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TuesdaY, 28th MaY 2019
(Time : 10.00 a'm' to 1'00 P'm')
(Maximum Marks - 100)


(Version - English and Marathi)

N. B.; (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory'

(2) Out of the remaining questions solve any (5) five'
all questions carry equal marks.
(3) Question No. 1 carry 20 marks, while remaining
(4) English version shall be considered as authentic'

1. State whether following statements are True

or False with explanation' 2a

(1) Goodwill is an 'lntangible Asset''

(3) lnternal Audit is compulsory under the Maharashtra co-operative
Act, 1960.
(5) Audit is necessary for the protection of member'
(6) Fixed assets are valued at market cost'
(7) There is no Audit for Societies under Liquidation'
can travel by
(8) The Vice chairman of the state Level co-operative society
an aeroPlane as Per Rule'
liability side of the balance
(10)The closing stock of sugar is shown on the
sheet of Sugar FactorY'
Auditor of a Go'operative 16
2. What are the rights, duties and liabilities of the
SocietY ?
3, Write short notes. (anY four)
(1) Sources of Capital of Co-operative Society

(2) Rights of an Auditor

(3) Re-Audit
(4) Social Audit
(5) Funds and Provisions
(6) FlYing Squad IP.T.O.

4. Distinguish between following. (any four) 16
(1) Re-Audit and Test Audit
(2) Audit Report and Special Report
(3) Doubtful Debts and Bad Debts
(4) Revenue lncome and Capital lncome
(5) Tangible Assets and lntangible Assets
(6) Verification and Valuation
5. What do you mean by lnternal Check ? Give in short the Advantages and 16
Disadvantages of lnternal Check.
6. While auditing the following types of Societies, which special features will 16
you see ? (any two)
(1) District Central Co-operative Banks.
(2) Agriculture Produce Market Committee.
(3) Co-operative Housing Societies.
7. Describe the Scope of Go-operative Audit and state clearly the Advantages of 16
Co-operative Audit.
8. Explain the provisions regarding Audit Fees and Classification of Co-operative 16
T{r& s-Eriil
qa;IT: (q) q-rl o-wffi \'o 3ilcrwro.
(l) sfR-o q?Trffi qlr{ qr=T {trs-{r.
(i) rc{ o-qro \ro - to {q enp {c-* trwiTr wrn=I ct gtr 3rFd'

(u) ivdt qc-{qhor 3TfUPd rlrqrfr.

q. isrda frETri p frhar Ertt{r t worsur ftrgr. ?o

(q) cqrft efsfto fi erEr+ dq$ sTrt

(?) Fd-orff drQn +o,-dl clffirr ffq srrors vro,+.
(l) T61-919 F66.R1 dqefl orrrqr, qqqo gwn otrtfe ffieTUr m{'n de]Ttb.r{r 3Trt.

(8) sro,rff drQrtqr sfbero, u ffico' enl.

(.r) grTffiEiqr Wnrcmm Aorqr1e{q errers+o errl.
(q) Rl-trt qrirrdn anqr${rari Tiqioq dtd qri.
(s) sn-{$nr{red viwriofur ffierur rsi.
(c) vrurw€c rirQ)t sqlE?RT t FffqEFN frqrcri rqrs iD5 erfiTRT'
(q) qTkT ir sqqff ffie{q 6 {qfto ffierqm gfi"rq'IT 3lrl.
(ro) erdr Rrffio. TrRn rrr€N qrrgnaralT drsrfErqr *u-cr erqar Ersfudr qrd. qq

?. Ff,6r$ rfrelqr &crqtqrflt 66', 6ft q crqm{rqr o.rq enla t ,,

l. ensffrf, ftsr Fdt-61 14ffi un)
(q) qForff ri-{d+ qi€l+ff qnr+

(?) ffito.rn oTDro'fi

(A) gr:ffieror
(8) qrqrFro ffieTuI
(.{) Frcft q il{g-A
(e) ffi qerq'

u. srrb'sq, $Tr. (onor*ff qrs)


(q) gl:ffierur q qrquft AsrqffqTur

(?) *qrqffqTur st*rrT q ffiq 3r€knd

(l) ffitr od q g-S6 o,d

(8) qrg-ff sf,rq s ?rts{d vfl*r
(.t) gw *iuff o erEw riw$
(q) tlrerqq q Tdr6q t q+ T6r
q. eiarf'd dqrs"ft ry5d o.r+ ?
siilfu aqquftn qrqt q dt we qtr.
q. qrdd rfrQ)t ffisTur ?Frdr+rT snursr ffis qrff rrrartT ? (olurdff *cl
(q) tu6r *ry r6nrfi +6
(?) gff qffi Enqrr Hfuff
(f) qrorff r;5ffiq rirQr1
Fffirft ffierun$ aTrffi FIE IFTI=I ffi rFrq* qfrr. qqr

c. fffrrff riwti+ Gfifud qt q Merur s.ffirqrqr ilrE-ff sr€ iFTr. qq

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