the Locomobile. By J. A.
utomobile u 0 merica: ts rst BIE os cscs 686 ce beestecees ceecce
GASOLINE MOTORS. oo ae psrod ease stash ecnchnneses = Steam — Wages EES: OE AL a
utomobile at Work. y O. P. Sook....... Steam ows, 6d daneetineased dete ae wee 7
sho Gas — Ignition........... . ° Automobile Design, American Tendencies in, Steam Truck, An American Built........... 217
e — ater © cccccerescocrcoscoces ** 20 as seen at Madison Square Garden........ 221 Steam Vehicle Management, Hints ry
Gas =p At SE "BoisW. Ro eee Automobile Fauna, A Plea for. By Hayden Geo. T. Hanchett. ............+.- 178, 229
Gasoume Vehicle Eng up 134, iss,- Bolerts, 296 I ce ae go dd 15 Steam Wagons for Heavy Duty. Byye
Mi aoe” thine -119, * “10 Automobile for Military Purposes, > 177 SII, 5s occ nc 3 0'c0 e'e'ss eceeaus 99,
Meter Tests The DW severe eee ewes ae Automobile House of the ‘“‘New Century” Thornycroft Steam Wagon.................. 227
Apartments ........66 cescccceccsscseeces 108 Toledo Steam Stanhope. ............... cove See
General Index

Volume I
ELECTRIC VEHICLES. i A ren pea ngedees 29 Four Hundred Miles a Day.... jae 40
eee ee ouane. ais 6 chaaed 48, = WWORMOE BEOGGE TACIGIR eo os oc ici ccc cccovccece 52 wna Be ter -~!ee wpeguieid ‘Wagons. 7
elivery Wagons, Frenc Fials Of....060 > rom Kokomo to Brookiyn........... Bs> Bieen
ORIN. oc 0 0. 0006 5.0444 600066009 600s 51 MISCELLANEOUS. Historical Automobile, an.............seee- 14
Management of Electric Vehicles. "By George Automobile: Its Details, Management, and Motorcycle Record, New (E4.).admocereceese 65
T,. Hanchett...... BSfrSeip By Bhs es sey Repair. By Geo. T. Hanchett. . -10, 26, 36, 58 Mt. Washington by Automobile........... oo @
Es ov oy Bema 2s Sein oe coy 29 Automobile, the (Verses)............esee0- 50 New Types of Automobile Carriages, 6
United States Automobile Co.’s Electric.... 61 Automobile Club Trials Before Locai Gov’ t photos. .....+. oa Socccveccven
Waverley Break.... ..cescecseeces ear cds Ee peaeigkS 6 ied n00:0-0.0.0'7
04000 ba 20 Newport Automobile Parade. . osccccsccce AG
Waverley Mail Phaeton....... ipadiibeteres > ae Automobile Retrospect, an. aot & On the Course.Daan ccauns hovede Dealapivessn i
GASOLINE VEHICLES. aris-Osten WG Adepause: Sov adawtas ener 2
Best Automobile Train, the................% ep SII Dos kids “Sinsigs Saleh gikeacdbe.s oan ;
Canello-Durkopp..... ° ve Oe OT i Central Park in the Near Future.......... 1 Racing Regulations of the Automobile Club
Gun Carriage, Major Davidson’s..... eceeeD, 61 Comparison of Motive Powers. By A. Fischer. 11 Ot tauthe aacusieesesasows come bork a
Gun Carriage, Simms ccccccovccce teseeees ee = a of the Automobile Club of 23 What It“Costs CBee bcc saned Cecteseccees .
Simms Automobile Gun Carriage... ..... 20 Delivery Wagons,6 photos................. 19 STEAM VEHICLES.
Two-Wheeled Automobile, the see Ge WON BOWER scien sscee coedccces e eense oo 8 Baldwin. ..,. odeee Beedeue'e 2044000 ceccccee 5B

Volume II
CONTESTS, RACES, A NS. come. Sawtine Troubles. By George T. Han- Sane: | Its Details, Management and
EW babe neds dak wdlak ono danas odd ooeen 138 CPA ...ccccese covecccccccsccccece
Automobile Club of Americ. aual Tests of Air-Cooled Motors..............0. 80 Automopile Livery as an Established Indus-—
MN Wi rnereesis sieereaee «ee 219 Tests of Water Coolers...........ccccecees 80 pe Cee eccccee ceeceseececece see eeenecece
Automobile Exhibition oot Ra yet at MORRIEO. BASOIGRE obo vec cede sscsccicses 135
Chicago ...... Shas ans ae aE . 170 GASOLINE VEHICLES. sa oe and Hiectric Power Plants in
Automobile Races 0 silat: . J. By = Albert ; C. Bostwick’s ~ Sag" Panhard oe Racer
ees Set ee 202 A utomobiles
verano again gS SEINFrench
the LES hkNO a ae coeSer
Spencer C. Crane. apie PPesvtséces - 150 American Power Co.’s Carriage............ 114 Automobiles in the French Soudan.Soudan......
ee 99
Automobile Racing an' @uthenters ee SEO S fe rrr
re Autogo,’’ og with Aster Motor..............6. ae 92 h
Choice of an Automobile, The. By Herbert
Automobile Racing at Trenton 172 61 L. Towle
Use eseagsiges Automobile Co, of America’s Break........ 57 Club Run to ‘Ardsley. PERRO S ee
First Annual Show of the Automobile Club Automobile Co. of America’s Phaeton....... 152. Glub’s Work Protecting the Rizh eee
of America, the......... eicreh savenwacaxs SUR ieee toenelle........ concccc ccedec... 14 Privilé ar +, 3% Apene ee Bn . y and
| eT 69, 7 Canda Auto-Quadricycle.. ............ 1i, 100 F, Gapmnestia. .. a send : aul ec tme 192
Graud Central Palace Show. ............ RR nma> EE nepenee 334 Collecting Mail by Automobile. ............
International Race, the.............+.+. 110, 116 Columbia Delivery Tricycle................ 57 “oa Trip of Major Davidson's War 130
New York Cycle Show, Automobile Ex- Columbia Gasoline Runabout 1 Faise aualogy. (Ed.) ........+...+..s.sse0 228
MIDI. gi osc. ceececees Coesececevesses 21, 23 ~ yay 2 Lape mt settee eee eeeee 122 French Automobi.ism in 1599.............. 46
Thousand-Mile Tour of Great Britain...... . 90 Derren ee Pore nae Sees «2 wean oe 48¢ aaa Funtamental Automobile ‘Patents, No. By °
Evolution of Types AmongGasoline Vehicles. | Gottlieb Daimler (Hd.)..2..222222. 2.002201 30
ELECTRIC VEHICLES. First Hydrocarbon Automobile.........222) “81 eee aoe & oe Mtg ice ge
Altman pea a, Truck, B the new. By Max wd \Guaseeiie’ Danse tte eeeeeeeeeseeee ons ; EPO Re
Altman & Co.’sMUONSada
IANS scaresDelivery
ake cacdcdtacdaees
Wagon... 92 “a gl Se A et © 8e 4 ee4 eee eee 194 Invention of the Automobile, fhe (Ei.)..... 157
nternational Automobile Congress, ny 130, 27
Baiumore & Ohio Railcoad’s Automobile Ser- _ erman Mail Wagon. ............+-++.++++- %% ««‘Large Wheels Versus Small. By W. B. Part:
MGA to” choNewport
ceoe se‘on’ One’
Me Charge ‘of “Bai:
tans loacci wena 135®t Holley
olyokKe Motor Bicycle
MEETOY 200.0000, 142,
ccccccctaeccsccccccccccsece 180
194 Law vobeAuiomobile,
Lightest Amended, a."
The. (id.).022222022112
By Prof. R. H. 3
Buualo Mlectric Stanhope.................. 14 itesen yor he 5. Stelle Re Sapna ie «oe Le nurston LUISA SIN itsC8 9 ISK 111, 131
Seen enGEnS GOMER ic ccccedvctcces Ch Wime Masattas Moumtheue oC Crteserses 4 qui WT cubes dese ae snes eebwesbussaveses -
Chaiging Storage Batteries from Alternating — ee Runabout.......--. +++ seeeee = RAM WE << cu ccaenkscessonciacebaees 4, 178
Circuits. By V. M. Weaver...........++- - 2 COP MOLOCYCIS «1. ccereccoccreccrecerecs 5 National Association of Automobile Manufac-
Columbia Wagonette...... 1... cccececeees 132 ‘Light Autocars, Some Considerations Con- Ec one cca cestk Seneusansceoueba 232
Compiued Aucomobile and Trolley Car...... 45 Pang By Henry Sturmey............. 31 Mew Kecord from Cleveland to New York.. 223
View stageem, a Simple. By George T. 19g Marsh Motor Cycie Monty wie 2 Club of America, 198
‘ + plectrle Automoblies. By Frederick ‘8;Ghap- - -QFlent. Victorietie ....... . : 152 on Which Side Shall We Sit?’ By W. BI”
OR eee as awl lade Wdial Babee oh ae > 7 Spe ma eae ote eeerereccereeecececece ; onriee nati tee SEER eae 54
Electric Automobiles at the Paris Exposition. 110 ‘%2ckard Special ................ aes ease ae4 pinion of Judge Suiherland.............. - 8
Electric Vehicle Driving Mechanism. By 7 saree a ah aa Horse- 196 Parade im EriGQepert ...cccccccccrscssscees 231
ae GON ok aac tSas uns ocbeles 39 “Peerless” De — BM ivagsetters eeees 594 Power for Automobiles (Ed.)............... 200
ey bs giuromobile. Delivery Wa- 199 Phoenix Automobile Delivery...... eu aaiptitee —- nn nay sagaprnanlaacenetipiies ari =
pita i aatahetion Stanhope ..-----.....20- * 43: GueR AMEGMONS . occ cece cccccccccccccces 73 Speed of Vehicles. By R. E. B. Crompton.. 10
Hospital Ambulance, An Automobile Spiller Gasoline Runabout. ............... 224 Standing Committees for 1900 (Auto. Club of
<easingtn Electric Runabout............+- Gg dn gg ne al Penne ree veresaense ayes = America) peecesesssa:vattttttsesecseees 24
Metropolitan It. i. = fe eng Steffey Motor Bicycle...... .......+ss+see. 29 Succeed Shoo, eum may... ‘tetiaahe ssOt ae
low hin teenie Aare eae 91 oo ae settee eee e eset renee 7 Tires, Automobile .........--+-----+ 98, 62, 82
National “Automobile teomuphemetiont | Se epetras 114 Through the bsg rari: dhenaoves sa gansees Ws 91
Mew HavenHlectric Runabout.
Gab Ge.'s ...........+.-. 414
Gmnibus............. seg neem Delivery
Winton Gap RaverWagon (pacte).......-+-.-+00-
.............-.++- 1741 Traction
war Engine inin an:Army
Automobiles Train, The.... ~ 54
South Africa.........
Notes on the Care and Management of the ee ee rs CLE CE LPR ESLER ELE Cee - 92 Wheel Bearing, A Simple and Efficient. By ite
— e Batie B Max Loewenthal, ames . TEER ccc ctvccvcscesiccegeses
:.. a sp ‘isedPea Woe encod be was .- 154 GOOD ROADS. Why Motor Carriages Were Not a Success in
wites Delivery Wagon...... .....--eeee0e 152 Geet ‘ en rea (Ed.).. 0. cece ee scene = 1833. By W. E. Partridge............. coe
i - oo OAGS. (HG.).. cece ce cece cecceveceee
Power Consumes per Mileby Miosirie Ae 45, Good Roads’ in wentchccior’ Gouniy.-..""".” ap 3 _
iker Delivery Automobile.............. .. 6 Good Roads Items .................. . 61, 95, 118 STEAM VEHICLES AND MOTORS.
Riker Electric Cab..... P Gipiwisawes renhies 114 Influence of Roads and Weather on Trac- Automobile Fire Engine ...........+.se00- €3
Riker Golf Break.......-.ccecccseseseees . 194 THON neve seeceen ceecesececesssesesececs 181 Barrett Delivery Wagon ........:........ + 182
SN ENG ys ccs: dos sercesesvaadsos 91 2 ~ yee Good Roads Congress, The 193 _CIATK eeeeeeee cevecece eeeeeeenecererees 55
Riker Mail Wagon...........+..++- orn ienne 132 TBE wee cceccesee seececccecsesssesecere POUR anc cccg ncsivcccccesereviccescvcecs 38
Riker ‘‘Piano-Box” Runabout............+- 152 Laboratory for Testing Road Materials..... 282 Foster Steam Surrey............seeeeeeees
Riker Victoria de Luxe.......2.....-+.e0e+ 227 Millions in Subsidies (Ed.)...........+.+.. St DE dla sence diwetedansperestepe
Six Months’ Test of Storage Batteries . 41 National Highways .........+.0-+++-+.0++:+ DERE Cntukinnsscevhd bycaneyes
Some Novel Motors.......+++ sssseees "2100 Relation of the State to the Good Roads Locomobile Mail Carrying Tests
Sperry Physician’s Automobile.............. 61 Movement. By A. R. Shattuck.......... DN GES Aeinestseus sesewesdas -
grearns Mostrie Ragebeet- PERE tags 224 — of the National migneay Commis- - Stiwesties sgasw sé anne apiessn. xhanasons
torage Battery and the Automobile, Pe See or eee 2 eens Se ee es es 0:0 tictenngirinerte. p ew England .........cesecesccsccesscces + oF
By T. A, Willard........:... ... Mii vewe : g Road Building in Ontario. ... 73 New York Motor Vehicle Co.’ s ‘Steam Bus.. . 223
Strong & Rogers’ Spider Stanhope paaaipnire 174 "haa for Good Roads. By Elmer A. 118 Overman (Victor) ...... a 2
oltmeter, The Automobile................. re soeeee tee eeeeeceeses NE coh ok c! c-cd kee ea nad aes pe won
Wood & Son’s Electric Delivery Wagon.. 92, 199 “Reading”’ Stanhope, Steam Vehicle Co. of
Wood's Electric Landau........... giieh nes -. 174 MISCELLANEOUS. DERE inb6 5b5 0 0b0e d- cba eeeeds grdeseee
Semeset Autenenie — :Bebe sent gees 120 oe Tests of the Locomobile. By J. A.
utomobile u 0 merica: ts rst BIE os cscs 686 ce beestecees ceecce
GASOLINE MOTORS. oo ae psrod ease stash ecnchnneses = Steam — Wages EES: OE AL a
utomobile at Work. y O. P. Sook....... Steam ows, 6d daneetineased dete ae wee 7
sho Gas — Ignition........... . ° Automobile Design, American Tendencies in, Steam Truck, An American Built........... 217
e — ater © cccccerescocrcoscoces ** 20 as seen at Madison Square Garden........ 221 Steam Vehicle Management, Hints ry
Gas =p At SE "BoisW. Ro eee Automobile Fauna, A Plea for. By Hayden Geo. T. Hanchett. ............+.- 178, 229
Gasoume Vehicle Eng up 134, iss,- Bolerts, 296 I ce ae go dd 15 Steam Wagons for Heavy Duty. Byye
Mi aoe” thine -119, * “10 Automobile for Military Purposes, > 177 SII, 5s occ nc 3 0'c0 e'e'ss eceeaus 99,
Meter Tests The DW severe eee ewes ae Automobile House of the ‘“‘New Century” Thornycroft Steam Wagon.................. 227
Apartments ........66 cescccceccsscseeces 108 Toledo Steam Stanhope. ............... cove See

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