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we, The " vol xv tue Po Fala Ansinury Temple, The Coins af the Modern Chiels Seca ara Pat, New D 180, Rajetarangot of Ratha, an 1990, 103. 3 181, EA Bp op BB. 12, Hans Heth, Tbe Coie of Coin Society, 1998, pp: 4 HAPTER IIL Sikh Coinage during the Lahore Darbar: The Period of Ranjit Singh AD 1800-1839 ait defence and recovery of thee county the Sikhs displayed 4 courage ofthe mast gbsinae kind, and manesed« penevernce, under the prec of caaniees sah Sane testo of naive resource, when the common danger had tossed oe tut one impule to thei spit. Shou any fare cause call ath the os te Sikhs fo muintain the exizence of empire and ‘eligion we mie cee Gent tit eon by his genius and success, and shoring the owe of es fetta om the runs of thei commonwealth the stindard of noma eo feance ovement have li hestaton in yng tha the Sikh would hc seo ee aE nk amongst the rave panes of Tn, and Would bacon gerne ee umoundig sates, Dewsopmens upto ao 1800 Toa mapas remarks in George Forstersleter of March 1783 addressed 0 Bag ls the Governor-General made dung his pumey hoe Bena 2 st $e within a period of less than two decades, one seh rake. Bieter nth came to occupy a lage par of the Punjab, incioding we Be tg 2, 87 179. Within two decades he bad consoled he wens Be) St2¥ Over the entre trans-Sul| terrors of the Poop oe i, Deraat, and the frotler areas, den 1S MMT in the poy of the Beis, sates that Rant Singh pec, 1800 in which he ordered the minting of snes nace ne Bian nc ADE in prue ofthe Gurus onthe obvese and Nis ore ee Bete op i 00 the place of suiting on the reveme. The neat aes tis ach COS were distributed amongst the poor and the mechs fe eCOUet is incorrect. The darbar was held it Ape 150! nade, Bes pans cRN8 Sikh coin, with the ‘Degh Tegh Rech logona ec Ho be tinted from Lahore? PENN historian, Prem Singh Hot, sates that Ranjit Singh had a grea 94 “ Jo seek guidance ” ecisons, he would seek ‘ornamental woodworks? Town duties ore taking tmponant decision own duties, customs, and transit duties fetched his religion. Before taking im ors coins in his own = that the maharaj issued the ps statement about in 1988 revealed no such Almos y with bunkers in large towns suchas and issued bundis whenever they nevded| money.* Ranji Singh set up his weasury, he kept his money with fe in 4 foornore, “Specimes ‘ Nand Sahu of Amritsar. The daly production of ¢ the banker Rama ‘ins was about 8,000 rupees” A hhundred rupees was equal to 98% rupees of metal and one and half nipece Bout 3,000 rupees. Tere were alto eter eunences sich as", gaan tas rupee in Dera Ghazi Khan, the Mehrabi in Leia, the Chilki rupee in Multan, and yy Rani Singh an tnak covrect. My visit t0 the coin in the collection of Togues in the Lahore Museum t0 the ae clea sated by Prem Singh There a el a any such coir. in the Trowever (i Cekemmenc Museum, Lahore ‘Sikh coins, nor any reference in. = bearing the figure sch aca i : rok by Ranjit Singh nor I We or with private collec 1 coins allegedly struck by such coins any is no evidence t0 suppor accounts of the coins st ment collections 10 a ets Ine Geremony of is coronation a rire pistrians describe the ceremony or Mahara, although Ranjit Singh's personal valour, sata singh ver tok the tle ough anf Singh's personal valor, his meteoric rise 10 power, his mighty amy, the Ta Sh ely cat Sigh iy Sa andar of i cour ad cont of age rs led bythe ans he id not 3 aca a @ N those of Mehmna id 01 far was caed Gobind Gash a Ali and Napolean Bongpane? While his courage his simply, hiv ineae wt anh, He cd nok adopt 2 6 ndsanding of en an ate, and is ene of ice tn : ‘most of his historians who has adverse comments by his historians, both European and In es here eal and democale 2018 canter in’ The Mytb of Moran's Coins he was at = and 30. on. He alsa, Noble Sark +m anything. The for he construc a a he ered ATH WS a symbol [ ten ew is confirmed by e 7 this aspect of rsh ses was far wo deeply rented pasion have ‘of loose gossip and wan. Descriptions o his drinking bouts, his nautch gis, and his Muslim concubines occas MJecply rooted o allow ay nevi 1 historical accounts of the mid-nineteenth century.“ arisocrats, borh Muslim and non-Muslim, commonly xv his governance aoe ‘Oriental princes and thel alled of the company’ of mi ‘ 4 his position in f che Lahore and Amiitsd ne teritores,of the Singing and dancing girls, and thei drinking bouts Were the main source of royal sinc and continued the minting lentenainment " conta}, 1n the Man have n with Moran oe lany historkans have recorded Ranjit Singh's affair with Moran and the ag sn 1s petrol Bi Alleged minting of coins in the name of Moran, = te a ithout offering any evidence cher Thee nace, and he ne del Baicaion of this cam. I sens fly cenain that dancing it ied Morse a ere chifians of the hill states of Jamm tzeted the atertion of Ran Singh and he took her under his patronage. I the He Peshawar, and Hava. New ints Bbsence of any autobiographical accounts and other chronicles by cour historians ee pews, bu the man SD gpidons a bound io flr over he exten of Mons hol on Rat Sg ad a esge Singh spent the, em Bie place in the afar of the tahiore Darbar. But the alleged suing of he core oat preset Pe Mores name isa claim which could be and should have Boog seugactony : Patlshed or disproved on the bass of the numismate information wih punjab were Tahore, ARH Buately avaiable to us. But unforunatly no such study has been atone ener esi Plan inadequate account by CJ. Rodgers, The long period of Must we, a ol a had exabshed cenain cour adios and castors for the local paces icles From A Blariocas. The Lahore Darbar under Ranjt Singh yy iruits, carpet Bei etcuerte and customs, the enter te a by taking over th ah = ‘mints under his dit ren a Deca Qasur, Shang, Mulan, Kesh local princes was no exception. The ainment by singing and dancing girs, and n lled on the customs of the ia the WOME Sc of unnatural Love with Mating? Mugh The main entertainment é eI aaah ind their aristocrats maintaines corte nad 2 weldefined place i SOc Hees who ‘his fancy and who were o had caught sedans in aecordarce with ba ss fe had about rnd social cUStOm. oe ing a8 Meing.guls who enveraned his cout 2 rope of handed seine and dave, ached ws Europese ces it These women Were 8 vein te a eae ae ng veces sae ee ed Mahan Mor fet Soe ae ‘as having been conducted hh on their activities, ground 1902, and he & sid 10 yy sometime ames such a8 oo syed Wahced-ud-in, cose Ce ws con's party setching fron oe is appar funeifal tale instead of hnstorieal account. SN Tet Ua sates tat Moran pn great pomp and show 18 Pavel cated. etwcen ne shabubin, and the (3h a 24 for hes, fleuon, Ranjit Singh, 2 hall uc to apens 0 e Put Ts ay sale and am he fet ee ae pe Akal Taki were fairy SDS + csc the Maha nerd oad ee hate oe bear foran, a fabulous dancer 0 ee, peo ae ong of Mulan, on ng fl fo he nl Se was So el decorate the Maharaja's palac Pe cous brothel tO Hower ‘corroborating evidence 10 38 ee at “ nd her.” However, there is no be S uae ne aonths be marsed her guered in 1618 wiile Moran was deci of 1s a, Mut ly, he vale maria, ot S00 Sala b performed in a private for sheet eal ae Oe pe oF oat Bim, Hee offic the fist decade of bis reign ea a fee grim nate oa Singh, the prime minister, that none of the sardars and cout be present atthe bungalow where singing, dancing, and drinking were the main attractions * Such mariages did not give an fight 10 maintenance, attendants were to ighls to these women except the P The Maharaja was very fond of celebrating Holl, and he moved about in the ‘reets of Lahore with Moran and other such women who sat with him on his elephants while he played! Holt with his subjects" The people appreciated the Mahara's way of lie, but the Akal Talkht authorities were suid (0 have taken strong exception to such conduct, and summoned him before the Akal Takht seal asked him to explain his behaviour. Ranjt Singh pleaded guilty to the charge and yas awarded some fine as punishment, We have dillerent accounts ef this Episode; some historians say that he was fined a heavy sum, which was later fexaced on his protestation® ‘The actual date of this incident has net bene mentioned anywhere. Whether itis true of no emerges that the Akal Takk authorities the religious norms, is debatable, but one fact sad the right 10 question any violation of even by so exalted a personage as the Mahara, Moran Seems t0 have suddenly vanished from the scene within 2 few years and there is 9 mention of her anywhere thereafter. In 1836 Baron Charles Hugel, a European Wir to the Lahore Darbar, stated that Moran had been carted off to Pathenot TIBI, never to be heard of again (Most contemporary Indian chronicles and scribes are silent about the Moran Bait Sohn Tal Suri, the coure chronicler, states that ia 1831 Sav Willis Bentinck helping Lady Bentinck Bist (0 have been reminded of his somew Bush eee noe mention ‘when Ranjt singh ‘out of a boat at Ropar, the Maharaja similar affection for Bibi Moran the Maturaja marrying Moran or sttking coins in het Baume. An account by Diwan Amamath writen in 18367 notes the Mabarajse Het love for Moran and his having struck coins in her name at Id conquered any other contemporary Bidlan chronicler or newsweter such as Khushwagt Rai, Bute Shah, Muft Altea WGinesh Das Bichers, and the various news writers of the Lahore Darbar AAmong’the contemporary European vistors to the Punjab, Bar Wand Henry 7. Princep state that Ranje Singh had stuck coins in Monins Bat acto great importance in India. Hugel, however, belities the significance BS by stating that it was done in jest agains the Company Sarkar, which Marly presented as the common wife, the widow, or the misiess of (of England.” tn che translated work of Jacquemont, HILO. Garret states Singh married Moran and even struck coins in her name™ J.D, i mentions the Moran affair and states that Ras fo be struck bearing her name, places which he There is no account of Moran by I Singh caused coins He further states that Moran once lac Gas Empress Nur Jahan had done, that she would get her name #68 Lepel Grifn states AN effigy in caricature of the East India Company, whi engraved that Ranji Singh struck coins with hee name ich in popular a sit connce indian belief was a soman.® Gulshan Lall Chopra, in his note on Sith OT Indian pean Singh struck coins in Moran's name from Amritsar £5 1S SE, Fara 3, and 1086 (Le. a0 1804, 1805, 1806, and 1609) on Fe ee te shape of a peacock tl was allowed 9 be nse on the coin OI feaue pecula to the alleged Moran Shahi rupees is tat she Ore en Fond Akal” ek ut Bikram Haart sates, tal arene to commemorate their Jove by stiking 2 new coin. These coins, mi 5, be. aD 18039, Dear ein, Tae oi ig of dancing gi, andthe word Moran’ i the SPs of on tenis imprinted on them. These were called the Monn Shit! PES) st ned from the Nanak Shab ropees, nd remained cue % SoTSE as dings PF Hana also sats that Rant Singh got teed of Mowe ty 1804, Le 2e your later sent het to Palbankot” Mohammad Lat sass 10 1209 a ed great ascendancy over Ranjt Singh, and under his Src Brea rere boating the inscption of Moran as the favour ft Singh met Moran, a Moran. persuaded the ited at Lahore during Sambat 1860- (queen of Ranjit Singh Muslim courtesan, in 1803 at a na Hen He took her into his harem and had a coin Figure of a peacock Waheed-uddin states that fie oe Fspore the figure of « peacock in Keeping with the cucens AGG Fe cna word for that bid and, which she aqui Ck Khullar sates, ‘Maharaja Ranjit Sing ter ne commemorated. ie ocaslon by siting 2 BOK! cl tg mmaried Morin telco bore the figuc of » she peacocks on 1 back Cag ono thin Sambat 186, 1862, 198, and 1866 cone were Se while oa omar Shahi coins, named after, iis sad, Moran ti vrxated the heat of Ranjit Singh during the adil 2 ighushwant Singh states that Rani wich, pay and fel passionately in love, wih ‘minted in her honour with ths Ranji Singh struck a coin in he wwere popolasy called th Muslim singing git who bad ays of bis reign canes the above-mentioned historians, a few num fa aes oe grote nthe name of Moran by Ranjt Singh. CJ. Roi that ols et ofthe Nomtal Teachers Traiing College 2 Amrisin 01 eas the Pensa aeration of the Lakore Data, caied owt 2 su The Mahara struck coins in the name of Moran bf «oi etal as her mark Pures the leer ln the Morn. Sea Tae ae EA out in the word “Aba which is apparenly = mint mesg had been Je us asodation wil Moran. These coins pertain ost 2 7 St, 1862, 1863, and 1966 of the Amrisar mint Rode 260 Sart veers in the Catalogue of Coins in tbe Government Musi whieh he prepared in 1691." Gj, Brown states that during San thumb minor (ars) appeared on the foins, He states th mbat 1961-3, fist a peacoek’s tab an Pamaitsar rupees, which bear Teles anit Sing ames Ranjit Singh's favourite da 99 states thatthe dancing girl, Mor sates thatthe peacock tall and the than ring the catalogue of Sikh coins th th ae issued by some misidar a Parmesbwt Ll Gop sitar symbols which represent ambat 1851-3 However while atthe socalled Moran Shahi cone at Amritsar and not by gh He wlan well; the earliest coi be double sor Brae ace hao ith the double branches per S = ee he Standard Guide ta South Asian Cotte and Poser fn he double branch as Mora it as Ap 1810, but this claim eee iad sdanjt Kaur, while me ridoning Moran's 7 coins as dk Siggests the possiblity that the peacock lescrbed by the Hindu goddess 7 ct less representing Shak symbol could be the symbol of Moran is not comect. However, she docs no Beco 2 dented Cen Tat tie Moe anxecomes apparent that those ‘historian aan ‘coins were struck by Ranjit Singh di Ree oes Bora coecraan, of hetero coms were suck at Ansa aoe er Bape tom oe Gate ai rt el Li ee el oT ce a ei Bt ns ts aa : a ve abe wa hout examining th ied tn a on lished that the peacock 5} sa They also share alleged Mor Shah omnes Peon Lahore, or in er ame in aces conquered a8 a est aguins the sriously h coins as intially sruck 7 i ck in an 171012 and thereafter rardls has already been examined in detal dl is cole were i the names of the 8 GPS iad exined on Bande Bahadurs sel and con the ree ; dance with the ge See ees re general practice t seats roe’ Se a ae ol a he in the names ot the ‘The ras of Pa Sts (28% of Patol ad minted” gold and sve vou sit COmAGE pile puposes The ras of abba had minted gold and SA Son in the publi purr Tait for pub sve at wel as sue to the BESO . ares ot age. of time, Brush carency became the Sve public With te Pee near coin popula elled the Guy SOND ined are sae as fae as 1948 ull Pata and Nabha or withthe i eB oe caine ned by the uranrSull) aes of the ee Datbar Union of Ine sf te Gur and notin the eames of a1 AS ih was a great general and a greater statesman, Ys ae at Seton Sikh Empire and he, worked! untisngy ares goal. He as te Br exchanging repartee wath ancing and singing BA, ding wes oor, Moran, Hs favour course, nce ake NT he 5 toa popular opting gor looks. He sald co ave rele Cot A hen oeting hs Kingdom This tory may be apecryos) ot 6a reveal the busy securing singh, Once hi pe sais, Dhan Sieh ‘i primary sit of Big around hs ais ike a humble servant Whe Ae oe aL) im a he cone of the sale were ck ppames of th ete ie dhe ralers and he was thei mete rumble servant A person of “ind modest temperament, WIS um ery oat such 2. sactege 26 10 mint cone 9 Whe TE ofa aor key are evenwally dca afer afew years The “SSeS of cone ech women invariably fase for shor durations, SST thet ih each ad their Kings was ofan ailing nates. 1 SE to thelr ah ay have been the falings of Ranft Singh, % does mi acura Mum io have suck coin, amerise conse a seem BP omeubine. Had the news that RAN Singh Mad SS in te mare of 8 or gancraly Known to the waders of Arisa his £7 oS Moran's nae Penained hidden from the Akal Tah authorie, 292 6 is coral lt uid ave taken due notice of suc Diane cansresioh of Ski religious teachings ven the pictorial coin yas at the height of his powes, depi anak were only sample coins, oneal sue, Jest these coins may be deemes genetioged existence of Moras coin i a figment the alleged rte fancy of certain people who mattered and the ‘which cava oe afer the death of Ranft Singhs has Sth =P to culate owe nk care © confi the veracity of this fang Ta oi are sald have been mine at Amr A ring he years Samat 1861, 1062, and 1963” These. coins sete a Pern 168, Thus, the coins under pate ate MA 108 Gp, dee Zr Sat 1651, 1052, and 186,40 1D, and taining 10 OW) Eight representative coins from these Years produced Pf PLATE IV: MORAN'S COINS AMRITSAR MINT 1861-1869 SAMBAT Nos st s Le OF PS OS 66 @& @@ e6 8 € ae ay S30 LAHORE MINT 1060-1869 SAMBAT z 18 i 7 ®@ No.4 1089 8 . ate IV. may cand Lahore 3 by various historians. 1 Hkely ses depicted ae aon ct peacock tall The Pea rally fait representative Amritsar mint and four coins from the Lahore th the from both cn that these coins be cleary seen ded by Tigy a8 conten ime Moran or her effi bear the name of motif rather than a depictic ea : Sante obi 13 an would certainly a a fen ea ts ‘the intention of Ranjit Sing! Agar i afte ocea had this indeed been th ince Oe Es = ea OP ore Gg which permitted its female wae i Eedieg Dae Se craftsman who made the’ Tur had indeed een the ofthe actual tail is move like th non th p sina tly seamine her face whenever she wished a die forthe coin could b ed the Ime sh sardarsmse spgose 0 mi i i is Hence it is possible chat the: ast but jcock’s tail Nor an which a selected TeHend Wt ooins bath fom placing the “pon ef manentation and es ae eran ornamental fis nage fer the death of Jassa Singh oa ‘of ornamentation occurred due ws Abluwalia, as already hes. The tion of Sikh cOIns ou d in an earlier chapter the g these coins, 1e ni se the vans facts concen these coin, Le the Gai a nite ll “Rane Singh rese towns, The coins aso Se when Rane Singh excused these owns The a wh nt 2 oe i a ens stot re] first invasion of Multan Bil So revmath on the, occasion celebrating the Svan “Amatath on the 80 ‘were issued int 5 102% Khushwant ates Ranjit Singh in $vheedadin cared year of Ranjt Singh's life, i¢ ni eturn to Lahore.” Tan Singhs a = Pidunkoe® Historians general 4a . them as ave characterized nd mumismatis tae, caraceized hed plain in an ex ne the afi a5 oxcring in he ame a ats > cunningham ete i +s it to 1806.” Cunninghan : sir was over ned MO fur to Lahore ang dng een tahoe 6 Tati, which s obvi er 2 wrt have bee, en Tie ain ceed 023. Ther howere sme dare ot aia y an Sg, Dan Amara mre Artsar was occupied afer Ranjit Sinh’s bath in tHe @ curred in, 180 Ahmad Shah Batalvi we date ofthe oo sven regarding the : vreath dates it as 1802, after willl anga ds iring the Kumbh Mela nit Singh's bath in the Gana ‘at ShIE COWACE DURING THE LAHORE Danan 303 saree perupled Anmrsar in 1805. Cunningham dates the occupation of Amriser sgh ve ratee® ses the occupation of Amitsr In 1502 ane ag sear Tt to Markdwar in 1805 Cj. Rodgers also dats the onan t Mout te da ene, Si sates that there i some ‘ference of src shout the date OF the conquest of Amis, but he relies on Sohn al Sei ae sequence of events and hence dates it as 1805 Sohan lal Suri, the coum historian, sates Hank Singh in 1605 Bhagat Singh gives the date ofthe vecupaton of eee Mnasar nwa 1805 JS. Grewal and indu Banga date the eccopave a, ‘Anvisain 18057 1 has been variously stated that after the octapaior ety 2 Rani Singh went to Haridwar to bathe in the Ganga on the ecescen Arn aumed seats 22 1806; and hence his occupation of Amatae tiny safly primed 19 have occured in 1805 and not 1602 Cy. Rodgers dates the ose ies GAs in 1802 and hence commited the misake of weating the cee ee Fhimbat 1861, 1862, and 1863, te. aD 1804, 1805, and 1805'S Mose ca Fiabe taken the correct date ofthe occupation of Amsan tk quae ied es Peconclsion would have been diferent, as well as that of meet historians wo relied on his account Amelsar at the time when Ranjit Singh occupied the ombination of several autonome ihe town where the Golden Te fad only one gate ehowkidert +0 the that Amritsar was occupied by 8 sections (hatras) clustered around the core o mple is located. Each hatra was a walled aten andl he traders and residents paid ground rent and « cea ne chef Ranjit Singh occupied the Lohgarh, Pom and ae | subxlued and occupied the areas of the other sandan Brie Once the whole cty came under his contol, Rampt Srgh foo a ounce wall with 12 gues in 1810 and bull the Cobia roe Begs SS that the mining ofthe sikh coins was nok reorenstan Lone Ba tat every sardar had established his own mint in the ae "under his control he maniieso procla iming the sovereignty of the Khalsa meant that at the cane Bp fy 20 individual serdar also claimed to enjoy a sorerign ees Dieses s,cnumerted above esablish that Rant Singh's afae wth, Moran Bhat oo 23 04 the coins allegedly snuck in het name hore Nor Pe cece, 806. These coins are sid to have been suuck in'Arieas ben rot Of the city were not under Ranjt Singh's contol und ene Parr ve ordered the minting of Moran's éoins from Aevieu He COM Having been stack by Ranft Singh is mos tepeoeden Rome SAU of these coins is due to the fet that Re Be singh 263 Sune of independent sections before the chy was ocnrcd Eh coi St €2ch sardar had his own mine. Ths fact s eaablshed oe din? 18 the Standard Guide to South Aslan Coins wheres akon act Pes ofthe Amisar rupee coin ae shown to eee pee ame tme.* Ganesh Das sates that Rane Singh conureed oe herefore the 1 sont come sovcoanene the old legends on his coins: But he kept up only the mints of Lahore and eotoa iii & AOR Dasa hos wes ae wn. name From Kashmie a AAmetsar and closed down all Me fact that no forher distinctive coins were minted B ‘his conclusion is drawn ‘rom minuets d Peshawar kh coins struck in Kashmir cn Sor emanation of a few the other mints. ng the period of Sikh rule, now wih he So tap Museum, Sisagar, doesnot seve any igh. 1 a great sony that hy 1 Rage Singh ring 9 ee par, mening wrong ft repented She name of concubine wh The perpewation of this ilacy iene ne NEE . 1 iS none illacy is examined here Co ie aac considered sucosand, and Ranjt Singh didnot make any the study of the actual co accounts, the tenets of the Si vat Sit a is welresablshed tradition during Ns long reign. The soled int lth aac sc ng th pte kh polity EE ene ote mun in Amis when Rant Singh Hat sae hat Ranft Singh eatery ene fad nok yet completly oss the cy, The socal pesca poy Ht Singh and Bokogeg SRY orcad he admiiton had nor ye comple one fom of ances and less a Eat Sinsh and bestowed on him the singular pepe of aes aes eed ans fa form of omsamenttion which aso appears on later coins Singh also exprested his deinen coin Deng exclusive to Moran's coin. The cam appreciated Har Singhs husntiy soe for cxeresing this seg i pure and simple fon, wcll Hn Snake Singh's humiliy, yet he dese his wi Shae many learned historians readily and the value af is Sambat 1878, ater the occupation of Pa coe ak ash Amritsar by Ranjit Singh Prt cole ad with the Si Paap SE a described in the preceding pages which examine this sree Nas souk in matter fom various angles, namely, pote), soc eonably cerain that there was no bkelthoo these coins issued in the names of the ae 1937, Prem Sing erate el €. aD 1821, with 10 mas c= {1 and numismatic evidence. the reverse the legends ‘Har! Singh ny eg Saba in vst nn ronze coins called the Hari Sing i that Griffin called these rupees alg land hence it cannot be teat that Moran's coins were struck by Ranji divorced from an fccepted this sory for gr Tight of the existing historical et he Persian script, and on t Ripa He i alo sated 0 have rhe Fallacy of Hart Singh Nakwa's Cots Bat Gen cal Sind eae Prem igh a ae ts Har Singh Nalwa was the bravest Sikh gener, who not only subdued the nore Sects Puniab. Maulana Mohammad Din i also seared eee BH tender al Har ing es bot also tiled in them an awe of his tnvinelbliy or nis be s also sted to have recorded the erence him Afghan women would hush their unruly children. ab the Compe Hs : ’ g Siop making noise, Har Singh i at Rant Singh also authorined Hans Sener p shore, Haya rable de, meaning ‘Sop making nos, Hae Sg AS, Sandhu These coins weighed 81 ngh Boe eer aerander Burnes’ visk to Persia in early 1830, his comeani Binagar, and tha th Singh stuck s coin ater his a 6 S7by Abbas Mirza, the Shah of Persia, whether che Sikh amy a wt this coin remained cun his army. Mohan Lal replied dt fan ase coin, of "nt in Kashmir and the I ap eee ec f two-thirds the value of the oo ee original home in Tabriz. etmission to sec (e2°°S: Johar states that Hari ought the Mahargie ig 1 the important battles fought by Rati Be authoricy a ae ae Has Singh participated in almost snk veut ah invasion of Multan in ab 1810 that Hart Singh #3 erro the sae, Rat Si id the Maharaja became greatly woried. Mu Bras knowin as raja, called him the nafwa of Mull a ould compare in courage and discipline with 's commander on the Al ngh sous the shar Sir ng Sahn the 6 ae foe : nana 15 were also minted memes : (nalwa means the victor). Ranjit Singh, pointing the wounded Hari Singh’ @, and ikenes nae WH Ae : Sia cea tan Singh was the real nafwoa of Multan and not he, the Maharaja’ ethene Ha Sigh dhe legend then Hari Singh came (0 be known as Hari Singh Nalwa. This incident becall pea os : «me et afin fly folkore ofthe famous sara. I. Gen. BS. Nala, 2 desea fan ALS OY a ot eerie cates as and 018 aad, sated by alae ae era Singh Nalwa, recently recounted this inci Bee at Sigh sand hisorans ave recorded that Hart sing pois, and a a age sition of and at both the places he had the hogan singh twas dung te ou ih ay nee very seriously wounded, an ned 10 masbas ser Sos Tain of Multan, who came to meet the Mahan I, Sambat iGur JAE I: HARI SINGH NALWA Si CONAGE DURING THE LAHORE patna 1 striking coins in his own name. The rupee thus coined was known as the Haisinghee after the general's name. On one side of the coin were the work Sri Ato! and on the other side “Hari Singh in the Gurmukhi script This coin 18 in use in Kashmir il 1890) Kanehiya Tal States tha after Occupying lange areas of Kashmis, Hari Singh Nalwa struck a coin in his own name, ehh wee called the Hari Singhia rupia in the Valley. This rupee was worth 8.cnnas eee was prevalent in Kashmir and the Punjib® GAD. Sufl states thar there another kind of rupee associated with Hart Singh Nalwa which ls called the Hast Singhee; on obverse side of the coin is ‘Sr! Atal Saba? and on the revere side ‘Har Singh. tk was wort 12 annas and all taxes, rents, and-eustom duties we paid in this coin Ghulam Hassan also shares the views expreseed by GMD. Sufi regarding the coins struck by Hart Singh Nalwa in his own name D.. Sharma, while explaining the various currencies prevaleat # Kashmin Sites that in 1821 Hari Singh Nalwa, che Sikh governor of Kashmir, stuck nex bin atthe mint fa Srinagar known after him a the ‘Hari Singh nupaner it eae oined from an alloy of silver and copper in equal proportion of 6 mashas exch Its value in proportion to the Nanak Shahi rupee was 10 to 11 armas The coy bears the legends 'Sri Aa fo! on the obverse and ‘Hart Singh Yau fupasia’ ee the reverse D.C. Sharma refers to Major Leach’s description of the Hat Singh Tupi. R.X. Parma sites that Hari Singh reformed the currency evidently wah the sim of demonetizing the Afghan currency on the grounds that i was orca fit nseead he circulated new coins inscribed with the Sikh legend to commemores Sikh sovereignty. The new coin welghing 12 masbas was made Of an alloy a Biver nd copper in equal proponions. it was named the ‘Hari Singh Rupaber Bia as valued at & armas in the open market” This win temaired i Eireulsion as late as ap 1885. RK. Parma based his account oa Major Leach’, BSscrption of Hari Singh's mpaipa. Major Leach in his repor Revenue of Kasbonis Pike year 1036-37 descrives the Sikh rupee as follows Biker sire tat Betene Has Sng, Yat mya NA, sina states that there was another kind of rupee associated with the Mf Bt Singh and as such it was called the Harisinghee, On onc side of e285 weiven ‘Sri Akal fic’, and on the other ‘Hart Singh: i was won Beis and rens, taxes, and custom duties were paid in this coin?” Blam giames that Hari Singh replaced the old curency in Kashmir by a newly Erency which bore the inscription of his own name® Bhagat Sing Gat ete were various currencies then prevalent in Kashmie in the easly th century, viz, Mughal, Bahawalpur, Shikarpur, Khairpur, Zaman Shah, Er tants and Nanak Shahi. Ancther curency called the Harsinghes ate I Kashmir by Hart Singh Nalwa. On one side was wten ‘Sy kal Jig oo 112 amas and was called the It was wom know how long Hari Singh was side “Hari Singh Yigue sates that cshiis, bit he coined on ae as the Kabul rupee, WS Tempted to Impress their names os thatthe Hansinghee coined ty Hart eae He further state @ wich sill a Singh's work in Kashmir, ed with Ha own name. The Coli tn fe and ‘ai Sig ae pal name” ong ‘Nalwa demo ve ved the Afghan currency, ve ainat Al, who id not vee tani ihaba, ‘that Ranjit Singh, ples is Se falwa issued his) ; is et ‘aates that Hari Singh Nt vel ag pat on the otber® Gopal aan ta as Singh Me eon i ae visited Kashmir in 1646 alongwith ® ims sa nee” Can oe rupee as the Harisinghee pee 1800 Rent Seah, ois iste from the Lahore mint, inscbed wh Bis ra stat cezemony, goto i Sikh legend on the obv verse and his name on the reverse, however, bbome out by the evidence of these coins nor 00. The chapter on banking and currency in D.C. Shame ir under the Siths devotes a few pages to the legends inscribed on lim is nether Bela in a3 18 ower, aoe Ranjit Singh by Chat eels i dering of th Ts OF Resim under Mabare ins Kashmir. The English 1 ving that Ghulam Tas ae e Nanak Shahi tape, the ‘seni neorrect, He is mistaken eae Tegend pad confused the Hari Singh rupee i he “a he Maa Singh rupee as worth 11 anna. Tk was i Ee and te or te ch rupee fell to only 8 a1 Ma ot Ya oan al wales tt Hart Sig sd the Afghan curret gone a Hy Sb : ‘Hari Singh the first Si ch Bore vt person 1D hh coins from Kashmtif eae gabe Nanak Shahi rupee E they. jserical accounts and the: cori - records regamling tel Huugel. The th ing Tommemorte th ras be th Seaham nora he the sai vs the ian rupee and th i the legends inscribed on these coins Sm regrcing the fou ieee TB, the SikD Singhee supee alchoug fd that be ist inauguration that period, n that eri sn ree parry to the propagation of t ‘on the reverse of the coins. im ‘popularly called the Hart oY ar during 1820-1 “fom contemporsny ial ation of on at their face value Of all nthe ‘of Hasi Singht of suc Kashmir was shi For only one yest during | Ue Goce of any authentic reference sia ex he ack of a8 2 TREE these stored acount ca a 16 have described tt many Nsom ie exec 2 siege inthe nae of Ha ica ysl examina s that the from this discussion neh oo mney ahough Hs Sng rial aes en ay Se Gecemors as wel as sd bers ‘One conclusk

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