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                                                          AY2223-Term 3- Level L 1st Language (4 PERIODS)


Vocabulary lists – Term 3

List 21:

IGCSE (Coursebook)
Knitters of the world save penguins from extinction (page 57)

1. vulnerable: (adj.) capable of being physically or emotionally wounded

2. clogged: (adj.) stuck together; blocked
3. appeal: (n.) a request for donations
4. preening: (v.) (of a bird) grooming feathers with its beak
5. ingesting: (v.) swallowing or absorbing

IGCSE (Workbook)
The artistic elephant (page 47)

1. fetching: (v.) achieving a particular price when sold

2. brushstroke: (n.) a mark made by a paintbrush drawn across a surface
3. preferring: (v.) liking one thing better than another
4. abstract: (adj.) not having a physical or concrete existence
5. introduced: (v.) made known to someone else by name
6. endeavors: (n.) attempts to achieve a goal
7. keep: (n.) essential for living such as food
8. mahout: (n.) a person who works with and rides elephants in South and Southeast
9. extrovert: (adj.) outgoing and socially confident
10. exhibits: (v.) manifests a quality or type of behavior clearly
11. dexterity: (n.) clever skill
12. replenishes: (v.) fills something up again
13. grasped: (v.) held firmly by
14. dung: (n.) manure
15. sound: (adj.) in good condition and not diseased; harmless
16. interaction: (n.) communication
17. strive: (v.) try very hard
18. enriched: (adj.) improved the quality of something
19. captive: (adj.) captured and kept in a cage
20. veterinary: (adj.) relating to the treatment of domestic animals

The Tower (Stories of Ourselves Vol.2 (pp. 279-284)

1. groves: (n): groups of trees

2. fork: (n) place where something divides in two parts

                                                                                                    13-03-2022 | Level L First Language Core | 1 
                                                           AY2223-Term 3- Level L 1st Language (4 PERIODS)

3. mar: (v) ruin

4. unerringly: (adv.) faultlessly
5. haltingly: (adv.) nervously
6. frescoes: (n.) paintings on wet plaster on a wall or ceiling
7. campaniles: (n.) freestanding bell towers
8. gratifying: (adj.) pleasing and satisfying
9. hoard: (n.) stockpile; large amount of something that is carefully guarded
10. abruptly: (adv.) suddenly and unexpectedly
11. intently: (adv.) attentively
12. disseminate: (v.) spreading information to a lot of people
13. contemptuous: (adj.) showing contempt (strong feeling of disliking)
14. anaesthetized: (adj.) insensitive; numb
15. well-bred: (adj.) well-mannered; of high standing
16. anecdotes: (n.) interesting or amusing stories
17. radiantly: (adv.) brightly
18. virginal: (adj.) innocent

List 22:

IGCSE (Coursebook)
From The Road from Coorain: An Australian Memoir (page 59)

1. sweltering: (adj.) oppressively hot

2. mounting: (v.) climbing, rising
3. ochre: (adj.) pale brownish-yellow
4. writhing: (adj.) twisting, squirming

IGCSE (Coursebook)
Hard Times, by Charles Dickens (page 60)

1. ashes: (n.) powdery residues left after the burning of a substance

2. savage: (n.) a member of a people regarded as primitive and uncivilized
3. chimneys: (n.) parts that stick up above the roof of a building through which smoke
rises into the outside air
4. trailed: (v.) drew along behind something
5. uncoiled: (adj.) made something that is curled straight
6. dye: (n.) a substance used for changing the color of something, usually permanently
7. rattling: (n.) a series of knocking sounds
8. trembling: (n.) an involuntary shaking
9. piston: (n.) a part of an engine that moves up and down inside a tube
10. monotonously: (adv.) in a dull and repetitive way
11. melancholy: (adj.) having a feeling of sadness
12. pavements: (n.) asphalted paths for pedestrians at the side of a road
13. counterpart: (n.) a person or thing that has the same function as another

                                                                                                    13-03-2022 | Level L First Language Core | 2 
                                                           AY2223-Term 3- Level L 1st Language (4 PERIODS)

The Tower (Stories of Ourselves Vol.2 pp.279-284)

1. glint: (n.) sparkle

2. reluctantly: (adv.) hesitantly
3. queer: (adj.) odd
4. mused: (v.) wondered
5. shivered: (v.) trembled
6. trudge up: (v.) walk heavily
7. slits: (n.) long narrow cuts
8. spiralled: (v.) rolled
9. tenuous: (adj.) slight
10. crumpled away: (v.) broke away in little pieces
11. stifle: (v.) restrain
12. railing: (n.) fence or barrier made of metal posts
13. barring: (v.) blocking
14. fumbled: (v.) groped for or handled something clumsily
15. hurl: (v.) throw forcefully
16. frenziedly: (adv.) excitedly
17. clutching: (v.) grasping
18. sodden: (adj.) soaked
19. vertigo: (n.) dizziness
20. shaft: (n.) pole
21. peril: (n.) danger
22. stupefied: (adj.) shocked
23. conceivable: (adj.) imaginable
24. dread: (n.) great fear
25. impelled: (v.) forced

List 23:

IGCSE (Coursebook)
What’s an Amish wedding like? (Page 61)

1. chores: (n.) routine tasks

2. congregation: (n.) a group of people gathered for religious purposes
3. counsels: (v.) gives advice
4. sermon: (n.) a speech on a religious or moral subject
5. ordained: (adj.) invested with ministerial or priestly functions
6. testimony: (n.) a formal written or spoken statement
7. laden: (adj.) heavily loaded
8. tapioca: (n.) hard white grains obtained from the cassava plant used for cooking
9. buggy: (n.) a small motor vehicle

                                                                                                    13-03-2022 | Level L First Language Core | 3 
                                                           AY2223-Term 3- Level L 1st Language (4 PERIODS)

10. stewed: (adj.) cooked slowly in a hot liquid

IGCSE (Coursebook)
Last voyage of the ship Mary Celeste (page 62)

1. brig: (n.) a square-rigged sailing ship with two masts

List 24:

IGCSE (Coursebook)
A day in the life of Samantha Cristoforetti (page 64–65)

1. sealed: (adj.) closed tightly and securely

2. impaired: (adj.) weakened
3. cupola: (n.) a roof with a round dome top
4. cargo: (n.) goods carried by a ship or aircraft

I Find No Peace (Songs of Ourselves Vol.2 p. 140)

1. nought: (pro.) nothing

2. season: (v.) relish; make more pleasant
3. holdeth: (v.) hold (third person singular simple present)
4. letteth: (v.) let (third person singular simple present)
5. giveth: (v.) give (third person singular simple present)
6. displeaseth: (v.) displease (third person singular simple present); annoy
7. causer: (n.) someone or something that causes or produces an effect.
8. strife: (n.) struggle; hardship

List 25:

IGCSE (Workbook)
The Elephant and the Blind Men (page 51)

1. swung: (v.) moved back and forth or from side to side

2. twig: (n.) a small shoot or branch usually without its leaves
3. enclosure: (n.) an area that is surrounded by a barrier
4. unyielding: (adj.) not giving way to pressure
5. trunk: (n.) the elongated nose of an elephant
6. verdict: (n.) a judgment or opinion about something
7. tusks: (n.) very long pointed teeth that stick out of the mouth of an animal such as an
8. fan: (n.) an object made of folded paper or other material that you wave with your
hand in order to move air around
9. erstwhile: (adj.) former

                                                                                                    13-03-2022 | Level L First Language Core | 4 
                                                           AY2223-Term 3- Level L 1st Language (4 PERIODS)

I Hear an Army… (Songs of Ourselves Vol. 2 p.141)

1. plunging: (v.) falling steeply

2. disdaining: (v.) treating as beneath one's notice or dignity
3. reins: (n.) straps fastened to a bit by which a rider or driver controls an animal
4. fluttering: (adj.) quick delicate movements up and down or from side to side; flapping
5. charioteers: (n.) drivers of a chariot (a two-wheeled vehicle drawn by horses, used in
ancient racing and warfare)
6. whirling: (adj.) frightening and uncontrolled; turning around in circles
7. cleave: (v.) split; separate
8. clanging: (v.) making a loud deep ringing sound
9. anvil: (n.) a heavy usually steel-faced iron block on which metal is shaped

List 26:

Review lists 21-23

List 27:

Review lists 24-25

List 28:

Love in a life (Songs of Ourselves Vol.2 p.144)

1. wreath: (n.) a decorative arrangement of foliage or flowers on a circular base

2. anew: (adv.) again
3. yon: (adv.) over there
4. twilight: (n.) period just before it becomes completely dark in the evening
5. alcoves: (n.) nooks
6. importune: (v.) annoy

List 29:

Review list 28

                                                                                                    13-03-2022 | Level L First Language Core | 5 

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