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Social media has a negative influence on our daily life, do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, social media It has had a great impact on our lives, and people are increasingly
inseparable from it. As a seeing goes, there are a hundred Hamlets in the eyes of a hundred people.
Although, many people think it has much more negatives than positives, in my point of view,
social is truly a positive thing without doubt.
Social media is convenient……
Social media can help us broaden our horizons and see a colorful world……
Social media Help with daily chat with friends and necessary social networking in work and
other occasions……
Many people think, the electronic world is fundamentally different from the real world. social
media is a cancer without doubt……
Generally speaking, although social media has many disadvantages that cannot be ignored, it is
still a convenient ,practical and indispensable tool.

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