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Here are some pro-health things you can do every day to optimize your height

growth if you haven't yet stopped growing. Version 11-10-2021.

1. Eat the right foods. If you aren't lactose intolerant, then consider upping your dairy intake. Dairy
is often cited as the #1 reason why the Dutch are the tallest nation on Earth. Balance this with
plenty of greens and cruciferous vegetables like steamed broccoli. If you can't stand broccoli
then try it with some soy sauce or sesame oil. Brussels sprouts, radishes, cabbages and arugala
are also cruciferous vegetables. Carrots and peppers of all kinds and mushrooms of safe kinds
are also nutrient rich and height-promoting.

2. Increase lean protein intake.

3. Get enough vitamins: D3, K2 and Zinc are common deficiencies that affect height. For ages 13+,
D3 can usually be safely supplemented at 5000IU/d and K2 at 500mcg/d. Zinc can be hard on the
stomach and may be best consumed with food. You also want enough calcium, at least 2g/d for
growing guys. Multivitamins usually have most of these but at lower than necessary doses to
compensate for common deficiencies.

4. Consider height promoting supplements: chondritin, glucosamine, chrysin. Research dosages if

you decide to try these, ramp up slowly, and discontinue if you experience side effects.

5. Practice daily stretching. Lengthwise stretching such as touching your toes whether standing or
sitting, and hanging stretches such as performing knee-ups and core rotations from a hanging
bar, are especially effective.

6. Practice a daily vibrational sport. Vibrational exercise such as that induced by basketball,
volleyball, racquetball, tennis, sprints and jump training all stimulate bone growth plates to
produce faster.

7. Manage stress. Sitting meditation—which can be as simple as sitting in a comfortable place

while listening to some calming music you like—for half an hour before bed is clinically proven to
clear cortisol, the catabolic stress hormone, from your system. Making this a nightly habit should
prime your body for a more restful and restorative sleep: and sleep is when your body grows the
most! Identifying toxic people and situations that make you feel bad or uncomfortable and then
avoiding them is another helpful way to manage stress.

8. Get lots of sleep. 9-10 hours nightly are recommended for growing guys.

9. Avoid height inhibitors. These are a whole array of things including, but not limited to, the
following list:

· Smoking
· Drinking (particularly in excess, or binge drinking). Any time you dump alcohol into your
system, you're telling your body to forget growing that day and the day after, in order to
concentrate on clearing toxins from your system.

· Large amounts of stress (try to avoid toxic people, environments and situations)

· Sleep deprivation (make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep nightly, if you can. Practice good
"sleep hygiene", which is detailed elsewhere on Taller)

· Colas. Colas have compounds that inhibit new cell growth, stunting your height over time.
Swap out colas, which also tend to contain lots of acids that leech calcium from your bones,
with green tea and milk until you're done growing.

· Fried foods. Foods fried in inflammatory oils such as lard, butter, peanut oil, canola oil and
soybean oil force your metabolism into cleanup duty, which detracts from growing new cells
and growing taller. Acrylamides are carcinogens that accumulate when carbohydrates are
exposed to hot oil. French fries and chips are particularly carcinogenic. If you absolutely
crave fries, then try baking your own drizzled with olive oil, seasonings like salt, spices and
peppers, and vinegar. (edited)

· Trans fats. These are sneaky and appear in lots of processed foods from Snicker's bars to
most peanut butters. The ingredient "hydrogenated vegetable oil", partially or fully, means
"trans fats".

· Microwaved foods in plastic that contain BPA. This includes microwaved popcorn! BPA is in
most plastics and specifically disrupts your hormonal systems, dramatically affecting your
reproductive tract and cellular metabolism, thus detracting from normal growth. When you
microwave food, take it out of its plastic packaging and instead put it on a ceramic
microwave-safe dish or bowl.

· Teflon-coated pans, aka non-stick pans. Teflon comes off in bits and ends up metabolized by
your body into estrogen. Perhaps not so bad if you're a girl but if you're a guy, stick to woks
or iron skillets with oil.

· Chewing gum. Almost all commercially available chewing gum contains unacceptable levels
of aspartame or saccharin, synthetic compounds that jam human cellular metabolism.
They're also usually formulated with hydrogenated oils.

· Bad water. If you live almost anywhere on Earth today, there's a lot of suspicious
contaminants in your water supply including pharmaceuticals, pesticides, fertilizers and
industrial waste "forever chemicals" that are bad for your health. You'll want to at least filter
your water through activated charcoal filters, which remove the vast majority of these
contaminants. Osmotic water is even better, and you can get that delivered or have an
osmotic filter unit installed under your sink.

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