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*Essay Homework

Career goals are targets. Things, positions, situations related to your professional life that
you have set your mind on achieving. They can be short-term, like getting a promotion or
certification, or they can be long-term, like running your own successful business or being
an executive at your dream company. No matter what they sound like, they should be this
sort of prize that motivates you to get going in your career.
Personally, I don’t have defined in detail, like other people, what are my career goals, but
what I’m sure about, is that I want to work as a business with my own concept. I’m
studying Business Administration at the University, and I really like all the things related to
my career. I like to investigate the behavior of employees, I like to create strategies, I like
to think about the added values that I could add to a company, and much more.
I love the business world; I have studied in different institutions forging my knowledge.
Since I was little, I have liked everything related to business: sales, purchases, bartering,
etc. Every weekend, I am excited to go to the training institutions to start a new practice.
Although sometimes the teacher gives me practices that are really challenging and I get a
little anxious, I never get bored or tired of it, and then when I finish, and I can see how well
I did, the satisfaction of seeing the result of so much effort is priceless.
The skills that I hope to obtain while studying Business are analysis, data analysis, project
management, strategy planning, market segmentation, behavior analysis, process control. I
hope to get all these skills mentioned, because in my future job, I know that I am going to
need these skills. They will contribute to my progress, professional success and in some
way add to my personal development, supporting my humanitarian and ethical side.
Having a career goal is important. You don’t need to have many, but in my opinion, you
should have at least one, because, it will keep you focused and keep you from getting stuck
on a cycle where every day looks the same and you forget what you are working for in the
first place. It gives you something to aim for, steps to follow, progress to make. Setting
unrealistic goals can lead to disappointment. But that doesn’t mean that one should avoid
formulating career goals altogether. Creating resolutions is the easiest way to keep oneself
motivated to achieve your dreams.

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