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1. There are two types of electronic device: Input device and Output device.

Tick (✓) the most

appropriate type of device for each of the following.(5Mark)

Electronic Device Input Device Output Device

Touch pad
Game pad

2. Answer the question by choosing appropriate answer.(40Mark)

(1) Which part of computer can compute the user work?
a. Mouse
b. Monitor
c. Keyboard
d. CPU

(2) A list of possible command on the left hand side of the screen in scratch is called
a. Printer
b. Math
c. Operator
d. Hard disk

(3) Error with your code is called ____________

a. Bug
b. Script
c. Debugging
d. Coding

(4) Which of the following is use for cut clipboard?

a. Ctrl + C
b. Ctrl + X
c. Ctrl + A
d. Alt + F4

(5) The Central processing unit is also known simply as the

a. Monitor
b. Scanner
c. Processor
d. Stylus pen

(6) Which part of computer help to show information.

a. Printer
b. Monitor
c. Mouse
d. Hard disk

(7) A big white space in the middle of the screen in scratch is called
a. Script editor
b. Code menu
c. Stage
d. Operator

(8) The box in the upper right-hand side of scratch is called:

a. Stage
b. Script editor
c. Code menu
d. Loop

(9) Scratch has a data structure that lets store lots of variables at once is called:
a. Variables
b. Strings
c. Operator
d. List

(10) The line that starts with a single quote ( ' ) is called_______ in small basic
a. Value
b. Comment
c. Code
d. Program

(11) Three main types of errors in programming are _________logic error, Runtime
a. Coding error
b. Verb error
c. Syntax error
d. Script error

(12) Operator are a _______ of function that allows you to make mathematical calculation
like adding subtracting
a. special type
b. use type
c. common type
d. a list

(13) One of output device in computer is –

a. Keyboard
b. Monitor
c. UPS
d. RAM

(14) ______________are a tool that you will use to store information

a. Variables
b. List
c. Number
d. Algorithm

(15) To create an application with a GUI, with buttons and images small basic Can be use
the _______________object.
a. writeline
b. Textwindow
c. Graphic window
d. Math

(16) In the same way, to write a valid Small Basic program, you must follow the
grammatical rules of Small Basic, which are called.
a. Logic rule
b. Spelling rule
c. Adjective rule
d. Syntax rules

(17) Choose “search engine”?

a. Chrome
b. google
c. Internet
d. All of these

(18) The basic goal of computer process is to convert data into –

a. Software
b. Graphs
c. Information
d. Files

(19) GraphicsWindow Properties for the default Font Name, Size is ________.
a. Time New Roma
b. Tahoma
c. Arial
d. Calibri

(20) The three main parts of Small Basic are – language (small basic language), the
supporting ________, the programming interface.
a. outline
b. library
c. environment
d. script

(21) When click on the Run button, Small Basic creates the four other files in order to run
your program. These are (.sb),(.exe),(.dll),(.pdb)
a. (.txt)
b. (.dll)
c. (.docx)
d. (.mp3)

(22) In small basic the coordinate (0,0) is_______________ for graphic windows.
a. upper-left corner
b. lower-left corner
c. upper-right corner
d. lower-right corner

(23) Conditions let to create rules for computer to follow as scripts. One tool for creating a
condition is ____
a. Show
b. Hide
c. If .then
d. Move 10 steps

(24) When cutting and pasting, cutting section is temporarily stored in:
a. Dashboard
b. Clipboard
c. DVD drive
d. LCD display

(25) How many generation of computer have?

a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
d. 5

(26) Which of the following computer that can not be carried around easily?
a. Desktop
b. Laptop
c. Resberry Pi
d. Handheld Computer

(27) What is “mp4”

a. A mouse
b. A Video format
c. A printer
d. A Sound format

(28) The second generation of computer is used_______________ for Circuitry.

a. Transistor
b. IC
c. Large scale integration
d. Vacuum tube

(29) Every program is made up of a combination of five basic part: input, output, Math,
Conditional execution and _______________.
a. Software
b. repetition
c. Mathematics
d. Item

(30) Data structures are how we organize our ___________data types.

a. Different
b. Same
c. Common
d. Other

(31) The tool bar contains_____ that let you edit and run your program
a. file
b. number
c. space
d. buttons
(32) In scratch ________________ block can also make own changes to the costumes.
a. next Costumes
b. When flag is click
c. When space key pressed
d. Wait 1 Sec

(33) Order of operation in Small basic is__________.

a. BODMAS (Brackets, Orders, Division, Multiplication, Addition and
b. BIDMAS (Brackets ,Indices ,Division ,Multiplication ,Addition ,Subtraction)
c. PEMDAS (Parenthesis ,Exponents ,Multiplication ,Division ,Addition

(34) Two Byte consists of –

a. 8
b. 9
c. 10
d. 16

(35) A________________ is an electronic device that process data. Converting it into

a. Stylus pen
b. Processor
c. Printer
d. Computer

(36) _____________are create to make repetition

a. Program
b. Condition
c. Loop
d. Variables

(37) All the important ingredients you need to make a great game are Objective,
Operation_______, Outcome.
a. Obstacle
b. Variables
c. List
d. String

(38) The small basic IDE contain four mail part.The editor, _____, help area ,and surface
a. translator
b. toolbar
c. spelling checker
d. grammer chacker

(39) A ____ means that the information are storing a group of different character is called:
a. variable
b. Numeric
c. List
d. Operator
(40) A computer system is
a. Hardware
b. Software
c. Peripheral devices
d. All of these

3. Complete the following questions using the most appropriate items from the list below. (5
VLC media player Adobe photoshop malware scanner
Android Operating System Device driver Microsoft office
Skype Brave chrome

I. Identify two system software from the list

(A) ______________________
(B) ______________________

II. Identify three application software from the list

(A) ______________________
(B) ______________________
(C) ______________________

4. Meet the incredible starfish. He can grow and shrink, all with the click of a button. We just
need to use our events to trigger those buttons so Starfish can receive his broadcasted messages
and follow your commands!(10 Mark)

Step 1
Bring in the Starfish sprite and two Ball sprites. To make the second ball green, simply click
on its green costume option in the Costumes tab.
Click on the thumbnail of the green ball below the stage to open its script editor. Start your
script with a when this sprite clicked event block. Then add a broadcast (__) event block. Click
on the drop-down menu in the code block and choose “New message.” Type in “Shrink.” Try
clicking on your green button. Starfish isn’t doing any shrinking, is he? Well, we have sent a
broadcast. But we have not told Starfish to receive it yet.

Click on Starfish’s thumbnail to open up his script editor. Add a when I receive (__) event block
and choose “Shrink” from the drop-down menu. Now Starfish has received the broadcast, but
we also have to tell him what he is supposed to do! You want him to get smaller, so you need
to add a
change size by (__) looks block. Type in -10 for the number, so every time he receives the
broadcast, he will shrink by 10% of his size. Try it out! Can you make Starfish shrink? Nice

Step4 Code complete

To make Starfish grow, go ahead and program the yellow ball to send a “Grow” broadcast.
When Starfish receives the broadcast, he needs to increase his size by 10%. We’ll write the
same code that we did in Step 3, but what number do you think you’ll place in the change size
by spot? 10, right? If -10 made the green ball shrink by 10%, 10 will make Starfish grow by
10%. Now the Starfish can grow and shrink at the click of a mouse! Great work —you just used
two new event types! You made your sprites follow a script. when they were clicked on, and
you sent out broadcasts to trigger new scripts to run!

5. What is the output of the following program? (10 Marks)

GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(50, 18, 61, 37)
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(61, 37, 83, 43)
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(83, 43, 69, 60)
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(69, 60, 71, 82)
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(71, 82, 50, 73)
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(50, 73, 29, 82)
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(29, 82, 31, 60)
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(31, 60, 17, 43)
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(17, 43, 39, 37)
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(39, 37, 50, 18)
6. Write a program that draw the following figure by using small basic.(10 Mark)

7. Write a program that connects the following six points with line segments: (20, 110), (110, 50),
(10, 50), (100, 110), (60, 20), (20, 110).,What shape do you get ?.(5 Mark)
Write a program that connects the following six points with line segments:
8. What is the output of the following program by using small basic.(5 Mark)
GraphicsWindow.DrawRectangle(10, 10, 90, 50)
GraphicsWindow.DrawRectangle(15, 60, 75, 4)
GraphicsWindow.DrawRectangle(34, 64, 6, 6)
GraphicsWindow.DrawRectangle(74, 64, 6, 6)
GraphicsWindow.DrawRectangle(30, 70, 75, 10)
GraphicsWindow.DrawRectangle(20, 80, 80, 2)

9. Write a program that calculates and displays the circumference of a circle with a radius of 5
unit.We’ll give you a hint: the equation for the circumference of a circle is 2 x pi x radius . by
using small basic.(5 Mark).

10. Translate this pseudocode into a Small Basic program:(5 Mark)

a. Set quantity to 10.
b. Set item price to 15 dollars.
c. Compute total price by multiplying quantity by item price.
d. Display total price.

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