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1. abecedarian (adjective) formed by letters of the alphabet
2. aberration (noun) something abnormal or unexpected
3. advance (noun) to move forward in a purposeful way
4. advertisement (n.) an announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or
event or publicizing a job vacancy
5. amazing (adj.) very surprising and that makes you feel approval.
6. ancient (adj.) belonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence.
7. ancillary (adjective) subordinate or helping
8. apparent (adj) able to be seen or understood.
9. appliance (n.) a device or piece of equipment designed to perform a specific task
10. arch (singular noun) a curved top that is held by two supports
11. argument (noun) Disagreement
12. armpit (n.) the hollow under the arm and the shoulder.
13. astonishing (adj.) extremely surprising or impressive.
14. auxiliary (adjective) someone or something used in a supporting role
15. avoid (v.) keep away from or stop oneself from doing (something).
16. bacciferous (adjective) producing berries
17. balance (present verb) an even distribution of weight
18. beeswax (noun) wax secreted by bees to make honeycombs, also used to make
19. believe (verb) to think that something is true, correct, or real.
20. Bellwether (noun) someone or something that shows how a situation will develop or
21. blind (n.) a window cover or screen that is usually movable.
22. bookshelf (n.) a shelf that holds books.
23. boost (verb) an upward push
24. bouldering (n.) an activity in which people climb up and over rocks at low heights without
using ropes.
25. budget (noun) an amount of money you have available to spend.
26. bunch (n.) a group of people, things and even, animals.
27. bunk bed (n.) two beds attached together: one on top of the other.
28. buoy (noun) a floating object that is anchored to mark a location
29. cabin (n.) a small shelter or house made of wood.
30. cadet (singular noun) a person training in the armed forces or police
31. camouflage (noun) the process of making something less obvious
32. camping (v.) an activity of spending a vacation staying in a tent.
33. cancelled (past verb) for a planned event to not take place.
34. cannot (present verb) to not be able to do something.
35. celery (n.) a green vegetable with long, thin stems. it can be eaten raw or cooked.
36. century (n.) a period of one hundred years.
37. charade (noun) something that is done in order to pretend something is true when it is
not really true
38. cheese (singular noun a food made from milk curd.
39. chest of drawers (n.) a piece of furniture with drawers.
40. Chief (singular noun) a person who is in charge
41. chivalry (noun) very polite, honest, and kind behavior
42. chore (n.) a piece of work that needs to be done, especially a household one.
43. chubby (adj.) nor fat, nor thin.
44. clearance (noun) the process of removing things.
45. cliff (n.) a high area of land with a steep side next to the sea.
46. clothes dryer. (n.), appliance to dry clothes.
47. clothesline (n.), a rope or wire to hung washed clothes to dry.
48. coming (adjective) about to happen or just beginning.
49. commute (v.) to travel back and forth regularly
50. corruptible (adjective) capable of being corrupted
51. counselor (n.) a person who gives advice to people.
52. crisp (adj.) firm, dry, and that breaks easily, in a way considered pleasing or attractive.
53. crops (n.) crops are plants that are grown in large quantities for food.
54. cubby (n.) a small, snug space (for hiding or storage).
55. currency (n.) a system of money in use in a particular country
56. cycling (n.) the activity of riding a bicycle.
57. dairy (adj.) containing or made from milk.
58. demitasse noun a small cup used to serve coffee or espresso
59. denim (irregular noun) a type of material used for jeans
60. denouement (noun) the resolution in the plot
61. disposable (adj.) an article intended to be used once or until it is no longer useful and
then thrown away
62. docile (adjective) a passive person
63. doctor (singular noun) a person that treats sick people.
64. early (adj.) happening or done near the beginning of a particular time or period.
65. earthquake (n.) a sudden shaking of the earth’s surface caused by the passage of
seismic waves through earth’s rocks.
66. earwax (n.) the yellow waxy secretion from the glands of the external ear.
67. embarrassed (adj.) feeling or showing awkwardness, self-consciousness or shame.
68. entomologist (n.) a scientist who specializes in insects
69. entrepreneur (noun) a person who takes an idea, product, or service, and introduces it to
the marketplace
70. errand (n.) a short journey with the purpose of collecting or delivering something.
71. estuary (noun) the part of the river where meets the sea´s tide.
72. events (plural noun) things that are planned, social occasions or activities
73. expensive (adj.) that costs a lot of money
74. eyesore (n.) a thing that is very ugly, something that disfigures a landscape.
75. facility (n.) a place or space provided for a particular purpose.
76. facts (plural noun) things that are proven or known to be true
77. fearful (adj.) feeling afraid, showing fear or anxiety.
78. field (n.) an area usually covered with grass for people to play or practice a sport.
79. fossils fuels (noun). natural fuel formed underground from the remains of animals.
80. fume (n.) gas, smoke, or vapor that smells strongly or is dangerous to inhale.
81. funding (n.) money provided for a particular purpose.
82. furniture (n.) objects to help you feel comfortable in a place, e.g.: sofa, table, chair, etc.
83. gem (singular noun) a cut and polished stone.
84. geography (noun) the natural features of an area.
85. glaucous (adjective) of a pale yellow-green color
86. gloves (plural noun) hand covers to protect hands
87. gnat (singular noun) a small, flying, biting insect
88. gnaw (v present) to bite or chew something repeatedly.
89. grading system (n.) a numerical or lettered system that shows how well a student is
90. grate (v.) to break into small pieces by rubbing against a grater.
91. grind (v.) to reduce something, such as pepper or powder by crushing it.
92. guard (present verb) to watch or protect. lamb (singular) a young, or baby sheep.
93. gunpowder (noun) a mixture of saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal, used in fireworks.
94. hairstyle (n.) the way in which you arrange, comb, or cut your hair.
95. hazard (n.) a danger or risk.
96. hemorrhage (noun) a rapid loss of blood
97. high (adj.) something vertical that extends a long way from top to bottom.
98. hootenanny noun a casual performance by folk singers
99. inexorable (adjective) a stubborn or inflexible person
100. inhospitable (adj.) (an environment) that is harsh and difficult to live in.
101. inside (preposition) within a container or room
102. invest (verb) to use money for something in order to earn more money.
103. isthmus (noun) a narrow strip of land that connects two larger bodies of land
104. job interview (n.) the process through which a potential employee is evaluated by an
105. journalist (n.) someone whose job is writing for newspapers, magazines, tv, or radio
106. juggle (verb) to keep objects in the air.
107. kind (adj.) somebody who behaves in a caring way towards other people.
108. knit (v.) to make clothing by connecting fiber threads into rows using two long
109. launch (v.) to send a missile, satellite, or spacecraft into orbit.
110. lean (adj.) that has little fat.
111. litter (v.) make a place untidy with garbage.
112. liver (singular noun) an organ in the body that cleans and filters blood.
113. magnanimous (adjective) big-hearted, noble, and generous
114. mammal (singular noun) an animal that feeds its young with milk from the mother
115. mammoth (singular noun) an extinct elephant covered in long hair and curved tusks
116. mellifluous (adjective) something musical or melodious
117. moisture (n.) liquid diffused in a small quantity as vapor and condensed in a surface.
118. mussels (noun) edible sea creatures with two black shells that close
119. nomenclature (noun) a system of terms in a particular field of study
120. noodle (n.) a food in the form of long, thin strips made from flower or rice, water and
often egg cooked in boiling liquid.
121. occasionally adverb sometimes
122. occurrence (noun) something that happens
123. ocean (singular noun) a large area of water covering earth
124. once (adverb) one time
125. ophthalmologist (n.) a doctor specialized in eyes diseases.
126. opprobrious adjective something disrespectful, shameful, or disgraceful
127. oxen (plural noun) plural of ox, a large domestic animal kept for milk
128. pagan (n.) a term to define people who practice polytheism.
129. parents (plural noun) plural of parent, a mother or father.
130. patrician (adjective) someone belonging to or related to a royal
131. pedestrian (n.) designed for or related to walking.
132. people (plural noun) more than one person.
133. persuade (present verb) to cause someone to do something or believe something by
asking, arguing, or giving reasons
134. pitch (noun) the level or tune of a sound
135. poacher (n.) a person who hunts or catches animals or fish illegally
136. pomegranate (n.) an orange-sized fruit with a thick reddish skin. it contains lots of
small seeds with juicy flesh around them.
137. poultry (n.) domestic fowl, including chicken, turkeys, geese, and ducks.
138. prescience (noun) the power to know something before it happens
139. quail (irregular noun) a small brown bird
140. quarrelling (present verb) arguing angrily
141. quip (v. singular) a funny and clever comment.
142. quit (verb) leave a place, usually permanently or stop doing something.
143. raise (v. present) to lift up.
144. rescind (verb) to cancel or make something void
145. research (n.) to investigate a topic for a purpose.
146. river (singular noun) a natural, large stream of water
147. rye (irregular noun) a type of grain used in baking.
148. sandstone (n.) a type of stone originated from sand.
149. sapphire (noun) a clear bright blue gemstone.
150. scar (n.) a mark left on the skin by a healed wound, sore, or burn.
151. scarce (adj.) of food, money or other resource that is insufficient for the demand.
152. schedule (n.) day-to-day plans or timetable.
153. scratch (v.) a long and narrow superficial wound in the skin; usually a result of
154. seafood (n.) shellfish and sea fish, served as food.
155. Second-guess (verb) to guess what someone will do in the future or to criticize
someone's actions or an event after it has happened.
156. shallow (adjective) not deep.
157. sharp (adjective) mentally quick.
158. shelter (n.) a place that gives temporary protection from danger or bad weather.
159. shipwrecked (verb) a shipped that suffers its destruction at sea by sinking or
breaking up in a storm.
160. shiver (v.) a person or animal that shakes slightly and uncontrollably as the result of
being cold, frightened, or excited.
161. shred (v.) to tear or cut into small, thin pieces.
162. shrimp (n.) a small marine crustacean with an elongated body; its flesh is eaten as
163. sibling (n.) one of two or more individuals that have one common parent.
164. sidewalk (n.) a path with hard surface where people walk on.
165. siege (noun) a military operation that surrounds a place cutting off essential supplies
for the insiders, so they surrender.
166. slave (n.) a person who is owned by another person and who has no freedom at all.
167. smallpox (n.) an infectious disease caused by the variola virus characterized by a
skin eruption with pustules, sloughing, and scar formation.
168. smuggler (noun) a person who participates in contraband trades.
169. snow-capped (adj.) of a mountain or hill that has snow on the top.
170. stayed (past verb) to have been somewhere for a short time.
171. story (singular noun) a fictional tale shorter than a novel
172. straight (adj.) not curve.
173. stretch (v.) to extend one’s body or part of one’s body such as limbs.
174. subway (n.) a railway system on which electric trains travel on or below the ground.
175. superintendent (noun) a person in charge of a department or institution
176. support (present verb) to give assistance or comfort
177. surveillance (noun) the close observation of someone
178. taken (past verb) to have gotten a hold of; grasped
179. teach (present verb) to help someone learn how to do something
180. termagant (noun) a quarrelsome woman represented in early English drama as a
violent character.
181. thank (verb) to show you are pleased by something or someone
182. thermometer (noun) a device used to measure temp
183. thieves (n. plural of thief) two or more people who rob or steal.
184. threat (noun) a sign or warning of trouble or danger.
185. thundering (adj.) a loud, rumbling or crashing noise produced after a lightning flash.
186. trade route (noun) a logistical pathway used for commercial transport.
187. trichotomy noun a division into three parts
188. upstairs (n.) going towards the top or the highest floor in a place.
189. vaccine (n.) a substance containing a virus or bacterium to stimulate the production
of antibodies provide immunity against one or several diseases.
190. watermelon (n.) a large, oval fruit with green skin, sweet red flesh, and black seeds.
191. wedding (n.) a marriage ceremony followed by a party to celebrate it.
192. wheel (n.) a circular object that revolves on an axle.
193. whether (conjunction) showing a choice between alternatives.
194. whirligig (noun) a child's toy that spins rapidly
195. wholegrain (adj.) made with or containing whole unprocessed grain.
196. wilderness (noun) a wild and uncultivated region, uninhabited only by wild animals.
197. wipe out (phr. v) to eliminate something completely
198. womb (n.) the uterus of the human female and certain higher mammals.
199. woven (n.) made from interlacing long threads crossing over one another to resemble
knitted material.
200. yarn (noun) a thread used for knitting or weaving.

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