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The booklet is intended to provide practical help for
authors o f mathematical papers. It wUl be useful
both as a guide for beginners and as a reference book
for experienced writers.
The first part o f the/booklet provides a useful collection
o f ready-made sentences and expressions occurring
in mathematical papers. The examples are divided a finaeiiMut yuide
into sections according to their use (in introductions,
definitions, theorem s, proofs, com ments, references
to the literature, acknowledgments, editorial correspon­
dence and referee’s reports). Typical errors are also
pointed out.

H ie second part concerns selected problems of English

grammar and usage, m ost often encountered by
mathematical writers. Just as in the first part, JERZY TRZECIAK
an abundance o f exam ples are presented, all of them
taken from the actual mathematical tests. Copy Editor
Institute of Mathematics
The index enables the reader to find many particular Polish Academy of Sciences
pieces o f inform ation scattered throughout the text

Jerzy Trzeciak, formerly o f Polish Scientific Publishers,

is now the senior copy editor at the Institute
o f Mathematics, Polish Academy o f Sciences. He is
responsible* for journals tnrjhirifrig studia Mafhrawatfra,
Fundamenta Mathematicae, Aeta Arithmetica and others.

Gdansk Teachers’ Press

ISBN 83-85694-02-1
Acknowledgments. The author is grateful to Professor Zofia Denkowska, C O N TE N TS
Professor Zdzislaw Skupieri and Daniel Davies for their helpful criticism.
Thanks are also due to Adam Mysior and Marcin Adamski for suggesting
several improvements, and to Hemyka Walas for her painstaking job Part A: Phrases Used in Mathematical Texts
of typesetting the continuously varying manuscript.
Abstract and introduction............................................................................... 4
Definition............................................................................................................ 6
Notation.............................................................................................................. 7
Assumption, condition, convention..............................................................10
Theorem: general remarks..............................................................................12
Theorem: introductory phrase......................................... •............................13
Theorem: formulation.....................................................................................13
Proof: beginning..............................................................................................14
Proof: arguments............................................................................................15
Proof: consecutive steps................................................................................. 16
Proof: “it is sufficient t o .....” ....................................................................... 17
Proof: “it is easily seen that .....” ................................................................. 18
Proof: conclusion and remarks.....................................................................18
References to the literature............................................................................19
Published by Gdanskie Wydawnictwo Oswiatowe Acknowledgments............................................................................................20
(Gdansk Teachers’ Press) How to shorten the paper..............................................................................20
P.O. Box 59, 80-876 Gdansk 52, Poland Editorial correspondence............................................................................... 21
Referee’s report................................................................................................21
Cover design by Agnieszka Polak
Typeset by Hemyka Walas Part B: Selected Problems of English Grammar
Printed in Poland by Drukamia Orunska, Gdansk
Indefinite article (a, ail, — ) .......................................................................... 23
Definite article (the).......................................................................................24
Article omission............................................................................................... 25
Infinitive............................................................................................................ 27
Ing-form............................................................................................................ 29
Passive voice.....................................................................................................31
Quantifiers........................................................................................................ 32
Number, quantity, size...................................................................................34
How to avoid repetition................................................................................. 38
© Copyright by Gdanskie Wydawnictwo Oswiatowe, 1993 Word order.......................................................................................................40
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form
Where to insert a comma..............................................................................44
without the prior permission of the publisher.
Some typical errors........................................................................................ 46
ISBN 83-85694-02-1 Index................................................................................................................. 48
It is not our purpose to study.....
Pa r t A: P hr ases Used in M a t h e m a t ic a l T e x t s
No attempt has been made here to develop.....
It is possible that..... but we will not develop this point here.
A B STR A C T A N D IN T R O D U C T IO N —£A more complete theory may be obtained b y .....
We prove that in some families of compact a there are no universal elements.
However, this topic exceeds the scope of this paper,
It is also shown that ..... we will not use this fact in any essential way.
Some relevant counterexamples are indicated.
The basic (main) idea is to apply.....
It is of interest to know whether..... We wish to investigate geometric ingredient i s .....
We are interested in finding..... Our purpose is t o ..... The crucial fact is that the norm satisfies.....
It is natural to try to relate.....t o ...... Our proof involves looking a t .....
based on the concept o f .....
This work was intended as an attempt to motivate (at motivating) The proof is similar in spirit t o .....
The aim of this paper is to bring together two areas in which..... adapted from.....
review some of the standard This idea goes back at least as far as [7].
facts o n .....
We emphasize that.....
have compiled some basic facts ...
summarize without proofs the It is worth pointing out th at.....
relevant material o n ..... The important point to note here is the form o f .....
give a brief exposition o f ..... The advantage of using.....lies in the fact that ......
briefly sketch ..... The estimate We obtain in the course of proof seems to be of independent
set up notation and terminology. interest.
discuss (study/ treat/ examine) Our theorem provides a natural and intrinsic characterization o f .....
the case..... Our proof makes no appeal t o .....
Section 3 introduce the notion o f ..... Our viewpoint sheds some new light o n .....
In we
the third section develop the theory of .. „ Our example demonstrates rather strikingly that .....
[Note: paragraph wHTlook more closely at The choice o f .....seems to be the best adapted to our theory.
^ section] will be concerned w ith.....
The problem is that.....
proceed with the study of ....
indicatehowthesetechniques The main difficulty in carrying out this construction is that .....
may be used t o ..... In this case the method o f .....breaks down.
extend thejresults of ..... to . . . __ This class is not well adapted t o .....
^OTve ah lntefesting formula Tor ..... Pointwise convergence presents a more delicate problem.
it is shown th at..... The results of this paper were announced without proofs in [8].
some of the recent results are The detailed proofs will appear in [8] (elsewhere/in a forthcoming
reviewed in a more general setting, publication).
some applications are indicated, For the proofs we refer the reader to [6].
our main results are stated and proved.
It is to be expected th at.....
contains a brief summary (a discussion) o f ..... One may conjecture that .....
deals with (discusses) the case..... One may ask whether this is still true i f .....
is intended to motivate our investigation o f .....
One question still unanswered is whether.....
Section 4 is devoted to the study o f .....
The affirmative solution would allow one t o .....
provides a detailed exposition o f .....
establishes the relation between..... It would be desirable t o .....but we have not been able to do
presents some preliminaries.
These results are far from being conclusive.
touch only a few aspects of the theory. This question is at present far from being solved.
We will
restrict our attention (the discussion/ourselves) to ...

4 5
Our method has the disadvantage of not being intrinsic. It is immaterial which M we choose to define F as long as M contains x
The solution falls short of providing an explicit formula. This product is independent of which member of g we choose to define it
What is still lacking is an explicit description o f ..... It is Proposition 8 that makes this definition allowable.
As for prerequisites, the reader is expected to be familiar w ith.....
Our definition agrees with the one given in [7] if u is
The first two chapters o f .....constitute sufficient preparation. with the classical one fo r.....
No preliminary knowledge o f required. this coincides with our previously introduced
To facilitate access to the individual topics, the chapters are rendered as Note that terminology if K is convex,
self-contained as possible. this is in agreement with [7] for .....
For the convenience of the reader we repeat the relevant material from [7]
without proofs, thus making our exposition self-contained.
We will denote by Z
D E F IN IT IO N Let us denote by Z the se t..... Write (Let/Set) f — ...
Let Z denote [Not: “Denote / = .....1
A set 5 is dense i f .....
The closure of A will be denoted by clA.
A set S is called (said to be) dense i f .....
We will use the symbol (letter) k to denote.....
We call a set dense i f .....
We call m the product measure. [Note: The term defined appears last.] We write H for the value o f .....
We will write the negation of p as ->p.
The function / is given (defined) by / = ..... The notation aRb means that .....
Let / be given (defined) by / = ..... Such cycles are called homologous (written c ~ cf).
We define T to be A B + C D .
requiring / to be constant o n ..... Here and subsequently,
the requirement that / be constant on ... Throughout the proof, denotes
This map is defined by the map
[Note the infinitive.] In the sequel, stands for
imposing the following condition: ..... From now on,
The length of a sequence is, by definition, the number of We follow the notation of [8] (used in [8]).
The length of T, denoted by J(T), is defined to b e ..... Our notation differs (is slightly different) from that of [8].
By the length of T we mean..... Let us introduce the temporary notation F f for g fg .

/ i s .... With the notation / = .....,

, where , we have set / = With this notation, we have.....
Define (Let/Set) E = L f In the notation of [8, Ch. 7]
, / being the solution of .
with / satisfying..... If / is real, it is customary to write..... rather than.....
the behaviour of the family g defined as follows, For simplicity of notation, write / instead o f .....
We will consider the height of g (to be defined later) a n d ..... To (simplify/shorten) notation,
By abuse of notation, we use the same letter / for
To measure the growth of g we make the following definition. continue to write / for ...
For abbreviation, let / stand fo r.....
we shall call
We abbreviate Faub to bf.
In this way we obtain what will be referred to as the P-system.
is known as We denote it briefly by F. [Not: “shortly”]
We write it F for short (for brevity).
Since the norm of / is well defined. The Radon-Nikodym property (RNP for short) implies that
’ the definition of the norm is unambiguous (makes sense). We will write it simply x when no confusion can arise.

6 7
It will cause no confusion if we use the same letter to designate we have just defined
a member of A and its restriction to K . we wish to study (we used in Chapter 7)
We shall write the above expression as the (an) element to be defined later [= which will be defined]
The above expression may be written as t = ..... in question
We can write (4) in the form under study (consideration)
The Greek indices label components of sections of E. the constant C being independent o f ..... [= where C is
., the supremum being taken over all cubes
Print terminology: ., the limit being taken in L.
The expression in italics (in italic type), in large type, in bold print;
is so chosen that.....
in parentheses ( ) (= round brackets), is to be chosen later.
in brackets f ] (= square brackets), is a suitable constant.
in braces { } (= curly brackets), in angular brackets ( ); ., where C is a conveniently chosen element of
within the norm signs involves the derivatives o f .....
Capital letters = upper case letters; small letters = lower case letters; ranges over all subsets o f .....
Gothic (German) letters; script (calligraphic) letters (e.g. T , Q)\ may be made arbitrarily small by ...
special Roman letters (e.g. R, N ) ^
Dot •, prime ', asterisk = star *, t ild e b a r " [over a symbol], hat , have (share) many of the properties o f .....
vertical stroke (vertical bar) |, slash (diagonal stroke/slant)/, have still better smoothness properties.
dash — , sharp # lack (fail to have) the smoothness properties o f .....
Dotted line......... . dashed line---------- , wavy line ------------ still have norm 1.
not merely symmetric but actually self-adjoint,
not necessarily monotone,
P R O P ER TY both symmetric and positive-definite,
The operators A{ not continuous, nor do they satisfy (2).
such that (with the property that) ..... [Note the inverse word order after “nor” .]
[Not: “such an element that”] are neither symmetric nor positive-definite,
with the following properties:..... only nonnegative rather than strictly
satisfying L f = ..... positive, as one may have expected,
with N f = 1 (with coordinates x, y, z) any self-adjoint operators, possibly even
of norm 1 (of the form.....) unbounded,
whose norm i s ..... still (no longer) self-adjoint,
all of whose subsets are..... not too far from being self-adjoint.
by means of which g can be computed preceding theorem
for which this is true indicated set [But adjectival clauses with
the (an) element at which g has a local maximum The above-mentioned group
described by the equations..... prepositions come after a noun,
resulting region e.g. “the group defined in Section 1” .]
given by L f = ..... required (desired) element
depending only o n ..... (independent of
not in A Both X and Y are finite.
so small that (small enough that) ..... Neither X nor Y is finite.
as above (as in the previous theorem) X and Y are countable, but neither is finite.
so obtained
Neither of them is finite. [Note: “Neither” refers to two alternatives.
occurring in the cone condition
[Note the double “r” .] None of the functions F, is finite.
|guaranteed by the assumption..... X is not finite; nor (neither) is Y.

8 9
This involves no loss of generality.
X is not finite, nor is Y countable. [Note the inversion.]
, since otherwise.....
so is Y.
X is empty We can certainly assume that , for ..... [= because]
but Y is not.
, for if not, we replace
X belongs to Y so does Z. . Indeed.......
but Z does not.
Neither the hypothesis nor the conclusion is affected if we replace
By choosing b = a we may actually assume that .....
If / = 1, which we may assume, then.....
We will make (need) the following assumptions: ..... For simplicity (convenience) we ignore the dependence of F on g.
From now on we make the assumption:..... [E.g. in notation]
The following assumption will be needed throughout the paper. It is convenient to choose.....
Our basic assumption is the following. We can assume, by decreasing k if necessary, that .....
Unless otherwise stated (Until further notice) we assume that .....
In the remainder of this section we assume (require) g to b e ..... F meets S transversally, say at F ( 0).
In order to get asymptotic results, it is necessary to put some restrictions There exists a minimal element, say n, of F.
on / . G acts on H as a multiple (say n) of V.
We shall make two standing assumptions on the maps under consideration. For definiteness (To be specific), consider.....
It is required (assumed) that .....
is not particularly restrictive,
The requirement on g is that ..... is surprisingly mild.
is subject to the condition Lg = 0. This condition admits (rules out/excludes) elements o f .....
., where g satisfies the condition Lg = 0. is essential to the proof.
is merely required to be positive. cannot be weakened (relaxed/improved/omitted/
the requirement that g be positive.
[Note the infinitive.]
Let us orient M by The theorem is true if “open” is deleted from the hypotheses.
requiring g to b e .....
imposing the condition: ..... The assumption.... is superfluous (redundant/unnecessarily restrictive).
We will now show liow to dispense with the assumption on .....
for (provided/whenever/only in case) p ^ 1. Our lemma does not involve any assumptions about curvature.
unless p = 1.
We have been working under the assumption that .....
the condition (hypothesis) that .....
(4) holds Now suppose that this is no longer so.
the more general assumption th at.....
under some further restrictions o n ..... To study the general case, take.....
additional (weaker) assumptions. . For the general case, set .....
satisfies (fails to satisfy) the assumptions o f .....
has the desired (asserted) properties, Tlie map / will be viewed (regarded/thought of) as a functor
realizing .
provides the desired diffeomorphism.
still satisfies (need not satisfy) the requirement that ... think of L as being constant.
meets this condition, From now on we regard / as a map from.....
does not necessarily have this property, tacitly assume that .....
satisfies all the other conditions for membership of X .
It is understood that r ^ 1.
There is no loss of generality in assuming..... We adopt (adhere to) the convention that 0/0 = 0.
Without loss (restriction) of generality we can assume.....
We have thus proved..... ,xr rephrase Theorem 8 as follows.
an extension (a fairly straightforward
Summarizing, we have..... can now state the analogue o f .....
generalization/a sharpened version/
formulate our main results.
a refinement) o f .....
an analogue o f ..... We are thus led to the following strengthening of Theorem 6: .....
is a reformulation (restatement) o f ..... The remainder of this section will be devoted to the proof o f .....
in terms o f .....
analogous to ..... The continuity of A is established by our next theorem.
This theorem a partial converse o f ..... The following result may be proved in much the same way as Theorem 6.
an answer to a question raised b y ..... Here are some elementary properties of these concepts.
deals with..... Let us mention two important consequences of the theorem.
ensures the existence o f ..... We begin with a general result on such operators.
expresses the equivalence o f .....
provides a criterion fo r..... [Note: Sentences of the type “We now have the following lemma’ ,
yields information about ..... carrying no information, can in general be cancelled.]
makes it legitimate to apply.....
The theorem states (asserts/shows) that ..... TH EO R EM : FO RM ULA TIO N
Roughly (Loosely) speaking, the formula says that
I f .....and if .... ., then.....
to saying that .. Suppose that .... provided m ^ 1.
When / is open, (3.7) just amounts
to the fact that Let M be unless m = 1.
Assume that . Then . ,
Write with g a constant
Here is another way of stating (c): ..... satisfying.....
Another way of stating (c) is to say: .....
Furthermore (Moreover), ....
An equivalent formulation of (c) is: .....
In fact, ..... [= To be more precise]
Theorems 2 and 3 may be summarized by saving that .....
Accordingly,..... [= Thus]
Assertion (ii) is nothing but the statement that .....
Geometrically speaking, the hypothesis is that .....: part of the conclusion Given any / ^ 1 suppose that .... Then......
is that .....
the hypotheses o f .....
The interest Let P satisfy the above assumptions. Then
in the assertion.....
The principal significance of the lemma is that it allows one to N (P ) = 1.
The point
Let assumptions 1-5 hold. Then.....
The theorem gains in interest if we realize that Under the above assumptions,.....
we drop the assumption Under the same hypotheses.......
The theorem is still true if
still holds it is only assumed that .. Under the conditions stated above,.....
Under the assumptions of Theorem 2 with “convergent”
If we take / = ..... the standard lemma replaced by “weakly convergent” , .....
we recover
Replacing / by - / , [7, Theorem 5]. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 5, if moreover.....
This specializes to the result of [7] if / = g. Equality holds in (8) if and only i f .....
be needed in The following conditions are equivalent: ....
This result will prove extremely useful in Section 8. [Note: Expressions like “the following inequality holds” can in
not be needed until general be dropped.]

prove (sliow/recall/observe) that ..... definition, ..... , which follows from .....
We prove a reduced form of the theorem, the definition o f ..... as was described
first assumption,..... But f = g
Let us outline (give the main ideas of) the proof, (shown/ mentioned/
examine B f . the compactness o f .... noted) i n .....
By Taylor’s formula,.....
To see (prove) this, let / = ..... a similar argument, ..... shows that .....
But A = B. We prove this as follows. the above,..... yields (gives/
This is proved by writing g = ..... the lemma below, ..... Theorem 4 now implies) / =
To this end, consider..... continuity,..... leads to / = .....
[= For this purpose; not: “To this aim”
We first compute I f . L f = 0. [Not: Since....., then ..
To do this, take.....
For this purpose, we set ..... Since / is compact, we have L f = 0.
it follows that L f = 0.
To deduce (3) from (2), take..... we see (conclude) that L f = 0.
We claim that .....Indeed, ...... But L f = 0 since / is compact.
We begin by proving..... (by recalling the notion of .....) We have L f = 0, because.... [+ a longer explanation]
Our proof starts with the observation that ..... We must have L f = 0, for otherwise we can replace.....
The procedure is to find..... As / is compact we have L f = 0.
The proof consists in the construction o f ..... Therefore L f = 0 by Theorem 6.
That L f — 0 follows from Theorem 6.
straightforward (quite involved),
by induction on n. this we conclude (deduce/see) that ..
The proof is we have (obtain) M = N.
left to the reader.
based on the following observation. From (5) [Note: without “that”]
what has already
been proved, it follows that .....
The main (basic) idea of the proof is to take ..... it may be concluded that .....
falls naturally into three parts, According to (On account of) the above remark, we have M = N .
The proof
will be divided into 3 steps.
It follows that , AT
We have divided the proof into a sequence of lemmas. Hence (Thus/Consequently,/Therefore) ~ ’
the assertion of the lemma is false. [hence = from this; thus = in this way; therefore = for this reason;
, Lcontrary
^ U X ltiC ll J to Vour
/ U l claim, that
v illit .....
it follows that = from the above it follows that]
Conversely (To obtain a contradiction), suppose that
On the contrary, and so M = N.
This gives M = N. and consequently M = N .
Suppose the lemma were false. Then we could find We thus get M = N. and, in consequence, M = N.
there existed anx ... The result is M = N. F is compact, and hence bounded,
we would have . (3) now becomes M = N.
If x were not in B , which gives (implies/
there would be This clearly forces M = N.
it were true that ..... yields) M = N.
[Not: “what gives”]
Assume the formula holds for the degree k; we will prove it for k + 1.
Assuming (5) to hold for A;, we will prove it for k + 1- F = G = H , the last equality being a consequence of Theorem 7.
which is due to the fact that .....
We give the proof only for the case n = 3; the other cases are left to the
reader. Since....., (2) shows that ..... , by (4).
We only give the main ideas of the proof. We conclude from (5) that ....., hence that ..... , and finally that

14 15
Repeated application of Lemma 6 enables us to write
The equality / = <;, which is part of the conclusion of Theorem 7, implies We now proceed by induction.
that..... We can now proceed analogously to the proof o f .....
As in the proof of Theorem 8, equation (4) gives.....
Analysis similar to that in the proof of Theorem 5 shows We next claim (show/prove that) .....
sharpen these results and prove that
that..... [Not: “similar as in”]
A passage to the limit similar to the above implies that ..... claim is that.....
Similarly (Likewise),.....
Our next goal is to determine the number of ....
Similar arguments apply to the case..... objective is to evaluate the integral I.
The same reasoning applies concern will be the behaviour o f .....

The same conclusion can be drawn fo r..... We now turn to the case / ^ 1.
This follows by the same method as i n ..... We are now in a position to show..... [= We are able to]
The term T f can be handled in much the same way, the only difference We proceed to show that .....
being in the analysis o f ..... The task is now to find.....
In the same manner we can see that ..... Having disposed of this preliminary step, we can now return to
The rest of the proof runs as before.
We wish to arrange that / be as smooth as possible.
We now apply this argument again, with I replaced by J, to obtain.....
[Note the infinitive.]
We are thus looking for the family.....
PROOF: C O N SEC U TIVE STEPS We have to construct .....
evaluate .....
Consider..... Define compute..... In order to get this inequality, it will be necessary to
Choose..... Let Let us apply the formula t o ..... is convenient t o .....
F ix ..... Set suppose for the moment . To deal with / / ,
regard s as fixed and ..... To estimate the other term, we note that
For the general case,
[Note: The imperative mood is used when you order the reader to do
something, so you should not write e.g. “Give an example o f .....” if
you mean “ We give an example o f .....”] PROOF: “IT IS S U FFIC IEN T TO
Adding g to the left-hand side show (prove) that .....
Subtracting (3) from (5) It suffices to |make the following observation.
is sufficient
Writing (Taking) h = H f yields (gives) h = ..... use (4) together with the observation that .....
Substituting (4) into (6) we obtain (get/have) f = g
Combining (3) with (6) We need only consider 3 cases:.....
[Note: without “that”] We only need to show that .....
Combining these we conclude (deduce/see) that
[E.g. these inequalities] It remains to prove that ..... (to exclude the case when .....)
we can assert that .....
Replacing (2) by (3) we can rewrite (5) a s ..... What is left is to show that.....
Letting n —►oo We are reduced to proving (4) for .....
Applying (5)
We are left with the task of determining.....
Interchanging / and g
The only point remaining concerns the behaviour o f .....
[Note: The ing-form is either the subject of a sentence (“Adding The proof is completed by showing that .....
gives” ), or requires the subject “we” (“Adding ..... we obtain” ); We shall have established the lemma if we prove the following: .....
do not write e.g. “Adding.... the proof is complete.”] If we prove that ....., the assertion follows.
We continue in this fashion obtaining (to obtain) / = ..... The statement 0 ( g ) = 1 will be proved once we prove the lemma below.
We may now integrate k times to conclude that .....
PROOF: “IT IS EASILY SEEN THAT Note that we have actually proved that.....
[= We have proved more, namely that.....]
clear (evident/immediate/obvious) that
It is
easily seen that ..... We have used only the fact th at.....
easy to check th a t..... the existence of only the right-hand derivative.
a simple matter t o ..... For f = 1 ^ *s no longer true that.....
We see (check) at once that ..... , which is clear from (3). the argument breaks down.
F is easily seen (checked) to be smooth. , as is easy to check.
The proof strongly depended on the assumption that .....
It follows easily (immediately) th at..... Note that we did not really have to use.....; we could have applied.....
Of course (Clearly/Obviously),..... For more details we refer the reader to [7].
The proof is straightforward (standard/immediate). The details are left to the reader.
An easy computation (A trivial verification) shows th at..... We leave it to the reader to verify th at..... [Note: “it” necessary]
(2) makes it obvious that ..... [= By (2) it is obvious that] This finishes the proof, the detailed verification of (4) being left to the
The factor G f poses no problem because G i s .....
(see for instance [7, Th. 1]) (see [7] and the references given there)
proves the theorem,
completes the proof, more details)
....., which establishes the formula, (see [Ka2] for the definition o f .....)
[Not: “what” is the desired conclusion, the complete bibliography)
This is our claim (assertion). [Not: “thesis”]
gives (4) when substituted in (5) (combined with (5)). The best general reference here was proved by Lax [8].
The standard work o n ..... is This can be found in
the proof is complete.
this is precisely the assertion of the lemma, The classical work here Lax [7, Ch. 2].
and I the lemma follows.
(3) is proved. is due to Strang [8].
/ = g as claimed (required). goes back to the work o f .....
f as far as [8].
This contradicts our assumption (the fact th at.....). was motivated by [7].
This construction
....., contrary to (3). generalizes that of [7].
....., which is impossible. [Not: “what is”] follows [7].
....., which contradicts the maximality o f ..... is adapted from [7] (appears in [7|).
....., a contradiction. has previously been used by Lax [7].
The proof for G is similar. a recent account of the theory
G may be handled in much the same way. a treatment of a more general case
Similar considerations apply to G. a fuller (thorough) treatment
For a deeper discussion o f ..... we refer the reader to [7].
works (remains valid) fo r .....
The same proof still goes (fails) when we drop the assumption direct constructions along more
classical lines
The method of proof carries over to domains..... yet another method
The proof above gives more, namely / i s ..... We introduce the notion o f .... , following Kato [7].
A slight change in the proof actually shows that We follow [Ka] in assuming that .....

Taking into account (4) —►By (4)
The main results of this paper were announced in [7]. By virtue of (4) By (4)
Similar results have been obtained independently by Lax and are to be By relation (4) ^ By (4)
published in [7].
In the interval [0,1] ^ In [0,1]
A C K N O W LED G M E N TS There exists a function / £ C ( X ) There exists / e C ( X )
For every point For every p e M
wishes to express his thanks (gratitude) t o ..... F is defined by the formula F (x ) = ..... **+ F is defined by F ( x ) = .....
The author
is greatly indebted t o .....
Theorem 2 and Theorem 5 ^ Theorems 2 and 5
his active interest in the publication of this paper, This follows from (4), (5), (6) and (7) This follows from (4)-(7)
suggesting the problem and for many stimulating conversations.
For details see [3], [4] and [5] ^ For details see [3]—[5]
several helpful comments concerning.....
drawing the author’s attention t o ..... The derivative with respect to t The ^-derivative
pointing out a mistake i n ..... A function of class C2 ^ A C2 function
his collaboration in proving Lemma 4.
For arbitrary x For all x (For every x)
The author gratefully acknowledges the many helpful suggestions o f ..... In the case n = 5 For n = 5
during the preparation of the paper. This leads to a contradiction with the maximality of /
This is part of the author’s Ph.D. thesis, written under the supervision ....., contrary to the maximality of /
o f the University o f ...... Applying Lemma 1 we conclude that *++ Lemma 1 shows that
The author wishes to thank the University o f ....., where the paper was ....., which completes the proof ^ ..... ■
written, for financial support (for the invitation and hospitality).
H O W T O SHO RTEN T H E PAPER I would like to submit the enclosed manuscript “.....”
General rules: I am submitting for publication in Studia Mathematica.
1. Remember: you are writing for an expert. Cross out all that is trivial or routine. I have also included a reprint of my article.....for the convenience of the
2. Avoid repetition: do not repeat the assumptions of a theorem at the beginning referee.
of its proof, or a complicated conclusion at the end of the proof. Do not repeat
the assumptions of a previous theorem in the statement of a next one (instead,
I wish to withdraw my I intend to make a major
write e.g. “Under the hypotheses of Theorem 1 with / replaced by g, ..... ” ).
revision of it.
Do not repeat the same formula— use a label instead.
I regret any inconvenience this may have caused you.
3. Check aU formulas: is each of them necessary? I am very pleased that the paper will appear in Fundamenta.
Phrases you can cross out: Thank you very much for accepting my paper for publication i n .....
We denote by R the set of all real numbers. Please find enclosed two copies of the revised version.
We have the following lemma. As the referee suggested, I inserted a reference to the theorem
The following lemma will be useful. o f .....
..... the following inequality is satisfied: We have followed the referee’s suggestions.
Phrases you can shorten (see also p. 38): I have complied with almost all suggestions of the referee.
Let £ be an arbitrary but fixed positive number ^ Fix e > 0
Let us fix arbitrarily x £ X x £ X REFEREE'S REPORT
Let us first observe that ^ First observe that The author proves the interesting result that .....
We will first compute ^ We first compute
The proof is short and simple, and the article well written.
Hence we have x = 1 Hence x —1 The results presented are original.
Hence it follows that x = 1 Hence x = 1
The paper is a good piece of work on a subject that attracts
Pa r t B: S elected P r o b l e m s o f English G r a m m a r
considerable attention.
recommend it for publication in IN D E F IN IT E ARTICLE (a, an, — )
It is a pleasure to c.
j g^jQjjgjy otudia Mathematica.
Note: You use “a” or “an” depending on pronunciation and not
The only remark I wish to make is that condition B should be formulated spelling, e.g. a unit, an x.
more carefully.
A few minor typographical errors are listed below. 1. Instead of the number "one” :
I have indicated various corrections on the manuscript. The four centres lie in a plane.
The results obtained are not particularly surprising and will be A chapter will be devoted to the study of expanding maps.
of limited interest. For this, we introduce an auxiliary variable z.
correct but only moderately interesting,
The results are 2. Meaning “member of a class of objects” , “some” , “one of” :
rather easy modifications of known facts.
The example is worthwhile but not of sufficient interest for a research Then D becomes a locally convex space with dual space D f.
article. The right-hand side of (4) is then a bounded function.
The English of the paper needs a thorough revision. This is easily seen to be an equivalence relation.
The paper does not meet the standards of your journal. Theorem 7 has been extended to a class of boundary value problems.
as stated, The transitivity is a consequence of the fact that .....
Theorem 2 is false
in this generality. Let us now state a corollary of Lebesgue’s theorem fo r.....
Lemma 2 is known (see.....) After a change of variable in the integral we get .....
Accordingly, I recommend that the paper be rejected. We thus obtain the estimate..... with a constant C.
in the plural:
The existence of partitions of unity may be proved b y .....
The definition of distributions implies th a t.....
....., with suitable constants.
....., where G and F are differential operators.
3. In definitions of classes of objects
(i.e. when there are many objects with the given property):
A fundamental solution is a function satisfying.....
We call C a module of ellipticity.
A classical example of a constant C such that .....
We wish to find a solution of (6) which is of the form.....
in the plural:
The elements of D are often called test functions.

the set of points with distance 1 from K

all functions with compact support
The integral may be approximated by sums of the form
Taking in (4) functions v which vanish in U we obtain ..
Let / and g be functions such that .....

22 23
In the plural— when you are referring to each element of a class: But: Every nonempty open set in Rk is a union of disjoint boxes.
[If you wish to stress that it is some union of not too well
Direct sums exist in the category of abelian groups.
specified objects.]
In particular, closed sets are Borel sets.
Borel measurable functions are often called Borel mappings. 4. In front of a cardinal number if it embraces all objects considered:
This makes it possible to apply ^-results to functions in any Hp. The two groups have been shown to have the same number of
If you are referring to all elements o f a class, you use “the": generators. [Two groups only were mentioned.]
Each of the three products on the right of (4) satisfies.....
The real measures form a subclass of the complex ones.
[There are exactly 3 products there.]
In front of an adjective which is intended to mean
“having this particular quality": 5. In front of an ordinal number:
This map extends to all of M in an obvious fashion. The first Poisson integral in (4) converges to g.
A remarkable feature of the solution should be stressed. The second statement follows immediately from the first.

Section 1 gives a condensed exposition o f ..... 6. In front of surnames used attributively:

describes in a unified manner the recent results
the Dirichlet problem Taylor’s formula
A simple computation gives..... * [without “the”]
the Taylor expansion But:
Combining (2) and (3) we obtain, with a new constant C , ..... the 'Gauss theorem a Banach space
A more general theory must be sought to account for these
irregularities. 7. In front of a noun in the plural if you are referring to a class of objects
The equation (3) has a unique solution g for every / . as a whole, and not to particular members of the class:
But: (3) has the unique solution g = A B f . The real measures form a subclass of the complex ones.
This class includes the Helson sets.
1. Meaning “mentioned earlier” , “that” :
Let A C X . If aB = 0 for every B intersecting the set A , then.... 1. In front of nouns referring to activities:
Define exp a; = Et l ji\. The series can easily be shown to converge. Application of Definition 5.9 gives (45).
2. In front of a noun (possibly preceded by an adjective) referring Repeated application (use) of (4.8) shows that .....
to a single, uniquely determined object (e.g. in definitions): The last formula can be derived by direct consideration of ....
A is the smallest possible extension in which differentiation
Let / be the linear form g->(9,n
defined by (2). [If there is only one.] is always possible.
Using integration >by parts we obtain.....
u = 1 in the compact set K of all points at distance 1 from L. If we apply induction to (4), we g et.....
We denote by B ( X ) the Banach space of all linear operators in X . Addition of (3) and (4) gives.....
....., under the usual boundary conditions. This reduces the solution to division by Px.
....., with the natural definitions of addition and multiplication.
Comparison of (5) and (6) shows that.....
Using the standard inner product we may identify.....
[Note: In constructions with “of” you can also use “the” .]
3. In the construction: the + property (or another characteristic) + of +
object: 2. In front of nouns referring to properties if you mention no
The continuity of / follows from ..... particular object:
The existence of test functions is not evident. In question of uniqueness one usually has to consider.....
There is a fixed compact set containing the supports of all the fK By continuity, (2) also holds when / = 1.
Then x is the centre of an open ball U. By duality we easily obtain the following theorem.
The intersection of a decreasing family of such sets is convex. Here we do not require translation invariance.

24 25
3. After certain expressions with "of” : a zero of order at least 2
rank 2.
at the origin,
a type of convergence the hypothesis of positivity F has cardinality c. F has a density g.
a problem of uniqueness the method of proof absolute value 1.
[Unless g has appeared
the condition of ellipticity the point of increase determinant zero.
earlier; then: F has density g.]
4. In front of numbered objects: 9. In expressions with “as” :
It follows from Theorem 7 that ..... Any random variable can be taken as coordinate variable on Y.
Section 4 gives a concise presentation o f ..... Here t is interpreted as area or volume.
Property (iii) is called the triangle inequality. We show that G is a group with composition as group operation.
This has been proved in part (a) of the proof. But: G is well defined as the integral of / over (7.
But: the set of solutions of the form (4.7) 10. In front of the name of a mathematical discipline:
To prove the estimate (5.3) we first extend..... This idea comes from game theory (homological algebra).
We thus obtain the inequality (3). [Or: inequality (3)]
The asymptotic formula (3.6) follows from ..... But: in the theory of distributions
Since the region (2.9) is in 17, we have..... 11. Other examples:
5. To avoid repetition: We can assume that G is in diagonal form.
the order and symbol of a distribution Then A is deformed into B by pushing it at constant speed along
the integral curves of X .
the associativity and commutativity of A
G is now viewed as a set, without group structure.
the direct sum and direct product
the inner and outer factors of / [Note the plural.]
But: a deficit or an excess
1. Indicating aim or intention:
6. In front of surnames in the possessive:
To prove the theorem, we first le t ....
Minkowski’s inequality, but: the Minkowski inequality
to study the group of .....
Fefferman and Stein’s famous theorem, We now apply (5) to derive the following theorem,
more usual: the famous Fefferman-Stein theorem to obtain an x with norm not exceeding 1.
7. In some expressions describing a noun, especially after “with” ard "of': Here are some examples to show how.....
an algebra with unit e; an operator with domain H 2; a solution 2. In constructions with “too” and “enough":
with vanishing Cauchy data; a cube with sides parallel to the This method is too complicated to be used here.
axes; a domain with smooth boundary; an equation with constant This case is important enough to be stated separately.
coefficients; a function with compact support; random variables
with zero expectation 3. Indicating that one action leads to another one:
the equation of motion; the velocity of propagation; We now apply Theorem 7 to get N f = 0. [ = .....and we get N f = 0]
an element of finite order; a solution of polynomial growth; Insert (2) into (3) to find that .....
a ball of radius 1; a function of norm p 4. In constructions like “we may assume M to b e .....":
But: elements of the form / = . . . We may assume M to be compact.
Let B be a Banach space with a weak symplectic form w. We define K to be the section of H over S.
Two random variables with a common distribution. If we take the contour G to lie in {7, then .....
8. After “to have” We extend / to be homogeneous of degree 1.
The class A is defined by requiring all the functions / to satisfy .....
F has finite norm. But: F has a finite norm not exceeding 1. Partially order P by declaring X < Y to mean that .....
compact support. a compact support contained in I.

26 27
5. In constructions like “Af is assumed to b e .....
At first glance M appears to differ from N in two major ways: .....
is assumed (expected/found/considered/taken/
A more sophisticated argument enables one to prove that .....
claimed) to be open,
[Note: “enable” requires “one” , “us” etc.]
M will be chosen to contain 0.
can be taken to be a constant. He proposed to study that problem. [Or: He proposed studying.....]
can easily be shown to have..... [Note: “easily” after “can”] We make G act trivially on V.
is also found to be of class S. Let / satisfy (2). [Not: “satisfies”]
This investigation is likely to produce good results. We need to consider the following three cases.
[= It is very probable it will] We need not consider this case separately.
The close agreement of the six elements is unlikely to be [“need to” in affirmative clauses, without “to” in negative
a coincidence. [= is probably not] clauses; also note: “we only need to consider” , but: “we
need only consider”]
6. In the structure “for this to happen” :
For this to happen, F must be compact.
[= In order that this happens]
For the last estimate to hold, it is enough to assume..... 1. As the subject of a sentence (note the absence of “the” ):
Then for such a map to exist, we must have.....
Repeating the previous argument and using (3) leads to .....
7. As the subject of a sentence: Since taking symbols commutes with lifting, A is .....
To see that this is not a symbol is fairly easy. Combining Proposition 5 and Theorem 7 gives .....
[Or: It is fairly easy to see that.....]
To choose a point at random in the interval [0,1] is a conceptual 2 . After prepositions:
experiment with an obvious intuitive meaning. After making a linear transformation, we may assume that .....
To say that u is maximal means simply that ..... In passing from (2) to (3) we have ignored the factor n.
After expressions with "it”: In deriving (4) we have made use o f .....
On substituting (2) into (3) we obtain .....
It is necessary (useful/very important) to consider .....
Before making some other estimates, we prove.....
It makes sense to speak o f .....
It is therefore of interest to look at .. . Z enters X without meeting x = 0.
Instead of using the Fourier method we can multiply.....
8. After “be” :
In addition to illustrating how our formulas work, it provides.....
Our goal (method/approach/procedure/objective/aim) is to find..... Besides being very involved, this proof gives no information on .....
The problem (difficulty) here is to construct ..... This set is obtained by letting n —►oo.
9. With nouns and with superlatives, in the place of a relative clause: It is important to pay attention to domains of definition
The theorem to be proved is the following. [= which will be proved] when trying to .....
This will be proved by the method to be described in Section 6. The following theorem is the key to constructing .....
For other reasons, to be discussed in Chapter 4, we have to .... The reason for preferring (1) to (2) is simply that .....
He was the first to propose a complete theory o f .....
3. In certain expressions with “of” :
They appear to be the first to have suggested the now accepted
interpretation o f ..... The idea of combining (2) and (3) came from.....
10. After certain verbs: The problem considered there was that of determining WF(w) for.....
We use the technique of extending .....
These properties led him to suggest that .....
They believe to have discovered ..... being very involved.
Lax claims to have obtained a formula for ..... This method has the disadvantage of requiring that / be positive.
This map turns out to satisfy ..... [Note the infinitive.]
Actually, S has the much stronger property of being convex.

28 29
4. After certain verbs, especially with prepositions: The ideal is defined by m = . . . , it being understood that .....
We begin by analyzing (3). F being continuous, we can assume that ..... [= Since F is .....]
We succeeded (were successful) in proving (4). ..... (it being impossible to make A and B intersect)
[Not: “succeeded to prove”] [= since it is impossible]
We next turn to estimating ..... [Do not write “a function being an element of X ” if you mean
They persisted in investigating the case..... “a function which is an element of X ” .]
We are interested in finding a solution o f .....
We were surprised at finding out that ..... 8. In expressions which can be rephrased as "the fact that X is .....” :
[Or: surprised to find out] Note that M being cyclic implies F is cyclic.
Their study resulted in proving the conjecture fo r..... The probability of X being rational equals 1/2.
The success of our method will depend on proving that ..... In addition to / being convex, we require that .....
To compute the norm o f .....amounts to finding ......
We should avoid using (2) here, since.....
[Not: “avoid to use”] PASSIVE VOICE
We put off discussing this problem to Section 5. 1. Usual passive voice:
It is worth noting that ..... [Not: “worth to note”]
This theorem was proved by Milnor in 1976.
It is worth while discussing here this phenomenon.
[Or: worth while to discuss; “worth while” with ing-forms is In items 2-6, passive voice structures replace sentences with subject “we” or
best avoided as it often leads to errors.] impersonal constructions of other languages.
It is an idea worth carrying out.
2. Replacing the structure "we do something” :
[Not: “worth while carrying out” , nor: “worth to carry out”]
After having finished proving (2), we will turn t o ..... This identity is established by observing that .....
[Not: “finished to prove”] This difficulty is avoided above.
(2) needs handling with greater care. When this is substituted in (3), an analogous description of K
One more case merits mentioning here. is obtained.
In [7] he mentions having proved this for / not in S. Nothing is assumed concerning the expectation of X .
5. Present Participle in a separate clause (note that the subjects 3. Replacing the structure “we prove that X is” :
of the main clause and the subordinate clause must be the same):
is easily shown to have.....
We show that / satisfies (2), thus completing the analogy with .. M
may be said to be regular if .
Restricting this to i?, we can define .....
[Not: “Restricting....., the lemma follows” . The lemma does This equation is known to hold fo r.....
not restrict!] 4. Replacing the construction “we give an object X a structure Y " :
The set A , being the union of two continua, is connected.
Note that E can be given a complex structure b y .....
6. Present Participle describing a noun:
The letter A is here given a bar to indicate that .....
We need only consider paths starting at 0.
We interpret / as a function with image having support i n ..... 5. Replacing the structure “we act on something” :
We regard / as being defined o n ..... This order behaves well when g is acted upon by an operator.
7. In expressions which can be rephrased using "where” or "since” : F can be thought of as .....
J is defined to equal A /, the function / being as in (3). So all the terms of (5) are accounted for.
[= where / i s .....] This case is met with in diffraction problems.
This is a special case of (4), the space X here being B (K ) . The preceding observation, when looked at from a more general
We construct 3 maps of the form (5), each of them satisfying (8). point of view, leads t o .....
....., the limit being assumed to exist for every x. In the physical context already referred to, K i s .....

30 31
6. Meaning “which will be (proved etc.)” :
Before stating the result to be proved, we give..... If K is now any compact subset of H , there exists.....
This is a special case of convolutions to be introduced in Chapter 8. [Any = whatever you like; write “for all x ” , “for every x” if you
We conclude with two simple lemmas to be used mainly i n ..... just mean a quantifier.]
Every measure can be completed, so whenever it is convenient, we may
assume that any given measure is complete.
There is a subsequence such that.....
This implies that A contains all open subsets of U. There exists an x with.....
all y with Gy — 1. [Or: there exists rc, but: there is an x]
Let B be the collection of all transforms F of the form There are sets satisfying (2) but not (3).
all A such that ..... There is only one such / .
F is defined at all points of X . There is a unique function / such that .....
for all n ^ 0; for all m which have.....; for all other m; Each / lies in zA for some A (at least one A j
for all but a finite number of indices i exactly one A/at most one A).
X contains all the boundary except the origin. Note that some of the X n may be repeated.
The integral is taken over all of X . F has no fixed vector (no pole) in U. [Or: no poles]
F has no limit point in U (hence none in K ).
all extend to a neighbourhood of U.
Call a set dense if its closure contains no nonempty open subset.
E , F and G all have their supports in U. If no two members of A have an element in common, then.....
are all zero at x.
are all equal. No two of the spaces X , Y, and Z are isomorphic.
It can be seen that no x has more than one inverse.
There exist functions i?, all of whose poles are in 17, with .....
In other words, for no real x does limFn(a:) exist.
Each of the following 9 conditions implies all the others.
[Note the inversion after the negative clause.]
Such an x exists iff all the intervals A x have .....
If there is no bounded functional such that .....
For every g in X (not in X ) there exists an N .....
..... provided none of the sums is of the form.....
[But: for all / and g, for any two maps / and g\ “every”
Let A n be a sequence of positive integers none of which is one less than
is followed by a singular noun.]
a power of two.
To every / there corresponds a unique g such that .....
If there is an / such that ....., we put ..... If there are (is) none, we
Every invariant subspace of X is of the form....
[Do not write: “Every subspace is not of the form .....”
None of these are (is) possible.
if you mean: “No subspace is of the form.....” ;
“every” must be followed, by an affirmative Both / and g are obtained b y .....
statement.] [Or: f and g are both obtained]
Thus / ^ 0 at almost every point of X . For both C°° and analytical categories,.....
Since A n = 0 for each n, ..... [Each = every, considered separately] C behaves covariantly with respect to maps of both X and G.
Each term in this series is either 0 or 1. We now apply (3) to both sides of (4).
F is bounded on each bounded set. Both (these/the) conditions are restrictions only on .....
Each of these four integrals is finite. [Note: “the” after “both”]
C lies on no segment both of whose endpoints are in K .
These curves arise from....., and each consists of ..... Two consecutive elements do not belong both to A
There remain four intervals of length 1/16 each. or both to B.
X assumes values 0, 1, . . . , 9, each with probability 1/10. Both its sides are convex. [Or: Its sides are both convex.]
F\, . . . , Fn are each defined in the interval [0,1]. B and C are positive numbers, not both 0.
Those n disjoint boxes are translates of each other. Choose points x in M and y in N , both close to 2 , and .....
We show how this method works in 2 cases. In both, C i s .....
In either case, it is clear that ..... [= In both cases] The gain up to and including the nth trial is .....
Each / can be expressed in either of the forms (1) and (2). The elements of the third and fourth rows are in I.
[= in any of the two forms] [Note the plural.]
The density of X + Y is given by either of the two integrals. F has a zero of at least third order at x.
The two classes coincide if X is compact. In that case we write C ( X ) for 3. Fractions:
either of them.
Either / or g must be bounded. Two-thirds of its diameter is covered b y .....
But: Two-thirds of the gamblers are ruined.
Let u and v be two distributions neither of which i s ..... G is half the sum of the positive roots.
[Use “neither” when there are two alternatives.] [Note: Only “half” can be used with or without “of” .]
This is true for neither of the two functions. On the average, about half the list will be tested.
Neither statement is true. J contains an interval of half its length in which.....
In neither case can / be smooth.
[Note the inversion after a negative clause.] F is greater by a half (a third).
He proposes two conditions, but neither is satisfactory. The other player is half (one third) as fast.
We divide J in half.
All sides were increased by the same proportion.
NU M B ER , Q U A N T IT Y , SIZE About 4 0 percent of the energy is dissipated.
1. Cardinal numbers: A positive percentage of summands occurs in all the k
A and B are also F-functions, any two of A, B, and C being
independent. 4. Smaller (greater) than:
greater (less) than k.
the multi-index with all entries zero except the kth which is one
the last k entries zero much (substantially) greater than k.
no greater (smaller) than k.
This shows that there are no two points a and b such th at..... n is
greater (less) than or equal to k.
There are three that the reader must remember. [= three of them]
[Not: “greater or equal to”]
We have defined A, B, and C, and the three sets satisfy....
strictly less than k.
For the two maps defined in Section 3, .....
[“The” if only two maps are defined there.] All points at a distance less than K from A satisfy (2).
R is concentrated at the n points X\, . . . , x n defined above. We thus obtain a graph of no more than k edges.
for at least (at most) one k; with norm at least equal to 2 This set has fewer elements than K has.
no fewer than twenty elements.
There are at most 2 such r in (0,1).
There is a unique map satisfying (4). F can have no jumps exceeding 1/4.
(4) lias a unique solution g for each / . The degree of P exceeds that of Q.
But: (4) has the unique solution g = A B / . Find the density of the smaller of X and Y.
(4) has one and only one solution. The smaller of the two satisfies .....
Precisely r of the intervals are closed. F is dominated (bounded/estimated/majorized) b y .....
In Example 3 only one of the xj is positive. 5. How much smaller (greater):
If p = 0 then there are an additional m arcs.
25 is 3 greater than 22. 22 is 3 less than 25.
Ordinal numbers: Let an be a sequence of positive integers none of which is one less
The first two are simpler than the third. than a power of two.
Let Si be the first of the remaining Sj. The degree of P exceeds that of Q by at least 2.
The nth trial is the last. / is greater by a half (a third).
X\ appears at the (k + l)th place. C is less than a third of the distance between.....

34 35
Within J, the function / varies (oscillates) 9. Many, few, a number of:
by less than 1.
The upper and lower limits of / differ by at most 1. a large number of illustrations,
There are only a finite number of / with L f = 1.
We thus have in A one element too many.
[Note the a small number of exceptions.
On applying this argument k more times, we obtain.....
plural.] an infinite number of sets .....
This method is recently less and less used. a negligible number of points with .....
A succession of more and more refined discrete models.
Indc is the number of times that c winds around 0.
6. How many times as great:
We give a number of results concerning..... [= some]
twice (ten times/one third) as long as; half as big as This may happen in a number of cases.
The longest edge is at most 10 times as long as the shortest one. They correspond to the values of a countable number of invariants.
A has twice as many elements as B has. ..... for all n except a finite number (for all but finitely many n).
J contains a subinterval of half its length in which..... Q contains all but a countable number of the f l.
A has four times the radius of B.
The diameter of L is 1/k times (twice) that of M . There are only countably many elements q of Q with dom q = 5.

7. Multiples: The theorem is fairly general. There are, however, numerous

The A>fold integration by parts shows that ..... A variety of other characteristic functions can be constructed in this
F covers M twofold. way.
M is bounded by a multiple of t (a constant times t). There are few exceptions to this rule. [= not many]
This distance is less than a constant multiple of d. Few of various existing proofs are constructive.
G acts on H as a multiple, say n, of V. He accounts for all the major achievements in topology
8. Most, least, greatest, smallest: over the last few years.
F has the most (the fewest) points when.... The generally accepted point of view in this domain of
In most cases it turns out that ..... science seems to be changing every few years.
Most of the theorems presented here are original. There are a few exceptions to this rule. [= some]
Many interesting examples are known. We now describe
The proofs are, for the most part, only sketched. a few of these.
Most probably, his method will prove useful i n ..... Only a few of those results have been published before.
What most interests us is whether .... Quite a few of them are now widely used.
The least such constant is called the norm of / . [= A considerable number]
This is the least useful of the four theorems. 10. Equality, difference:
The method described above seems to be the least complex.
That is the least one can expect. A equals B or A is equal to B [Not: “A is equal 2?”]
The elements of A are comparatively big, but least in number. The Laplacian of g is 4r > 0. Then r is about kn.
None of those proofs is easy, and John’s least of all. The inverse of F G is GF. The norms of / and g coincide.
The best estimator is a linear combination U such that F has the same number of zeros and poles in U .
var U is smallest possible. F and G differ by a linear term (by a scale factor).
The expected waiting time is smallest i f ..... The differential of / is different from 0.
L is the smallest number such that ..... Each member of G other than the identity mapping
F has the smallest norm among all / such that ..... is .....
K is the largest of the functions which occur in (3). F is not identically 0.
There exists a smallest algebra with this property. Let a, b and c be distinct complex numbers.
Find the second largest element in the list L. Each w is P z for precisely m distinct values of 2 .

36 37
Functions which are equal a.e. are indistinguishable as far as
We may replace A and B by whichever is the larger of the two.
integration is concerned.
[Not: “the two ones”]
11. Numbering: This inequality applies to conditional expectations as well as to
Exercises 2 to 5 furnish other applications of this technique. ordinary ones.
[Amer.: Exercises 2 through 5] One has to examine the equations (4). If these have no solutions,
in the third and fourth rows the derivatives up to order k then.....
from line 16 onwards the odd-numbered terms D yields operators D + and D ~ . These are formal adjoints of each
in lines 16-19 other.
the next-to-last column This gives rise to the maps F{. All the other maps are suspensions of
the last paragraph but one of the previous proof these.
1 in the (i,j) entry and zero elsewhere F is the sum of A, B, C and D. The last two of these are zero.
The matrix with
all entries zero except for N —j at ( N ,j ) Both / and g are connected, but the latter is in addition compact.
This is hinted at in Sections 1 and 2. [The latter = the second of two objects]
quoted on page 36 of [4]. Both A F and B F were first considered by Banach, but only the
former is referred to as the Banach map, the latter being called
the Hausdorff map.
We have thus proved Theorems 1 and 2, the latter without using.....
1. Repetition of nouns:
Since the vectors G{ are orthogonal to this last space,.....
Note that the continuity of / implies that of g. As a consequence of this last result, .....
The passage from Riemann’s theory to that of Lebesgue i s ..... Let us consider sets of the type (1), (2), (3) and (4).
The diameter of F is about twice that of G. These last two are called.....
His method is similar to that used in our previous paper.
The nature of this singularity is the same as that which / has at We shall now describe a general situation in which the last-mentioned
x = 0. functionals occur naturally.
Our results do not follow from those obtained by Lax. 2. Repetition of adjectives, adverbs or phrases like “x is .....” :
One can check that the metric on T is the one we have just described. If / and g are measurable functions, then so are f + g and / •g.
It follows that S is the union of two disks. Let D be the one that The union of measurable sets is a measurable set; so is the complement
contains..... of every measurable set.
The cases p = 1 and p = 2 will be the ones of interest to us. The group G is compact and so is its image under / .
We prove a uniqueness result, similar to those of the preceding section. It is of the same fundamental importance in analysis as is the
Each of the functions on the right of (2) is one construction o f .....
to which..... F is bounded but is not necessarily so after division by G.
F has many points of continuity. Suppose x is one.
In addition to a contribution to W\, there may be one Show that there are many such Y.
to W2. There is only one such series for each y.
Such an h is obtained b y .....
We now prove that the constant pq cannot be replaced by a smaller
one. 3. Repetition of verbs:
Consider the differences between these integrals and the A geodesic which meets bM does so either transversally or .....
corresponding ones with / in place of g. This will hold for x > 0 if it does for x = 0.
The geodesics (4) are the only ones that realize the distance between Note that we have not required that....., and we shall not do so except
their endpoints. when explicitly stated.
On account of the estimate (2) and similar ones which can b e ..... The integral might not converge, but it does so after .....

We will show below that the wave equation can be put in this form, There has since been little systematic work on .....
as can many other systems of equations. It has recently been pointed out by Fix that .....
The elements of L are not in 5, as they are in the proof o f ..... It is sometimes difficult to .....
4. Repetition of whole sentences: This usually implies further conclusions about / .
It often does not matter whether.....
The same is true for / in place of g.
The same being true for / , we can..... [= Since the same.....] • Adverbs like “also” , “therefore” , “thus” :
The same holds for (applies to) the adjoint map. Our presentation is therefore organized in such a way that .....
We shall assume that this is the case. The sum in (2), though formally infinite, is therefore actually finite.
Such was the case in (2). One must therefore also introduce the class o f .....
The L2 theory has more symmetry than is the case C is connected and is therefore not the union o f .....
in L l . These properties, with the exception of (1), also hold
Then either..... o r .....In the latter (former) case, ...... for t.
For k this is no longer true. We will also leave to the reader the verification that .....
This is not true of (2). > It will thus be sufficient to prove th at.....
This is not so in other queuing processes. (2) implies (3), since one would otherwise obtain k = 0.
If this is so, we may add..... The order, of several topics has accordingly been changed.
If fi € L and if F = fi + . . . + / n then F € H, and every
• Emphatic adverbs ( clearly, obviously, etc.):
F is so obtained.
It would clearly have been sufficient to assume that .....
We would like t o .... If U is open, this can be done.
F is clearly not an /-set.
On 5, this gives the ordinary topology of the plane.
Its restriction to N is obviously just / .
Note that this is not equivalent to .....
This case must of course be excluded.
[Note the difference between “this” and “it” : you say uit is
The theorem evidently also holds if x = 0.
not equivalent to” if you are referring to .some object ex­
plicitly mentioned in the preceding sentence.] The crucial assumption is that the past history in no
F has the stated (desired/claimed) properties. way influences.....
We did not really have to use the existence of T.
The problem is to decide whether (2) really follows
from (1).
General remarks: The normal order is: subject + verb + direct object + adverbs in The proof is now easily completed.
the order manner-place-time. The maximum is actually attained at some point of M .
Adverbial clauses can also be placed at the beginning of a sentence, and some adverbs We then actually have..... [= We have even more]
always come between subject and verb. Subject almost always precedes verb,
At present we will merely show that.....
except in questions and some negative clauses.
A stronger result is in fact true.
1. ADVERBS Throughout integration theory, one inevitably encounters oo.
But H itself can equally well be a member of 5.
la . Between subject and verb, but after "be” ; in compound tenses after
first auxiliary lb . After verb— most adverbs of manner:
• Frequency adverbs: We conclude similarly that .....
This has already been proved in Section 8. One sees immediately that .....
This result will now be derived computationally. Much relevant information can be obtained directly from (3).
Every measurable subset of X is again a measure space. This difficulty disappears entirely i f .....
We first prove a reduced form of the theorem. This method was used implicitly in random walks.

40 41
lc. After an object if it is short: 2b. At the end (normal position):
We will prove the theorem directly without using the lemma. The averages of Fn become small in small neighbourhoods of x.
But: We will prove directly a theorem stating that ..... 2c. Between subject and verb, but after first auxiliary— only short clauses:
This is true for every sequence that shrinks to x nicely.
Define F g analogously as the limit o f ..... The observed values of X will on the average cluster around .....
(2) defines g unambiguously for every gf. This could in principle imply an advantage.
For simplicity, we will for the time being accept as F only C 2 maps.
Id. At the beginning— adverbs referring to the whole sentence:
Accordingly we are in effect dealing with .....
Incidentally, we have now constructed.....
The knowledge of / is at best equivalent to .....
Actually, Theorem 3 gives more, namely.....
The stronger result is in fact true.
Finally, (2) shows that / = g. [Not: “At last”]
Nevertheless, it turns out that ..... It is in all respects similar to matrix multiplication.
Next, let V be the vector space o f ..... 2d. Between verb and object if the latter is long:
More precisely, Q consists o f ..... It suffices for our purposes to assume.....
Explicitly (Intuitively), this means that ..... To a given density on the line there corresponds on the circle the
Needless to say, the boundedness of / was assumed only density given b y .....
for simplicity.
Accordingly, either / is asymptotically dense o r ..... 3. INVERSION AND OTHER PECULIARITIES
le. In front of adjectives— adverbs describing them: 3a. Adjective or past participle after a noun:
a slowly varying function Let Y be the complex X with the origin removed.
probabilistically significant problems Theorems 1 and 2 combined give a theorem.....
a method better suited for dealing with..... We now show that G is in the symbol class indicated.
F and G are similarly obtained from H. We conclude by the part of the theorem already proved that .....
F has a rectangularly shaped graph. The bilinear form so defined extends to .....
Three-quarters of this area is covered by subsequently Then for A sufficiently small we have.....
chosen cubes. [Note the singular.] By queue length we mean the number of customers present including
the customer being served.
lf. “only”
The description is the same with the roles of A and B reversed.
We need the openness only to prove the following.
3b. Direct object or adjectival clause placed farther than usual— when
It reduces to the statement that only for the distribution F do the
they are long:
maps F{ satisfy (2). [Note the inversion.]
In this chapter we will be concerned only with..... We must add to the right side of (3) the probability that .....
In (3) the X j assume the values 0 and 1 only. This is equivalent to defining in the 2 -plane a density with .....
If (iii) is required for finite unions only, then..... Denote for the moment by / the element satisfying.....
F is the restriction to D of the unique linear m ap.....
We need only require (5) to hold for bounded sets. The probability at birth of a lifetime exceeding t is at most .....
The proof of (2) is similar, and will only be indicated briefly.
To prove (3), it only remains to verify..... 3c. Inversion in some negative clauses:
We do not assume that ....., nor do we assume a priori that .....
Neither is the problem simplified by assuming / = g.
2a. At the beginning: The “if” part now follows from (3), since at no point can S exceed
In testing the character o f ....., it is sometimes difficult t o ..... the larger of X and Y.
For n = 1, 2, . . . , consider a family o f ..... The fact that for no x does F x contain y implies that .....

42 43
In no case does the absence of a reference imply any claim to F {x ) = G(x) for all x e X .
originality on my part. Let F be a nontrivial continuous linear operator in V.
3d. Inversion— other examples:
2. Comma required:
F is compact and so is G. The proof of (3) depends on the notion of M - space, which has already
If / , g are measurable, then so are f + g and / •g. been used in [4].
We will use the map H , which has all the properties required.
Only for / = 1 can one expect to obtain There is only one such / , and (4) defines a map from.....
does that limit exist.
3e. Adjective in front of “be”— for emphasis: In fact, we can do even better.
In this section, however, we will not use it explicitly.
By far the most important is the case where.....
Much more subtle are the following results of John. Moreover, F is countably additive.
Essential to the proof are certain topological properties of M . Finally, (d) and (e) are consequences of (4).
Nevertheless, he succeeded in proving that .....
3f. Subject coming sooner than in some other languages: Conversely, suppose that .....
Equality occurs in (1) iff / is constant. Consequently, (2) takes the form.....
The natural question arises whether it is possible t o ..... In particular, / also satisfies (1).
In the following applications use will be made o f ..... Guidance is also given, whenever necessary or helpful, on further
Recently proofs have been constructed which use..... reading.
3g. Incomplete clause at the beginning or end of a sentence: This observation, when looked at from a more general point of view,
leads t o .....
Put differently, the moments of arrival of the lucky customers con­
stitute a renewal process. It follows that / , being convex, cannot satisfy (3).
Rather than discuss this in full generality, let us look at ..... If e = 1, which we may assume, then.....
It is important that the tails of F and G are of comparable magnitude, We can assume, by decreasing k if necessary, that ....
a statement made more precise by the following inequalities. Then (5) shows, by Fubini’s theorem, that .....
Put this way, the question is not precise enough.
W HERE T O IN SER T A C O M M A Being open, V is a union of disjoint boxes.
General rules: Do not over-use commas— English usage requires them less often than This is a special case of (4), the space X here being B (K ).
in many other languages. Do not use commas around a clause that defines (limits, In [2], X is assumed to be compact.
makes more precise) some part of a sentence. Put commas before and after non­ For all x , G{x) is convex.
defining clauses (i.e. ones which can be left out without damage to the sense). [Comma between two symbols.]
Put a comma where its lack may lead to ambiguity, e.g. between two symbols. In the context already referred to, i f is the complex field.
1. Comma not required: [Comma to avoid ambiguity.]
We shall now prove that / is proper. 3. Comma optional:
The fact that / has radial limits was proved in [4]. By Theorem 2, there exists an h such that.....
It is reasonable to ask whether this holds for <7 = 1.
For z near 0, we have.....
M is the set of all maps which take values in V .
There is a polynomial P such that P f = g. If h is smooth, then M is compact.
The element given by (3) is of the form (5). Since h is smooth, M is compact.
Let M be the manifold to whose boundary / maps K . It is possible to use (4) here, but it seems preferable to .....
Take an element all of whose powers are in S. This gives (3), because (since) we may assume.....
F is called proper if G is dense. Integrating by parts, we obtain.....
There exists a D such that D x y H whenever H xyG. To do this, p u t.....

44 45
X , Y, and Z are compact. Since / = 0 then M is closed ^ Since / = 0, M is closed
X = FG, where F is defined by .. [Or: Since / = 0, we conclude that M is closed]
Thus (Hence/Therefore), we have ....., as it is shown in Sec. 2 ^ ..... , as is shown in Sec. 2
Every function being an element of X is convex
Every function which is an element of X is convex
SO M E T Y P IC A L ERRORS Setting n = p, the equation can b e .....
1. Spelling errors: ^ Setting n = p, we can..... [Because we set.]
Spelling should be consistent, either British or American throughout: 3. Wrong word used:
We now give few examples [= not many]
Br.: colour, neighbour, centre, fibre, labelled, modelling
We now give a few examples [= some]
Amer.: color, neighbor, center, fiber, labeled, modeling
Summing (2) and (3) by sides Summing (2) and (3)
an unified approach a unified approach In the first paragraph In the first section
a M such that an M such that ....., which proves our thesis
[Use “a” or “an” according to pronunciation.] ...... which proves our assertion (conclusion/statement)
2. Grammatical errors: [thesis = dissertation]
For n big enough For n large enough
Let / denotes •*+ Let / denote To this aim ^ To this end
Most of them is *** Most of them are At first, note that First, note that
There is a finite number of There are a finite number of At last, we obtain Finally, we obtain
In 1964 Lax has shown In 1964 Lax showed For every two elements For any two elements
[Use the past tense if a date is given.] ....., what completes the proof ..... , which completes the proof
The Taylor’s formula Taylor’s formula [Or: the Taylor formula] ....., what is impossible •*+..... , which is impossible
The section 1 ^ Section 1 4. Wrong word order:
Such map exists Such a map exists [But: for every such map] The described above condition The condition described above
In the case M is compact ^ In case M is compact
[Or: In the case where M is compact] The both conditions Both conditions, Both the conditions
In case of smooth norms In the case of smooth norms Its both sides Both its sides
We are in the position to prove ^ We are in a position to prove The three first rows w The first three rows
F is equal G F is equal to G [Or: F equals G] The two following sets The following two sets
F is greater or equal to G F is greater than or equal to G This map we denote by f ^ We denote this map by /
Continuous in the point x ^ Continuous at x 5. Other examples:
Disjoint with B Disjoint from B We have (obtain) that B i s .....
Equivalent with B Equivalent to B We see (conclude/deduce/find/infer) that B i s .....
Independent on B w Independent of B We are done w The proof is complete.
[But: depending on B]
Similar a sB ^ Similar to B
Similarly to Sec. 2
As (Just as) in Sec. 2
Similarly as in Sec. 2 As is the case in Sec. 2
In much the same way as
in Sec. 2
On Fig. 3 ^ In Fig. 3
In the end of Sec. 2 At the end of Sec. 2

46 47
a, an, 23, 46 generality, 10 print, 8
accordingly, 13 greater, 35
actually, 19, 41 same, 36, 40
half, 35 say, 11
adjectival clauses, 9
have, 26 second largest, 36
adverbial clauses, 42
“have that” , 15, 16, 47 section, 4, 47
adverbs, 40
hence, 15, 46 short-cuts, 20
a few, 37, 47
all, 32 shortly, 7
if necessary, 11
also, 41 imperative, 16 similar, 16, 46
a number of, 37, 46 in a position, 17, 46 similarly, 46
any, 33 since, 15, 47
independent of, 8, 46
as, 15, 18, 27 smaller, 35
induction, 14
as is, 39, 47 in fact, 13 smallest possible, 36
at first, 42, 47 so is, 10, 39
infinitive, 10, 17, 27, 29
at last, 42 some, 33
introduction, 4
avoid, 30 succeed, 30
inversion, 9, 10, 33, 42, 43
such, 39, 46
it, 18, 19, 28, 40
because, 15 such that, 8
it follows that, 15
being, 9, 30, 47
both, 33, 47 largest, 36 that, 38
brackets, 8 the, 24
last but one, 38
the one, 38
latter, 39, 40
cardinal numbers, 34 therefore, 15, 41, 46
least, 34, 36
case, 40, 46 there is, 33
less, 35
contradiction, 14, 18 these, 39
let, 46
denote, 7 likely, 28 thesis, 18, 20, 47
depending on, 8 the two, 34, 39
matrices, 38 this, 40
differ, 36, 37
more, 36 this last, 39
disjoint from, 46
most, 34, 36, 46 those, 38
distinct, 37
multiple, 36 thus, 15, 41, 46
each, 32 to be defined, 9, 28
need, 17, 29
either, 34 too, 27
neither, 9, 34, 43
enable, 29 to this end, 14, 47
next-to-last, 38
enough, 8, 27 twice as long as, 36
no, 33
equal, 37, 46 two-thirds, 35
no greater, 35
errors, 46 typefaces, 8
none, 33
every, 32, 47
nor, 9, 10, 43 unique, 24, 34
few, 37, 47 numbering, 26, 38 union, 25
fewer, 35 unlikely, 28
finally, 42, 47 “obtain that” , 15, 16, 47
of, 25, 26, 29 up to, 35, 38
finish, 30
one, 23, 38 what, 15, 18, 47
fc-fold, 36
only, 29, 42 which, 15, 18,x47
following, 13, 19, 20, 47
for, 11, 28 ordinal numbers, 25, 34, 38 with, 26
former, 39, 40 paragraph, 4, 47 worth, 30
for short, 7 participles, 30 worth while, 30
fractions, 35 percent, 35


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