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1. List the important properties of matter?

2. What is diffusion ?
3. Which properties of matter were proved by mixing sugar in water
4. What are the properties of gases ?
5. Define latent heat of Fusion, is it same as latent heat of vaporization ?
6. Which of the following will show “Tyndall effect”?
(a) Salt solution
(b) milk
(c) copper sulphate solution
(d) starch solution.
7. If sugar is added to water, is the mixture homogeneous or heterogeneous.
Give reasons for your answer?
8. Differentiate between eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells?
9. What is cell wall and cell membrane?
10. Define osmosis and exosmosis?
11. What are plastids?
12. Give an brief account of structure of golgi apparatus?

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