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Teste de Avaliao


Complete as frases com a forma correta do verbo To Be . Depois passe-as para a

forma negativa e interrogativa:

a) She ____ a secretary.
N ______________________________________________________________
I ______________________________________________________________
b) We ____ Brazilian.
N ______________________________________________________________
I ______________________________________________________________
c) I ____ a lawyer.
N ______________________________________________________________
I ______________________________________________________________

Escolha a melhor alternativa para os nmeros abaixo:

a) 53 ( Fifty-three / Fifti-three ).
b) 38 ( Thirthy-eight / Thirty-eight ).
c) 144 ( One hundread fourty-four / One hundred forty-four ).
d) 526 ( Five hundred twenty-six / Faive hundread twenty-sixty ).
3. Answer these questions about you?
a) Whats your name?


b) Where are you from?


c) How old are you?


d) What do you do?



Complete as frases usando o Presente Contnuo (Present Continuous). Depois

passe-as para a forma negativa e interrogativa:

a) I _____ __________ with my English teacher. (to talk).
N ______________________________________________________________
I ______________________________________________________________

They _____ __________ the homework. (to do).

N - ______________________________________________________________
I - _______________________________________________________________

She _____ __________ her mother. (to wait).

N - ______________________________________________________________
I - ______________________________________________________________

5. Choose the correct responses:

a) How often do you go swimming?
) I guess Im OK.
) Once a week.
b) How long do you spend in the swimming pool?
) About 45 minutes.
) About three miles.
c) How well do you swim?
) I almost never do.
) Im swim very well.
6. Complete this conversation with was, wasnt, were, or werent:
A: How __________ your vacation in Peru, Julia?
B: It __________ great. I really enjoyed it.
A: How long __________ you there?
B: We __________ there for two weeks.
A: __________ you in Lima all the time?
B: No, we __________ . We __________ in the mountains for a few days.
A: And how __________ the weather? __________ it good?
B: No, it _________ good at all. The city __________ very hot, and the mountains
__________ really cold!
7. Complete these conversations using the Simple Present.
I) Ed:
you _________ country music, Sarah?
(to like)
Sarah: Yes, I ______. Im a real fan of Garth Brooks.
Ed: Oh, _________ he _________ the guitar?

(To play)

Sarah: Yes, he _________. Hes my favorite musician.

II) Scott: Teresa, _________ you _________ Mariah Carey?

(to like)

Teresa: No, I ________ . I _________ Celine Dion. (to like)

Scott: I dont know her. What Kind of music _________ she ________? (to sing)
Teresa: She ________ pop songs. Shes really great!

(to sing)

8. Complete the conversation. Use the Past Tense of the words given.
A: Did you lose (lose) anything valuable?
B: Yes, I __________ (lose) my watch last month.
A: __________ you __________ (find) it yet?
B: No. Actually, I __________ (buy) a new one yesterday. Look!

A: Oh, thats nice. What about you? __________ you ever __________ (lose) anything
A: Well, I __________ (leave) my address book in a pay phone a couple of months ago.
B: Maybe thats why you __________ (not realize) that you __________ (lose) it.
A: Thats right. I cant even remember my own phone number! But you __________ (not
call) me last night. Whats your excuse?
B: I told you. I __________ (lose) my watch, so I __________ (not have) the time!
A: Very funny!
9. Match the verb forms (Present Past) in columns A and B
1. be ____
a. went
2. call ____
b. did
3. do ____
c. saw
4. eat ____
d. was / were
5. go
e. called
6. have ____
f. made
7. make ____
g. had
8. see ____
h. ate
10. What are you going to do ?
a) Next Sunday


to go out dinner

with my family.

b) Tonight
c) Next Saturday

Reading the text below.

Most people need seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Some people need less
than this, and some people need more.
According to sleep expert Dr. Robert Schachter, many people have difficulty
sleeping, but they do not know why. Most people know it is important not to drink coffee or
tea before they go to bed both beverages have caffeine. Caffeine keeps people awake.
However, not everybody knows that some medicines, such as cold tablets, also have

caffeine in them. Stress can cause insomnia, too. Busy people with stressful jobs may not
be able to sleep at night.
Dr. Schachter suggest, You shouldnt use your bedroom as a TV room or an
exercise room. You should use it for sleeping only. Its a good idea to have a regular
sleeping schedule. Get up and go to bed at the same time every day. Its also important
not to eat before bedtime. Eating may keep you awake.
And if all this doesnt work, try counting sheep!!!!!
- Check ( X ) True or False:


1. Everyone needs eight hours of sleep a night.

2. Caffeine helps you fall asleep.

3. Busy people may have trouble falling asleep.

4. You should have regular sleeping hours.

5. Counting sheep may help.

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