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1) Is it OK to read the documents and look at the graphics files that are stored on users'
computers or in their directories on the file server?
ANSWER: No. They should ask for permission before opening any files or they might face a
consequence if anything happened to the user’s file.
2) Should you read the private e-mail of your network users just because you can? Is it
OK to read employees' e-mail as a security measure to ensure that sensitive company
information isn't being disclosed? Is it OK to read employees' e-mail to ensure that
company rules (for instance, against personal use of the e-mail system) aren't being
violated? If you do read employees' e-mail, should you disclose that policy to them?
Before or after the fact?
ANSWER: No, I think its ethically wrong to read private e-mails of my network users,
breaching this kind of privacy may lead them to distrust you in the future. They may even sue
you as these e-mails may contain private information of the users which they would like to be
kept secret. I think it is not okay to read employees’ e-mail but countermeasures should be
placed such as company documents should only be shared using the issued company email as
to track that one but not personal e-mail’s. If companies issue an office email to be used, I
think it is okay to review and not secretly read employees’ e-mail’s as long as all parties are
informed of the matter and no one is uninformed so that the e-mail will maintain consistency
without being violated and will follow the rules respectively. If you do need to read
employees’ e-mails they should be told beforehand that it will be reed to give them time to
audit their e-mails and help build trust in the company.

He/ she is afraid and is seeking your advice to solve the problem. How can he/she avoid
from falling prey to a ransomware in the future?
Find another
hacker that have a
Decrypter key or
something else to
get rid of it , or we
can search for the
specialist to just
wipe clean the PC. Set up a sandbox
Use safe backups to isolated
and program and environments that
software sources can run programs
to restore your and execute files
computer or outfit without affecting
a new platforms. the host device or

How to solve ransomware

problems & how to avoid
from falling prey.

Learn the Ins and

Purchase an Anti
Outs of basic
virus to ensure
computing so that
your pc it is
you do not fall
protected from
prey to these
attacks and clean
attacks so that you
and scan your PC
may keep yourself
once in a while.
Set up Ad blockers
to ensure all
employee devices
and browsers have
plug-ins and
extensions that
block pop-up ads.
Assignment 2 (Chapter11)

Part 1
Most libraries use computerized databases to keep track of their collections. These
databases are used to determine if the library owns a certain book, where the book can be
found, and sometimes whether or not the book is available. Often it is possible to search for
books by title, author, or subject matter. Many databases contain not only books on the
library’s own shelves, but also titles in related libraries where visitors have borrowing
privileges. Look at INTI library’s WebOPAC that uses a database. Research to find out
more about how the database is used. How many books are represented? What type of
information does the database contain? How is the database searched? What are the
benefits of using a database? What are the drawbacks?

Databases in libraries are like a searchable electronic index of published resources. Databases in
libraries provide access to research materials such as magazines, newspapers, and academic
journals. The type of database used in the library is a relational database management system. A
relational database management system is a type of database that stores and provides access to
data that are related to one another. The data stored in a relational database is stored in a
structured format using rows and columns. The values within each table are related to each other
or other tables. The database in libraries provides access to magazines, scholarly journals,
newspapers, reference books, audio and video content. The data is stored as a record with a
primary key that uniquely identifies each record. The database is searched by identifying key
words and phrases that are relevant to the desired result. Users can format keywords and phrases
and then turning these keywords and phrases into effective searches. Users can also use filters to
limit the search results to further optimize the searches. The benefits of using a database includes
controlling data redundancy, minimizing data inconsistency, data abstraction, shareable data,
provides high data security and supports multi user access. As for the drawbacks, the database
requires high maintenance costs in order to keep it running. A database needs to have a high-
speed processor and large memory. The sophisticated software it uses is also expensive and
requires upgrading alongside the hardware over time. The library has to hire skilled programmers
to maintain the database as well. Another drawback is that the library staff needs to be trained in
order to have sufficient knowledge on using databases.
Part 2
Using the resources in Part 1 you are developing a new library system that has additional
functions. What will be the steps in the development of this new system and research on the
programming language that could be used to create this system.

The steps in developing a new library system are planning phase, analysis phase, design phase,
implementation phase and support and security phase. During the planning phase, I have to
determine what the new library system’s function will be and form a project development team.
In the analysis phase, I have to conduct a preliminary investigation to determine the nature of the
problem or improvement. I have to study how the previous library system works and determine
the new function and come out with a new solution. In the next step, I have to produce a data
model then expand to logical data model then expand to physical data. Logical design of the
database with tables has to be constructed next to define the relations and constraints. Finally, I
will have to refine and normalize the database to minimize the data redundancy. For this
database, 4GLwill be used as the programming language because it is a nonprocedural language
that enables users and software developers to access data in a database. One type of 4GL that we
can use as a programming language for developing a database is SQL. Data management 4GLs
such as SQL provides coding commands for data manipulation, file reshaping, case selection,
and data documentation in the preparation of data for statistical analyst and reporting.

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