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KD 3.3 DAN 4.3

Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Assa’adah Bungah
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : VIII/I
Materi/Pokok Bahasan : Stating Obligation and Suggestion

A. Petunjuk Belajar
1. Peserta didik diminta meliahat video percakapan expressing suggestion and obligation
setelah memahami ringkasan materi yang diberikan
2. Dengarkan dan perhatikan tiap kalimat yang diucapkan dan situsi yang sedang terjadi
3. Catatn masing dialog phrase sxpressing suggestion and obligation
4. Tempatkan d tabel yang telah disediakan dan kumpulkan
B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti pembelajaran dengan metode Diskusi menggunakan media video dan
worksheet diharapkan peserta didik dapat Memahami fungsi sosial dari expressing obligation
and suggestion dan Mengidentifikasi phrase dan kosa kata yang digunakan di dalam kalimat
expressing obligation and suggestion dengan tepat dan percaya diri.
C. Informasi Pendukung (Ringkasan Materi)

➢ Asking suggestion : expression is used for showing how the way to ask an give suggestion
to someone
➢ Asking for advice/ suggestion is This expression is told when we want to ask advice or
giving suggestion about something
➢ Struktur teks:

Asking suggestion Giving suggestion Responding the suggestion

Accepting Refusing
suggestion suggestion
What do you advise …? I recommend you Yes, I’d like I tried that,
to…… but….
What should…..? My suggestion is that That sound like a That’s a good
……. good ide idea, but…..
What would you do if You should …… Thank you/ thank No, I’d rather not
Do you have any if I were you, I will ….. Why didn’t I I don’t feel like
suggestion..? think of that? that

➢ Giving advice or suggestion is This expression is told when we want give advice or
suggestion to someone
➢ Obligation is the expression in English that used for showing a obligation that must be
done it
➢ Struktur Teks:

➢ I have to wear uniform at work.

➢ Rita has to finish her work before Friday
➢ you have to do housework everyday

D. Tugas/Soal

a. Task 1
Write the expression of obligation and suggestion based on the video that you hear

No Suggestion expression Obligation expression

b. Task 2
Give expressing suggestion and obligation based on the situation!!

NO Example of the conversation Matter Suggestion or

1 A: What’s the matter? I’m really cold
B: I’m really cold.
A: You should take a hot bath.
B: That’s a good idea!
2 A: What’s the matter I have a terrible
B: I have a terrible headache headache
A: You must go to Doctor
B: That’s a good idea
3 A: What’s the matter? I’m tired
B: I’m tired
A: You should have some coffee
or tea.
B: That’s a good idea
4 A: What’s the matter I’m bored
B: I’m bored
A: You must do interesting
B: That’s a good idea
5 A: What’s the matter? I ate spicy pepper
B: I ate spicy pepper
A: You should have some water
B: That’s a good idea
6 A: What’s the matter? I failed my test
B: I failed my test
A: You must study harder
B: That’s a good idea
E. Penyelesaian

Answer sheet task 1

No Suggestion expression Obligation expression

1 What should I do? only have to take a boat
2 No, I don’t think so 2. you have to go a broad
3 That sound like a good idea 3. you don’t have to any worry
4 Do you have any recommendation 4.
for good but cheap hotels
5 How should I get there then 5.
6 You should just take the bus 6.
7 I suggest you to get a tourism pass 7.
8 8.
9 9.
10 10.

Answer sheet task 2

NO Example of the conversation Matter Suggestion or

1 A: What’s the matter? I’m really cold You should take a
B: I’m really cold. hot bath
A: You should take a hot bath.
B: That’s a good idea!
2 A: What’s the matter I have a terrible You must go to
B: I have a terrible headache headache Doctor
A: You must go to Doctor
B: That’s a good idea
3 A: What’s the matter? I’m tired You should have
B: I’m tired some coffee or tea.
A: You should have some coffee
or tea.
B: That’s a good idea
4 A: What’s the matter I’m bored You must do
B: I’m bored interesting activity
A: You must do interesting
B: That’s a good idea
5 A: What’s the matter? I ate spicy pepper You should have
B: I ate spicy pepper some water
A: You should have some water
B: That’s a good idea
6 A: What’s the matter? I failed my test You must study
B: I failed my test harder
A: You must study harder
B: That’s a good idea

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