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Friday 7th. May, 2021

The Circulatory System

1.The circulatory system, also called cardiovascular system, is a

vital organ system that delivers essential substances to all cells for
basic functions to occur. Also commonly known as the
cardiovascular system, is a network composed of the heart as a
centralized pump, bloods vessels that distribute blood throughout
the body, and the blood itself, for transportation of different

The circulatory system is divided into two separate loops: The

shorter pulmonary circuit that exchanges blood between the heart
and the lungs for oxygenation; and the longer systemic circuit that
distributes blood throughout all other systems and tissues of the
body. Both of these circuits begin and end in the heart.

2. The structure of the circulatory system is a complex network of pumps

and vessels that transports nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. Blood
travels in a circular path through the circulatory system. The heart pumps
blood to all parts of the body, and within about a minute, that blood returns to
the heart to be pumped out once again.

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