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1. Egészítse ki a mondatokat! Használja az am, is, vagy are szavakat!

1. How are you?

2. I am fine, thanks.
3. Patrick is my brother.
4. We are both 23 years old.
5. Katy and Paul are married.
2. Egészítse ki a párbeszédet! Használja az my, your, her, vagy his szavakat!

Ann: Hi, (l) my name's Ann. What's (2) your name?

Nick: Hi! (3) my name's Nick. This is my sister. (4) Her name's Maria.
Ann: Hi. This is my brother. (5) His name is Tom.
3. Egészítse ki a mondatokat! Használja az egyszerű jelen igeidőt!

1. Is he lives in Greece? (live) Doe he live

2. You are not work in a bank. (not work) You don't work
3. They are watch TV in the evenings. (watch)
4. Marta has a new boyfriend. (have)
5. Peter is not speaks Spanish. (not speak)
doen't speak
6. Is Carlo studies English? (study) Does Carlo studies 6/1

4. Egészítse ki a mondatokat! Használja az egyszerű múlt igeidőt!

1. I stopped playing football at 5 p.m. (stop)

2. She worked in a café last summer. (work)
3. You do not sees John last week. (not see) didn't see
4. Are they goes to university? (go) Did they go

5. Sarah lived in New York in 2002. (live)


5. Egészítse ki a mondatokat! Használja az egyszerű jelen vagy folyamatos jelen igeidőt!

1. Juan comesfrom Barcelona. (come)

2. I meet at 6 p.m. tonight. (meet) I am meeting (mert program)
3. Why are you laughing now? (laugh)
4. She always wearing nice clothes. (wear) wears
5. We're late! Are you coming ? (come)
6. Egészítse ki a mondatokat! Használja az befejezett jelen igeidőt!

1. He has travelled all over the world. (travel)

2. Have you ever seenthis film? (see)
3. We have not on holiday this year. (not be) have not been
4. They have read your letter. (read)
5. Bill has do the shopping? (do) Has Bill done
6. We have not send the card yet. (not send) sent
7. Egészítse ki a mondatokat! Használja a „will” (’ll) vagy a „going to” szerkezetet!

1. A: Why are you turning on the television?

B: I will watch the news. (I/watch)
2. A: Oh, I've just realised. 1 haven't got any money.
B: Haven't you? Well, don't worry. some. (l/lend)
3. A: I've got a headache.
B: Have you? Wait a second and ................................................ an aspirin for you. (I / get)
4. A: Why are you filling that bucket with water?
B: ............................................................... the car. (I / wash)
5. A: I've decided to repaint this room.
B: Oh, have you? What colour ..................................................................... it? (you / paint)
6. A: Where are you going? Are you going shopping?
B: Yes, ............................................................... something for dinner. (I/ buy)
7. A: I don't know how to use this camera.
B: It's easy. …………………………….. you. (I/ show)

8. Használja az igék megfelelő alakjait a feltételes mondatokban!

1. If I (win) the lottery, I 'll buy a Porsche.
2. If we (catch) the 8:15 train, we would be in London by midnight.
3. If Mary doesn't go to the conference, Peter (miss) her.
4. What you (say) if I told you that I'm married?
..................................................................................................................................... ...........
5. They (give) me back my watch if they had found it.
9. Fordítsa le a következő mondatokat!
1. Az összes kérdésre válaszolnotok kell.
You must be answer the all questions. 0,5p
2. Itt tilos úszni, mert nagyon veszélyes.
You mustn't
…. swim here, because it is very dangerous. 0,5p
3. EI kellett olvasnunk egy cikket.
We need have read an article.
4. Nem fogják tudni megjavítani az autójukat
They will not repair their car. be able to
5. Nem szükséges ötkor kelned.
You needn't get up at 5.
6. Nem tudtam elolvasni a leveledet.
I can not read your letter. 0,5p
7. Hoznotok kell majd a könyveteket.
You will bring yours book. will have to bring your books
8. Nem szükséges segítened Jacknek.
You do not need help for Jack. 0,5p
9. Tilos etetnünk az állatokat.
We mustn't feed the animals.
10. El kellett mennem a múzeumba.
I need have go in museum. gone / had to go to the museum

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