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0. Mount iso-file MATLAB R2021b.iso to virtual disk.

For Windows 8 and lower you probably need soft like Daemon Tools Lite (or

1. Run setup.exe from that virtual disk and if you see login/password/signin form
(you gave access to internet for installer)
then in upper left corner in "Advanced Options" select setup mode "I have a
File Installation Key"
If internet access is absent then required setup mode will be auto-selected
and you do not need to select in manually

2. When you will be asked to "Enter File Installation Key" enter


3. When you will be asked to "Select License File" select file "license.lic"
from folder with Matlab911R2021b_Win64.iso file

4. Then select folder where you want Matlab to be installed (<matlabfolder>)

5. When you will be asked to "Select products" select components you need
If you will leave all components selected Matlab will need about 30Gb of disk
space and somewhat longer startup time
If you left only "MATLAB" - 3Gb of disk space
You better install Matlab on SSD disk for better startup time, so most likely
you do not want to waste SSD-disk size for nothing

6. Then in "Select Options" select "Add shortcut to desktop"

7. Components setup progress may be shown incorrectly (for example always show
0%) ... just wait
Or if installation process takes too long start to monitor size of
<matlabfolder> folder
If the size is not growing after several minutes then restart setup from step

8. After installation is done copy file "libmwlmgrimpl.dll" from folder with

Matlab911R2021b_Win64.iso file
to ALREADY EXISTING FOLDER "<matlabfolder>\bin\win64\matlab_startup_plugins\
WITH OVERWRITING OF EXISTING FILE (<matlabfolder> - is where you have selected
to install Matlab on step 4)
If you was NOT asked about overwriting then you are doing something wrong (or
Matlab was not installed successfully)!!!

9. If desktop shortcut was not created (or was created bad shortcut)
then create new shortcut or change existing one so that it run the

10. Work with Matlab :)

If setup hang in step 1-7 then force to close it and start setup again from step 1

During update/change of already working Matlab there is no need to execute step 3
Step 8 might be necessary to repeat (if during update/change of Matlab file
"libmwlmgrimpl.dll" was overwritten)
If after update/change you get error during startup of Matlab then first try to
redo the step 8

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