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Grace college of education Padanthalumoodu


Name of the pre service teacher : Greeshma suresh

Name of the school : GHSS kollemkodu

Name of the subject : social science

Name of the student :

Roll NO :


MARK : 20


1. The temperature of the ocean water generally __________________________ at greater depth

a) Increase

b) Decrease

c) Remain constant

d) None of these

2. The earth is also called ______________________

a) Blue planet

b) Atmosphere

c) Hydrosphere

d) Red planet

3. The oceanic ridge comes into existence due to_____________________________________

a) Convergence of tectonic plates

b) Divergence of tectonic plates

c) Lateral movement of plates

d) Steering of plates

4. Ocean currents are produced due to_______________________

a) Due to rotation of earth

b) Due to variation of temperature

c) Due to earth’s movements

d) All the above

5. The periodic rise and fall of sea water due to the gravitational pull of the sun , moon, and earth is called________________________

a) Tides

b) Wind

c) Ocean currents

d) Rainfall

Write True or false

1. Earth consist of four spheres

True/ false

2. Inland fishing became significant in India

True / false

3. Earth rotation is one of the factor of Ocean currents

True / false
4. Evaporation, condensation, precipitation are the 3 main process of hydrological cycle

True/ false

5. On the basis of temperature, Ocean currents are classified as warm and cold currents


Fill in the blanks

1. Over ___________% of the water on the earth’s surface is confined to Ocean

2. _________________________ is the underwater plains found on the deep ocean floor

3. When the sun,moon,earth are aligned in the same line is called___________________________

4. The biotic and abiotic resources found in the oceanic water and the bottom are called___________________

5. The periodic rise and fall of sea water due to the gravitational pull of the sun and moon and earth are called


Match the following

Mariana trench Decrease salinity of the ocean

Great barrier reef Along the cost of japan

Spring tide Deepest point in the pacific

Heavy rain Australia

Kuroshio currents Second order landform

Continental slop On full and new moon days

20 ×1=20

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