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Course Name: Global Strategic Management

Assignment Title: Reliance Industries: An Emerging Player in Global Petrochemicals & Energy Case
Date: 20th September 2022

Student Name PG ID
Pavan Venkatesh 62210934

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1. Reliance Industries was formed on the principles of being the best at what it does while also
being adaptable enough to change with the times. Reliance industry’s competitive advantages are
the company’s brand positioning, the leadership of Mukesh Ambani, network in whole over
India, and foreign investments.

Its capacity to integrate vertically in both directions assisted them in reaching greater heights,
allowing them to remain unrivaled in many worldwide marketplaces.
Reliance averaged at a significantly lower cost because of the emphasis on operational efficiency
that there should be no production time lost during this drive.
Reliance may now benefit from economies of scale throughout the whole value chain because
of this Seamless integration. Another element driving these gains is interdependence, which has
successfully invested all its money while eliminating or greatly cutting its tax burden.

Finally, Reliance has the capacity to cultivate contacts at all levels of government. This, together
with RIL's adept utilization of financial market income prospects, was a critical component in the
company's ability to retain earnings even through the most difficult periods for the Indian and
world economies.

2. Every business into which Reliance has ventured has a high barrier to entry. All these
businesses need substantial capital expenditures and investments for plant construction,
machinery purchases, and R&D and innovation efforts. Prior to 1991, severe bureaucracy made it
difficult for most people to work in the below-mentioned fields unless they were connected to a
minister or had a large income. The petrochemical, telecoms, and textile sectors suffer from a
lack or excess of regulation. Reliance has built the largest and most sophisticated operations,
putting competitors at a disadvantage. RIL invested in cutting-edge technologies and built the
world's largest facilities to mass-produce a diverse variety of products. They were able to use
high-quality petrochemicals in their textile production operations because they streamlined
literally the entire supply chain.

3. I have a slightly hopeful outlook since I observe Reliance's concentration on offering good
quality to clients, exhibiting exceptional potential, and establishing unique business tactics.
Because of the firm's founders' passion for the growth and innovation they bring to the sectors in
which they invest, they also provide a large number of employment possibilities to many
individuals around the country while also luring overseas employees to the company.

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