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Steven R.


Mrs. Wiles-Blair

ENGL 120-A

20 June 2019

What Science tells us about Race and Racism?

Thesis: Race realism is a pseudoscience; their goals is to literally to justify racism; hence, thank

goodness must scientist believe that their ideas are stupid.

I. What is Race Realism (Scientific Racism)

A. What is Race?

B. Evidence for race realism

C. Danger of race realism

II. What Science tells us about Race?

A. Race is it real

B. Race is it useful in the scientific studying

III. What Science tells us about Racism?

A. History of racism in the science

B. Why some scientist think that racism is biological


During the U.S. election in 2016, the ideology of race realism (Scientific Racism) has seen

resurge, that could change how society whether it's for the good or bad. Race Realism (Scientific

Racism) is the pseudoscientific belief that evidence exists to support or justify racial

discrimination. Race realist uses many flown in sciences and the social sciences to justify their

beliefs of race, but their evidence term to be outdated historically scientific ides of race,

miss/flawed leading studies of race, or just plain bad reasoning. They use the idea to show why

they are always some form of the problem between the races and why some races should be

treated differently in society. This often shows itself as one race that begins superior to another.

Must race to say their goal is good and they are for all races to succeed, hence the only way they

can succeed the races must separate or at less accept the fact that the races are different.

Unfortunately, most scientists don't accept the ideas of race realists, but in lump coal, there is

some gold. Due to this must scientists know there are differences between human populations,

but not enough to justify the separation of a human group into races. In order words, a scientist

doesn't believe in race realism. While on the other hand, there is evidence that we all on some

level are racist. Race realism is a pseudoscience, their goals are to literally to justify racism,

hence thank goodness must scientist believe that their ideas are stupid.
B. "Don't be racist; racism is a crime; crime is for black people" (joke bank - Racist Jokes),

these are pretty much the views of a race realist. Race is a term used to separate groups of

animals, based on social, phenotype (how an animal look) and genotype (what an animal is made

up of), for the most part, race is a dumb way to group anything, since they're no different

between and it all depends on how you wish to group them. "Most anthropologists recognize 3

basic races of man in existence today; these races can be further subdivided into as many as 30

subgroups. Caucasian races (Aryans, Hamites, Semites), Mongolian races (northern Mongolian,

Chinese and Indo-Chinese, Japanese and Korean, Tibetan, Malayan, Polynesian, Maori,

Micronesian, Eskimo, American Indian). Negroid races (African, Hottentots, Melanesians/Papua,

"Negrito", Australian Aborigine, Dravidians, Sinhalese)," (How many major races are there in

the world?).

B. The three main was different between some groups that are cultural, geographic location and

physical divisions among humans that are hereditary, and roughly but correctly captured by

terms like Black, White, and Asian (or Negroid, Caucasoid, and Mongoloid). The cultural and

physical differences between the people group in an area are usually more similar to each other

than one group that is cultural and with each other. For example, French and German are white

and share some common European culture, hence they are commonly referred to as Caucasian

"white". Other evidence for the race is that many times the racial group is mainly found in one

geographic region. For example, if you meet a white English man, he is most likely form


B. Race realism uses the difference between the races to justify how society should treat other

races. Mainly whites are the best, Blacks are criminals and Asians are smart. The most race

realist wants to make an ethnostate to separate the races or just racial discrimination through
segregation and make it ok for racist to racial discrimination. Historically racial discrimination

has led to all around bad things happing to the racial group that is at the bottom at the time.

Examples of which are Slavery, Untouchables (a term used to describe persons of the lowest

class e.g. trash collector, street cleaner). Racial discrimination can cause a dangerous act of

violence to accorded toward the lower class, for example, the Charleston church shooting. "The

Charleston church shooting was a mass shooting in which Dylann Roof, a 21-year-old white

supremacist, murdered nine African Americans during a prayer service at the Emanuel African

Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina, on the evening of June

17, 2015. Three other victims survived." (Charleston church shooting). One way to try to stop the

conflict is to separate them (segregation). Racial segregation is the systemic separation of people

into racial or other ethnic groups in daily life, and was a country is complete an ethnic state

would form. "Prejudice is an aspect of the effect or feeling toward a group, though it is closely

related to cognition, or thoughts about the group, referring to stereotypes. Also, prejudice is

inherently negative, following the primary definition common in modern dictionaries, though a

secondary definition includes any sort of prejudgment based on group belonging, such as

prejudice toward one's group." (Baldwin John)

B. "More than 100 years ago, American sociologist W.E.B. Du Bois was concerned that race

was being used as a biological explanation for what he understood to be social and cultural

differences between different populations of people. He spoke out against the idea of "white" and

"black" as discrete groups, claiming that these distinctions ignored the scope of human diversity.

Science would favor Du Bois. Today, the mainstream belief among scientists is that race is a

social construct without biological meaning. And yet, you might still open a study on genetics in

a major scientific journal and find categories like "white" and "black" being used as biological
variables." (Gannon Megan,) There are more different in the "races" from between races, which

means that the differences between the races are trivial at best and pointless at worst. Let us play

a little mind game for a second, let us divide the human into two groups, which would one group

with African, European and Asian would be and everyone else in the other group. Now let make

it three group Africans in one group, European and Asian in another and everyone in the other

group. The point of this game is to show how our views on race is based on social bias, for

example some would say that there are only one black races, but many person form African will

say that the black should be separated into four groups: the Africans, Afro-Americans, Afro-

Caribbean's, Afro-Asian but will many say their many other groups. What we think of race is the

main base on the environment you live in.

B. Some races realists would say will that race can be used in the science for races in the areas of

medicine and history. Yes, there is some instant where race seems to pay apart in the type of

medical treatment, there is the well-known fact that the heart mediates for black men is different

for that of white men. "In 1988, the Joint National Commission (JNC), the leading U.S. authority

on the management of high blood pressure, added an extra branch to its existing treatment

algorithm. The line of its flow chart jutted diagonally to create a small divergence, and from then

on, the hypertension world became divided into two populations: "black" and "non-black." The

upside-down–Y split its legs to end at different recommendations for medication. American

physicians were asked to consult their eyes and judge a patient's race to referee the fitting

pharmaceutical." (Tsai, Jennifer). However, for the most part, the race is science is completely

useless; in fact, it has hurt science. For instants who is the teller race blacks or whites? You may

say blacks but the true is whites on average are taller than blacks. If a scientist was to use this

well-known "facts" in an experiment or just assumes something just based on race it could end
badly or an error could happen. On the other hand, race can be useful to help to trace the family

line and understanding the movement of a human group, for example, if someone is black, the

ancestors most likely have at one point lived in Africa. Although race is good for historical

science it is very limited for the most of human biology is far more complex, for instant scientists

think that white has developed up multi times thought-out human history some European, Asian

and American has white skin. Scientist, for the most part, thinks race is complete to useless

B. Science has a long history of racism, this is due mainly with the time and everyone was

racists. Must of the "evidence" for race realism comes from this time. "On March 12, 1851, the

noted physician Samuel A. Cartwright reported to the Medical Association of Louisiana that he

had identified the malady and, by combining two Greek terms, given it a name: Drapetomania.

Drapetes, a runaway, and mania, madness. He also announced that it was completely curable.

Negroes, with their smaller brains and blood vessels, and their tendency toward indolence and

barbarism, Cartwright told fellow doctors, had only to be kept benevolently in the state of

submission, awe, and reverence that God had ordained. "The Negro is [then] spellbound, and

cannot run away," he said" (A brief history). This is bad

B. Some social and biology scientists believe on some level that we as a species are biology we

are all racists. "Two studies by researchers at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education

(OISE) at the University of Toronto and their collaborators from the US, UK, France and China,

show that six- to nine-month-old infants demonstrate racial bias in favor of members of their

race and racial bias against those of other races," (University of Toronto). This shows on some

level we are all racist. ((((We need as a species to try to understand what theses bias are and try

and make the best effect to)))))

The race is a social construct that is used to classify groups of human populations' base on some

shared characteristics like, hair, skin colour and height. Unfortunately, the difference between is

arbitrary at best and pointless at worst, hence what is considered race is depended on certain

society criteria on what makes the race a race. Because of this most of them, all of the conflicts

between the so-called "races" is caused by a silly social construct that has no value in reality, yet

there is some evidence that shows it not our but brain is wired in such a way that we must

"others" in a group. There was a time when all scientist think of race as if it was real, and for the

most was pretty racists, which led to a history of racial discrimination. Although for the most

part scientist think that race concept is useless but for some sciences like historical science. Race

realism is a pseudoscience; their goals are to literally to justify racism; hence, thank goodness

must scientist believe that their ideas are stupid.

Works Cited
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