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The Origins and Course of

Common Mental Disorders

The Origins and Course of Common Mental Disorders describes the nature,
characteristics and causes of common emotional and behavioural disorders
as they develop across the lifespan, providing a clear and concise account of
recent advances in our knowledge of the origins and history of anxious,
depressive, anti-social and substance related disorders.
Combing a lifespan approach with developments in neurobiology, this
book describes the epidemiology of emotional and behavioural disorders in
childhood, adolescence and adult life. David Goldberg and Ian Goodyer
demonstrate how both genes and environments exert different but key effects
on the development of these disorders and suggest a developmental model as
the most appropriate for determining vulnerabilities for psychopathology.
Divided into four sections, the book covers:

• The nature and distribution of common mental disorders

• The biological basis of common disorders
• The human life cycle relevant to common disorders
• The developmental model

This highly readable account of the origins of emotional and behavioural

disorders will be of interest to behavioural science students and all mental
health professionals including psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers,
nurses and counsellors.

David Goldberg is Professor Emeritus at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s

College London

Ian Goodyer is Foundation Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at

the University of Cambridge
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The Origins and Course of
Common Mental Disorders

David Goldberg and Ian Goodyer


Taylor Francis Group


First published 2005 by Routledge
27 Church Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 2FA
Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada
by Routledge
711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017
Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor and Francis Group
© 2005 David Goldberg and Ian Goodyer
Typeset in Times by RefineCatch Ltd, Bungay, Suffolk
Paperback cover design by Oxted Colour Printers,
Old Oxted, Surrey
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or
reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical
or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including
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retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers.

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Goldberg, David P.
The origins and course of common mental disorders/David Goldberg & Ian Goodyer.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-58391-959-7 (hbk)—ISBN 1-58391-960-0 (pbk) 1. Mental illness—
Epidemiology. 2. Psychiatric epidemiology.
[DNLM: 1. Mental Disorders–etiology. 2. Mental Disorders–
prevention & control.]
I. Goodyear, Ian M. II. Title.
RC455.2.E64G655 2005
616.89—dc22 2005001406

ISBN 978-1-58391-960-6 pbk


List of figures vii

List of tables viii
Foreword xi
leon eisenberg, harvard
Introduction xv

The nature and distribution of common
mental disorders 1

1 Competing models for common mental disorders 3

2 The distribution of common mental disorders 16

The biological basis of common disorders 33

3 Genes and environment 35

4 The brain, neurochemical codes and immunity 49

The human life cycle relevant to common disorders 73

5 Infancy 75
6 Childhood 92
7 Adolescence 110
8 Adult life and old age 128
vi Contents

The model proposed 139

9 Destabilisation: The emergence and release of common

mental disorders 141
10 Restitution 162
11 Synthesis: Vulnerability, destabilisation and restitution 168
12 Prevention of common mental disorders 182

References 190
Index 223

1.1 Dimensions of symptomatology for internalising disorders 8

2.1 Pathways to care in the European centres 26
2.2 Stepped care for depression 30
3.1 Relationship between 5HTT transporter gene, stressful life
events and the probability of a depressive episode 39
3.2 Distribution of MZ/DZ discordancies across the entire score
range of the GHQ-28, decile scores 43
4.1 The hippocampal-pituitary-adrenal axis 60
4.2 Relationship between social events and three bodily systems 69
9.1 The depressogenic affective cognitive cycle 153

1.1 Three recent classifications of personality, showing rough

correspondence 12
2.1 Annual period prevalence rates for mental disorders at five
levels in three cities 17
2.2 Revised figures for annual period prevalence rates per 1000
for all mental disorders in the community based on large
probability samples, compared with earlier estimates 18
2.3 (a) Rates for common mental disorders in children and
adolescents per thousand at risk, England and Wales 2001;
(b) Rates per thousand, past month for internalising
disorders, past year for externalising; rates for mild and above
alcohol dependence; all drugs illegal 19
2.4 Rates for three commonest mental disorders, for any mental
disorder and the detection rate for any disorder in 15
centres 23
2.5 Results for disorders among patients attending their GP in
Manchester, by prevalence among consecutive attenders and
recognition rates by the GP 24
2.6 Mental rates per 1000 at risk for adult mental disorders from
the 1992 National Morbidity Survey 27
2.7 Mental illness rates /1000 adult population at risk for the UK
in 1986 (level 3) and Salford in 1983 (level 5) 28
2.8 Admissions for all mental disorders by broad diagnostic group,
England and Wales, for 1999 and 2002 29
3.1 Where UU are twin pairs concordant for health; AA are pairs
concordant for illness; and UA are discordant pairs 42
3.2 Hereditability of the GHQ-28 42
3.3 Scores of the normal UK population, tested with the GHQ on
two occasions 43
8.1 Gender ratios (F:M) and one-month period prevalence
rates/1000 for depressive episode, generalised anxiety and
mild mixed anxiety depression by marital status 131
Tables ix

8.2 Associations between life events and common mental

disorders (odds ratios) by gender and age, showing
population attributable fractions 136
9.1 Association between loss and danger, and anxiety and depression 148
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I begin with the hope that The Origins and Course of Common Mental
Disorders enjoys a large readership. That is not simply because I like and
respect the authors. It reflects my belief that this book can inspire more
medical students to choose psychiatry as a specialty because it makes clear
the intellectual excitement at the frontiers of research; that it will provide
house officers with an integrated view of a field typically fragmented by
narrow partisanship; and that it will broaden the horizons of practitioners by
effectively bringing together (without blurring) the genetic, biological, and
psychosocial roots of behaviour. To the extent these predictions are correct, it
may even improve the quality of patient care!
David Goldberg has managed to do what I had supposed to be impossible.
He has made a superb book on Common Mental Disorders even better. During
the 12-year interval since its first incarnation with Peter Huxley as its
co-author, there has been very considerable progress in the sciences basic to
psychiatry: neuroscience, molecular biology, genetics and social epidemi-
ology. Treatment outcomes in psychiatry, both psychopharmacologic and
psychotherapeutic, have been subject to more exacting tests. David, this time
writing with Ian Goodyer, has integrated the new knowledge into an almost
completely rewritten text, not in the form of updates or add-ons, but with
the new concepts from the separate domains integrated into the exposition,
insofar as it is possible to do so. David and Ian provide a remarkably concise
account of what is reasonably well established about the genesis of mental
disorders (it is the nature of science that ‘truth’ is approximated but never
completely realised), what is probably true but less certain, and what must
remain speculative in the absence of decisive evidence. They will forgive me if
I call them what they are: sherpas who guide the reader safely in ascending
the heights but ask for no credit when the ascent is successful.
The Origins and Course of Common Mental Disorders is written in a
remarkably lucid style. I am tempted to call it ‘deceptively lucid’, at the risk of
coining an oxymoron, because the style conceals the depth of scholarship
and original thought that has gone into its composition. David Goldberg and
Ian Goodyer strive for transparency. That is, they interpose nothing between
xii Foreword

reader and subject matter. They illuminate the issues rather than obscure
them with displays of erudition.
Their monograph is informed by epidemiological intelligence. What makes
this feature so noteworthy? Intelligence has two primary meanings in the
American Heritage Dictionary: that is, as ‘a faculty of thought and reason’
and as ‘received information; or ‘news’. The third listed meaning is also par-
ticularly apposite: ‘secret information’. Although the studies that David
Goldberg and Ian Goodyer cite are all reported in the open literature, it is not
much of an exaggeration to call them ‘secret’ because they have had so little
influence on the delivery of mental health services. But why epidemiological
The mode of analysis employed throughout this book is population based;
it takes into account denominators (populations) as well as numerators (cases).
The reader is alerted to the importance of the way ‘caseness’ is defined.
Definitions, however arbitrary, can be made operational to attain reliability;
however, their ultimate justification lies in the consequences they have for
particular purposes. The authors employ epidemiological intelligence in an
analysis of the distribution of illness in the community, the demographic and
social correlates of that distribution, and causal inferences derived from the
observed interrelations. The result is a lucidly presented, closely reasoned,
and firmly data-based argument with major implications for health policy.
Goldberg and Goodyer are concerned for the way care is – and should be –
delivered in the community; their reference point is patient management.
Patients seen by psychiatrists, after referral from generalists, are so skewed
a sample of ill persons in the population that psychiatric classification
schemes provide a distorted account of problems in the community. Perhaps
one in ten to one in fifteen individuals with symptoms of mental illness in the
community reaches the psychiatric outpatient department. Some fail to come
to the general practitioner’s surgery in the first place; such persons are identi-
fied only when community surveys are undertaken. Others are not recognised
as having psychiatric problems when they are seen by the generalist; still
others are managed (more or less well) at this level in the system.
Less than 10 per cent of the symptomatic ‘eligibles’ make their way to the
specialist. As would be expected, they are on average the sickest patients; they
suffer from the less common ailments. Because traditional psychiatric studies
are based on so unrepresentative a sample, it is not surprising that specialist
nosology does not meet the needs of the generalist practice. It was not until
research psychiatrists, taking their lead from Michael Shepherd (Shepherd
et al. 1959, 1986), undertook to examine patients in the GP’s consulting room
that psychiatrists became aware of how far short our classification schemes
fall in dealing with the more common mental illnesses.
Patients do not arrive in the doctor’s office neatly packaged and presorted.
It is not only that each patient exhibits unique particularities; it is also that
the patient’s idiosyncrasies shape his illness manifestations. This interaction
Foreword xiii

between a unique history and a shared biology is both the bane and the joy of
general medical practice: the bane in that the variability in the ways similar
illnesses present necessitates a meticulous search for the commonalities
underlying remarkably different complaints; the joy is that each new encounter
is a challenge to the practitioner’s ingenuity. Medical practice, conscientiously
undertaken, defies routinisation!
Making the diagnosis (that is, identifying the diabetes or the depression
underlying the complaint of weight loss) only starts the process. The goal is to
help this patient to understand the nature of his or her problem and to weigh
the benefits and the costs of the available therapeutic alternatives. It demands
of the doctor a sensitivity to the nuances of cultural meaning as they are
refracted through individual experience; it demands the flexibility and the
imaginativeness to tailor standard regimens to fit the particularities of the
patient’s situation.
Naming the problem matters to the patient as well as the doctor. Patients
seek more than remission of their symptoms; they search for relief from the
anxiety aroused by the threat to their integrity. They want the doctor to
interpret the meaning of their misfortune. The medical label given and the
explanation provided not only legitimate the illness experience but shape its
very expression (Eisenberg 1999).
For the doctor, ‘making the diagnosis’ matters insofar as it informs treat-
ment and forecasts the likely course of the illness. At least, that is what should
matter. The process can become an academic exercise, pursued without
regard to the hazard for the patient or the likelihood it will lead to benefit.
For the dedicated clinician, the purpose of diagnosis and classification is to
enhance the physician’s ability to help the patient. That is, its goals are both
pragmatic and compassionate. The doctor wants a guide to action, one whose
elegance and tightness of logic are far less important to him than its utility in
guiding management. Goldberg and Goodyer provide just such a structure
for evaluating mental illness. The simplicity and straightforwardness of their
scheme make it easy to underestimate the profundity of the insights they
All too often, dimensional and categorical models of illness are counter-
posed as though they were mutually exclusive and demand the choice of one
or the other. To the contrary, the one to be preferred depends upon the
conditions to which it is to be applied and the purposes of its use. Goldberg
and Goodyer grant the utility of categorical models for psychotic conditions,
even though existing models are imperfect. For the less severe but more com-
mon complaint patterns seen in office practice, they demonstrate quite con-
vincingly that a dimensional model provides a far more comprehensive
account of clinical reality.
Let us not forget is that ‘caring has been central to medical practice in all
cultures throughout history . . . trade-offs between caring and technical
expertise are not rational, necessary, or inevitable, provided that health
xiv Foreword

services pursue human rather than commercial goals’ (Hart and Dieppe
1996). Goldberg and Goodyer guide readers through this thicket as well. I
trust it is now abundantly clear why I wish this book a large readership.

Leon Eisenberg, MD
Maude and Lillian Presley Professor of Social Medicine and
Professor of Psychiatry, Emeritus
Harvard Medical School
Boston MA 02115

The model for conceptualising common mental disorders using the terms
vulnerability, destabilisation and restitution was proposed in a book written
jointly with Professor Peter Huxley in 1992. Since it was written, there has
been an explosion of new knowledge in psychiatric genetics, and great
advances in both neuroscience and child development. The earlier model
survives into this book, but it is beginning to look rather different.
The effects of our genes are now seen as being modified by the social
environment in which we find ourselves, so that in some environments the
gene will manifest itself, but be silent in others. We speculate that genes are
related both to the tendency of many individuals to be resilient in the face of
life stress, and to the vulnerabilities of others. We explain that the apparent
influence of genes on such ‘soft’ aspects of our lives as whether we have social
support, or how many stressful life events we experience, is moderated by
dimensions of our personality – themselves partly under genetic control.
Most importantly, we emphasise that the vulnerability which we have at birth
is only a potential vulnerability – it can be made worse or better by life
experiences. The social factors that were discussed in the earlier book all
make their reappearance in this one, as their salience has been in no way
reduced by the advances in genetics.
In previous books ‘common mental disorders’ referred only to the dis-
orders now referred to as ‘internalising disorders’. No account was taken of
the equally important externalising disorders – including conduct disorders
and hyperactivity disorders in childhood, as well as anti-social personality,
drug and alcohol abuse in adult life.

Professor Philip Cowen looked through Chapter 4 on the brain, and made
valuable comments. Mr Alan Hervé of the Office of National Statistics very
kindly made data available for some of the tables that appear in Chapter 2.
Dr Rob Stewart undertook to carry out special analyses of the differential
effects of different kinds of life event throughout the adult lifespan, using
xvi Introduction

data made available by the Office of National Statistics, and these are
reported on in Chapter 8. We are grateful to Leon Eisenberg, one of the
giants in our field, for providing the Foreword to our book.

David Goldberg
Ian Goodyer

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