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The Peace Corps experience has given me a lot of ideas about the kinds of programming and development

strategies that I hope I might one day help to apply to my home town. I saw it as a chance to be trained to work
in underdeveloped regions.

What did you accomplish while serving in the Peace Corps?

Schwille: I was a chemistry teacher at Mbekenyera, Tanzania. At the same school, my husband taught both math
and physics. It was my very first job as a teacher. In June 1996, I received my undergraduate degree, and two
months later, I joined the Peace Corps.

Schneider: I had a job at the Pernik Municipal Palace of Culture, where I developed initiatives for arts-based
education. I acquired the grant-writing abilities I utilize on a daily basis in Bulgaria while working there.

All Peace Corps Volunteers serve for a total of 27 months, including three months of training and 24 months of
duty. Did you think your education had equipped you for the next two years?

Schwille: I had my education in Arusha, a sizable city in Tanzania. The first three months were spent living with
host families. Our training class included between 30 and 40 participants. The habits and cultures of the area
were explained to us. From how to take a bucket bath to how to run the educational system, we received advise
on everything. [Tanzania's educational system is based on the British O and A level system. Before moving on
to A levels, a student must successfully complete their O levels.]

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