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This is a description of unit 2 Tieng Anh 3. The theme is : What's your name?


- Number of lesson of Units : 3

- Number of components per learning Unit : 3*2 peroids

- Component heading:

     + Lesson 1: Look , Listen and repeat ; Point and say; Let's talk; Listen and tick; Let's write; Let's

     + Lesson 2: Look , Listen and repeat ; Point and say; Let's talk; Listen and number; Read and
complete; Let's write

     + Lesson 3: Listen and read; Listen and write; Le't's chant; Read and match; Read and Write;

- Overview of some sections:

     + Lesson 1 starts with Look, listen and repeat . This section has key vocabulary and structure in
comic form to provide student with reading. in comic  has four st greet each other and introduce the
name of them. In the first of one , Nam and Peter. The second exchange is a greeting between Linda
and Mai. The main structure are ; What's your name?  ; My name's.................

       Next , The part 2 and 3 with point and say and Let's talk. this section has key struture " What's
your name? " in comic . Student  point some name are : Peter, Phong, Quân, Linda, Nam, Mai  ask
your friend " What's your name?. In the part 4 stars with Listen and tick. this section student will
listen four converations and guess name of person by how to spell their name. In the part 5 provides
student key structure to practice through writing skill. Finally, in the part 6 with let's sing , student
practice pronunciation  and rythm of English song is  "The alphabet song "'

     + Lesson 2 starts with look, listen and reapeat. This section has key vocabulary and a new
structure in comic form to provide student with reading. In comic has two student are Nam and
Linda. Name ask name how to spell of her name. the key vocabulary : How, do , spell  . The main
structure is How do you spell your name? . In the part 3. This is section has key structure in comic
form to provide student practice. Student get know your friend in school by answer their name and
how to spell their name. Next, in the part 4 and 5. Student practices listening with some dialogues.
Finally, Let’s write . It provides student key structure to practice through writing skill.

     + Lesson 3 starts with point and say . This section has key sound ‘M” “P” in the conversation to
provide student with pronunciation. The main structure are :” My name’s Mai” ; “ Hello Peter”. The
next part , Listen and write . this section provides practice of key sound through 2 skills. In the part
3 , Let’s Chant. It provides student practice pronunciation  and rythm of English song is “ What’s your
name? through key structure “ What’s your name?”; “ Nice to meet you” and key vocabulary My
name’s, Peter, Linda, Mai. In the part 4 Read and match and part 5 read and complte , It help
student review the key structure in the unit through reading and writing skill. The last part , Project. It
creates project to student works in group or individually. The main structure are “ What’s your name:
and key word : My name’s…”

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