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Assignment: Writers for a day...

Trimester: III
Date: 08/26/2022
Full name: Johana Figuera

by Langston Hughes
Column A Column B
Hold fast to dreams Aférrate a soñar
For if dreams die Porque de los sueños morir
Life is a broken-winged bird La vida es un ave de alas rotas
That cannot fly. Incapaz de volar
Hold fast to dreams Aférrate a soñar
For when dreams go Pues cuando se van
Life is a barren field La vida es un campo seco
Frozen with snow. Helado y escarchado

The Story of An Hour
de Kate Chopin
Column A Column B
She sat with her head thrown back upon the Se sentó reposando su cabeza hacia atrás
cushion of the chair, quite motionless, except sobre el cojín de la silla, casi inmóvil, hasta
when a sob came up into her throat and shook que un sollozo subió por su garganta y la
her, as a child who has cried itself to sleep estremeció, así como a un niño que se ha
continues to sob in its dreams. dormido llorando y que en sus sueños
continúa sollozando.
There was something coming to her and she
was waiting for it, fearfully. What was it? Algo estaba viniendo, y ella temerosa,
She did not know; it was too subtle and elusive estaba esperándolo. ¿Pero qué era?
to name. But she felt it, creeping out of the sky, No lo sabía; era demasiado sutil e impreciso
reaching toward her through the sounds, the como para nombrarlo. Pero lo sentía,
scents, the color that filled the air. surgiendo del cielo sigilosamente,
extendiéndose hacia ella a través de los
aromas, sonidos y el color que impregnaba
el aire.

Relationship between both literary texts
In both texts, what the author tries to convey is done directly through emotions and the use of
pragmatic elements, in turn both evoke reflection, although on quite different topics. But is
addressed to a particular audience with limitations in the way of living. In Dreams being the
working-class black Americans, and in The Story of an Hour been the women. The
sentimental charge that both texts project is intense, evoking in one how life could become
cold and meaningless if we do not fulfill our dreams, denoting a loss of freedom, which in
Dreams is manifested in the point of view of life of the woman, the ties and loss of herself and
her freedom due to her husband and how when he supposedly dies she feels that she will
finally recover it. At the end when they don’t achieve what they want the feelings conveyed
are silimar.

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