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Interview Question
Sample Answer
What are your
greatest strengths?
Sample Answer:

I have a solid work ethic. When I'm working on a

project, I don't just want to meet deadlines. Rather, I
prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule.
Last year, I even earned a bonus for completing my
three most recent reports one week ahead of time.

Ashley Tan
What are your
greatest weaknesses?
Sample Answer:

My greatest weakness is time management. I have

always been very detail-oriented, so it sometimes takes
me longer to finish a project than I initially think it will.
This is why I started using time-tracking software in
my last job. It made me more conscious of the time a
task takes me and helped me never miss a deadline

Ashley Tan
Why should we hire you?
Sample Answer:

Based on the job description, you need someone who

can help improve your marketing campaign to increase
your brand visibility. That is one of the strengths that I
am constantly working on to develop. In my previous
job, I led the marketing team in rebranding the business
to make it more authentic to its values. We also
amplified online presence, which resulted in an 80%
boost to social media engagements. I hope to do the
same, if not better, for your organisation.

Ashley Tan
How would you describe
your previous employer?
Sample Answer:

ABC Company has a positive work environment that is

conducive to a successful workforce. It empowered me
to step outside of my comfort zone, which helped me
discover the abilities that I never knew I had. I am
thankful for my experience in the company, but I think
that it is time for me to try a new environment to
further broaden my horizon.

Ashley Tan
Why did you quit your
previous job?

Sample Answer:

I had been with the organisation for nearly a decade,

and I feel that I have exhausted the growth
opportunities that they can offer. I am constantly
looking for ways to improve my craft, and I believe that
experiencing a new environment will help me with this.

Ashley Tan
Why do you want to work
for our company?
Sample Answer:

I saw that you highly value your employees and

provide them with a work environment that allows
them to focus on their strengths and performance. This
is very evident in the quality of services your
employees provide. I believe that this kind of culture will
help me grow professionally and become an even
greater asset for the company.

Ashley Tan

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