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“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.

– Anthony J. D’Angelo
Spelling Words and their definition
First Spelling Quiz – Dalton Bichronous

1. Commander (n) : a person who is charge of a group of people.

2. Antenna (n) : a device for sending or receiving radio or television signals.
3. Vandalism (n) : the act of deliberately destroying or damaging a property.
4. Exercise (n) : a physical activity that is done in order to become stronger or healthier.
5. Hypocrisy (n) : refers to behavior that does not agree with what someone claims to believe or
6. Manuscript (n) : an original copy of a play, book, piece of music before it has been printed.
7. Claustrophobia (n): a fear of being in closed or small spaces.
8. Euthanasia (n) : the act or practice of killing someone who is very sick or injured to prevent
Any more suffering.
9. Camouflage (n) : a way of hiding something by painting it or covering.
10. Anniversary (n) : a date that is remembered or celebrated.
11. Fahrenheit (n) : a scale for measuring temperature.
12. Reservoir (n) : a place where a liquid is stored.
13. Catastrophe (n) : a terrible disaster.
14. Accomplishment : something done, achieved, or accomplished successfully.
15. Extraterrestrial (adj) coming from or existing outside the planet earth.
16. Lieutenant (n) : an officer in the army or air force with a fairly low rank.
17. Questionnaire (n) : a written set of quations.
18. Bureaucrat (n) : a person who is one of the people who run a government.
19. Apostrophe (n) : a mark used to indicate the omission of letters or figures.
20. Banal (adj) : being boring or ordinary; not interesting
21. Coy (adj) : having a shy or sweetly innocent quality
22. Diabolical (adj) : extremely evil or very unpleasant
23. Abomination (n) : something regarded with disgust or hatred
24. Animosity (n) : a strong feeling of dislike or hatred
25. Apathy (n) : lack of feeling or emotion
26. Affirmation (n) : a positive assertion; an act of agreeing on something
27. Blasphemy (n) : great disrespect shown to God.
28. Bittersweet (n) : combining sadness and happiness
29. Belittle 9adj) : to describe something or someone as unimportant
30. Biased (adj) : showing unfair tendency
31. Chauvinist (adj) : one who believes that something is better than the other
32. Connoisseur (n) : a person who knows a lot about something
33. Consistency (n) : a condition of adhering to something
34. Defiance (n): a refusal to obey something or someone
35. Demure (adj) : quiet or polite
36. Despicable (adj) : very bad or unpleasant; deserving to be despised
37. Disseminate (adj) : to spread
38. Effervescence (v) : to show liveliness or exhilaration
39. Ephemeral (adj) : lasting a very short time
40. Epic (n) : a story of a hero, great or impressive
41. Ethereal (adj) : resembling heaven, seeming to belong to another world
42. Exquisite (adj) : finely done or made, very sensitive or fine
43. Fluctuate (v) : to change level, strength or value; to rise or fall
44. Fallacious (adj) : not true or accurate
45. Fickle (adj) : changing very often

For your information:

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (n) : A lung disease caused by the inhalation of very
fine silicate or quartz dust, causing inflammation in the lungs.
This word is claimed to be the longest word in English
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (adj) : Extraordinarily good; wonderful
This a song and single from the 1964 Disney musical film Mary Poppins. It was written by the Sherman
Brothers, and sung by Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke.

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