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Your name: ______________ December 6th, 2022


Word Definition
1. tale (n) a fictitious or true narrative or story, especially one that
is imaginatively recounted.
2. wicked (adj) evil or morally wrong
3. to boast about/of to speak too proudly or happily about what you have
sth done or what you own
4. hare (n) a fast animal that resembles a rabbit
5. legend (n) a story about mythical or supernatural beings or events
6. folktale (n) a story that is usually passed down orally and becomes
part of a community's tradition
7. fable (n) a brief story that leads to a moral, often using animals
as characters
8. fairytale (n) a type of folktale that features supernatural elements
such as spirits, talking animals, and magic
9. ancient (adj) very old; of a long time ago
10. symbol (n) anything that stands for or represents something else
11. brave (adj) showing no fear of dangerous or difficult things
12. fierce (adj) marked by extreme and violent energy
13. cunning (adj) having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by deceit
or evasion
14. cruel (adj) willfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no
concern about it
15. greedy (adj) wanting more than you need
16. to challenge sb to to ask someone if he wants to compete with you
do sth
17. to urge sb to do sth try to convince, encourage sb to do sth
18. to suggest (v) put forth; to say
19. be under a spell (v) affected by magic
20. mercy (n) showing compassion to those over whom one has
21. at the mercy of sb completely in the power of
22. evil (adj) very bad
23. frightening (adj) making you feel afraid or nervous
24. empire (n) a group of states or territories controlled by one ruler
25. to rule sth exercise ultimate power or authority over (an area and
its people)
26. knight (n) a man who received honor and land in exchange for
serving a lord as a soldier.
27. giant (n) very large
28. fairy (n) small, human in form, playful, having magical powers
29. ogre (n) monster
30. servant (n) a person who is hired to do household or personal
duties such as cleaning and cooking
31. woodcutter (n) an artist who carves a picture onto a wood block, and
uses this block as a stamp
32. magic (adj) the belief in supernatural power that comes from a
source other than god; a sin against the first
33. outwit (v) get the better of by being more clever; outsmart; outfox
34. to bewitch sb cast a spell over (someone)
35. poisoned (adj) having eaten or drank a dangerous chemical
36. be frightened of sth to be scared of sth.
37. elf (n) an imaginary being, often like a small person with
pointed ears, in popular stories
38. morality (n) concern with the distinction between good and evil or
right and wrong
39. defeat (v) to beat in a game or battle
40. original (adj) the first of its kind

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