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True love is indeed a precious feeling, and everyone longs to experience it. If cupid
doesn’t bring true love into your life, how could you find it? While there’s no sure
shot formula to find true love, there’re a few tips to increase your chances.
Some of you may have experienced at least one love. Regardless of any reason that
makes these relationship broken, stop fearing worst and let go of the past. Letting
go is not an easy thing to do. It may be easier for some, but harder for others.
You need time to identify the pain or suffering you may still feel from past
experiences. This may require some deep self-reflection because you have to sit
down, refer back to the moments that have completely changed your life by making
questions like: What fears/negative thoughts are you holding onto? What regrets do
you have? How has the past impacted you? Don’t be quick, you can control your
Figuring out the reason why the past hurts you can help you get over the pain. You
could accept that there is no point carrying negative emotions, & you are
wasting your time.
So, deal with your fears, be confident and step out of your comfort zone to find
your true love.
Being able to let go of pain opens the door to new possibilities and new
relationships. Opening your heart or your eyes is important to get ready for true
I strongly believe that the act of forgiving someone who betrayed you or hurt you
is one of the most selfless gestures you can think of, since that you do this for
yourself, not who hurts you. Therefore, develop a positive attitude that can pave
the way for happiness and joy in life.
True love means to be able to accept a person as they are, no matter what they
look like. He could be fat, but he’s always think of your own benefits. She could be
thin, but she has a warm heart. Gradually date to them to have deep understanding,
don’t let the appearance prevent you from getting your true love.
When you date to them, you could share more about your interests, your habits.
This may be a good way to narrow the gap between you and your new partner,
and also break the ice as well.
To find true love, you must first love yourself. How can you love someone when
you do not love yourself? Love yourself is about being comfortable in your own
skin, enjoying solitude and being happy with how you look, talk or dress, and not
needing another person to “feel complete.” Such self-confidence will not only
make you attractive but also help you understand others.
Final slide: …of course you may not be possible to find all those qualities in a
person, and that’s OK. You’re an couple and could support and fill up each other to
be better and better.
We only have about 2 or 3 months to welcome the winter back, until then I hope
you guys could find your partner, your true love that he or she could give you a hug
or make you warm in this winter.

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