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(Bauman, 2003) – Human beings have encountered changes, especially Social relationship and Social
structures, Globalization is a very important change.

(Albrow, 1996) – globalization makes us see ourselves as part of “Global age”.

(Al-Rhodan,2006) – it cannot be contained within a specific time frame, all people, and situations.

(Thomas larsson 2001) – saw globalization as “the process of world shrinkage”, of distances getting
shorter, things moving closer, increasing ease with somebody on one side of the world.

Martin Khan 1990 – once regarded globalization as colonization.

The Task of Defining Globalization

1. Broad and Inclusive

2. Narrow and exclusive

Ohmae 1992 – “Globalization means the onset of the borderless world”

Robert Cox’s – “The characteristics of the globalization trend Include the Internalization of production,
International division of labor, migratory from south to north.

Geneva Center for Security Policy (GCSP 2006) – 67 of them refer to economic, Include political and
social dimensions as well.

Kumar 2003 – The debate about what can be done about globalization and what it is are similar,
defining globalization is a useless task.

Ritzer (2015) – “Globalization is a trans planetary process or a set of process involving, increasing
liquidity and growing flows of people, objects, places, and information.

Arjun Appodurai (1996) – “Globalization is a ‘world of things’ that have different speeds, axes and
points of origin and termination’, varied relationships to Institutional structures, regions, nations, or

Cesare poppi (1997) – The literature stemming from the debate on globalization grew in the last decade
beyond any individual’s capability.

Ritzer(2003) – “Attitudes toward globalization depend, among other things or whether one gains or
loses from it.”

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