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1. Rita : We are hungry. We need some oranges.

Nia : Oh, why oranges? I ……….. we need some bread instead.

a. like c. think so
b. agree d. disagree

2. Siti : Rini, what do you think about that movie that we had watched.
I think it was fantastic.
Rini : ……………..………… (Rini disagreed)
a. I agree c. I don’t think so
b. I strong agree d. I disagree up for a point

3. Rosa : Well Rudi, you have certainly hurt her with your joke.
Rudi : That is not true. I know she isn’t angry.
The underlined phrase shows us that …………….…………..
a. Rosa agreed with Rudi’s joke
b. Rosa warned Rudi not to hurt her
c. Rudi agreed with Rosa’s opinion
d. Rudi disagreed with Rosa

4. Ani : Why do you make the cleaning schedule in this class that big?
Jaka : ……………… every student in this class can see it clearly.
a. In order to c. Since
b. So that d. To

5. Dian : Hi, Hilman

Hilman : You buy so many strawberries. What are they for?
Hilman : …………… make some glasses of juice.
a. To c. Although
b. So that d. In order to

6. Teacher : If you say “I couldn’t agree with you more”.

What does the sentence mean?
Student A : I think it means that I …………………………
a. totally agree c. no longer agree
b. totally disagree d. no more opinion
The following dialogue is for questions no 7 to 9
Mother : Where are you going?
Thomas : I’m going to return this notebook to Bobby
Mother : Can’t you do it tomorrow?
Thomas : No. I mustn’t return it tonight, I promised him
Mother : OK, but please take your mobile phone with you so that I contact you
Thomas : Sure.

7. Why did his mother say?

a. She was sleepy c. She was worried
b. She was curious d. She was delighted

8. Why did Thomas insist on returning the book that night?

a. He has promised Bobby that he would
b. He didn’t like to go out in the afternoon
c. He wanted to meet Bobby as soon as possible
d. He was not sure that Bobby was at home last night

9. Why did Mother ask Thomas to take his mobile phone?

a. In case she wanted to contact him
b. To remind Thomas about the tine
c. To show the way to Bobby’s house
d. In case she wanted to ask Thomas to buy something

10. Rita : I’m going to wear this dress at Ratu’s birthday party. What do you think, Nia?
Nia : That’s fine
The underlined expression shows …………
a. A disagreement
b. An agreement
c. A pleasure
d. A greeting
11. Susi : Hi, Santi. I think everything is expensive
Santi : I …………… with you. Even for bus, plane, and ship ticket
a. agree c. disagree
b. come d. don’t agree

12. Mona : “Let’s go out tonight”

Lisa : ……………………….. (Lisa thinks it’s a good idea)
a. I agree c. I disagree
b. I’m agree d. I’m agreeing

13. Rika : Lisa, look at me. What do you think about this dress? (in fitting room)
Lisa : ……......... the color isn’t suit with your skin. I think you can find the soft color
a. I’m not sure c. Perfect
b. Fantastic d. I agree

14. Beny : Budi, I think our home football team will win in the next match
Budi : ………………… (Budi doesn’t really agree)
a. I’m not quite sure c. I’m sure
b. I’m not real sure d. I’m not so sure
For questions no 15 to 18 complete the dialogues with the best expressions
Lusi : Edi, do you know the way to go Kiaracondong Station?
Edi : Yes
Lusi : Can you tell me how to get there? I have to go there
Edi : Of course. By the way (15) ……………. ?
Lusi : (16) ……. It is her first time coming here
Edi : Oh, I see. You have to take an angkot to Leuwipanjang bus station,
then take a city bus to Cicaheum. That bus passes through Kiaracondong street.
Lusi : OK, thank you Edi
Edi : Don’t mention it. What time does your cousin arrive at the station?
Lusi : At 15.35
Edi : It’s 14.00 (17) …… or else you will make your cousin wait for you
Lusi : (18) ……. I don’t want to make her wait for me, bye Edi
Edi : Bye, Lusi.

15. …………….
a. What do you think about the station?
b. What does your cousin look like?
c. Why do you need to go there?
d. What is it about?

16. ……………..
a. So that I can go to the station
b. In order to pick up my cousin
c. To go to my cousin’s house
d. I should go there

17. ……………..
a. To get there on time
b. I think you should go now
c. In order to get there quickly
d. So that you get there early

18. ……………….
a. I think so
b. I don’t understand
c. I don’t agree with you
d. I shouldn’t go the quickly

19. Teacher A : Do you think it’s a good idea to give students some video to make them
easier to understand the subject?
Teacher B : ………………………
a. Not so bad c. Not too bad
b. It suits you d. I think it’s alright

20. Yusuf : Why do wear glasses?

Debi : ………… help me see clearly
a. To be c. Because
b. So that d. In order to
The dialogue is for number 21-23

Rieta : We should go gives money to beggars

Caca : I’m sorry. I don’t agree with you. They are still young and strong.
Why don’t they work. It’s better to get a job than to ask for money
Rieta : You’re right. But, I feel so sorry if they don’t eat for a day.
Look, they have their children with them

21. What are they talking about? They are talking about ………….
a. future life c. a gift
b. a dream d. money grant

22. Beggars are those who ........

a. work successfully c. are rich
b. ask for money d. live happily

23. Who disagrees to give money to the beggars?

a. Rieta c. None
b. Beggars d. Caca

24. We should sweep the yard in order ……....

a. To get clean environment

b. To be diligent
c. To get much money
d. To be beautiful

25. You need to drink a lot of water so that ..........

a. You will not get dehydrated
b. You will not get upset
c. You will not get angry
d. You will not get hungry

26. You should brush your teeth twice a day …………. avoid getting toothache.
a. from c. on
b. of d. to

27. We should eat breakfast in order to ..............

a. get happiness c. Be lazy
b. Get energy d. avoid thirst

28.  ………… make our body healthy, we should exercise regularly and drink a big glass of water.
a. Therefore c. To
b. In order to d. So that

29. We should jog to ............

a. Have stronger lungs c. Have energy
b. Have lots of money d. Have a good memory

Soni : Don, let’s stop working and take a rest

Doni : ……………… we can drink water, too
Soni : That’s right

30. Complete the dialogue above

a. I don't agree c. I don't think so.
b. That's a good idea d. I disagree

31. Ana should not eat hot food and drink ……….. she does not get a diarrhea
a. to c. in order to
b. of d. so that

32. Before doing exercise or sport, we should do warm up so that  we will not get ......
a. tired c. broken bone
b. sad d. muscle injury
33. We should eat nutritious food to keep our body healthy.

a. c.

b. d.

34. Complete the dialogue!

Ana : …………………..
Anne : In order not to get harmful bacteria

a. What should we drink pure water for?

b. What should we eat nutritious food for?
c. What should we turn off the stove for?
d. What should we wash the dishes after meals for?

35. To get rid of dirt we should ............... the floor.

a. paint c. ignore
b. mop d. colour

36. We should not eat rujak too much because it can make us …………
a. Fever c. Sore throat
b. Diarrhea d. Earache

37. Complete the dialogue!

A : What do we have to wash our bath tub regularly for?
Z : So that there are no ………………. In our house
a. ants c. mosquitoes
b. mice d. frogs

38. Everybody needs to drink clean pure water in so that ..................

a. She will not get sore eye
b. He will be strong
c. She will not get toothache
d. He will not get stomachace

39. Complete the dialogue!

B : What for should we not eat much instant food?
Y : In order not to get …………….
a. Bored c. Serious diseases
b. Healthy body d. Fat

40. Rearrange the following jumbled words!

a. 3-6-4-1-5-2 c. 3-4-6-5-1-2
b. 3-4-6-1-5-2 d. 3-1-6-4-5-2

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