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Amanda Mohammed Form 1:3

Monday 12th. April 2021.

Creative Writing
Topic #2
#2. James was on his way home when he noticed a strange car
parked in front of his house.
Write an interesting story about what happened next.
You may include vivid, detailed description of:
. What James saw
. What he did
. how he felt

The Strange Car

One lovely, sunny day, James was on his home from the market. While
James was walking to his house, which was five blocks away, he notices a
bird's nest at Mrs. Peirce's house. He was tempted to look at birds closer, but
he knew that his mother was waiting for him.
James was now three minutes away from his house when he noticed a
strange car parked in front of his house. Walking up closer to his front yard
he saw it was a black corolla plated, PBX 4076. He got scared because he
knew that no one was coming over to their house and he also didn’t recognize
the car.
James walked up closer to yard, leaning on his neighbor's fence. As he
was in front of his yard, he heard a bark. James turned around and it was his
dog, Charlie. His dog was so excited to see him that he barks more and more.
Charlie then jumps up on James and licked him in his face. James put his
finger on his lips so that the dog can be quiet. Afterwards, James walked
quietly to the side of his house to the back yard with Charlie right behind him
James reached his hands out to open the door at the back of the house;
that’s when he heard a scream it was his mother's voice. James then knew
that he had to do something. He then made up his mind to go inside of the
house. With anxiousness, James ran through the back door. He ran through
the kitchen and into the living room as there he saw shadows. Slowing down,
James notices that it was his aunt and uncle from Canada, Jennifer and Mark
He would call them at least twice for the week because they lived in
another country. After he saw that it was his aunt and uncle his mother said
with a chuckle “Well Finally, I have been waiting for that butter forever.”
“James your aunt, uncle, mother and I have been planning this for a while
and we thought that we would surprise you.” His father added. Next everyone
yelled “Surprise!”
James was really surprised and excited at the same time. His aunt and
uncle rushed in for a hug. We hugged very tight and for an exceedingly long
time. “Look at what your aunt bought me!” his mother shouted, handing him
a small black box. As he opened the box, he saw that it was the keys to a
BMW. After looking at the car keys for a while his mom jumped up in
excitement again as she yelled quickly “Let's go for a drive!”


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