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1111. J. Jlerh. Sci. PergamonPress Ltd. 106~. vci, 4. pp. 10:>-203.

Printedin GreatBritain




iReceiced 2 November 19(1)

Summary-A theoretical analysis is made of the behaviour of solid metallic bars, or

thick-walledtubes of circularsection, at elevated temperatures,w hen subject to various
combinationsof uniform bending moment, torque and axial load.
Tho analysis, based on creep stress-strain-timerelations, derived in an extensive
investigationof the creep of metals undercomplex stresses at elevated temperatures,h as
been preparedfor the general case where creep strains and clastic strains occurring in
bars and tubes underthe above-mentionedcircumstancesare both of significant order.

IT APPEARS hardlynecessary to remarkthat in high-temperaturepower-plant
practicemanyinstances arise where eitherbars or tubes may be subject, under
circumstancesgiving rise to creep, tothe action of bending moments (uniform
or otherwise), of torques, of combinations of the two and possibly of either,
allied with tensile or compressive axial loading.
Additionally, such relatively simple systems of creep may also be basic
elements of the creep behaviourof more complex structures,e.g. a creeping
strutor plate.
Furthermore,t he practicalcircumstancesunder which these bars or tubes
are deformedmay be and, in most cases probablyare, such thatthe creepstrain
and changing clastic strain remain comparable in magnitude during the
working life of the structureand the stress distributionin the bar or tube
changes with time.
It is accordingly importantthat methods be elaboratedfor following the
change of stress and strain in such bars and tubes, during the appreciable
periodsrepresentedby theirworkinglives, and this the presentpaperattempts
to do for a baror tube of circularcross-section.
The initial problem considered is that of creep under a uniform bending
moment combined with torque. The special cases of creep under simple
uniform bending moment, and simple torque, are derived as corollaries of
the initial problem and finally the two problems presentedby the respective
combinations of torque with axial load and uniform bending moment with
axial load are dealt with.

* Materials Group, National EngineeringLaboratory,East Kilbride, Glasgow.


The present paper merely aims at presenting the analytical methods

employed in the solution of these problems. Laterpapersare intendedto deal
with the applicationof these solutions to specific materialsand temperatures.

Problem 1. The creep of a circular-section metallic bar or thick-u'alled tube
a combinationof uniformbending mom ent"and torque
It is assumed that clastic strain, together with primary creep strain of
comparablemagnitude, comprise the total strain of the bar or thick tube and
that cross-sections of the element originally plane and perpendicularto the

N ._A_

FIG. 1. Cross -section of bar under bending moment, torque and axial

neutralaxis remain so duringcreep. For the sake of simplicity, the argument

in the following text is restrictedto the case of the solid bar, the modifications
to be made to deal with the thick-walledtube being indicatedat the conclusion
of the argument.
Consider (Fig. l)a point P in the cross-section of the barat a radiusrand
at a height a above the neutralaxis, the outerradiusof the barbeing of magni-
tude R. Let ex be the angle between the line OP and the neutralaxis, 0 being
the central point of tho bar.
Let p be the axial bendingstress at P, due to the applied bending moment
.M., and let q be the shearstress due to the applied torqueT.
For the combined bending and torsion system concerned the creep rates
Oa (axial) and Oe (shear) at the points concerned may be expressed thus
(Johnson et aU):
1 Sp
Oa = UA(JZ )II]pF (t )+ E SF

1 Sq
o, = 2[A(J
2)n] qF(t) + N St

where t is time, J2 is the second invariantof stress, lOa and €e are the total axial
* Tho case of uniform bending moment is treatedfor tho sake of simplieity. Similar
methods apply, however, to varying bendingmoment.
Creep of a solid metallic burat elevated temperatures 197

and shearstrains and at and a z principalstresses. E is Young's modulus and

N the torsion modulus. A and n are constants,F a function.
J z = HI:(at-a z)2]

at "'i ~+l~(p2+4q2)

U z =~_~~(p2+4q2)
(at- uz) = ~(p2 + 4q2)
whence J2 =~ +q2

Let 0 be the curvatureofthc barat time t due to applicationof the constant

bending moment .1lI. Then, for height a above the neutral axis, the total
axial strain €a = aC, since plane sections arc assumed to remain plane.

where p and q correspondto the point P at height a, radius r and angular

position a.
Again, let ebe the angle of twist of the bar,at time t, due to the application
of the constanttorque T. Then, if l is the length of the bar measuredup to
the section under consideration, the shear strain €c = raIl = rX say, and
accordinglyin this case
rat =
2 Aq 3+ qZ
)n] F(t)+ IV1 oqot (2)

Consider first the bending equation (1), in relation to the system of polar
co-ordinates(r, a) shown in Fig. 1. The equationis
. so
1'SIllIXd[ = 32 [ Ap(PZ
:r+ qZ ')n] F(t) + Eat
1 op

:\Iultiply both sides by 2r d« dr (r sin ex) and integrate between limits ex, D-7r, and
r, O-R and wo obtain
f7T fR so d f7T fR (p2 )"
JoJo (rsino:)2 di r . cr. d r = lAF(t)Jo Jo p "3+ q2 2r2do:drsinex
1 0 flT (R
+E8tJo Jo 2prdrdex(rsino:)
2 JolTJo (r sin ex)2 r dex dr = moment of inertia= I

of the section about its neutralaxis = (7Tj4)Rt, also

2 JolT foRpr drdex (r sin ex) = st

tho appliedbendingmoment, and ojUjOt = O. Thus equation(1) may be reducedto
- AF(t)I7TIR
= -16 - -t- P _+q2 (P2 )n r2dcr. dr sin et
dt 3 TTR 0 0 3
198 A. E. JOll~SOX, J. HEXDERSON and B . J(HAX

Substitutingthis result in tho equation(I), we have

-E+_ (2 )"] P(t) =
2E [Ap E....+ q2 AF(t)
_16 --rsinexIrrl p (P2
_ + q2 )R r 2sinexdexdr
at 3 3 3 1TR' 0 0 3
Now ifwo divide bothsides of tho equation by (2E/3) P(t) and also set
a<p = ~AEF(t) at and r = IlR
we obtain
~~ + [p(~2 +q2)"] = ~Il sin ex fa"fp(~2 +q2)" 112sin ex dex dll (3)

Turningnow to tho torsion equation (2), i.e,

as: [(P2 )"] l 'aq
r dt = 2 Aq "3+ q2 F(t)+ Not

Multiply by 2r2 dr da and integrate between limits r, o-R and a, ()--n-.


LrrIoRrd~~ 2r2drda = 2AF(t)LrrLRq(~2 + q2 r 2r2drda+ ~ ~ LrrIo

Jo 2r dr d« = polar moment of inertia = 1TR'
2 =J

Rq 2
2 I: r dr da := T
the applied torque and oT/ot := O. Thus

RI as: frr {R
;t = 4AP(t)Jo'Jo q ~ +q2
( 2 )"r2drda
Substitute tho last result in equ at ion (2) lind we obtain

~i +2N[Aq(~2+ q2)"] P(t) = Nr~~~(t)LrrLRq(~2 +q2)" dr d«

If we divide both sides ofthe equationby 2NAF(t) and also set
a<p = tAEF(t)ot = tNAP(t)Ol[2(1 +v)] and r = IlR, v being Poisson's ratio,
we obtain
oq 3 [(P
0</J+2(1+ v) q "3+

611 frr f1 (p2
1T(l+v}jo Jo q 3+ q -
.)R1l 2dll da (4)
Tho simultaneous solu t ion of equations (3) and (4) would give tho distributionof stresses
.p and q for various values of <p, i.e, for various values of t, startingfrom tho condition at
t = 0 of
si« 4MIlRsinex
P = 1:= nIlI

However, it is convenient for analysis to present equations (3) and (4) in a form which is
independent of the imposed bending moment a nd torque. Accordingly, we m ake the
s ubst it u t ions :
4M8 1 2k1'81 _ 21'02 _ 4M82 I (?M)2"A. = .t.
P = 1TR3 = 1TR3' q - 1TR3 - krrR3 am rrR3 't' 'I'

in equations (3) and (4), wh ere k = 2MjT and where for t = <p = 0, p becomes
4MIl/rrR3·s ina and q becomes 2TIl/rrR3. Equations(3) and (4) thenrespectively become (5)
and (6) below where

~~ + [01{!8i+ (~) 2)"] = ~Ilsina!orr!o181{t Oi+ (~) 2} R 11 2 sin a da dll (5)

Creep of a solid metallic barat elevated temperatures 199
These equationsmust be solved simultaneouslyto give the variationsof 01 and O2 and
of p and q, at chosen points with o/,e/> and t. This solution will have to be made for each
of a chosen series of values of <X between TT and 0 and should advisedly be made by auto-
maticcomputingengine. Accordingly,no manualmethodis advocatedin this case although
such a method is indicatedfor the later problems. Having obtainedthe relations 01 and
O2 to ft for a series of specific increments 00/, the relation of the stresses p and q to the
radialposition may be obtainedby the use of the previouslystatedrelations:
4.110 1 2T02 _ (4.11)2n
p = TT1l3' q = TTR3' 0/ - TTR3 e/>

e/> = lAE J:F(t) dt and k = 2~I

All the above argumentcan be applied to the case of thick tubes, if all integrations,
instead of being performedbetween 0 and R, are performedbetween R 1 and R 2 where
R 1 and R 2 are the tube innerand outerradii. Values of I and J will, of course, be corre-
spondingly modified.

Oorollary 1. Creep of a circular-sectionmetallic bar or thick-uialled tube under

uniformbendingmomentonly. Ifin equation(5) ofthe precedingtext O2 be made
equal to zero, we obtain the equation

~~+ [(OI;~] = ~[fLsina] eBl~~] ft2 sincxdadfL (7)

which is the equationof the barwhen subjectto uniformbendingmomentonly.

Oorollary 2. Oreep of a circular-sectionmetallic bar or thick-walledtube under
torque only. If in equation (6) of the preceding text 01 be made equal to zero
and if we let .:L_ _ (2T)2n
k2n - iflA - TTR3 ep
then we obtainthe equation

SOz + 3 [0 Fn+l = 6ft f" f\oFn+l fL2 dfLda (8)

So/A 2(1+v) 2 TT(l+v))';)Jo 2
which is the equationfor the circular-sectionbarwhen subjectto torqueonly.
Problem 2. The creep of a circular-sectionmetallic bar or thick-walledtube under
a combinationof axial tension and torque
Let the total externalload be P and let d« be an element of the sectional area of the
bar. Then for all periods fR.
o p d« = P

where p is the axial stress at any specific point of the bar cross-section. At zero time all
points have the same stress Po = P]« = PJTTR2where R is the radiusof the barand rx the
total area of cross-section. It is assumed that cross-sections of the bar originally plane
remainplane duringthe course of creep and thatas a consequencetotal axial strainmust
be constantacross the section at any given time and independentof radialposition.
The axial and sheartotal strainrates are given by

2 [(p2 1 op
o)n] pF(tl+Fj"&
="3 A 3+ q-


o, = 2[A(~2 + q2 qF(t) + ~T ~i
and Oa is independentof radiusT.

Since initially shearstress qo is symmetricallydisposed in relationto radiusand axial

stress Po is constant, it seems reasonableto assume continuedradial symmetryfor both
stresses with time as creep occurs.
p dex

may be written L R
27TrP dr = P = 7TR2p O and Sp = 0
Also we have the furtherrelation

JofR27Tr2qdr = T and
"&" = 0
where T is applied torque.
Since total axial strainrate is independentof r we have for any specific time
iA( _+q2 ) npF(t)+-
1 Sp
- = ]{
3 ESt
a constantfor all radii.
Consideringthe shear creep rate 0e. here equation(2) of Problem 1 holds good and if
we multiplyby 27Tr2 and integratefrom 0 to R, since

R 7TR!
(2m·3dr) = - = J
o 2
the polarmoment of inertiaabout the neutralaxis and
S fR . ST
&Jo 27Tr2qdr ="&"= 0
we obtain
- - -dX = 47TF(t)A (P2
2 ~
_+q2 i 0 3
)n qr2dr
Substituting this relation into the initial equation (2), dividing both sides of the
equation by 2ANF(t) and setting Srp = 2NAF(t)8t[2(1 +v)] and r = mR, we obtain

8q 3
~+2(I+v) q"3+ q2
[(P2 )n] = (l+v»oq"3+
{1 (P2 q2 2dm (0)

Consideringnow the equation of axial creep derived above, multiplying by 21Tr and
integratingbetween limits 0 and R, we find, rememberingthat

foR27Trdr = ex

the total areaof cross-sectionof the barand

the total end load, and SP/8t = 0

](ex = t7TAF(t)faR (~2 + q2)n prdr

Substitutingin the initial equation, dividing both sides of the equation by iEAF(t),
setting S<p = tAEF(t)St and r = mR, we obtain


Simultaneoussolution of equations(0) and (10) would provide the stress distributions

p and q for variousvalues of <p, i.e, of t startingfrom the conditionat t = <p = 0 of
P 2Tm
p = Po = 1T R2 and q = 1T R3

However,as indicatedin ProblemI, it is convenientfor analysisto presentthe equations(0)

and (10) in a form independentof imposed load and torque.
Creep of 0. solid metallic barat ele vated temperatures 201

By making the foll owing s ubstitu t ions in equations (9) and (10) (wh ere k = PR/2T)
P = PROdrrR3which is P = PR/rrR3 at t = 0, i.e, 0 1 = I at t =
q = 2TOz/rrR3= PROz/krrR3

which is q = 2Tm/rrR3a t t = °and letting rf; = (PR/rrR3)ZR.p, we obtain

a nd
~~ + 2(1~V) Oz[t(Ol)z+ (~)Z] = (1 n
I Oz[t (OI)2+ (~) Z] n m Zdm (II)


W e must accordingly solve (II) and (12) simultaneously to obtain the variation of
01 and Oz and thus of P and q at chosen positions with rf;, .p or t, Let 801/8t be denoted b y
0;, 8 z Od8.pz by 0:, 88z/8t by O~ and 8 z OZ/8.p2 by 0;.
T hen (II) and (12) yield the values 0; and O~. Differentiation of these by .p yields
0: and 0;.
Commencingat rf; = 0, OZo = 111 and 010 = I, whence values of 0;0' O~o' &;'0' 8;0 may be
e va lua te d for rf; = 0. Integrals with respect to m which occur in the expressionsfor these
fun ctions may be evaluated numeri cally by using the approximate method of Simpson.

computed Or0 , 0; 0 , &;.0 , 8;0 , t he values of 0 1 (AI ,Oz.
In )
(wh er e h is some suitable
interv al 8.p = 0,1, say ) may be comput ed using the relations

Having obtained 01(AI and OZeAI'we proceed to com p u te0112A)' OZ12AI' 01(3 A)' OZI3AI' etc . T o
do this a further approximation,
Oe</> +AI = 20",- 01'!J-A)+ hZ(O;)
wh er e h = 8.p may be u sed g ivi ng
8112A) = 281(A) - 01(0) - hZ6;(A I
82lZAI = 20Z(AI- OZ(01 - h 8;IAl
wh er e &;.(AI and 8;IAI can be d et erm in edknowing 01(AI and OZ(A)'
Similarly 01 (3A) ,Oz(3A) andso on may be comp ut ed . Having ob tained the relations 01 and
Oz to p. for 0. series of spec ific increments 8.p, tho relation of stresses P and q to radial
p osition may be obtained using previously statedrelations.
With modified limits of integrationR I to R z and value of J, the above arguments
can be appliedto thick tubes.

P roblem 3. The creep of a circular-sectionmetallic bar or thi ck-ualled tube n

a combin ed uniformbending momenta nd an axial stress due to axial end load
The ass ump ti on is m a d ethat cross-sect ions of the beam originall y plane and perpen-
dicular to the .ne ut ra l axis rem ai n so a fte r cre ep edformati on and further, that under
conditions of creep , 0. d eviation of tho neutralaxis from coi ncidence with the cen tro ida l
a x is is likely, but it is assumed (reasonably it is though t) that the d ev iation is sma ll, an d
the n ecessa ry correct ionis in a ny case obviou s.
Con sid er 0. point X in the cross -sect ion of the bar at heigh t a a bove the neutral axis.
Let tho a x ial bending stress a t X be P» and let P« be tho a xial stress (uniform a cross tho
bar sec t ion ) du e to a xial end load and finally let (Pb + Po) = p, taking Po a s positive.
Then Po = P] « = P/rrR2 wh er e ex is the total area of cr oss-section o f the bar and R the
outer rad ius.

The axial creep rate at X is given by

1 0
o, = UA(Jz)"(p)F(t)]+}j 8i P
where Jz = t~(uj) = tpz, Ul being maximumprincipal s tress.
If 0 b e the curvature of the bar a t time t duo to constant bending moment 111, then
the axial total strainlOa = aO + lOo. lOo being the neutralaxis strain. Hence

dO 2 . 1 op 1 oPo 2A •
a - = --=Ap · npF(t ) +- --- ----= [po]_nPo F(t)
dt 3 n+! E ot E dt 3 n+1

sin ce lOo is tho value of lOa for a = 0, i.e. at tho neutrala x is and a t this p osition
P = Po = ~ = rrR2

Let b = 2[~(R2-a2}] be tho breadthof a stripof tho section at height a above tho neutral
axis. Multiply equation(13) by 2b a = 4[~(R2-aZ)] a, integ rating between limits Rand 0,
a n d remembering that

is the moment of inertia I of tho sec ti on about the neutral axis = rrR~/4 and

IOR4[~(R2-a2)](a) (p- rr~2) da = M

the appliedbendingmomen t and oM/at = 0, we obtain

:: R~ dO = SA.P(t) fll [p 2n+1_ (~)2n+l] [~(RZ_a2)] a da

4 dt 3 n+1 Jo rrR 2

Substituting this equationin (13) and remembering

opo _ 0(P/rrR2) _ 0
ot - ot -

we find that upon dividing the equat ion by 2AEF(t) and se tting or/> = iAEF(t)at and
a =
fLR so that da = Rdp. we fm ally obtain

_+_1 [ p2n+l_ ( _P ) 2n+1]
or/> rrR2
= _I!:.
3 rr 0
II [ (
p2n+l_ _P ) 2n+l] [~(1-1L2)] u du:
rrR2 r: r: r:

Solution of this equationwould give the stress distributionof p for variousvalues of cP'
i.e, for various values of t, s t a r ti ngfrom the conditions at t cP = 0 of =
st« P (4MfL+PR)
P = T+ rrR~ = rrR3

As in Problems (1) and (2) analysis is facilitated by expressing the abo ve equat ion in a
form indep endent of imposed bending moment and load. This may b e done by making
the subst it u t ion
[4M8 + PR]
P = -rrR3
which becomes
[4MfL+P R]
P = rrR3
Creep of 11 solid metallic barat elevated temperatures 203

at t = '" = 0 and the further substitution (4M/'rrR3)2n",=,p. 'I'hen letting PR/4M = k

we obtain
:~ + 31n{[O + k] 2n +i} = ~~ ~ f{(O+ k)2ii+i - [k]2n+l}[~(I- fL2)]fL dfL (15)

A numericalsolution of this equationmay bo obtained using methods preciselysimilar

to those of Problem (2) at 11 similar junction.
All tho above argument can b e applied to 11 thick tubo u sin g integrationlimits R I and
R 2 and replacing elementary strip width 2 ~(r2_a2) by 2{[~(Ri _a 2)] - [~(Ri _a 2)]} and
correspondinglymodifying tho values of 1.

1. A. E. Joxxsox, J. HE~DEnso~ and V. D. MATHUR, Engineer 206, 209, 251, 28i (1958).

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