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Group :
1. Amelia wulandari (121120003)
2. Ratno (121120011)
3. Rizma Anggraeni D.P (121120012)
4. Zerin Mercillia A. (121120015)
5. Salva fatihah (121120017)
What circulatory system?

The circulatory system is also

referred to as the cardiovascular
system. This system is part of the
performance of the heart and
blood vessel network. Its main job
is to circulate oxygen and
nutrients throughout the cells and
tissues of the body.
Example of circulatory system
Why is blood circulation important?
The main function of the circulatory system is to circulate oxygen, nutrients, and hormones throughout
the cells and tissues of the body. In addition, the human circulatory system functions to drain the rest
of the metabolic process in the form of carbon dioxide to be excreted through the lungs and maintain a
stable body temperature.
In addition to circulating oxygen and nutrients, the circulatory system still has several other
important functions, such as:
1. helps to regulate body temperature and pH.
2. Speeds up the wound healing process.
3. maintain the function of various organ systems in the body.
4. Remove the rest of the metabolic processes, such as carbon dioxide through the lungs.
5. Distributes various hormones throughout the body.
The Important Role of Blood to the HeartIn the circulatory system, there are three components in
the body involved, namely blood, blood vessels, and heart. All three are interrelated and work together
to circulate blood to every cell throughout the body. Well, here are the functions of each of the three:
major organs in blood circulation
• Blood
Blood is a very vital component. The role of blood is very many,
ranging from carrying oxygen, hormones, nutrients, to antibodies
throughout the body. According to the National Institutes of Health,
blood is made up of both liquids and solids.
The liquid part is called plasma which is made of water, salt, and
protein. More than half of the blood in the body is plasma blood. The
solid part of the blood contains red blood cells, white blood cells, and
Red blood cells deliver oxygen from the lungs to other body
tissues and organs. Meanwhile, white blood cells (WBC) fight infection
and are part of the immune system. While platelets help blood clot when
the body is injured or injuredCells in the body can die, but will be
replaced by new cells produced by the bone marrow. Red blood cells live
about 120 days, and platelets live about 6 days. While some white blood
cells live less than a day, others live longer.
• Blood Vessels
Blood in the body will be circulated throughout the body through blood
vessels. Well, the blood vessels in the body are divided into two types,
namely arteries and veins. Arteries are responsible for carrying
oxygenated blood to all tissues and organs of the body.
These blood vessels are in charge of carrying oxygen-rich blood from the
heart to all tissues and organs of the body, except for the pulmonary
arteries. Meanwhile, the veins in charge of carrying blood from all
tissues and organs of the body to return to the heart.
Venous blood vessels are further divided into two, namely large veins
(vena cava) and pulmonary veins (pulmonary veins). Large veins are in
charge of carrying dirty blood from all over the body which is then
transported to the lungs to be exchanged for oxygen through breathing.
While the pulmonary veins carry clean blood that contains lots of
oxygen from the lungs to the heart.
In humans, the function and structure of blood vessels can be affected by
various diseases and conditions. Some examples that affect it include
inflammation, atherosclerosis (fatty deposition on the endothelium of
arteries), and hypertension, where narrowing of the arterioles causes an
abnormal increase in blood pressure.
• Heart
The heart is an organ in the body that works non-stop, from the beginning to the end of life. The heart
continues to beat throughout life to pump blood throughout the body through the veins. This organ is
located in the middle of the chest cavity, precisely behind the left side of the breastbone. The heart has four
chambers which are divided into two chambers (ventricles) and two atria (atria). In the left atrium and
ventricle, the heart contains pure blood, while box blood is found in the right ventricle and atrium.
How the Heart Pumps Blood?
The way the heart works is divided into two, namely between the
right side of the heart and the left side. Here's how the right and
left side of the heart work to understand:
1. The right side of the heart works to receive blood with a
little oxygen content from the blood vessels. Then the right
side of the heart will pump blood to the lungs. In the lungs,
the blood will pick up oxygen and release its carbon dioxide
content. That way, the blood has enough oxygen content to
then flow throughout the body.
2. After the blood has managed to pick up oxygen. then the
blood will be flowed back to the heart side Now. In this
case, the left side of the heart receives oxygen-rich blood
and then pumps it through the arteries throughout the body.
3. In its function of pumping blood. The heart has four
separate chambers or chambers in charge of pumping blood.
This function is performed by two chambers on the right
side and two chambers on the left side
How the Heart Works Flowing Blood?
In this case, the heart works together with the lungs to be able to circulate blood optimally to all parts of the
body. There are four steps taken by the heart and lungs in circulating blood throughout the body, which are as
1. The right atrium receives oxygen-deficient blood from the body and pumps it into the right ventricle
through the tricuspid valve.
2. Then, the right ventricle that receives oxygen-poor blood pumps blood to the lungs through the pulmonary
3. After the blood has finished taking oxygen from the lungs, the next blood will be flowed back into the left
ventricle through the mitral valve.
4. Finally, the left ventricle, which receives oxygen-rich blood, pumps and circulates the blood throughout the
body through the aortic valve.
Of the four stages, please note that the left and right atria are small spaces in charge of pumping blood to
the ventricles. While the right and left ventricles are more powerful pumps. However, compared to the right
ventricle, the left ventricle has a stronger and most powerful ability because it is in charge of pumping blood
throughout the body.
Under normal circumstances, the four chambers of the heart work together and continuously to keep
oxygen-rich blood flowing properly throughout the body. In its performance, the heart has its own electrical
system that coordinates the heart rhythm and controls the frequency of the heartbeat at all times.
what is the nervous system?
The nervous system is an organ system
consisting of nerve fibers composed of
interconnected nerve cells and is essential for
sensory sensory perception, voluntary and
involuntary motor activity of organs or tissues of
the body, and homeostasis of various
physiological processes of the body.
Example of Nervous system
why is the nervous system important?
The nervous system is a complex network that has an important role in regulating
every activity in the body. Some of the functions of the nervous system that you often hear
about are to think, see, move, to regulate the various organs of the body.
In general, the nervous system in humans has several functions. The functions are:
1. Gathering information from inside and outside the body (sensory function).
2. Sends information to the brain and spinal cord.
3. Processing information in the brain and spinal cord (integration function).
4. Sends information to muscles, glands, and organs so they can respond appropriately
(motor function).
major organs in nervous system
• Brain
The brain is the main controlling engine of all body
functions. As mentioned above, this organ is part of the human
central nervous system. If the central nervous system is the
control center of the body, then the brain is its headquarters.
The brain is divided into several parts with their
respective functions. In general, the brain consists of the
cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem, and other parts of the brain.
These parts are protected by the skull and the membranes of the
brain (meninges) and surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid to
prevent brain injury.
• spinal cord

Like the brain, the spinal cord is also part of

the central nervous system. The spinal cord is
directly connected to the brain via the
brainstem and then flows along the vertebral
The spinal cord plays a role in daily
activities by sending signals from the brain to
other parts of the body and instructing
muscles to move. In addition, the spinal cord
also receives sensory input from the body,
processes it, and sends the information to the
no less important part of the anatomy of the nervous system is the
nerve cell itself or called a neuron. The function of a nerve cell or
neuron is to transmit nerve impulses.
Based on their function, neurons are divided into three types,
namely sensory neurons that carry messages to the central nervous
system, motor neurons that carry messages from the central nervous
system, and interneurons that transmit messages between sensory and
motor neurons in the central nervous system.
Each neuron or nerve cell consists of three parts or basic structures.
The anatomy of these neurons, namely:
1. The cell body, which has a nucleus.
2. Dendrites, which are shaped like branches and function to receive
stimuli and carry impulses to the cell body.
3. The axon is the part of the nerve cell that carries impulses away
from the cell body. Axons are generally surrounded by myelin,
which is a dense, fatty layer that protects nerves and helps
messages pass. In peripheral nerves, this myelin is produced by
Schwann cells.
These nerve cells can be found throughout the body and
communicate with each other to produce physical responses and
actions. According to the National Institutes of Health, it is estimated
that there are about 100 billion neurons in the brain. These nerve cells
include 12 pairs of cranial nerves, 31 pairs of spinal nerves, and
how the nervous system works?
The nervous system works through a complex network
of neurons, which are the basic functions of the cells of the
nervous system. Neurons conduct signals or impulses between
the two components of the nervous system, namely the central
and peripheral nervous systems. There are three types of
neurons, sensory neurons, motor neurons, and interneurons.
Sensory neurons transmit stimuli or impulses received
from the sense organs to the brain and spinal cord. Information
conveyed to the brain, the brain then processes these stimuli
and sends them back to other bodies, telling them how to react
to certain types and stimuli. Motor neurons are responsible for
receiving signals from the nerves of the brain and spinal cord,
and sending them to other parts of the body. On the other hand,
interneurons are concerned with reading the impulses, which
are received from the sensory neurons and deciding the
response to be generated.
Human Body Fact
1. The human body is made up of a head, neck, torso, two arms and two legs.  The average height of an
adult human is about 5 to 6 feet tall.  The human body is made to stand erect, walk on two feet, use
the arms to carry and lift, and has opposable thumbs (able to grasp).
2. The adult body is made up of: 100 trillion cells, 206 bones,600 muscles, and  22 internal organs.
3. There are many systems in the human body:
• Circulatory System (heart, blood, vessels)
• Respiratory System (nose, trachea, lungs)
• Immune System (many types of protein, cells, organs, tissues)
• Skeletal System (bones)
• Excretory System (lungs, large intestine, kidneys)
• Urinary System (bladder, kidneys)
• Muscular System (muscles)
• Endocrine System (glands)
• Digestive System (mouth, esophogus, stomach, intestines)
• Nervous System (brain, spinal cord, nerves)
• Reproductive System (male and female reproductive organs)
4. Every square inch of the human body has about 19 million skin cells.
5. Every hour about 1 billion vells in the human body must be replaced.
6. The average human head has about 100,000 hairs.
7. The circulatory system of arteries, veins, and capillaries is about 60,000 miles long.
8. The heart beats more than 2.5 billion times in an average lifetime.
9. There are about 9,000 taste buds on the surface of the tongue, in the throat, and on the roof of the
10. The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.
11. The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.
12. When you sneeze, all bodily functions stop ... Even your heart.
13. You blink over 10,000,000 times a year.
14. The human brain weighs about 3 pounds.
15. It takes about 20 seconds for a red blood cell to circle the whole body.
16. Only 7% of the population are left handed.
17. One fourth of the bones in your body are in your feet.
18. The average person falls asleep in seven minutes.
19. Children tend to grow faster in the spring.
20. The most sensitive finger on the human hand is the index finger.
fakta tubuh manusia
1. Tubuh manusia terdiri dari kepala, leher, batang tubuh, dua lengan dan dua kaki.  Tinggi rata-rata
manusia dewasa adalah sekitar 5 hingga 6 kaki.  Tubuh manusia dibuat untuk berdiri tegak, berjalan
dengan dua kaki, menggunakan tangan untuk menggendong dan mengangkat, serta memiliki ibu jari
yang berlawanan (mampu menggenggam).
2. Tubuh orang dewasa terdiri dari: 100 triliun sel, 206 tulang, 600 otot, dan 22 organ dalam. 
3. Ada banyak sistem dalam tubuh manusia:
• Sistem Peredaran Darah (jantung, darah, pembuluh darah)
• Sistem Pernapasan (hidung, trakea, paru-paru) 
• Sistem Imun (banyak jenis protein, sel, organ, jaringan) 
• Sistem Rangka (tulang) 
• Sistem Ekskresi (paru-paru, usus besar, ginjal) 
• Sistem Perkemihan (kandung kemih, ginjal) 
• Sistem Otot (otot) 
• Sistem Endokrin (kelenjar) 
• Sistem Pencernaan (mulut, kerongkongan, lambung, usus) 
• Sistem Saraf (otak, sumsum tulang belakang, saraf) 
• Sistem Reproduksi (alat reproduksi pria dan wanita)
4. Setiap inci persegi tubuh manusia memiliki sekitar 19 juta sel kulit.
5. Setiap jam sekitar 1 miliar kulit dalam tubuh manusia harus diganti.
6. Rata-rata kepala manusia memiliki sekitar 100.000 helai rambut.
7. Sistem peredaran darah arteri, vena, dan kapiler panjangnya sekitar 60.000 mil. 
8. Jantung berdetak lebih dari 2,5 miliar kali dalam seumur hidup rata-rata. 
9. Ada sekitar 9.000 kuncup pengecap di permukaan lidah, di tenggorokan, dan di langit-langit mulut. 
10. Otot terkuat di tubuh adalah lidah. 
11. Jantung manusia menciptakan tekanan yang cukup ketika dipompa keluar ke tubuh untuk
menyemprotkan darah sejauh 30 kaki. 
12. Saat Anda bersin, semua fungsi tubuh berhenti... Bahkan jantung Anda. 
13. Anda berkedip lebih dari 10.000.000 kali setahun. 
14. Otak manusia beratnya sekitar 3 pon. 
15. Dibutuhkan sekitar 20 detik bagi sel darah merah untuk mengelilingi seluruh tubuh. 
16. Hanya 7% dari populasi yang kidal. 
17. Seperempat tulang di tubuh Anda ada di kaki Anda. 
18. Rata-rata orang tertidur dalam tujuh menit. 
19. Anak-anak cenderung tumbuh lebih cepat di musim semi. 
20. Jari yang paling sensitif di tangan manusia adalah jari telunjuk.

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