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Focus on Global Warming

▣ Anthropocentrism
▣ Biocentrism or Ecocentrism
▣ Theocentrism

▣ the view or belief that the rights and needs of humans are not more importan
▣ Anthropocentrism, in its original connotation in environmental ethics, is
▣ thethebelief that
ethical value is human-centred
perspective holding that alland that all other beings are means to
▣ Holds that humans alone have intrinsic value or worth life deserves equal moral consideration or has equal moral standing.
▣ Although elements of biocentrism can be found in several religious traditions

▣ Alternative to the previous two approaches

▣ Recognizing God as the center of all there is, of what we know, and of how we then live
▣ God made all of creation and made people bearing his image
▣ Emphasizes stewardship

▣ Creator/creation distinction
▣Ex nihilo creation
▣God’s mediated action in creation
▣Functional integrity
▣God’s ongoing activity in creation

▣Subdue and rule (Genesis 1:26-28) ▣Puts humans in a place subservient to God
▣Serve and protect (Genesis 2:15) ▣Values the flourishing of creation 2
▣Values human flourishing

▣ Global Warming
▣ Ozone Depletion
▣ Waste Disposal and Pollution (Air, Land, Water)
▣ Deforestation
▣ Endangered Species of Plants and Animals
▣ Military Pollution

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