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1. Why should I study literature? Give 20 reasons!

1) Cultivate Creativity and Imagination
When reading literary works such as short stories or novels, for example, we will think
what if we become one of the characters in the story. Indirectly hone creativity and
imagination when imagining what is in the story actually happens. Creativity and
imagination can arise by creating other versions of the story in your mind.
2) Improve Communication Skills
With literature, we can learn and improve our ability to communicate with others.
Studying and reading literature more often will make it easier to compose good
sentences when you have to talk to other people. Not only speaking but also becoming
more aware of what is being said.
3) Cultivate Analytical Power
Frequently reading literary works which are generally fiction can be used as a way to
hone your analytical skills. Especially those who like literary works that have the genre
of mystery, detective, and the like. After reading the literary work, questions may arise
in the mind regarding the content of the story and begin to analyze according to the
questions that arise.
4) Improve Writing Ability
By diligently reading literary works, the more vocabulary you get, it will make it easier
is to write a work.
5) Increase Knowledge and Insights
By reading a lot and then analyzing, knowledge will increase from those who
previously did not know to become knowers. This means that literary works can be a
medium to increase your knowledge and insight. The more diverse genres and types of
literary works studied the more new knowledge can be absorbed.
6) To find out the relevance of literary works to the reality that exists in society.
7) Knowing all possible information about certain texts or literature in published or
published or unpublished materials in various forms such as manuscripts, books, and
8) Preserve literature in its proper form by using modern techniques.
9) Analyzing literature with the help of various branches of revision studies and editing
information to draw concrete conclusions according to the study that has been
established and for future study.
10) To better understand the literature in question.
11) To help explain to the readers who are less able to understand the work.
12) Literary works contain elements of education. In literary works, there are values of the
nation's cultural traditions from generation to generation. Literary works can be used as
a means of delivering teachings that are beneficial to their readers.
13) Literary works can be used as material for comparison or research on the socio-cultural
conditions of the people described in the literary work within a certain time.
14) Analysis of literary learning can foster sharper feelings. Compared to other subjects,
literature has more possibilities to recognize the series of possibilities of human life
such as; happiness, freedom, loyalty, pride weakness, defeat, despair, hatred, divorce,
and death. Someone who studies literature usually has a more sensitive feeling to point
out things that are valuable and not worth it.
15) The purpose of analyzing literary works is to increase understanding of the literary work
itself. By carrying out literary learning analysis activities, it is hoped that it can achieve
an appreciative goal.
16) Because literature plays an important role in human life as art in the spiritual or
psychological field for creators and audiences.
17) Great literary works give awareness to their readers about the truths of life.
18) Literary works give joy and inner satisfaction. So the entertainment provided is spiritual
and intellectual entertainment which according to many people is of a higher level than
physical happiness.
19) Reading great literary works helps to make the reader a cultured person. It means that
humans are responsive/sensitive / react to the noble things, which are good in this life.
20) Sharpen critical thinking skills. Readings will help us to think critically.
21) Explore published material as well as unpublished material at this time.
22) Finding hidden links in various unpublished materials in the context of ancient and
current research.
23) Finding the exact meaning of unsolved and doubtful concepts in various materials.
24) Save duplication of work to save money and time.
25) Knowing chronological research in the past is useful for conducting ideal research in
the present and the future.

2. Pick one literary work and explain how the relation literary work with the author!
A work that is closely related to the author's psychology is the novel Layangan Putus by Eca
Prasetya, also known as Mommy ASF. The novel Layangan Putus tells the story of a girl
named Kinanti who has made up her mind to marry Aris. However, during their domestic
life, Aris, Kinanti's husband, committed an affair that made Kinanti lose the child in her
womb. The idea in this novel is infidelity or the existence of a third person. The author,
Mommy ASF wrote this story in 2019 and divorced her husband in 2020. The reason for
their divorce was the existence of a third person, Mommy ASF wrote the story of Layangan
Putus based on her situation at that time, she found out about her husband's infidelity in
2019 and started writing it on her website. Facebook, and finally published in 2020 after her
divorce from her husband.
So the writer's psychological relationship with the novel Layangan Putus is the novel
Layangan Putus, which tells the story of an affair that destroys a family, written by the
author when his household was broken due to his husband's infidelity.

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