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I'm intrepid in my struggle to create excellence and ignite young minds.

I have always been a multi-

tasker throughout my academic life.

From school to the university, During my whole academic studies, I have always been a class
representative which helped to enhance my leadership skills. To strengthen myself physically, I enjoy
sports as I am a player in university's basketball, badminton, and football team. I have become an active
participant in multiple societies, clubs, and training programs organizations that provided me with the
practical tools required to understand and to navigate the social and community development process.
To strengthen myself physically and psychologically, I enjoy different sports. Talking about
SRHFurthermore, talking about Sexual and Reproductive Health is still a taboo in our society, that’s why
from last couple of months, I’m running leading an awareness campaign on menstrual hygiene
awareness to empower young girls in my community.

My zeal My early childhood interest for for English language learning inspired me to write short stories,
articles, and blogs and brought me to one of the top universituniversities in Pakistan. ies from a remote
area. I'm set I have intention of on being an English language professor and author in future. I got aTo
meet my future goals, I have participated in many scholarship programs to improve my English
language, entrepreneurial, technical, and professional skills. Currently, I'm voluntarily teaching as a
volunteer to the street children to eradicate illiteracy and giving tuition to meet my educational
expenses. My burning desire basic motive is to teach young minds to take bold steps and highlight the
perverse realities of our society.

Through this program, I would be able am hoping to study and practically analyze bold western English
writings literature and I have intention to learn the advance tools and techniques of writing. the which
are considered sensitive and unavailable in Pakistan. This program will take me a step closer to my long-
term future goals and it would be helpful to contribute to US areas of work in Pakistan.i am looking to
contribute to my society more efficiently, after return.

Now your personal statement is quite good, and this PS has the guts to get a place in the program.

I have made some changes, and these are a few suggestions from my side that you can consider:

1. Make opening lines compelling and more impressive. Try to compel the reader with your biggest
achievement. This program is looking for extraordinary people.

2. Talk more about the impact that you have created through your activities and engagements if you did
any anything for your community. Is there any significant impact that you've created so far?

3. Talk bit more about your motivation to pursue the English language studies and how you can bring
change with your studies!


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