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1. BASAL METABOLIC RATE (BMR) - energy needed to sustain metabolic activities of the cells and
tissues and to maintain circulatory, respiratory, gastrointestinal and renal processes.

2. CALORIES - is a unit of energy. The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram
of water by 1 degree centegrade. In nutrition, calories refer to the energy derived
from food, and the energy used for physical activity.

3. DBW - Desirable Body Weight - believed to be the weight that is annoted with good health for a person,
IBW - Ideal Body Weight based chiefly on height but modified by factors such as gender, age, build and
degree of muscular development.

4. EDIBLE PORTION - quantity of food expressed either in weight,volume or count, after it has been
cleaned, peeled or prepared and is ready for consumption.


are compilation or database providing nutritionally important chemical composition
of foods such energy, moisture and nutrients like CPF, fiber, sugar, vitamins and minerals


classification or grouping of foods with equivalent amounts of CPF and energy;
food item within a list may be used interchangeably.

6. FRUIT-FLAVORED DRINKS - are drinks flavored with natural or artificial essences or extracts of fruit.

7. MEAL PLANNING - process of planning meals that are nutritional adequate for an individual's age,
sex, physiological state.

8. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY (PA) - is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles
that release energy.

9. RESTING METABOLIC RATE(RMR) - used synonymously with Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
> the energy expended for the maintenance of normal body functions and
> represents the largest portion of total energy expendeture
> may be as much as 10% to 20% higher than the Basal Energy Expendeture(BEE),
allowing for the energy spent as the result of the thermic effect of food or
excess post exercise oxygen consumption.
10. PDRI - Philippine Dietary Reference Intakes (DOST-FNRI)

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