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Azure is Microsoft’s ___________ as a Service Web hosting service.

When using Azure Resource Manager, you can use a _______________ for deployment, which can build identical environments for different work scenarios such as testing, s
In which operating system, we can use Azure CLI?
In which operating system, we can use Azure PowerShell?
Which cloud offering focuses on the consumption of services?
High available applications are ____________.
Which of the following statements are correct?
The new Azure Portal is accessed using ___________.
Which one of the following serives is a NoSQL datastore?
Which of the following is the older service management model, where cloud services contain your cloud resources?
If you have to replace your current on-premise services in the form of virtual machines, then you can use Microsoft Azure cloud categorized as ____________.
You can view the latest data center map and Pay as You Go subscription information in (the) ________?
Default Private IP address allocation method is _________.
A subnet is a range of IP addresses in a __________.
ExpressRoute connections enable access to the _________.
When should you use a static IP address?
Which Azure networking component is the core unit from which administrators can have full control over IP address assignments, name resolution, security settings, and routi
Microsoft uses industry standard _______________ dynamic routing protocol to exchange routes between your on-premises network, your instances in Azure, and Microsoft
_______________ is used to route the traffic between virtual machines inside your pirvate virtual network.
Which connection configuration offers faster speeds, higher security, lower latencies and higher reliability?
To how many resource groups can a resource be added?
The smallest recommended virtual machine size in Azure for a production environment is:
Which of the following Windows Server roles is not supported on Azure Virtual Machines?
You can estimate costs you will incur on Azure by using which tool?
Which of the following helps Azure maintain high availability and fault tolerance when deploying and upgrading applications.
You need to deploy a virtual machine on Azure with a low memory entry level requirement. Which virtual machine sizes should you consider choosing?
Azure Virtual Machines only support VM's running Microsoft Windows operating system.
The VM size determines the number of __________.
Azure supports both .vhd and .vhdx file formats for Virtual Machines.
Most types of resource can be moved to a different resource group at _______.
If you choose this redundancy strategy, you cannot convert to another redundancy strategy without creating a new storage account and copying the data to the account.
What type of storage account is backed by magnetic drives and provides the lowest cost per GB?
The maximum size for a file share is 5 TBs.
Premium storage disks for virtual machines support up to 64 TBs of storage.
Which type of storage offering uses SSDs and is intended for use with Virtual machines?
Geo Redundancy is to provide high availability in ________.
In which type of Storage replication, data is not replicated across multiple datacenters?
Geo-replication is enabled by default in Windows Azure Storage.
Your Azure storage account is always replicated to ensure durability and high availability. By default, which of the following replications schemes is used?
You add a data disk to an Azure virtual machine. What drive type is created?
Azure data is replicated ________ times for data protection and writes are checked for consistency.
Which of the following services allow creation and management of virtual machines that serve either in a Web role and a Worker role?
What’s the maximum bandwidth provided by ExpressRoute?
Which of the following VM configurations qualifies for SLA availability?
Azure Storage plays the same role in Azure that ______ plays in Amazon Web Services.
A VM can have multiple associated IP addresses. Which of the following are possible IP addresses associated with a VM?
Which of the following is a worldwide content caching and delivery system for Windows Azure blob content?
Is it possible to create a custom Domain name, or use your organizations domain name, such as, in Azure Active Directory?
Which of the following is a non-relational storage system for large-scale storage?
Which of the following is also known as Compute?
All the options mentioned
Windows OS
All the options mentioned
All the options mentioned
Classic portal
Azure Dash Board
All of the mentioned
DNS Server
Virtual Networks (VNETs)
Azure Internal Load Balancers
Pricing Calculator
Avalability set
Basic_A0- Basic_A4
Locally redundant storage (LRS)
10 GBps
Multi-instance VMs on an Availability Set
All the options
Data Lake Store
Set of virtual machine instances
The only metadata retained on a per-consumer basis is the position of the consumer in the log, called ________.
Point out the wrong statement.
Point out the correct statement.
Kafka is run as a cluster comprised of one or more servers each of which is called ___________.
Kafka maintains feeds of messages in categories called ___________.
Each kafka partition has one server which acts as the _________.
The Kafka cluster does not retain all the published messages.
A topic is a category or feed name to which messages are published.
By reading through the customer reviews of a product on Amazon, a customer forms a _______.
Customer Perception develops ___________.
Main objective of Digital Marketing is to ___________.
Digital Marketing helps to improve _____________.
Customizing ads to people who had earlier visited the site is _______.
Paid Search Marketing is about Bidding and Buying relevant keywords.
Which of the following aims at influencing users who have already begun their research on sites like Google, but not necessary that they have visited a brand site.
In Google AdWords, which of the following factors is an important factor for winning the auction?
Which of the following is not a Social Media Management Tool?
Real time Biding is a form of Programmatic Buying.
Ads that play in the beginning, end or in mid of youtube videos are _______.
Which of the following platforms can be used by advertisers to bid and purchase ad impressions across ad exchanges?
Which of the following is not an open source WCM?
Designing a site for Mobile is very similar to Web.
Which of the following capabilities are offered by Web Content Management Tools?
Which of the following design approaches help in building sites that are optimized for varied screen sizes?
The objective of In-game advertising is to drive sales.
Social Media Analytics can help in _________.
Retargeting platforms enable advertisers to __________.
Which of the following involves, the use of technology platforms to automate buying and selling of media?
Which of the following is most important for the success of Digital Marketing?
Which of the following is an organic way of driving traffic to a brand site?
When done right, In-game advertising can establish deeper connect with the player.
Perception about the product
All the options mentioned
None of the options mentioned
All the options mentioned
Search Retargeting
Bid Value and Quality Score
In-Stream Ads
Demand Side Platform
All the options mentioned
Responsive Web Design
All the options mentioned
All the options mentioned
Programmatic Advertising
Display Ad Marketing
Release branches are created for resolving merge conflicts.
Work Branch is also known as_______________________.
Which is not a CI practice ?
Which is NOT a benefit of CI ?
Feature branching is used to _____________.
Which is NOT true about continuous integration ?
Activities that are part of continuous integration______________.
Git is a ___________________________ version control system.
__________ is a .Net build tool.
Private builds are executed after moving the changes to version control.
Complexity of a code is determined based on _________________.
_______________ is a measure of incoming dependencies.
Capablility of your build system to handle an increase in the amount of code that it integrates and analyzes is known as ____________.
Time taken to fix a broken build is measured using ________________.
Build can be triggered by a version control tool.
Release builds can be triggered ___________.
Pipeline break and build break is one and the same.
How are component dependencies injected in a workflow ?
Component test is executed as part of _______________________.
CI servers use the _________ expression to poll for changes.
Does CI pipeline need to have all the software development functionalities integrated in place ?
Jabber is a :
Which of the tools is not mandated for integration in a CI pipeline ?
Teamcity is a ______________________.
Which of these is not a valid build trigger ?
Control flow graph is used to calculate _______.
CI pipeline consists of ______________.
Which of the following is an artifact repository ?
__________________ helps in differentiating the environments.
Trunk is also known as __________________.
CCMetrics is used to identify _______________________.
Which is the first code analysis to be executed ?
Efferent Coupling is a measure of ____________________.
Which is the most important operational parameter in CI ?
Git, Mercurial and Subversion are centralized version control tools.
Private builds can be triggered automatically.
Feature toggle can be used in the following scenarios ________.
Which of the tools is not used for establishing a pipeline workflow ?
Staged builds include _________.
In a normal scenario, software from ____________ is deployed to production.
Arrange in order- A. Running Unit Test B.Running Static Code Check C.Check for Code Coverage D. Build Package
_______________ is a code coverage tool.
Faster feedback can be received by ___________.
Deploy to production
Bugs and defects no longer occur
Work on user stories
Involves moving code in large amounts
All of the Options
Cyclomatic Complexity Number
Afferent Coupling
Build scalability
Build repair rate
Build package first and then perform the remaining tasks
None of the options
Messaging plugin
Build Tool
parameterized/Downstream triggerparameterized/Downstream trigger
Cyclomatic Complexity

Configuration files
Code Complexity
code coverage
Outgoing dependencies
All of the options
None of the options
Release branch
Running tests
ECMAScript is a __________
ES6 is the implementation of?
All major JavaScript Implementations are based on which standard?
ES6 is officially called ______________
ES6 can be used for ______________
During destructuring, you can either declare variables or assign to them, or both.
Which of the following parameters can be used to expand a single array into multiple arguments?
const { x, y } = { x: 11, y: 8 };
is the Same as
const { x: x, y: y } = { x: 11, y: 8 };
Destructuring helps us to extract multiple values from an object via __________.
What will be the output of following code snippet?
function foo(a = 10, b = 5) {
console.log(a, b);
The following code implements the ______ feature of ES6
function myFunction(x, y, z) { }
var args = [0, 1, 2];
"Rest" collects all variables into a single array, while "Spread" expands a single variable into multiple.
Which of the following parameters can be used to define indefinite number of parameters in one single array?
Template literals does not allow us to _________.
Which is not a lexical inside arrow functions?
Variables declared in a scope are accessible in ___________.
In Arrow functions, if there is only one parameter and that parameter is an identifier then the parentheses can be omitted.
Template literals support ____________.
Template literals can be reused __________.
const func= (
) => {
return x + y;

Select the wrong code Snippet

Instead of using single quotes or double quotes, es6 uses BACKTICK or OPENQUOTE ( " ` " ) character to create destructuring pattern.
Arrow Functions are less verbose than traditional functions
Template literals can be defined as _________.
Which keywords can be used to implement inheritance in ES6?
We can use this data-type to avoid repetitions.
The bodies of class declarations and class expressions are executed in strict mode.
class Player extends Student {
constructor(roll, name) {
super(roll, name);
this.Player = true;
_________ feature helps us to simplify the inheritance concept.
Maps can be used to store __________.
Map can use _______ value as Key.
Which is not true about constructor in ES6?
Which is not true about static methods?
Sets can be used to store __________.
Objects declared as "const" are immutable.
Which of the following does not declare a block scoped variable?
What is the significance of the following code snippet?
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
x += 10;
Which of the following statements is not true about level of scope?
I. let keyword declares a block scoped variable.
II. var keyword declares a block scoped variable.
III. const keyword declares a block scoped variable.
IV. let and const are similiar to each other.
What is the scope of the variable "a" in function below?
function val(x){
let a = x;
Keyword "let" allows redeclaring variables.
Promise reactions are callbacks that you register with the Promise method then(), to be notified of a fulfillment or a rejection.
What if promise2 get rejected in the following syntax? Promise.all(promise1, promise2, .....)
Which of the following is not a state of Promise?
A Promise has _________ number of states.
Symbols can be created using the factory function _________.
Declaring variables with which of the following keywords, will make the variable immutable?
What is the meaning of the following line of code?
const pi=3.14;
Variables declared with which of the following constructs do not have block scope?
What will be the output of this code?
var sym = new Symbol();
What will be the output of following code snippet?
const cart =Object.freeze({ name: 'Dove', price: '4.50' });
cart.price = '5.10' ;
What will be printed if the following code is executed?
let x=150;
Which method can be used to retrieve symbols from the global symbols registry?
ES6 is the first time that JavaScript has built-in modules.
Using yield(), Generators can receive input from _________.
Language Standard
ECMA Script 2015
Both client side and server side scription


Object Pattern



None of the options
None of the options
All scopes nested inside it

const func1 = (x, y) => { return x + y; };

multi-line string literals that support interpolation
Constructor of the Parent Class
Key - value pairs
A class may have any number of constrcutors
Static methods can be directly called with the help of a class object.
Heterogeneous data

The variable i is valid only inside the for loop

I & III are true and II and IV are false.

It will reject the entire set

Const turns variables into constants, and they can


Syntax Error

{name: 'dove',price '4,50'}

Ansible can deploy to virtualization and cloud environments, Including
Ansible acquired by
Which of the following is a valid YAML syntax?
Ansible is
Which configuration management software is Agentless?
YAML uses tabs for indentation, True or false?
Design goals of Ansible include
If you do not need any facts from the host, what command would you use?
Which module can be used to copy files from remote machine to control machine?
Where is Inventory file located by default?
Which command tells ansible to run the playbook on all the hosts except host1?
Which one is not a valid value of state argument of "file" module?
Which Ansible module is used to manage docker services and containers.
You write comments in Jinja2 as:
Handler run only once even if you run the playbook multiple times.
Ansible modules will apply changes everytime you run Playbook.
Modules are temporarily stored in the nodes and communicate with the control machine through a ______ protocol over the standard output.
Which module copies dynamically generated file from control machine to target hosts?
Which module can be used to force a handler to run in between two tasks?
What module can be used to stop a playbook execution for some time?
Which module will you use to create a directory?
Identify the order of execution of handlers in the below snippet.
- name: test
## some code ##
- handler_1
- handler_2
- handler_3
- name: test1
## some code##
- handler_1

- name: handler_2
## some code ##
- name: handler_3
- name: handler_1
Which command do you use to do a syntax check on your playbook?
Using which module can you see the list of all the ansible variables?
A Playbook starts with three dots …A Playbook starts with three dots …
Which module you can use to install Apache in Ubuntu OS?
What is the output statement of the following snippet?
- name: test
shell: echo "hello"
register: a
debug: msg="the message is {{ a.stdout }}"
Which of these will loop through items randomly?
You cannot define multiple conditions
- shell: echo "Bang on!! You won."
when: ??
How do you use variable to apply condition?
ansible.cfg should be present in
what is the default forks value in configuration file?
How can you reduce the number of SSH connections required?
How to define the number of parallel processes while communicating to remote hosts?
You can activate your privilege escalations using which settings?
To store sensitive information you can use ansible-vaulte.
Ansible can work as a push automated deployment system and as well as a pull automated deployment system?
Design goals of Ansible include
All the Options
Red Hat
path: F:\test
All the options mentioned
All the options mentioned
both gather_facts: no or gather_facts: False
ansible-playbook playbooks/PLAYBOOK_NAME.yml --limit 'all:!host1'
{# #}

ansible-playbook <playbook_name> --syntax-check

syntax error because of conflicting action statements
when: score == 3

All the options mentioned
Which of the following characters are used to represent an unordered list?
Which of the following is a Scientific distribution of Python, used for Data Science?
It is possible to embed code snippets in markdown. State True or False?
A line magic methods starts with ______ ?
A cell magic methods starts with ______ ?
Which language is used to write documentation in a Jupyter Notebook?
Which of the following magic method list the history of input commands ?
Which of the following is used to know about an object in Ipython?
Which of the following is used to run system commands from Ipython?
What is the basic element of a Jupyter Notebook ?
What is the input of a cell magic method ?
How to write the word 'Python' in markdown, to emphasize it in bold ?
Which of the following is Ture about Numpy array data elements?
Which of the following attribute determine the number of dimensions of a ndarray?
Which of the following attribute returns total number of bytes consumed by a ndarray?
What does flags attribute of an ndarray return?
Which of the following attribute returns the number of elements in each dimension of a multi dimensional array?
What is the output of the following code?
import numpy as np

x = np.array([[3.2, 7.8, 9.2],

[4.5, 9.1, 1.2]], dtype='int64')
What is the output of the following code?
import numpy as np

y = np.array([3+4j, 0.4+7.8j])
Which of the following method is used to read data from a text file?
What is the output of the following code ?
Which of the following expressions return an Error?
1. np.random.rand(3, 2)
2. np.random.random(3, 2)
import numpy as np
z = np.eye(2)
What is the output of the following code ?
import numpy as np

x = np.array([[-1,0,1], [-2, 0, 2]])

y = np.zeros_like(x)
Which of the following numpy method is used to simulate a binomial distribution?
What is the output of the following code ?
import numpy as np

print(np.linspace(1, 10, 5))

print(np.arange(1, 10, 5))
What is the output of the following code ?
import nupy as np
print(np.array(([1, 2], (3,4))).shape)
Predict the number of rows and columns of array x defined below?
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(20).reshape(4, 5)
What is the output of the following code ?
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(6).reshape(2,3)
y = np.hsplit(x,(2,))
Which of the following numpy method is used to join arrays horizontally ?
What is the shape of array x defined below?
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(20).reshape(10, 10)
What is the output of the following code?
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(4).reshape(2,2)
y = np.vsplit(x,2)
Array x is defined below. Determine the number of elements of it contains in second dimension?
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(90).reshape(3, 15, 2)
What is the output of the following code ?
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(4).reshape(2,2)
y = np.arange(4, 8).reshape(2,2)
Which of the following numpy method is used to join arrays vertically ?
Which of the following method is used to convert the data type of an array?
Which of the following method is used to check if a number is an infinite or not ?
What is the shape of Broadcasting array resulted from arrays with shapes (4, 1, 1,7) and (3, 1) ?
What is the output of the following Code?
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(4)
y = np.arange(4)
print(x == y)
What is the output of the following code ?
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(20).reshape(4,5)
What is the output of the following Code?
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(4)
Is Broadcasting feasible between two arrays whose shapes are (5, 8, 2) and (2,) ?
Is Broadcasting feasible between two arrays whose shapes are (5, 8, 1) and (4, 2) ?
What is the ouput of the following code?
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(4).reshape(2,2)
What is the output of the following code?
import numpy as np
print(np.repeat(3, 4))
What is the output of the following code ?
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(4).reshape(2,2)
What is the outout of the following code ?
import numpy as np
x = np.array([[-2],
y = np.array([[-3, 3]])
What is the outout of the following code ?
import numpy as np
x = np.array([[-2],
y = np.array([[-3, 3]])
print(x + y)
What is the output of the following code?
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(30).reshape(5,6)
What is the shape of Broadcasting array resulted from arrays with shapes (9, 2, 1, 5) and (3, 1) ?
What is the output of the following code?
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(30).reshape(3,5,2)
print(x[-1, 2:-1, -1])
What is the output of the following code?
import numpy as np
x = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 1], [2, 2]])
y = x.sum(-1)
print(x[y < 2, :])
What is the output of the following code?
import numpy as np
x = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
print(x[[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 1]])
What is the output of the following code?
import numpy as np
x = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 1], [2, 2]])
What is the output of the following code?
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(30).reshape(3,5,2)
What is the output of the following code?
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(12).reshape(3,4)
What is the output of the following code?
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(4)
What is the output of the following code?
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(12).reshape(3,4)
What is the output of the following code?
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(30).reshape(3,5,2)
What is the output of the following code?
import numpy as np
x = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 1], [2, 2]])
What is the output of the following code?
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(12).reshape(3,4)
All of those mentioned
All of those mentioned
Python code written in multiple lines of a single cell.
Data elements are of same type and of fixed size
Memory layout of a ndarray


[[ 1. 0.] [ 0. 1.]]

[[0 0 0] [0 0 0]]

[ 1. 3.25 5.5 7.75 10. ] [1 6]


4, 5
[[0 1] [3 4]]

Results in Error while creating xResults in Error while creating xResults in Error while creating xResults in Error w

[[0 1]]


[[0 1 4 5] [2 3 6 7]]

(4, 1, 3, 7)

[ 2. 7. 12. 17.]

[0 1 4 9]


[3 3 3 3]

[[0, 1], [2, 3]]

[[ 6 -6] [-6 6]]

[[-5 1] [-1 5]]

[4 4 4 4 4]

(9, 2, 3, 5)
[25 27]

[[0 1]]

[1 4 6]

[1 2 4]

[11 15 19]

[1 5 9]

[0 1 2 3]

[4 5 6 7]

[14 15]
[1 2 4]

(1, 4)
ing xResults in Error while creating xResults in Error while creating xResults in Error while creating xResults
creating xResults in Error while creating xResults in Error while creating x
Deep learning are not suitable for text analysis.

Which of the following library comes with visualization tool for deep learning?
FPGAs are power efficient when compared to GPU.
Deep learning performs better when sequential processing is used.
Convolutional neural network is mainly used for image recognition.
In Pruning technique, initally we start with small number of neurons.
Learning rate is learnt by the network when training.
Formula for recall is ______________.
Deep learning software platforms are available as downloadable package.
What is meant by precision in terms of deep learning metrics?
Which one of the following libraries stores and communicates data using blobs?
Which one of the following libraries comes with visualization tool for deep learning?
Which one of the following libraries uses computations graph of deeplearning?
Which one of the following libraries is mainly designed for machine vision?
Deep learning software platforms are available as downloadable package.
what is a tensor?
Learning rate is learnt by the network when training.
Which one of the functions always maps the values between 0 and 1?
TP/(TP + FN)
ratio of correctly predicted class by total number of predictions
an n- dimentional array
What differentiates Azure Resource Manager PowerShell cmdlets from Service Manager PowerShell cmdlets?
You are creating an Azure virtual machine by using an ARM template. Which of the following conditions must be met?
You have to create a custom virtual machine (VM). Also, you have to upload the VM to Azure. What is the first step to start?
The smallest recommended virtual machine for a production environments is _____.
Which of the following helps you to easily identify which SKU is most likely to satisfy your performance needs?
What is the maximum number of virtual machines a cloud service can contain?
Which Windows Server feature(s) is / are not supported on Azure virtual machines?
Which of the following is supported on Azure virtual machines
You are using the Set-AzureRMVMSourceImage command with the -Version parameter. You wish to ensure that you get the most curre
What DNS record type is set when mapping a Custom Domain to be an alias for the default {sitename} domain nam
Fs and F series of VMs are
The Virtual Machine C: drive is a SATA drive that contains _______.
Which situation will prevent a virtual machine (VM) from being migrated from an on-premises environment to Azure?
Microsoft supports OS that is past their End of Support date without a Custom Support Agreement (CSA).
Which tool is used to view details, such as IP addresses, about the virtual machines in a scale set?
Which statement regarding dynamically allocated public addresses in Azure is true?
Which components are examples of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) services?
You add a data disk to an Azure virtual machine. What drive type is created?
Which of the following IP address type can change when you stop or start a resource?
For a virtual machine that acts as a domain controller, you should use a ______.
Which of the following web applications can be deployed with Azure ?
Scales sets are often integrated with which of the following selections?
You are deploying an Azure VM utilizing a template file from GitHub using the New-AzureRMResourceGroupDeployment cmdlet. Which o
What is the maximum number of data disks supported by the Standard_A7 virtual machine?
To use Premium storage, you will need a virtual machine in which of the following three series?
Which command uploads a virtual hard disk from an on-premises virtual machine to a blob in a cloud storage account in Azure?
Which of the following defines a group of virtual machines that share a common set of hardware, switches, and more than a single poin
Temporary files must be stored on which drive?
What is the largest size for a Resource Manager template?
Which of the following helps Azure maintain high availability and fault tolerance when deploying and upgrading applications?
Which of the following can provide more capability as your workload increases?
An Azure subscription has a current limit of how many virtual machines per region?
An Azure Standard_A4 virtual machines has ____ cores.
Which of the following three options are required when uploading Hyper-V files from on-premises data centers?
What is the fourth step in the basic steps for deploying a virtual machine in Azure?
From the virtual machine blade of the Azure portal, you can do all of the following actions to your virtual machine, except?
Linux on Azure Endorsed Distributions can be described as _______.
Use the following command to create a virtual machine with Resource Manager ___________.

Which types of workload would be most suitable for deployment on Azure virtual machines?
Which of the following is a valid reason to deploy a virtual machine (VM) on-premises in Hyper-V instead of in Azure?
Azure virtual machines disks are stored as ______.
Which of the following element allows you to create and manage virtual machines that serve either in a Web role and a Worker role?
You need to add data to Azure by using the Azure import service. What should you do?
Select the correct statement regarding the operating system upgrades of an Azure virtual machine?
What DNS record type is set when mapping a Custom Domain to be an alias for the default {sitename} domain nam
You can associate a public IP address with all of the following except _________.
A Standard_A7 virtual machine would be considered for ________.
Which of the following option(s) is / are endorsed distributions when deploying Linux as an Azure Virtual Machine?
A _________ role is a virtual machine instance running Microsoft IIS Web server that can accept and respond to HTTP or HTTPS reques
Which of the following is the file format for the Resource Manager template?
Which of the following would not use a private IP address?
What feature does Azure Availability Sets provide?
Which of the following web applications can be deployed with Azure ?
All ARM PowerShell cmdlet names include the string 'RM'
All resources must be part of a resource group.
Prepare/Sysprep the VM
Multipath I/O
Generation 1 virtual machines
Compute Optimized
Operating system files
The VM uses a VHDX disk file.
Azure Portal
The addresses originate from a created DHCP scope
All of the mentioned options
Static IP Address
All of the mentioned
All of the mentioned options
Resource Group Name and Template URI
All of the mentioned options
Fault Domain
Availability set
Scale Set
All of the mentioned options
Provision the VM
View LOGs
Versions of Linux that you can customize and add to the Azure Gallery

All of the mentioned options

All of the mentioned options
You need to deploy a VM that uses the VHD file format.
VHD files
Cloud Services
Ship the hard disk to an Azure datacenter
No OS upgrades are supported
Internal facing load balancers
High Memory and Dense Local Storage
CentOS 6.3+
Application Gateway
Auto deployment
All of the mentioned
Which is directly proportional to your business?
_________ causes more failure than _________
When a server requires special configuration beyond that covered by automated deployment scripts, it is called
IaC is frequently referred to as, _____________
When we don't record the adhoc changes of hardware/software, it is called the
For quick configurations, the servers must be
A challenge that grows over time is, __________
__________ configuration is faster than ___________ configuration
IaC simplifies the tasks of
__________ infrastructure increases the predictability
Which of the following describes how to achieve the desired state of the system?
__________ infrastructure replaces a server completely when there is a change
Automation is well suitable for the environments which are
If a change is patched, it is ___________ infrastructure
Which of the following describes only the desired state of the system?
It is easy to ________ a system, than to ________ it.
There is no server in the server-less architecture
Which of the following is not a cloud service provider?
The most straightforward approach to implement IaC is
Which of the following is a Containerization System?
OpenStack Heat is a tool written in ___________
Infrastructure provisioning can be done with __________________ tools
Which of the following is a configuration definition file?
___________ comes as part of Linux's Fedora distribution
___________ shares the OS kernel of the host system.
Docker is a tool written in
Which of the following is an infrastructure definition tool?
____________ supports all the AWS resources.
____________ is an open source tool developed by HashiCorp
Puppet was initially released in the year
Which of the following is not a lifecycle event of a server
Marionette is a former name of
HP Public Cloud uses ________ tool
Chef was initially created by
___________ is more secure than ___________
You can use _________ to script your configuration file
Data like ______ should not be stored in VCS
In _________ model, the configuration server is checked periodically for updates.
In _________ model, the configuration server automatically sends the updated configuration file if there is any change.
Which of the following cannot be found on a server?
Containers resolves security issues
Which is a core part of IaC?
A good infrastructure tool should support
Human Error, Hardware failure
Snowflake Server
Programmable infrastructure
Configuration Drift
Configuration Drift
Automated, Manual
IT team
Not unique
Replace , Fix
Google Azure
Infrastructure Definition
none of the options
Adam Jacob
VM, Container
Loose Coupling
GUI Toolkit is an example of low-level API for Native Apps.
Looking at the mobile app and its features, is it possible to distinguish between the type as Native, Web or Hybrid?
Purely Native apps are binary executable image that is explicitly downloaded and stored on the file system of the mobile device.
Native apps are a choice for implementation because, it is (I) Executed directly by OS. (II) Makes explicit use of OS APIs. (III) cheaper to build in one platform.
Process of obtaining a binary executable image and preparing it for distribution is same across platforms.
Built-in Apps have direct access to low-level APIs only through High-level APIs.
Natives apps can be downloaded from (I) App Store (II) Enterprise Distributed Mechanism (III)Market Place of the Device
The right order of Native App Development is _________. (I) Set the configuration info and OS specific declaration files. (II) Create additional resources like images, audio sign
The right order of Native App Development is _________. (I) Set the configuration info and OS specific declaration files. (II) Writes the source code of the application (III) Crea
_________ is the type executable for iOS.
Built-in Apps have direct access to low-level APIs.
Native Apps require another container app to execute in a mobile device.
_________ is the type executable for Blackberry.
Native apps are not a choice for implementation because of its (I) Portability (II) Efficiency
_________ is the type executable for Android.
_________ is the type executable for Windows.
Native apps are executed directly by the OS of mobile device.
The right order of Native App Development is _________. (I) Package the binary executable with resources. (II) Create a binary executable (III)Distribute through the app store
In case of Pure mobile web apps, the code is executed by the _______.
Pure mobile web apps are written only in _________.
Web apps are much easier to maintain, as they have a common code base across multiple mobile platforms. Is this statement true of false?
The main cons of Web app comprises _________.
Pure mobile websites are same as Pure mobile Apps.
JavaScript Toolkit library includes, which of the following?
Application caching is enabled with latest features of _________.
The rendering engine in the pure mobile web apps is called as
The advantage that hybrid apps carry over native is that it's ________
Being built on one single base, you can add functionality and have multiple versions of the app all benefit from it. This is benefit of __________
I and II
(I) and (III) Only
I Only
limited scope accessing mobile device’s features
Sencha Touch & Jquery Mobile
HTML5 and CSS3
All the options
Hybrid apps
Redis is widely used as a secondary database for ___________.
redis.conf is configured for changing __________ to connect to Redis server.
Redis provides multi-state architecture during replication where every instance can both read and write.
Which one is a difference between Memcached and Redis?
When using Pipelining, will the additional memory used be high?
Which of the following is not a Key Value database?
Redis is single threaded.
Redis can be configured to meet different requirements by editing the configuration settings in  __________.
_________ is the number of sentinels that need to agree the fact that the master is not reachable and make a failover procedure promoting slave to master.
Which is the best way for persistence in Redis?
Which is the default persistence mode in Redis?
Which configuration setting specifies the file to which RDB snapshot dump is saved to _______?
Given is a code snippet :> lpush numbers 4> lpush numbers 3> lpush numbers 7> rpush numbers 10
Which among the following are the data structures that are commonly used in Redis?
Consider "a" as a shared key among two processes A and B. Process A : set a 10, INCRBY a 2, get a. Process B : INCR a, get a. Which of the following will be the final value for a
_______ sets the key to expire within the given number of seconds.
_______ returns an array of values.
___________ command will add elements to the set.
Which one of the following set command removes and returns members of a set?
Which among the following does Redis Hashes stores?
___________ returns the number of elements in a set
Sets are unordered collection of strings
The _________ command is used to remove the expiration from a key.
Which is the type of locking where the data is not actually locked but the users are notified and their changes are cancelled if another user is already modifying the data?
In a Redis transaction, we can use ________ command to enter into the transaction and queue the transaction commands instead of executing them.
_______ configuration setting allows you set a hard upper bound on the amount of memory that is available to a running Redis instance.
ZSCORE command returns the range of members in a sorted set, by score
____________ gives the total number of bytes allocated by Redis.
_________ is used to flush the transaction queue and exit from the transaction.
_____________ is a type of lock that allows you to limit the number of processes that can concurrently access a resource to some fixed number.
Which among the following factors helps in calculating the number of shards in Redis?
---- implies the maximum allowed size of each individual element in the data structure to be encoded to ziplist short structure.
Which is the short structure that Redis provides  for the compact representation of Sets?
__________ command provides a check-and-set behavior to Redis commands.
In Redis context, senders are named as _________ and receivers are named as Subscribers.
___________ is the technique of breaking down data into multiple parts.
Which among the following is a benefit of Pipelining?
_________ are used to store, retrieve and update data.
__________ is the memory eviction policy where keys are evicted by removing the less recently used keys first, but only among keys that have an expires set, inorder to make
Lists is a sequence of ___________.
The ______ command is used to set a lock in string dataset.
__________ is required in distributed backend systems where cache state needs to be maintained uniformly across the systems.
________ is used for failover process when a master is not working, promoting slave to master.
Which is the mechanism to enforce limits on the access of a resource when multiple threads are executed?
Which configuration setting is used to specify the memory eviction policy in Redis?
Twemproxy is a proxy developed at Twitter for Redis protocol for automatic partitioning among multiple redis instances and optional ejection of node if it is not available.
Redis string cannot hold any value beyond a length. Choose the length from the following :
_________ is the memory policy that returns errors when the memory limit is reached and the client is trying to execute commands that result in more memory usage.
____ ____ refers to an undesirable state when a system attempts to perform two or more operations, which should, otherwise, be done in a proper sequence to be executed
Consider an example, where a range of users from 0 to 10000 goes to a redis instance R0 and another range of users 10001 to 20000 goes to R1. This is _________ partitionin
_________ is the configuration setting that tells the maximum number of items allowed in a Hash table for ziplist encoding.
In a key-value pair, _____ is represented by a string.
Single threaded
Key value pairs
Optimistic locking
Counting semaphore
number of keys in single shard
Ordered element
Centralized cache
512 MB
Race condition
Hash partitioning
Gateway is capable of exposing a client to different APIs based on the devices.
_____ doesn't add anything new, it just re-exposes the existing API with some additional capabilities.
An API proxy can act as an API gateway.
_____ helps in reducing latency during service calls.
Ideally an application should use _____ protocols.
A variation for regular Gateway pattern is ______.
Which service discovery requires an additional router?
Which one of the following is not an API developer/manager lifecycle?
API creation and management is done in ______.
The communication between the gateway and key management happens through a _____ call.
Which of the following is not a function of analytic?
Which one of the following is an API consumer lifecycle?
DoS Attacks are prevented using _______.
Rate limiting based on the HTTP header is not possible.
All request will be proxied through Gateway, using their 
_____ are identified using _____.
Bandwidth is one of the reason to enforce Rate-Limiting.
A single service can have multiple endpoints.
Which of the following is not a HTTP method?
Which of the following is not a rate limiting types?
_____ is a URL that communicates with the API.
Which of the following is not an API Life-cycle?
Deprecated API can still be used.
X-API-Version: 2 is _____ type of versioning.
Which of the following is a type of documentation?
Swagger UI creates Documentation based on API Parameters.
API Documentation can be added using ______.
Which of the core modules of Swagger helps in creating Interactive documentation?
______ is a process of storing server response at the client-end.
Oauth uses ____ to authenticate the users.
Which of the following are the parameters taken by Token APIs to generate tokens?
Monetization is one reason for rate limiting?
The tool that is used to develop API documentation is _____.
WSO2 store is a ______.
Who manages the API lifecycle?
Which of the following is not a Netflix Open software service?
Role based authentication is done using _____ setting.
It is possible to test an API without subscribing.
An API call will be received by the gateway and will route it to the appropriate microservice.
A single API cannot be subscribed multiple times with many SLA levels.
WSO2 API publisher can be accessed through the address.
API Proxy
Circuit Breaker
both of the options
Backend for front end
server side discovery
API Publisher
Enforce Rate Limiting Policy
Traffic management
Application name
Resource, Endpoints
Bandwith specific Ratelimit
Custom Header
API publisher
Swagger UI
Client side discovery
Key manager
Statistics and Probability Basics

What is the numerical measure of average variability of a data set around the mean
Which of the following is an arithmetic mid-value?

Which type of statistics helps us understand how the data looks like without giving much information on analysis of the data?
If a class consists of 20 males and 8 females, what is the probability of drawing 4 females without replacement?
How many different ways can four team members from the group of fifteen be lined up for a photograph.
Your team has 10 members and you need 3 of them for an app development. How many possible combinations are there?
In a hospital, 10% of patients have liver disease and 5% are alcoholics. Among those diagnosed with liver disease, 7% are
alcoholics. If the patient is an alcoholic, what is their chances of having liver disease?
A watch manufacturer has two factories (FA, FB) and 60% of their watches are made at FA. It is known that 10% of them are
made at FA and 15% made at FB are defective. What is the probability that a selected defective watch was manufactured at
Central limit theorem and central tendency are same things
An essential component of the Central Limit Theorem is that

Identify the variables that are continuous or discrete

When the Standard Deviation in a Normal Distribution is higher, which of the following is true?
What are the characteristics of normal distribution
There may be times when data is supposed to fit a normal distribution, but does not. Which of the following could be reasons
for this?

Which of the following conditions are satisfied by Poisson random variable?

Which of the following can be modelled using Poisson distribution

In which of these examples, binomial distribution can be used?

Which of the following characteristics correspond to a Binomial Distribution?
The significance level is the risk of:
If a finding is statistically significant one must also interpret the data, calculate an effect size indicator, and make an
assessment of practical significance
Any statement whose validity is tested on the basis of a sample is called:
The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true is called:
After a clinical trial, it is concluded that both drugs A and B are equally effective. What type of a hypothesis is this?
If you reject H0 but H0 is true, what type of error has occurred?
A Type I error is also known as a ______.
Assuming innocence until proven guilty, a Type I error occurs when an innocent person is found guilty
A passing student is failed by an examiner, it is an example of:
Which variable represents the actual Type I error?
The shape of the t-distribution depends upon the:

Which of the following is not the purpose of student's t-distributions?

Which of the following is not the purpose of using chi-square distributions?

What of the following is not a characteristic of F-distribution curve?
A statistical test used to compare 2 or more group means is known as:
The ANOVA is a statistical test that is used to compare how many group means?

A post hoc test is:

Page 46
Statistics and Probability Basics

Standard deviation

Descriptive statistics
P = (8/28)(7/27)(6/26)*(5/25)


All the options
Time & Weight are continuous. Color &
Country are discrete
The peak of the distribution is lower
The mean lies at the center of the distribution

Outliers and Small Sample Size

Number of successes in two time intervals is
Number of accidents that occur on a particular
highway in a given month
Probability of getting a certain number of
questions correct in an exam
All the options
Rejecting H0 when H0 is correct

Statistical hypothesis
Level of significance
Null hypothesis
Type I
False positive
Type-II error
P- value
Degrees of freedom
When modelling the actual number of failures
in a trial
To test how closely data follows a non-normal
The curve is left skewed
One-way analysis of variance
Two or more
A follow-up test to the ANOVA when there are
three or more groups

Page 47

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