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1. What are the nuclei connections and functions of basal ganglia --Discuss its
clinical disorders and physiological basis of treatment.
2. Describe the nuclei, afferent and efferent connections of basal ganglia. Add a note
on parkinsonism
3. Describe the connections and Functions of Basal ganglia. Explain the reason for
reduction in the psychic drive for motor activity in Paralysis agitans
4. Describe the regulation of muscle tone and its disturbances in various neurological
5. Draw a diagram of cerebral cortex and mark there in the areas concerned with
voluntary movement. Describe motor homunculus
6. Describe the nuclei of hypothalamus. Explain the physiological role of
hypothalamus in mediating bodily functions
7. Write in detail the properties of sensory receptors
8. Describe in detail about the synaptic transmission. What are the properties of a
9. Describe the posture regulating mechanisms in the body
10. Discuss the postural reflexes.
11. Discuss the mechanism concerned with maintenance of equilibrium. Add a note
on motion sickness
12. Mention the afferent and efferent connections of Hypothalamus and explain its
13. Describe the nuclei afferent and efferent connections and functions of
Hypothalamus. Add a note on the functions of limbic system.
14. Describe nuclei afferent and efferent connections and functions of cerebellum.
Add a note on cerebellar lesions.
15. Describe basic circuit, connections and functional organization of cerebellum
16. Discuss in detail about the connections and functions of cerebellum. Add a note on
reverberating circuits
17. Describe the muscle spindle and Golgi tendon organ. Analyze their function as a
part of a feedback system that control muscle length and muscle force respectively
18. Discuss the physiology of pain. Add a note on visceral Pain.
19. Explain the perception, modulation and the pathway of pain
20. How is pain perceived? Discuss the descending pain control mechanism.
21. Tabulate the neurological findings in hemi-section of the spinal cord at the level of
second lumbar spinal segment on the left side (L2, left) under the following
headings: sensory system, motor system, superficial and deep reflexes. (Specify
the reflexes).
22. Describe the following terms: Habituation, Sensitization, Classical and Operant
conditioning. What type of ‘memory’ do these phenomena represent? Discuss the
molecular mechanisms of any two of these 4 phenomena, with experimental
23. Name the ascending tracts. Describe the origin, course, termination and sensation
carried by tract of Goll and Burdach.
24. Explain how conduction of nerve impulses in a myelinated nerve fiber differs from
a non myelinated nerve fiber. What are the factors influencing myelination of
nerve fibers?
25. What do you mean by Reticular Formation? What are the components and
functions of Reticular formation?
26. How will you classify reflexes? Add a note on properties of reflexes. How will
you test superficial and deep tendon reflexes?
27. Write an essay on neurophysiology of sleep-wakefulness.
28. Describe in detail, the connections and functions of Vestibular Apparatus. Add a
note on Tests for Vestibular Function.
1. EEG and its uses
2. Waveforms of Electroencephalography and their physiological basis in a healthy
3. Functions of ventromedial hypothalamus
4. REM Sleep
5. Neural mechanisms of REM sleep.
7. Brain’s opiate system
8. Wernicke’s area
9. Axon reflex
10. Muscle spindle
11. Inverse stretch reflex
12. Cerebellar function tests
13. Referred pain
14. PAPEZ CIRCUIT & its clinical significance
15. Endogenous analgesia system
16. Axonotmesis
17. Blood brain barrier
18. Spinal shock
19. Tactile localization
20. Astereognosis
21. Phantom limb syndrome
22. Muscle spindle
23. Classification of nerve fibers
24. Physiological basis of neuromuscular blockers
25. Pain pathway
26. Peculiarities of Pain sensation.
27. Types of memory
28. Molecular mechanism for intermediate memory.
29. GABA
30. Cortical plasticity
31. Suprachiasmatic nuclei
32. Sleep
33. Huntington’s disease
34. Parkinson’s disease
35. Renshaw cell inhibition
36. Nucleus tractus solitarius.
37. Reciprocal innervation.
38. Decorticate rigidity
39. Decerebrate rigidity.
40. Opioid peptides.
41. Pre frontal lobe
42. Ascending reticular activating system (ARAS).
43. Functions of ascending reticular activating system.
44. Broca’s area.
45. Brown sequard syndrome.
46. Synaptic plasticity.
47. Prefrontal lobe syndrome
48. Describe the functions of important areas of the limbic system.
49. Role of Limbic system in Reward and Punishment
50. Functions of Thalamus.
51. Evoked Potential.
52. Synaptic inhibition.
53. Cortical plasticity
54. Glutamate receptors
55. Electrical events during neuronal inhibition.
56. Discuss about the receptor potential of the Pacinian Corpuscle
57. Write the differences between REM and NREM sleep.
58. Discuss function of hair cells in Vestibular apparatus.
59. CSF
60. Discuss the role of muscle spindles. What is the role of gamma motor neurons in
muscle spindle function?
61. Long-Term potentiation.
62. Doctrine of specific nerve energies.
63. Cortical motor areas.
64. Neuroglial cells.
65. Motor Homunculus
66. Mechanism of action of Opioids.
67. Circum ventricular organs.
68. Aphasia
69. Vestibulo ocular reflex.
70. Alpha Gamma linkage.
71. Generator potential.
72. Long term memory.
73. Properties of reflexes
74. Neural control of sex behavior.
75. Properties of reflexes.
76. Neo cerebellum and its connections.
77. Sensory homunculus with a diagram and label it.
78. Craniosacral autonomic outflow.
79. Short term memory.
80. Neurotrophins
81. Blood CSF barrier.
82. Wallerian degeneration.
83. Righting reflexes.
84. Role of hypothalamus in feeding and satiety.
85. Kluver Bucy Syndrome.
86. Operant Conditioning.
87. Erlanger Gasser classification and its significance.
88. Functions of thalamus
89. Categorical and Representational Cerebral hemisphere
90. Functions of primary and secondary visual areas of cortex
91. Cerebral cortical reflexes for maintaining body posture.
92. Horner’s Syndrome
93. Demyelinating diseases
94. Nerve Growth Factors.
95. Reflex arc for myotactic reflex.
96. Vestibular reflexes.

1. Explain the physiological basis of the drugs used in the treatment of parkinsonism
2. Explain the hyperphagia in Diabetes mellitus stressing the role of hypothalamus
3. What are the advantages of dual autonomic innervations?
4. What is final common path? Give its physiological basis.
5. Why visceral pain is poorly localized?
6. Lower motor neuron is also called as the final common path.
7. Habituation and sensitization are related to release of neurotransmitter at synapse.
8. Two point discriminatory ability is different in different places of the Body. Why?
9. Why dysmetria is seen in cerebellar disease?
10. Bilateral removal of hippocampus produces anterograde amnesia, Explain
11. Hippocampal lesion causes anterograde amnesia.
12. Explain the physiological basis for pain in phantom limb.
13. Explain the physiological basis for dissociated anaesthesia in syringomelia.
14. Pendular knee jerk is seen in cerebellar lesions.
15. Soldiers wounded in battle field are unaware of pain.
16. Jendrassik’s maneuver helps in eliciting deep tendon reflexes
17. Clonus in upper motor neuron lesion.
18. Intentional tremors in cerebellar lesion.
19. Informations are coded in the sensory nerves. Justify.
20. Two outputs of Autonomic nervous system is synergistic. Justify.
21. Two point discrimination is different in different places of body.
22. Give reason for the type of tremor in Cerebellar disease.
23. Give reason for the Spinal Shock following spinal cord transection.
24. Physiological basis for jet lag
25. Mirror neurons.
26. Fibrillations and fasciculations.
27. Glutamate and neurotoxicity.
28. Horner syndrome.
29. Decerebrate rigidity is spasticity due to facilitation of myotactic reflex.
30. The membrane potential of glial cell is more negative than neurons.

1. Name the area concerned with speech
2. What is Saltatory conduction? Refer chapter 5 in Guyton
3. Functions of Neuroglia.
4. Name two facilitatory and two inhibitory neurotransmitters and their site of action.
5. Papez circuit
6. What is Weber-Fechner law?
7. What are the components of a reflex arc?
8. What is synaptic delay? What is its significance in brain function?
9. What is Doctrine of specific nerve energies and what is its physiological
10. State Bell – Magendie law and give its physiological implication.
11. What is the area for naming objects?
12. Write the functions of frontal lobe.
13. Define summation. Mention its types.
14. Explain hyperalgesia and allodynia.
15. Define somnambulism and narcolepsy.
16. What is law of projection?
17. What is prosopagnosia?
18. What is implicit memory?
19. What is deja vu phenomenon?
20. What is anomic aphasia?
21. Which cortical area is called ‘suppressor strip’? What is its function?
22. Name the cerebellar deep nuclei.
23. Name the neurotransmitters concerned with sleep.
24. What is ‘Engram’?
25. Kallman’s syndrome.
26. Wernicke’s pupil.
27. Sham rage.
28. Intentional tremors.
29. Nissl bodies.
30. What is Abulia?
31. What is Charcot’s triad?
32. What is Mass reflex?
33. What is Korsakoff’s psychosis?
34. What are functions of melatonin?
35. What is Pendred’s syndrome?
36. What is Miraculin?
37. What are Neuromodulators?
38. Attenuation Reflex.
39. Circadian Rhythm Entrainment.

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