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On the Flow of a Simple Fluid

in an Orthogonal Rheometer

Communicated by C. TRUESDELL

1. Introduction

The motion occurring in the orthogonal rheometer of MAXWELL • CHARTOFF

[l] has been studied by several authors (BLYLER & KURTZ [2], BIRD & HARRIS
[3], HUILGOL [4] and KEARSLEY [5]). In essence, the apparatus is two parallel
plates which rotate with the same constant angular speed about two parallel
and different axes (cf. Fig. 1); the fluid to be tested fills the space between them.
Assuming that end effects can be neglected and that the flow can be represented
as if its boundaries were two infinite parallel plates, ABBOT & WALTERS [6] ob-
tained an exact solution for a classical incompressible fluid. F o r that they did
not assume the distance between the axes small or inertial effects negligible. Then
assuming the distance between the axes small, they studied the flow of a visco-
elastic fluid in the same domain by means of an expansion of an appropriate
physical variable in terms of a power series in the distance between the axes of
rotation. HUILCOL [4] showed that a velocity field of the form
u = ---Q(y -- ~pz), v = .Qx and w = O,
would satisfy the equation of motion of a simple fluid provided inertial effects
were ignored, u, v and w being the x, y and z components of the velocity, respec-
tively. However, if the inertial terms are not ignored, the acceleration associated
with this motion is not equilibrated by a pressure gradient in the presence of a
body force field.

Fig. 1. Flow Domain

RAJAGOPAL & GUPTA ([7], [8]) recently obtained an exact solution for the
flow of a homogeneous incompressible fluid of a second grade in the same domain
without requiring that the distance between the axes be small. The equation of
motion of a fluid of second grade is in general of higher order than the Navier-
Stokes equations. However, the specific form RAJAGOPAL & GUPTA assumed for
the motion in their problem reduced the equation of motion to the same order
as the Navier-Stokes equations, so the usual condition of adherence to the bound-
ary became sufficient to determine a unique solution.
In this paper I study the flow of a general simple fluid in the same domain
without neglecting inertial effects. I show that the velocity field assumed by
RAJAGOPAL & GUPTA [7] corresponds to a motion with constant stretch history.
The constitutive equation has the simpler representation established by WANG
[8] and consequently the equation of motion reduces to the same order as the Navier-
Stokes equations. Once again the condition of adherence to the boundary becomes
sufficient to determine a solution. The paper concludes with an analysis of a re-
lated boundary-value problem, namely the flow of a simple fluid between two
parallel plates rotating with a constant angular velocity about a common axis.
A brief review of the kinematics is presented in Section 2 and the main result
is established in Section 3.

2. Kinematics

According to NOLL [10], a motion has a constant stretch history* if, and only
if, the relative deformation gradient F(0)(z) at any time can be represented by

Fo(z) = 0(3) exp (zM), v E (-- 0% r (2.1)

Q(0) = 1,

where Q(z) is an orthogonal tensor function and M is a constant tensor. He classi-

fied these flows as:
(i) Flows for which M 2 = 0, viscometric flows,
(ii) Flows for which M 2 =}=0 but M a = 0,
(iii) Flows for which M n =[= 0 for all n = 1, 2, 3 . . . . .
Let x denote the position of an element X in the reference state at time t and
let ~ denote the position of X at time ~'. We shall assume that the motion occurring
in the orthogonal rheometer can be represented b y * *
u = --~(y -- g(z)),

v = f2(x --f(z)), (2.2)


* Earlier COLEMAN[11], [12] studied the same class of flows, which he termed sub-
stantially stagnant motions.
** Throughout this paper we shall use a fixed Cartesian co-ordinate system (x, y, z).
Flow in an Orthogonal Rheometer 4t

where u, v and w denote the x, y and z components of the velocity, respectively.

Note that the motion represented by (2.2) is isochorie. Let r ---- (~, ~/, ~); then

= --Q(~/ --g(~')), ~ = ~(r --f(r ~ = O, (2.3)

~(t) = x, r/(t) = y and ~(t) = z. (2.4)
It follows that
~(3) = (x -- f(z)) cos .Q(t -- 3) + (y -- g(z)) sin ~2(t -- z) + f(z),
~7(3) = -- (x -- f(z)) sin 12(t -- 7:) § (y -- g(z)) cos ~2(t -- 3) + g(z), (2.5)
= z.

Hence the relative deformation gradient is given by

/ cos.(2s sinf2s --g'(z) sing2s + f ' ( z ) - - f ' ( z ) c o s Q s \
Ft(t--s)=~--Siof2S cos.QSo g'(z)(1--c~ )"

Next we proceed to show that the assumed form for the velocity field (2.2)
is a motion with constant stretch history. It follows from (2.2) that the velocity
gradient L has the following matrix representation:

(L) =
i -o t2g'(z))
0 --Qf'(z) . (2.6)*
0 o

A straightforward computation yields

(L2) = _Q2 g' , (2.7)


(L 3) = _~3 0 3f, = --~2(L).

0 0
L 2n+l = ( - - l ) n .Q2nL, 17 = 1, 2 . . . . (2.8)
L 2n+2 = (--1) n - Q 2 n L 2 , n = 1, 2 . . . . . (2.9)

* A motion is of constant stretch history if the time derivative of the velocity gradient
associated with the motion vanishes (cf. HUILCOL [12]). It then follows from (2.6) that
the motion is of constant stretch history. However, we provide a direct verification that
the motion (2.2) is of constant stretch history.

It follows from (2.8), (2.9) and (2.6) that the relative deformation gradient Fo(r )
can be represented by
Fo(z ) = exp (zL),
where L is given by (2.6). Thus the motion is one of constant stretch history.

3. Equations of motion

WANG [9] has shown that in a motion with constant stretch history, the
relative Cauchy-Green tensor Ct(t -- s) regarded as a function of s is uniquely
determined by the first three Rivlin-Ericksen tensors At(t), A2(t) and A3(t) at
the instant t. This then implies that in a motion with constant stretch history,
the stress constitutive relation for an incompressible simple fluid reduces to the
T = --pl + f ( A , , A2, A3), (3.1)
where - - p l denotes the indeterminate part of the stress and the kinematical
tensors A 1, A 2 and A3 are generally defined through (cf RIVLIN & ERICKSEN [14]) :
A 1 =L+L r, (3.2)1

dAn_ 1
A. = d---'~-+ LTAn-I + A"-IL" (3.2)2

dAn- 1
For the motion being considered -- 0, and (3.2)2 reduces to
A. = LTAn_I -~ An_IL. (3.2)3

It follows from (2.6) and (3.2)1,3 that

(A1) =
(: ~ Og'(z)\
0 (3.3)
-t- Qg'(z) -- Qf'(z)

(: o -Q~f' )--D2g ' , (3.4)

(A2) = 0
_S22f' _t22g' 2(~g,2 + Q2f,2)
0 0 _QSg,\
(Aa) = 0 0 (3.5)
_Qag, ~3f,
Flow in an Orthogonal Rheometer 43

and (3.1) reduces to

T = - - p l + ) ( A 1 , As). (3.6)
We now proceed to show that the equation of motion of a simple fluid is
of the same order as the Navier-Stokes equations. The local form of the balance
o f linear momentum states that
div r + ob = 9 ~ - , (3.7)

where b is the body force and div denotes divergence. The form (2.2) assumed for
the motion implies that
-- .Q2(x - - f ( z ) ) i -- .Q2(y _ g(z))j. (3.8)
If b is a conservative body force field, then (3.7) implies that

div](A1, As) - gradp - grad Oq~ = --Og22(x --f(z)) i -- 0~22(y -- g(z))j, (3.9)
where b ---- --grad qb. Since A~ and A2 are completely determined b y f ' ( z ) and
g'(z), it follows from (3.9) that
1 ~p ~ 1
0 ~x -- ~x + OZ(x - - f ( z ) ) -k--h~(f'(z),o g'(z),f"(z),g"(z)),

I ~p ~b 1 . . . .

0 8y -- + I22(y --g(z)) + - - h 2 ( f ( z ) , g ( z ) , f (z),g"(z)),

~p ~ 1
+ - - ha (f'(z), g'(z), f"(z), g"(z)), (3.10)1a,3
~z ~z
where we have used the fact that divf(A1, Az) can be expressed as

divJ(al, A2) = h~(f'(z), g'(z),f"(z), g"(z)) i

+ h2 (f'(z), g"(z),f"(z), g"(z))j + ha(f "(z), g'(z),f"(z), g"(z)) le.
The appropriate boundary conditions for the velocity field are (see Fig. 1)
u=-~---Oy, v=Dx, m=0 at z=h, (3.11)

u 2 .Oy, v= Ox, o~=0 at z=0, (3.12)1
u-+ ~ oo, v-+ ~ oo a s x , y ~ . (3.12)s
It follows from (2.2), (3.11) and (3.12) that
f(O) = f(h) = O, (3.13)
1 1
g(O) = -- --f a, g(h) = --~ a. (3.14)

In the usual manner, we shall eliminate the pressure gradient which occurs in
the equation of motion by operating with the curl operator on (3.9). Since the
functions h~ and h2 are functions of z alone, we obtain

~h2 dh2
~ - -- -~z -- Q~C22g" (3.15)~

~ha dha
Oz dz -- oQ2f,. (3.15)2

Thus the problem reduces to solving the coupled system of third-order ordinary
differential equations f o r f a n d g, and thence determining the velocities. However,
the boundary conditions (3.13) and (3.14) are not sufficient to obtain a solution
to (3.15)1,2 since we have raised the order of the differential equation by operating
with the curl operator. We overcome this minor difficulty in the following manner.
On integrating (3.15)1,2 we find that
h 2 = Qf22g Av q, (3.16)t
ha = O.QEf_j_ s, (3.16)2
where q and s are constants. Substituting (3.10)1,2,3 in

- - = - -
e ~x d x + dy+ dz ,

and integrating, we obtain on setting h = p + Q~

-- (x2 + y2) + (+ q)
x+-~-y +h(z)+C, (3.17)

h(z) -- f h3 dz.
It can be seen from (3.17) that non-zero values of s and q would give rise to a
pressure gradient between the plates with a corresponding flow of the Poiseuille
type. In order to remove the possibility of this type of flow and at the same time
to ensure the symmetry of the velocity distribution about the plane z = h/z,
we set s = q = 0 (cf [6]). We can now use (3.16)1,2 to obtain the additional
boundary conditions which are necessary to solve (3.15)1,2. It follows from
(3.16)1,2 that
h~(f'(O), g'(O), f"(O), g"(O)) = O, (3.18)a
h2(f'(O), g'(0),f"(0), g"(0)) -- 2 a~f22' (3.18)2

ha(f '(h), g'(h),f"(h), g"(h)) = O, (3.18)3

h2(f'(h), g'(h), f"(h), g"(h) ) = -~- a00 2. (3.18)4
Flow in an Orthogonal Rheometer 45

In general, the coupled non-linear system (3.15)1,2 can be solved numerically

with the aid of the boundary conditions (3.13), (3.14) and (3.18). My approach
is different from HUILGOL'S in that I try to ascertain the velocity field by solving
the differential equation governing the motion of the fluid rather than adopting
a special velocity field which would hold if inertial effects are neglected. In fact,
if the fluid under consideration has a relatively simple constitutive relation, we
can even obtain an exact solution to the equation of motion as in the case of an
incompressible fluid of second grade (cf. RAJAGOPAL & GUPTA [7]).
Consider the flow of an incompressible fluid of second grade in an orthogonal
rheometer. The Cauchy stress T for such a fluid is given by (cf. TROESDELL&
NOLL [15])
T -~ - - p l + / * A 1 -4- ~2A2 + ~1A2. (3.19)
Here - - p l denotes the constitutively indeterminate part of the stress, kt the viscosity,
~i and ~2 the normal stress moduli and A1 and A2 the first two Rivlin-Ericksen
tensors. If we assume a velocity field of the form (2.2), equations (3.15)1,2, (3.13),
(3.14) and (3.18) yield

/*f'" 4- gxQg'" 4- oQg' = 0, (3.20) 1

# g " ' -- ~ l ~ f ' " -- o Q f ' = O, (3.20)2

1 I
f(O) -- O, f ( h ) = O, g(O) = - - --~ a, g(h) = --~ a,

(~le) Oal2 o,1~2al2~

f"(0) = (,,/02 + ( ~ , o / e ) 2 , g"(o) = (**/e) 2 + ( , 1 ~ / 0 2 . (3.21),_6

The problem above can be solved exactly for f and g:

f ( z ) = 7 {sin nh cos m h [cos nz sinh mz + cos n(z - - h) sinh m(z -- h)]

-- cos nh sinh m h [sin nz cosh m z + sin n(z -- h) cosh m ( z -- h)]}, (3.22)1

g(z) = -A- {cos nh sinh m h [cos nz sinh m z 4- cos n(z - - h) sinh m ( z - - h)]

+ sin nh cosh m h [sin n z cosh m z 4- sin n(z - - h) cosh m ( z - - h)]} (3.22)2

A = 4 (sinh 2 m h 4- sin 2 nh), (3.22)3

m2 9{[(tt/~Q)2 4- ~2]~/2 _ gl} and n2 ~{[(#/g2)2 4- ~2]~/2 4- ~1} (3.22)45

= 2[(/,/~)2 + ~ 1 = 2[(,,/~)2 + ~,~1 .
We conclude this paper with an analysis of a related boundary value problem:
the flow of a simple fluid between two parallel plates rotating with a constant
angular velocity ~Q about a common axis. * Once again we shall assume a velocity

* A few remarks regarding BERKER'S[16] interesting analysis of the above problem

in the case of a classical incompressible fluid is appropriate. In addition to establishing

field of the form (2.2). We find that the problem reduces to solving the coupled
system (3.15)1 and (3.15)2. The boundary conditions in this problem are different,
in fact simpler. We seek a solution wherein streamlines in any z = constant plane
are concentric circles ( c f [16]), the locus of the centers of these circles as the
z = constant plane shifts from z = - - h to z = h being a curve in space
( x = f ( z ) and y ----g(z) are the equations which define the locus of the centers.)
Since the locus passes through (0, 0, --h) and (0, 0, h), it follows from the adherence
condition that
f ( - - h ) ----0, f ( h ) ---- 0 (3.22)I,2
g ( - - h ) = O, g(h) ---- 0. (3.23)1,2
Suppose the locus of the centers intersects the z = h plane at the point Q whose
coordinates are (1, 0, 0) where l > 0. It follows that

f ( h ) = 1, g(h) = 0, (3.24)1,2
since the velocity of the fluid at Q is zero. The equations (3.22), (3.23) and (3.24)
provide the boundary conditions which are necessary to solve the coupled system
(3.15)1,2. O f course, corresponding to each (I, 0, 0) there would be a solution to
the problem.
In the case of an incompressible fluid of second grade, a straightforward com-
putation yields (cf. RAJAGOPAL d~ GUPTA [17]):
f ( z ) = -~- {(cosh m h cos nh - - cosh m z cos nz) (cosh m h cos nh - - 1)

+ (sinh m h sin nh - - sinh m z sin nz) (sin h m h sin nh)},

g(z) = -~- ((sinh mh sin nh - - sin n z sinh m z ) (cosh m h cos nh - - 1)

-- (cosh mh cos nh - - cosh m z cos nz) (sinh mh sin nh)},

---- (cosh mh cos nh - - 1)2 + (sinh mh sin h) z .

Acknowledgment. I thank Professors A. W. MARRISand C. TRUESDELLfor suggestions

regarding both content and style which proved very useful.

the existence of an infinite set of non-trivial solutions, he showed that his solution cannot
be obtained as a limiting case of the flow due to rotation about different axes. He showed
also that the rigid body motion belonged to the infinite set of solutions. It is appropriate
to point out that BERKER[18] implies the possibility of exact solutions to the Navier-
Stokes equation for both of the boundary-value problems considered above. DROUOT
[19] has extended BERKER'Sanalysis and implied the possibility of exact solutions in
the case of a fluid of second grade. However, she has neither solved any specific
boundary-value problem nor stated explicitly the symmetric solution established by
RAJAGOPAL & GUPTA [7], who regrettably were unaware of her interesting analysis.
Moreover, the equations of motion stated on p. 302 of [19] are incorrect. Recently,
BERKER [20] has given a proof for his earlier work in [18].
Flow in an Orthogonal Rheometer 47

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

The Catholic University of America
Washington, D.C. 20064
(Received 21 April 1981 ; revised July 30, 1981)

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