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1. For years, people have professed to want to have an honest conversation about
race. Yet any participant in those “honest” conversations who dares to challenge
the prevailing orthodoxy is censored. It’s time for a truly honest and open
conversation on race.
2. The myth that human races aren’t real is the single most destructive lie the West
has ever told itself. Western countries are currently undergoing a process of
irreversible, unprecedented demographic change that is entirely premised on the
false notion that people are interchangeable—that, under the same
environmental and societal circumstances, a country comprised of white people
and a country comprised of black people would behave exactly the same. This
belief is so ridiculous on its face that it can only be truly held by those who have
been subject to years of emotional and mental manipulation.
3. Here, I intend to argue in three parts. First, I will demonstrate how racial
egalitarians are wrong and that race is a real, viable concept which accurately
and effectively labels large groups of people. Second, I will demonstrate that
races exhibit average group differences in a variety of ways, such as intelligence
and behavior. Lastly, I will demonstrate how societies are defined by the racial
compositions of their members, and how changing that composition inevitably
changes the society itself—for the dramatically worse, in the case of the West’s
4. At a time when even making a light-hearted race joke is grounds for being fired
from your job and treated as a social pariah and being a white person who wears
a Chinese style dress is enough to generate nationwide anger, it comes as no
surprise that many reading this article are going to be hesitant. Since we were
children, the intellectual elites have hammered into our heads time and time
again that every race of people is exactly the same, that those who deny this
equality are “racists”, and that “racists” are not only wrong—they’re guilty of
moral failure. I know this subject matter is sensitive. I know there’s a temptation
to remain ignorant and convince yourself that the status quo about race is
backed by brilliant scientists who—surely—have defeated the backward racists
on the battlefield of ideas. But I humbly ask my readers: Consider keeping an
open mind while you read this. Consider that your currently deeply held
convictions on the merits of racial egalitarianism are NOT the consequence of
rigorous scientific research at all—but of naked political self-interest that most are
too scared to challenge. Consider that you’ve been lied to.

5. The scientific community and everyday people of all ages recognize race
intuitively and empirically.
6. Even babies recognize race. Babies as young as six months old exhibit racial
biases in favor of their own race and against other races1. White babies prefer
other whites, and black babies prefer other blacks.
7. Scientists can nearly perfectly estimate someone’s race by examining their DNA.
A 2005 study out of UC San Francisco2 of 3,636 participants found that
researchers could guess someone’s self-identified race based on their genes
with 99.86% accuracy.
8. We are often told by racial egalitarians that race isn’t real because it’s a social
construct. These egalitarians tell us that this is because the majority of human
genetic variation (85%) is found within races rather than between them (15%). As
such, they say we cannot make claims such as, “Asian people are more
intelligent than black people.” This makes no sense. Instead of race and
intelligence, consider gender and height. There is far more genetic variation on
height within genders than between them—the height difference between the
tallest and shortest woman is far greater than the height difference between the
average man and average woman. And yet, would anybody say that the average
man is not taller than the average woman? Of course not. The average male is
roughly six inches taller than the average female. It doesn’t mean that there are
no short men and no tall women—but it DOES mean that men are taller than
9. We are also told that race isn’t real because we cannot agree on consistent
definitions of what each race is. Racial egalitarians will point to fringe cases to try
to disprove the rule. For example, they will ask: Are Italians/Irish white? They’re
both widely considered white now, but racial egalitarians will argue that they
weren’t always viewed as white in America. (Of course, this isn’t even true
anyway—both of those groups were labeled as “white ethnics” when they first
arrived en masse to America in the early 20th century3.) What about groups with
mixed European admixture? Are Turks white? Ashkenazi Jews? Armenians?
Sicilians? These questions are intended only to obfuscate, and are never asked
in good faith. Just because we cannot say for sure whether cyan/turquoise/teal
are blue or green does not mean that “blue” and “green” do not exist.
10. Accepting that racial groups have somewhat arbitrary cutoffs makes far more
sense than completely dismissing the notion that those groups exist at all.
Besides, non-white racial groups such as “black” are never deconstructed.
11. Racial groups have been subjected to tens of thousands of years of divergent
evolutionary pressures. If this evolutionary pressure is sufficient to cause races of
people to develop entirely different physical traits, it shouldn’t be unreasonable to
consider that they could also evolve different mental and behavioral traits too.


12. Races of people are measurably different on average by various metrics, such as
IQ, crime, and athleticism. While even mentioning the first two is grounds for
expulsion from polite society, many people openly recognize differences in
athleticism. As such, we will begin there.
13. Blacks have more Type II (fast-twitch) muscle fibers compared to whites, who
have more Type I (slow-twitch) muscle fibers. The former fire faster and are
better equipped for anaerobic exercises, but also increase the likelihood of
certain cardiorespiratory diseases. The latter fire slower and possess greater
aerobic capacities. This also partially explains why blacks are at a greater risk of
heart disease and obesity. Within Type II fibers, they can be further broken down
into Type IIx and Type IIa. The Type IIx fibers have even more anaerobic
potential than both Type IIa and Type I11. Blacks have relatively more of the Type
IIx fibers.
14. Small differences in averages show up much more prominently at the extremes.
While the average black person may only be slightly faster than the average
white person, these differences become extremely apparent at the top levels.
From 1984 to now, every single finalist in the Olympic men’s 100-meter dash has
been of African heritage12. In 2015, the NBA was 75% black13 despite blacks
being 12% of the U.S. population.
15. Japan’s best up-and-coming sprinter is Abdul Hakim Sani Brown, a 19-year-old
born to a Ghananian father and Japanese mother. Brown won the 100-meter
dash at the 2015 World Youth Championships, setting a new global record.
Japan’s population is 127 million, and there are only approximately 3,000 people
of African origin in the entire country, or 0.002%. If it were really due to chance,
the odds that their best sprinter would just happen to be black is roughly 1 in
16. Racial egalitarians will argue that the best sprinters are almost all West Africans,
while the best distance runners are almost all East Africans (particularly
Kenyans), so broadly classifying them as “black” is too imprecise. It is certainly
true that there are genetic divisions within each race—particularly Africans.
However, broad racial classifications still tell us much about certain athletic traits
on average—particularly in diaspora countries such as America, where the black
population is of mixed African heritage rather than just one country or region.
Further, we will observe that these intra-racial divisions matter much less with
regard to more societally pressing factors such as intelligence and criminality.


17. In America, East Asian IQ is approximately 106, white IQ is approximately 101,
and African-American IQ is approximately 85. There is little debate that these are
the approximate averages—rather, the debate is whether the differences are due
entirely to environmental factors, or due to a mix of genetic and environmental
factors. I will argue that the latter is correct.
18. IQ gaps even persist when scientists attempt to adjust for environmental factors.
In a 1992 study by Richard Weinberg and Sandra Scarr4, children of 101
transracial adoptive families were tested for intelligence at ages 7 and 17. All of
these children were adopted into similar homes—middle and upper-middle class
white Minnesota families. Yet their intelligence scores still varied greatly by race.
At age 17, black kids who were adopted into white homes scored 89 on their IQ
tests. White kids adopted into white homes scored 106. This 18-point IQ gap is
remarkably similar to the IQ gap between whites and blacks in America in
general. Even more interestingly, half-black children who were adopted into white
homes scored 99 on their IQ tests, almost perfectly in between the black scores
and the white scores, even though in most cases the parents did not even know
the children were only half black. This indicates that nature, not just nurture,
plays a serious role in racial IQ gaps.
19. Some racial egalitarians have claimed IQ tests are not fair—that they are
inherently biased against blacks since they are primarily written by white people
and there are cultural gaps in knowledge. This does not explain why Asians
consistently outperform whites on IQ, despite a supposed pro-white bias. Further,
some scientists have attempted to create “culture-blind” IQ tests to adjust for this.
Raven’s Progressive Matrices is exactly that—it’s a non-verbal IQ test intended
to analyze fluid reasoning. And yet when the test was administered in South
Africa, the same racial gaps showed up once again. Africans averaged 44 of 60
questions correct, implying an IQ of 84. Whites averaged 54 of 60 questions
correct, implying an IQ of 1045. In fact, this IQ gap is slightly LARGER than what
we normally see, and the difference in African-white scores was greatest on the
questions with the highest g-factor, or correlation with general intelligence.
20. Gaps in intellectual and academic performance between races were never
expected to last. In a 2003 ruling, the Supreme Court defended affirmative action
by writing, “The Court expects that 25 years from now, the use of racial
preferences will no longer be necessary to further the interest approved today.”
And yet, 15 years after that ruling, racial gaps appear unchanged. Over fifty
years after Jim Crow, these gaps remain stubbornly persistent.
21. As noted in the athleticism section, small differences in mean show up much
more intensely at the statistical extremes. Of 206 Nobel prize winners in physics,
0 are black. Of 198 Nobel laurates in physiology or medicine, 0 are black. Of 174
Nobel laureates in chemistry, 0 are black. Twenty percent of the world is black,
yet not a single black person has ever won a science Nobel prize.


22. Races also vary in terms of the rates at which they commit crime. Even adjusting
for other factors such as poverty and education levels does not come close to
explaining the gaps in crime rates. Blacks make up 12% of America’s population
but 37% of its inmates and 52% of its convicted murderers.
23. Majority black counties with median incomes of nearly $100,000 have more
murders per capita than even lower-class majority white counties6. American
Indians have nearly the same average household income as American blacks,
yet the latter commits over twice as much murder per capita. The correlation
between violent crime and the percentage of the population that is black and
Hispanic is 0.81. The correlation between violent crime and the percentage of the
population that is unemployed or in poverty is just 0.35 and 0.36 respectively7.
Overall, knowing the racial demographics of an area is a better indicator of its
crime rate than knowing any other single demographic factor.
24. We are told that massively high black crime rates are largely due to a history of
persecution—after all, blacks were slaves, and Jim Crow only ended up half a
century ago. We are told that America’s history of racism is alive today, and it is
because blacks suffer from this racism that they commit more crime. But if racism
drives crime, then surely as racism declines, so too should the black crime rate.
25. That has not happened. According to Pew, incarceration rates between blacks
and whites have actually widened since 19608. While racism still exists, certainly
it is a weaker force than it was during segregation—during a time when whites
and blacks were not even allowed to use the same public spaces or water
fountains. Indeed, sociologists have found that racist attitudes have continued
declining over time9. Yet the crime data does not reflect this.
26. Racial egalitarians will counter that black arrests are largely a consequence of
bias on the part of the police. They tell us that if only police treated racial groups
equally, the black arrest rate would surely fall. Crime victimization data indicates
otherwise. Every year, the Justice Department surveys victims of crimes and
asks them various questions about what happened—who committed the crime
against you, when did it happen, etc. This victimization data—the National Crime
Victimization Survey (NCVS) matches up quite well with the arrest data.17
27. Black vs. non-black crime rates are also remarkably consistent across countries.
In England and Wales, blacks make up 2.7% of the population but 13.7% of its
inmates. In Canada, blacks are 3% of the population but roughly 10% of inmates.
Is this due to Canada’s history of Jim Crow segregation, or Wales’ history of
plantation slavery? I have been unable to find a single country with a sizable
black minority population in which the black minority does not commit seriously
outsized (at least 2.5x population percentage) rates of violent crime. From Brazil
to Israel to France, the rule remains intact across geographies.
28. In 2013, the black homicide rate was 10.48 per 100,000 (4,379 black murder
arrests). That same year, the white homicide rate was 1.55 per 100,000 (3,799
white murder arrests). The black murder rate is remarkably similar to sub-
Saharan African countries—such as Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Togo, Gambia,
and Angola—all of which had intentional homicide rates of approximately 10 to
11 per 100,000. The white murder rate is remarkably similar to various European
countries—such as Macedonia, Slovakia, Belgium, Finland, and Hungary—all of
which had intentional homicide rates between approximately 1.3 and 1.8 per
100,00010. Black American towns are strikingly similar in crime to black countries,
and white American towns are strikingly similar in crime to white countries. Races
appear to regress to mean racial behavior in terms of violent crime.
29. Overall, black criminality persists across both time and countries. If it were really
simply due to systematic racism, these similar figures would be a shocking


30. Once we accept that race is real, every coincidence about why certain societies
are the way that they are disappears.
31. Suddenly, it makes sense why every majority black city and country on the
planet—without exception—is characterized by relatively high levels of crime and
dysfunction. Now it makes sense why Haiti and the Dominican Republic can
occupy the same island, have similar histories with colonialism, yet the former is
dysfunctional while the latter is fine. Now it makes sense why Japan got nuked
twice and instantly rebuilt itself, but African countries which were colonized
anywhere from 50 to 300 years ago have still not been able to do so. Now it
makes sense why Iceland could be a volcanic island with practically no arable
land floating in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, but still become the single safest
and nearly the most prosperous country on Earth. Does anyone reasonably
believe that Iceland would have become Iceland if it were inhabited by
32. Despite objections from African supremacist revisionists, Sub-Saharan Africa has
never been prosperous. Before colonialism, black Africans—even those in the
largest black empires such as Songhai and Mali—still had not invented two-story
buildings, written language, domesticated animals, or the wheel. Ancient
Egyptians were not black—they were most closely related to modern Near
Eastern and European people14. A study out of the University of Tuebingen found
no black African DNA which they called “pretty representative” of the Middle East
and North Africa overall at the time. There was a short period (about six
decades) in which Nubian armies seized the Egyptian throne, leading to five
Nubian pharaohs who had the blessing of the Egyptian priesthood. However, the
Egyptian population itself was certainly not black, the overwhelming majority of
its leadership was never black, and civilization itself was in no way built by
33. In the words of British historian Hugo Trevor-Roper, “Perhaps, in the future, there
will be some African history to teach. But at present there is none, or very little:
there is only the history of the Europeans in Africa. The rest is largely darkness,
like the history of pre-European, pre-Columbian America. And darkness is no
subject for history.”
34. Past waves of immigrants to America were able to assimilate because they were
Europeans. Even when many first arrived here in large waves at the start of the
20th century, Irish, Italian and Jewish immigrants committed far less major crime
than Mexicans and blacks15. These groups were more or less entirely integrated
into the mainstream within 30 or 40 years of arriving. By the time JFK was
elected president in 1963, anti-Irish sentiment was dealt its final blow. This
contrasts sharply with non-European, non-Asian immigrants. Mexicans have
been in the country in large numbers for over a century, yet still have not
integrated well. Third and fourth-generation Mexicans have actually
underperformed second-generation Mexicans in terms of educational attainment
and economic status16. Mexican-American average IQ is 87, only slightly above
African-American IQ.
35. Across the Western world, governments and people are beating themselves up
over why they have completely failed to integrate brown and black waves of
immigrants. There is much hand-wringing in Germany over why, 60 years later,
Turks remain entirely unintegrated. France is scratching its head as to why it has
had so much trouble bringing North Africans into the fold. And white Americans
repeatedly blame themselves—blame their own “racism”—for their inability to
bring newly arrived Latino immigrants up to white levels of educational
attainment, crime rates, and income. These countries blame institutional racism,
and when there is no overt racism to be found they instead find fault with “implicit
racial bias”, which although unseen must surely be the cause. Perhaps the real
answer is much simpler—the countries didn’t change; the immigrants did.


36. While this article has been largely matter-of-fact up to this point, I would be
remiss if I concluded without speculation regarding the consequences of rapid
demographic change. The stakes are too high to do otherwise.
37. America is set to become majority-minority by 2045. White Brits will suffer the
same fate by the late 2060s. If current trends persist, they are set to be followed
by Germany, France, Sweden, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, and
Greece all within a century.
38. If anything, the rate of change in these countries could speed up even more
drastically. There are currently one billion sub-Saharan Africans. By the end of
the century, that number will quadruple to four billion. Do you think those four
billion people will be content to remain in Nigeria, and Ghana, and Somalia? Or
will they want to come to New York, and London, and Paris? What would you
want to do if you were one of them? Apply the same thought process to the
booming populations of the Arab world, India, and Southeast Asia.
39. This is the most drastic demographic transformation in modern history, and it’s
not due to warfare or force but rather due simply to voluntary migration trends.
Entire nations which were ethnically homogenously European for millennia will
become majority non-white in a matter of just several generations. Perhaps if
there were no biological differences between groups of people, this change
would be purely aesthetic and wouldn’t merit objection. Sure, French people
would end up with darker skin, but French culture and French history and French
society would remain intact. But if the egalitarians are wrong, we are on the
precipice of the greatest demographic nightmare in Western history.
40. Indeed, if the egalitarians are mistaken, and current migratory trends continue—
both of which appear quite likely— London will become Lagos, Madrid will
become Mogadishu, and New York will become Nairobi.
41. It is not too late to correct course, to seize control of the steering wheel and turn
the ship around. The Western world can slam its hatches shut now if only there is
the will to do so. But I am concerned that, rather than course correct, too many
Westerners are perfectly content with their cushy lives; content to stay seated in
the comfort of their own cabins below the deck, repeating to themselves that old
egalitarian lie as the ship sails ever closer to disaster. That lie is dangerous.
Indeed, it is the most dangerous lie to have ever infected our society. Only the
truth will set us free, and only the truth will spare us from rivers flowing with much
1. University of Toronto, Kang Lee.
2. UCSF, Neil Risch.
3. David Bernstein.
4. Richard Weinberg, Sandra Scarr.
5. J. Phillippe Ruston, Mervyn Skuy.
6. RCA, via DOJ figures.
7. Jared Taylor, The Color of Crime.
8. Pew Research Center.
9. Economist.
10. UN Office on Drugs and Crime.
11. Caesar T, Hunter G.
12. Olympics.
13. Richard Lapchik.
14. Univeristy of Tuebingen.
15. Carolyn Moehling.
16. UCLA.
17. NCVS, 2016.

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