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My dear diary,

I have an unpleasant day again. The memories of the past haunt me again, and my deeds
committed then do not stop haunting me. But I was especially fusled (Passive voice – Past
simple) by an event which, if it hadn't happened, I would not have these moral torments
today (III Conditional). However, I believe that if I have the courage to publicly confess my
guilt, I will get rid of these moral torments (I Conditionals). But I have always lacked
(Present Perfect Simple) courage and I will still lack it.

When I was young, I was an active member of a religious organization. Because of this and my
religious beliefs, I was arrested (Passive voice – Past simple) togheter with several other young
people. But I could have avoided that arrest if I had given up my beliefs and become a quiet
citizen. (III Conditional)

In prison it was not as I had expected (Past Perfect Simple). I had been frightened (Passive
voice – Past perfect) by the police and the other detainees soon after they locked me up. The
courage had left (Past perfect simple) me too soon. Because I had soon proved ( Past perfect
Simple) my cowardice, I was offered (Passive voice – Past simple) to become a traitor. Damn
that day! If it weren't for their proposal, I would be in peace today. ( II Conditionals) But

life is cruel and can put you to very difficult tests and if you don't have enough moral
strength, it will take you down. (I Conditionals) Deluded with the thought of a possible
release, I had accepted (Past perfect simple) their proposal without any hesitation.

What followed after this crucial moment in my life, I will tell you another day because pain and
emotion have overwhelmed me(Past perfect simple). Now I know one thing...if I had
courage, I would not have been so tormented today. (III Conditionals)

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